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Fantasy The edge of light- OCC

explosiveKitten explosiveKitten my friend, you skipped the cudgel cane fields. Also peopke are pulling out lights because monsters spawn in the shadows. Not saying invisibility isnt a good tactic but you may want to stay near some other heroes because what i have in mind can find you even if they cant see you :)
Once the rest of the party makes it to the woods ill begin the darksurge encounters bwahahahahaha. It will be a sad day.
So I’m just going explain something real quick. Cause I didn’t mention in my character sheet, sorry~
Bridget’s magic works on a dice roll. Because she is untrained, she doesn’t really know what she’s doing. Whenever she casts a spell, I roll a d20 to determine whether it succeeds or not. If it’s over 10 it succeeds, if it’s under 10, it doesn’t. Depending on how far over or under 10 it is will determine how well it succeeds, or how badly it doesn’t succeed.
Bridget rolled a natural 20 for that invisibility spell by the way.
explosiveKitten explosiveKitten my friend, you skipped the cudgel cane fields. Also peopke are pulling out lights because monsters spawn in the shadows. Not saying invisibility isnt a good tactic but you may want to stay near some other heroes because what i have in mind can find you even if they cant see you :)
wait... I thought the fields came after the forest WHOOPSIE. I’ll go add a bit for that.
Okay before things get out of hand let's recap.
Scott is following Arcron path.
Ellida is hopping from cane to cane.
Aaron is cleaving the canes.
Sadist still hasn't post so we should wait for them to post as doing a catch up post would be insane
So I’m just going explain something real quick. Cause I didn’t mention in my character sheet, sorry~
Bridget’s magic works on a dice roll. Because she is untrained, she doesn’t really know what she’s doing. Whenever she casts a spell, I roll a d20 to determine whether it succeeds or not. If it’s over 10 it succeeds, if it’s under 10, it doesn’t. Depending on how far over or under 10 it is will determine how well it succeeds, or how badly it doesn’t succeed.
Bridget rolled a natural 20 for that invisibility spell by the way.

wait... I thought the fields came after the forest WHOOPSIE. I’ll go add a bit for that.
The dice rolls are good but luck cannot solve everything...perhaps if the margin of success/failure shifted for a challenge.

For example dodging a goblin strike could be a 7 or higher...but a dragons cone of flames is like a 18.
Alright guys. It will begin. Your about to see how the darkborn materialize. Everyone say thank you to SadistPoet SadistPoet for getting the darks attention.

(Jk it was coming either way, start using light people it will be dangerous to not use them in the future.)
*me looking at the darkspawn* I would like to pet this creatures..

Btw, did you just use a stand in for Scott as a sacrifical lamb?
Nah it was a rando in heavy armor. Scotts armor wpuld be harder to penettrate but not by much. You guys can either push forward about a mile and a half to get through the forest. Or pull back about 40 ft and go around it which is about 9 miles worth of hiking.
Sorry for the delay guys, I work 3-11 in my timezone so I was out for a bit. Hope Ive caught up enough for yall
Yay you saved our samurai. Things have not gone according to plan for Zeed and Natalie either. The darkness is stronger than it should be in this area for some reason...

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