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One x One "The Echoes of Rebellion"- Characters



Writer of Tragedy|Art by ROYTHEART|
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The Echoes of Rebellion

When the air grows cold with the longing breaths of the hungry, and the days grow dim by the shadow of unrest, a rebellion is sparked and a kingdom is divided.

No matter who resides within the boundaries, whether they are the reason for the web of wrath and tears or not, they have been caught within it.


The Kingdom of Thanin

House Duren
Gregor Duren
Godiva Duren


Saul Vurgese

The Rebellion
Garin "Ironwill"
Kaliyah Westmont
Darren of Brusik

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Saul Vurgese
Bodyguard for the Royal Family
Age: 32


When one first takes a look at Saul, a lot can be assumed. He fancies himself up and almost always dresses richly. One will quickly find that he is independent in himself and does not allow others to control him without a mutual benefit. There is also a sense of prudence about Saul. He does not take risks when they are deemed unnecessary. Saul can be persuasive, as he does not lack wit. He also takes a rational approach to challenges. Saul, when he can get away with it, does not keep himself censored. He can be considered rude as he isn't afraid to point out faults, and of course, he finds amusement in getting others riled up.
Saul does not originate from the Kingdom of Thanin, in fact, his homeland was not even on the same continent as the Kingdom of Thanin. Saul came from an island nation a few thousand miles to the southeast of Thanin. That place was called Acynia, and the people of that place specialize in the industry of the slave trade. The people of Acynia travel far to capture and enslave those that cannot stand up to the might of Acynia's slavers. And, after the deed of obtaining slaves was complete, they would travel even further to sell those slaves.

Saul's adventure began as a young slave merchant in his early twenties. He was tasked as being the go-between for business with the Kingdom of Thanin. During the whole process of bartering with the kingdom, Saul observed the royal family's tastes and preferences, as well as using business strategies, to cater and utilize as many advantages as possible. All was well for a good many years until the Kingdom of Thanin had received enough slaves for their liking. The king during that time accused Saul of espionage and did not allow him to leave after business was complete. Saul was not going to throw himself on his knees and beg for the king's mercy. He was going to try and make it to his ship.

It ended up turning into a bloodbath. Saul's 34 crew-members fighting against the endless waves of city guard. Saul was inside the castle when the betrayal happened. He ran down stairs, turned corners, and dodged guards, until he made it to the exit where two of the king's finest knights stood blocking Saul's way out. Seeing no other option, as many of the guards that he had dodged were on his tail, he drew his sword and prepared himself for combat. The knights did not engage him at the same time, one of them allowed the other to duel first. Saul dodged the man's first swing, then the second, and another. Speed and mobility was Saul's advantage in this fight. The knights were not as nimble due to their heavy plate armor. Saul was able to strike home and jabbed his sword into the crevice below the man's left arm, slumping him to the ground in an instant. The other knight stood and stared in shock before charging towards Saul.

Jumping out of the way, Saul managed to trip the bulking mass of iron which gave way for a loud "CLANG" as the knight hit the cold stone floor. He saw an opportunity at this moment to make a break for the exit. The giant oaken doors. Behind him, he heard the stomps of many boots and shouts, which he could only assume was the castle guard finally catching up to him. Saul sprinted towards the doors and pushed them open as he turned back to give one final look at the scene. The knight he had stabbed was floating in a pool of blood. The other knight, seemingly dazed, struggled to find his feet. Then the guards, there were about 15 of them rushing Saul's way. Then something else was happening... Saul was falling.

The bridge was gone. Saul never knew that the bridge had the ability to retract, but he did not care about that now, only his life. He plunged forward, falling faster and faster towards the moat of murky water below. Saul was only glad that he was not wearing armor like the two ironmen he fought earlier. Before he could finish any thoughts, or even think about yelling, he slammed into what must have felt like concrete.

Waking up a few hours later, Saul observed his surroundings. He was in the castle dungeon, strapped to a metal chair. He was left that way for many days, only seeing another soul when it was time to feed him what must have been the worst food in the city. One day, the king himself came down for a visit. He spoke to Saul and told him that he was surprised by Saul's ability to defeat two of the kingdom's best knights in combat. He then offered Saul a proposition, serve... or die. Saul only looked at the reasonable answer and took it. After many years of hard service as a guard, Saul was promoted to bodyguard. The king then passed away of an illness. The new king, the true-born son, then offered Saul a promise. He said that if Saul served as loyally as he had been, then Saul would see his freedom again very soon.

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Godiva Deren
1st born daughter of Thaddeus Deren

Age: 23

Godiva is a woman of elegance and grace, it can be seen in her posture, and it can be seen in her words as well. There are very few times when she does not know what to say, and there are very few times when others are able to beat her in the battle of wits and words. Much like the rest of her family, she is smart and cunning. That coming to mix with the charisma that leads to a dangerous crescendo. At the same time she is stubborn and prideful, often not backing down from any challenge that is served to her, and while her tongue is useful, it can also prove to get her into trouble when it goes unchecked.
It was a warm spring night when Godiva had appeared from between the pale thighs of her lady mother. It was not a night of extensive celebration, for the heir already had come to be years before she was even a thought, but it was certainly a night of content as another strong child was added unto the family.

Like every child born into the higher class, much was expected of her. An eloquence was to rear its head as she walked about the castle halls. Perhaps she would not know the life of a queen, but the life of a lady would never be lost on her. From the way she walked to the words that escaped her lips, she exuberated femininity and basked in the luxury of the lady.

At the age of fifteen was when her life took a turn, for she was married to the King of Gerian, a kingdom that was southern, but one that they looked to keep good relations with. He was an older man, one that had passed his prime, but was in need of another wife, and he had found her to be a young and pretty maiden that fit his fancy.

The rewards for their marriage were handsome, and he had managed to put a child into her a womb twice, but twice she had woken with blood stained between her legs and a child as cold as the west wind. Some said it was because, like everything else about Godiva and her family, her womb was as cold as steel. Others said it was due to the King alway having seed that was weak, for the son that now ruled over the land from his first wife was one that was thin and small of muscle. He could hardly even grow a beard.

In the end, like all men, he met his fate. Godiva could not say that her husband had left the world peacefully. But he had not. She could not say what his last moments had been, for she had avoided his room in fear of contracting whatever illness had plagued him, but she knew he had been unable to breathe, unable to move, unable to rid himself of the aches that had resided deep within his bones. Unable to hold anything within his stomach for longer than a few moments.

It was an ugly sight to see, a man that had devolved from such high standings to caper so nimbly beneath his own mortality.

When the sickness finally took him, she no longer had any business in Gerian. Of course, she still wore the black dress in order to mourn. She still acted as though the loss of her husband had brought her sorrow. It could be said that she had not disliked the man, he had never treated her terribly. But she was not displeased to no longer have to spread her legs for him.

To come home to see her own father was suffering the same fate certainly grated upon her mind, moreso with him than with any other. For, she did bear a certain love for him that she could not find it in herself to bear for her late husband. But it was no use to fight against fate, or to plead with the winds of death to remove their bitter fingers, for no matter what, the end was the same: when a man’s time was up, death had no time to wait.

Even when she looked upon her brother when he took the throne, she knew such to be true.

And she also knew that it was either he, or her half-blood brother that would live to see the dawn after the storm of wrath and steel.

With luck, she would see the sunrise alongside the winner

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Garin "Ironwill"
Bastard Son of Thaddeus Duren
Age: 34
echoes of rebellion character 2.jpg

Kaliyah Westmont
A Common Thief
(at least before the rebellion)
Age: 19
Echoes of Rebellion Character.jpg

Kaliyah has always been one that has felt like an outsider. She keeps herself distant from many and most. She's both methodical and innovative in how she goes about doing things. She always finds ways to pick and chew at others and finds amusement in it. Kaliyah is known to be quite devious to get what she wants. She does not care to take from others in order to benefit herself. Her motto is, "If they ain't using it, they won't miss it." Even though she says that, she steals things that people use too. One might find Kaliyah easy to read and make assumptions right off the bat, but few know her true self.
Kaliyah lived her early life on a plain and rather boring farm. Her father worked the fields while her mother kept the house clean; together they prepared the meals. Her childhood was filled with many sweet and heartwarming memories of her family. Though, now, she never wants to think back. When she was about nine years old, a band of robber knights decided to make a stop by their estate. The robber knights settled down in Kaliyah's home and took things as if it were their's. They forced the family to prepare meals for them and to clean their clothes. Kaliyah's parents complied up until one of the men grabbed her mother, which then Kaliyah's father jumped and attacked the man. Her father may have gotten a few good hits on the man, but the rest of the robber knights grabbed him and slammed him into the table. Kaliyah could only look in fear as the men took turns beating and mutilating her father. She looked at her mother who only screamed one word, "RUN!" Kaliyah turned, ran, kicked open the door, and kept running until her legs gave out when she must have been sixteen miles from the house. None of the men bothered to continue chasing her after the first mile. That was the last time she ever saw her parents and home.

Kaliyah struggled to get by after she left home. She was forced to fend for herself, which resulted into thievery. Over the course of the next ten years, Kaliyah learned how to pickpocket, steal from stores and businesses, steal from homes, and how to be quick and sneaky. Kaliyah always finds herself in taverns and bars, which is where she blows the money she steals. She gambles, purchases too many drinks, and occasionally she buys meals and a room. Now, rumors of war have been spreading rapidly and the intrigue attached to those rumors have Kaliyah's full attention.
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Darren of Brusik
A Former Slave
Age: 33


Darren is a man with a quiet disposition. He is not one to strike up a conversation, though he is able to hold one when one is started. He might be quiet, but he is not shy. Whenever there is a need to confront a person, he is the man that would be able to do it. He is not a man of extremely high education, though he has his wits about him and a strong will that most have found to be unbreakable. He is a hard man to get at and a harder man to anger.
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Gregor Deren
King of Thanin, 1st born legitimate son of Thaddeus Deren
Age: 29



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