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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim || Canon X Original Doubling Scenario!
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Rylie is seekingโ€ฆ A Skyrim roleplay this time?


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Roleplay Availability
I am currently recruiting for a roleplay.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Off-site
My Interest Check
Hiya! Thanks for reading my ad. My name is Rylie, I'm a twenty-year-old female from Illinois in the United States. I consider myself to be rather introverted and even a little shy, but I open up quite easily once I discover we have something in common! If you wish to know more about me, please do not hesitate to ask. ^^

Now, getting down to business, what I'm here for is someone else (who is preferably also female, though I won't turn you away if you're of another gender) to engage in a Skyrim doubling scenario with me! This will be done by shipping our OCs with canons. I always go for males, though I don't mind playing any character of any gender for your OC. I typically go for Miraak, Hadvar, Onmund, Erik the Slayer, Aicantar, or Teldryn Sero. I will share my character's info privately once you decide to reach out, as I wish to avoid potential copying from random strangersโ€ฆ The only thing I will say is that she's a priestess of Dibella. I hope that will be enough to pique your interest! ;)

Moving on, I am fine with just about any themes you wish to incorporate in the roleplay, though I do have a preference to keep things more light-hearted. I love fluff, particularly domestic fluff, but I understand if that's not your thing. I'd also love it if our characters would be able to travel and bond together on the side! Not a requirement, but something I'd still enjoy seeing. As for how much you have to write and how often you post, please write at least five-to-ten sentences and try to be active every few days or so! Even then, I would prefer a bit more activity than that. If you need a break or wish to stop the roleplay entirely, please be sure to tell me. I've had enough of stopping roleplays on this site while in the midst of themโ€ฆ Oh, and be sure to tell me if you have any triggers! I do have a few myself, but not many that relate to Skyrim directly. ^^'

Well, I think that about wraps things out! Please let me know if you're interested, either via PM or by replying to this post. I hope we can write an awesome story together! <3

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