The Elements Collide




Character Form:


Position: (Good or Evil?)

Alignment and/or Personality:

Elemental Power:


Weaknesses: (Keep your character balanced)

Bio: (not required immediately, you can develop it while time goes on)

Appearance: (description or picture in spoiler)

EXTRA INFO * DO NOT chat in the Character Sign-Up tab please, use the OOC tab for that. Keep it clean and organized.

*Feel free to edit your characters profile whenever you like. (Just don't make any drastic changes)

*Feel free to jump into roleplay at any time after you've been approved. Character sign-ups will stay open until stated otherwise

* Wait for APPROVAL before roleplaying! This is the best way to make sure everyone is playing fairly. (If I "like" your post, you're approved)


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Name: Duthrain Char

Age/Gender: 38 Male.

Position: "Good" king.

Alignment and/or personality: He is a kind king. He rules fairly and listens to the woes of his people. But the law must be held above all else. If a farmer cannot pay taxes at the moment, they will be exempted for one season then taxes will be doubled on their most prosperous material, ie wheat leather etc.

Elemental Powers: Air and Earth

Strength/Weaknesses: Stead fast in his ways, however he is open to negotiations. He knows he is powerful, and often throws that weight around in political courts. A skilled swordsman that has only been beaten once and by the unlikliest of people. A simple farmer with a quarter staff gave him a beating he won't soon forget. (Stubborn. Prideful. Politically powerful as well as physically powerful, but he does step on toes.)

Bio: (My mind needs to think of something.)


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Name: Areena Faiye

Age/Gender: 23/F

Position: Good King's Aid/Guard

Alignment and/or Personality: Lawful Neutral

Elemental Power: She's still honing her one true element...

Strengths: Quick, handy with a sword (since elements aren't her strong suit yet), reliable, brave, and intelligent

Weaknesses: Afraid of failure, and most elements... she's had bad experiences almost drowning, being trapped in a fire...

Bio: *WIP*


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Name: Jack Oswald Lantern (You get it right?)

Age/Gender: 34/male

Position: Good

Alignment and/or Personality: Usually rather easy going, but gets really serious when the stakes are high. He has a tendency to underestimate people and try to make fights that he doesn't think are very important 'fun'.

Elemental Power: Fire

Strengths: When he gets serious, his fire can burn through anything.

Weaknesses: Doesn't get serious much and often underestimates people.

Bio: (not required immediately, you can develop it while time goes on)

Appearance: messy ginger hair, a persistent smile and happy green eyes. He's of fairly average height and stature for a fighter, and usually dresses in a lightweight orange cloak with white trimmings and baggy trackpants underneath of similar design.
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Name: Murik Naxxremis

Age/Gender: Male 31

Position: Evil King

Alignment and/or Personality: Murik grew up only knowing death and hatred. He was at one point in his very positive young man but he grew up in a harsh enviroment so his atttitude took a nose dive. He believes the only way to keep peace and order is by force and death is inevitable people must die in order to create the perfect world. A world in his image

Elemental Power: Fire and Earth

Strengths: Has never lost a fight

Manipulating People

Reads people well

Weapon Usage

(Hes a king how much more badass can you get
xD )

Weaknesses: Gets mad easily

Water (Wont be able to use Fire)

Has a lot of enemies


Bio: Murik was born into a family of fire benders, they were very poor. There neighbor hood was always filled with murder, theft and any other crime you could think of. Muriks father was one of the best Fire benders in town so most people left his family alone. Murik had one brother and there dad taught them both his way. Murik surpassed his brother in no time, and was always getting better. ONe day there dad left to go to town and get food and he never came back so him and his brother went looking for him and when the opened the door the water army had already destroyed half the town. Murik and his brother and mother managed to escape. They hid in a Earth populated town for te majority oft here life and Murik decided to also learn to earth bend. His brother told him it was an impossible feet to learn two bendings especially at the age of 15 but Murik never gave up and did whatever he had to do to. When he reached the age of 25 he had almost mastered earth bending.

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Name: Aqua

Gender: male

Position: I'd say he's both

Alignment/personality: Aqua was not originally from this world and was from a different one where his adopted father used him as an experiment and when he was 2 years old he was abducted and brought here as a slave for fighting underground tournaments.

Element power: does not have one (is not from this world that's why)


- has kagune (in my pic I'll post)

- has regenerative abilities

- and has super speed.


- heavy damage to the body.

- things that slow him down.

- barley has emotions

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Tyson Baraka


24; Male

Position: (Good or Evil?):


Alignment and/or Personality:

Strangely enough, though Tyson willingly works for the Evil King, he is a kind man. He will not hurt or kill someone unless absolutely necessary. He loves to joke around and isn't very serious about his job, much to the chagrin of his side. He is compassionate, and eagerly awaits an era of peace. Regardless, he follows the Evil King loyally.

Elemental Power:

Earth Manipulation


-Martial Artist/Good at hand-to-hand combat


-Sweet Talker


Weaknesses: (Keep your character balanced):

-Overly Passive (for a soldier in war)

-Fights for a cause he doesn't believe in

-Doesn't share many traits with his comrades


Bio: (not required immediately, you can develop it while time goes on):

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Adwen Shizuko







Alignment and/or Personality:

She is mostly cheerful and calm when she is in her normal self but when she's angry, which rarely happens, she can be very violence and she wouldn't have a second thought about killing someone. She's quiet relax during jobs and she have the habit of getting sidetracked during her jobs.

Elemental Power:



- intelligent

- her power

- fast


- hand to hand combat

- impatient

- earth element



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Character Form:



Oceane (oh-see-EN) Pierre





Alignment and/or Personality:

Oceans is a wicked and trouble loving young gal and the mere reason she joined the evil side was because she wants to have fun. Don't get fooled by her outer appearance as she is probably trying to plan something bad for you already. Once she showed her trademark Cheshire Cat smile you better run away now child or else...

(Others to be revealed.)

Elemental Power:




-Best at fighting when sorrounded by water.


-often calm and collected like the water.


-Weak when sorrounded with heat.

-Bad at close combat.

-sometimes she analyze things too much that she loses some opportunities.

-Powers goes out of hand when angered.


Oceane was born in a high class family of water manipulators. She is a single child and both parents are often away. But when they're home, they would treat their child perfectly great and she love them very much. Everything was sem-perfect for her, she gets every things that she wants, she have friends and family. That was until some men slaughtered her parents.

(Others to be revealed during the roleplay.)

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Name: Ash Dubhshlaine (Dub-sh-lyn)

Age/Gender: 28/Female

Position: Evil

Alignment and/or Personality: She's aligned with herself, but has a deep hatred for the Good Kingdom. She's ruthless when necessary, but for the most part she tries to avoid unwarranted violence. She's not really a fan of people as she believes she's better than most of them. She's also not much for authority figures, or being told what to do. She's very stubborn and sarcastic, and only has a sense of humor when she's drunk. She's also very flirty, but again, only when she's drunk.

Elemental Power: Fire

Strengths: She's an incredibly gifted and powerful fire manipulator. As well as being very skilled with a broad sword, and good in stressful situations.

Weaknesses: She's rather arrogant, hates water and water manipulators, and loves to drink.

Bio: She was able to use her powers from an early age. Even though her family was quite poor and low class, the Fire Master took her under his wings and taught her everything he knew. When the phenomena happened the Fire Master hid her away so she wouldn't hurt anyone, and in turn get herself killed. When the day was over, she found that her Master had been beheaded, and the guards blamed the Good Kingdom for his death. She vowed revenge upon the Good Kingdom, and joined the Evil Kingdom's army as the war began. She quickly rose in the ranks, and was a well respected general when the war ended. Since then she's been a mercenary offering up her skills to the highest bidder.

Appearance: She's quite beautiful with her cold, silver eyes and toned body, but war has left it's scars. Both mental and physical. She has multiple scars on her arms as she wasn't a found of wearing armor. She also has a large scar going from her right shoulder across her back to her left hip from a young kid's sword whom she then turned into a pile of ash and bones.


Character Form:


Jayce Weldinmaw





Alignment and/or Personality:

Jayce is a bit of a greedy loner. He loves anything that he considers treasure, and will do anything for more money. He's aligned to both sides, yet neither sides, allowing room for them to hire his services. He also is a big tease when it comes to certain people, and loves being sarcastic. He's an amazing chef, but only cooks for himself.

Elemental Power: Shadow








Stubborn and doesn't take things seriously most of the time


Jayce is a rogue, scouring the land far and wide for bits and pieces of riches to add to his collection. He doesn't align to either region, because he is considered both an enemy and an ally to both of them. One night, Jayce was on a usual hunt for treasure. He gathered wind of an ancient treasure lying within an old tomb. He didn't care how dangerous it was, because it would be one other thing to add to his collection. By reaching the end of the tomb, sneaking by enchanted skeletons, he saw a tome. Curious as to how a measly old book would be a treasure, he opened it up. As soon as the crumpled pages hit his fingers, everything around him turned to shadows, finally whirling around him, and all flew into a vortex inside his mouth. Jayce had swallowed the shadows. Upon further reading of the tome, he had discovered one of the ancient elemental magics; the element of Shadow. Shadow is one of the two lost elements, with the other being Light.

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Name: Hor'Jin

Age/Gender: 24/Male

Position: Good

Alignment and/or Personality: True Neutral

Elemental Power: Air


-It's very hard to anger him.

-Has a great control over himself and his power

-Has seen many places and knows many things


-Sometimes he dosen't show emotions to others

-He's too good, and will give everyone a second chance, if they did anything bad.

-He hasn't got the most resistent body

Bio: (W.I.P)


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Conner Aego



Position: (Good or Evil?)


Alignment and/or Personality:

Conner is a kind man at heart, and does his best to do the right thing. He is furiously loyal to others he deems that deserves his respect and trust. In simple turns, he would take the bullet for them. But the problem that still stands in him is that he is brutally honest. He doesn't think before he says anything.He also tends to be rather lazy. He would rather rest than work.

Elemental Power:

Earth Manipulation


- A rather skilled Earth Manipulator, taught by a master

- Not easily scared

- Good at hand-to-hand combat


- Once again, brutally honest

- Never finishes what he starts

- Is extremely scared of suffocating



Character Form:

Name: Alyssa Young

Age/Gender: 21/Female

Position: Good

Alignment and/or Personality:

A free spirited, somewhat innocent young adult, Alyssa is the one girl that could definitely make you smile is you see one of hers. She enjoys the satisfaction of others smiling when she does. Her soft, gentle exterior matches the golden heart within. But every human isn't always a calm one. Her anger could really be unrivalled as her icy blue glare gets the point across. She tends to overlook things because her lack of attention span makes it easy to do so.

Alyssa isn't really a fan of negativity and usually look at the bright side but when there are none, it crushes her and she ends up staying silent. She is quite harsh under pressure or stress and finds herself drinking in certain situations. Fortunately, her alcohol tolerance is quite high due to the habit but if she gets drunk, stay away. Touching her during the period of time when she's drunk would really make her irritated and hostile towards you.

Alyssa doesn't really enjoy being in the spotlight or having a responsibility handed to her but because of her minor pride, she would execute it. Sometimes she is confident leading, other times, she would cower in the corner if there's no room for her to retreat to. She strongly believes in karma and doesn't have a firm grip of her opinions.

Elemental Power: Water

Strengths: Alyssa is a relatively good fighter. Her hand to hand combat is just fine though she lack strength to hit you hard so she finds strategic ways to beat her opponent. Her slim figure makes it easy for her to move through obstacles and she has quite the keen senses that enables her quick reflexes. Because water doesn't really do much up close, Alyssa tends to use her powers faraway which made her develop a decent aim. She can be extremely adoptive in water related situations. She can really be persuasive either by force or charisma.

Weaknesses: As spoken above, Alyssa lacks strength so if someone manages to pin her down, she'll be less likely to get back up. Her short attention span and drunken moments are also one of her said weaknesses. She isn't a big fan of heat and don't do well under the sun for long periods hence the umbrella but she needn't worry. Her stressing gives her headaches and she developed asthma at a young age as she have been exposed to unclean air (smoke).

Bio: -WIP-


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Rin Trotsky

Age: 20 years old

Gender: Male

Position: Evil

Alignment and/or Personality: Mischievous in nature, Rin enjoys playing games with others, as well as manipulating their emotions. Despite his impishness, he possesses a keen eye for justice, often sometimes speaking against doing bad deeds to those he considers innocents. In spite of this, Rin is willing to do bad deeds if commanded too, though he'll do so reluctantly. He expresses an unfailing loyalty towards his king, as well as his comrades, despite his private opinions on them.

Elemental Power: Water and Wind

Strengths: wip

Weaknesses: wip

Bio: (not required immediately, you can develop it while time goes on)


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