The Duct Tape War {Sign Up}


The Hatbox Empress/Retired Admin
In Springview life is 'fabulous'. If your really raised into liking it that is. But for the select few thrown into this world, beaten,molded, and shaped into what others wanted them to be to uphold the rich and posh image. It can be hell on earth. But how do you express your true self in a society that wants you to be perfect? For this band of unlikely teens, underground art is how they express what they really go through, and as they challenge the world they grew up in, will it really be enough to change anything? Or will the gates closing them in keep them silent forever?

A Few Notes:

Only a few people will be approved, this is meant to be a smaller run rp. Don't take offence if you get denied, I mean no foul by it.

Try to keep good spelling and grammar and the such, it's really helpful.

Please, do not do one liners.

No godmodding/bunnying/ect...

Follow the details and try not to warp others posts, if your confused as to what a person wrote, message them to clear it up please. =D

Have fun~



Age: (15-19 )


Parents: (=D They be rich people, so lots of people would know them)

Parents' Business(es): (How exactly did they get like that)

Art Style: (Graffitti, paper work, sculputures, tile work, ect)


History: (optional, but preffered, can be as short or long as you want)

Other: (Any side things you do, play a sport, instrament, take classes somewhere, ect.....)
Name: Jaylen Tucker

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Parent: Colonel Will Tucker, his father

Parent's Business: Military

Art Style: Graffiti

Appearence: Pretty small for most guys his age, standing at about 4'8, he takes more after his mother. Brown hair that hangs rather long in rebellion to his father's military nature. Jaylen also has large, shocking green, eyes.

History: Jaylen never knew his mother, she died while he was still an infant, and his father, Will, refuses to speak of it. Growing up with a military officer as the single role model, Jaylen wound up getting into a lot of trouble, whether fighting with other kids at school because of his rather short temper, or getting caught stealing or defacing public property. And every time, Will delivered a far more harsh punishment than anyone else. Officers in the military had to seem impartial, above all the minor problems of everyone else, so they never get much chance to release stress, and as such, whenever Jaylen got himself into trouble with the law, his father treated him almost like a personal punching bag. Being a smaller person, he never could fight back very well, but over the years he had started to develop talents in running and hiding from his problems; as he grew to be a teenager, Jaylen actually almost stopped talking altogether, to the point that most teachers thought him mute. Easily frightened, and having problems opening up to people, Jaylen found that his art was the only way that he could communicate anything to other people now, and sneaks out every night to commit himself to his work.

Other: Jaylen used to play soccer when he was younger, but he quit after severe bullying from other children, even the ones on his team.
Name: Joshua Graham

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Parents: Johans Graham and Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Heather Graham

Parent's Buisness: Father (Johans) owns a very successful steel company. Mother (Heather) is in the military.

Art Style: Sculptures and statues made of metal.

Appearance: Alec Mason&qo=1 Minus the hammer and detonator.

History: Joshua was always interested in art,however,his father wanted him to get into the steel industry. In response,Joshua decided to go somewhere in between. During his high school years,he taken on an apprenticeship with a deconstruction company. His father was,obviously,disapointed. However,he respected this choice;it was still in the same sector of employment (construction). His mother,on the other hand,was always pushing him to join the armed forces,to teach him discipline and strength of character.

Annoyed with his parents always trying to micromanage his life,Joshua told them,flat out,to get their own lives,and to stop trying to dominate his existance. With that,he got an actual job with the deconstruction company, "Reliable Excavation and Demolition" and made a tidy sum. He converted the unused garage to his little workshop,and filled it with metals of all sorts,a metalworking lathe,a pipe bender,and other such tools. When he started to make sculptures,his parents tried to intervene,saying that,although he worked hard on them,no one in the neighbourhood would appreciate them. He told them that he didn't care,and everyone was entitled to their opinion. When he caught his parents trying to get rid of one of his sculptures,he told them to put it back,and if he caught them at it again,he'd charge them.

He graduated,but stayed with R.E.D part time. He produced more sculptures and statues,and sold them to people abroad through deviantArt,and eBay. His parents disaproved,but didn't act on it,as they didn't want their son to hate them any more than he did already.

Other information: He works part time at Reliable Excavation and Demolition (R.E.D),and is commissioned to make sculptures through dA (Username: ManofSteel) and sell other sculptures through eBay. This combined makes him better off than most people his age. His passion for his work is incredible,often staying in his workshop for up to 72 hours straight,just to finish up a statue.
Name: Holly Nir

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Parents: Samuel Nir / Divina Nir.

Parents' Business(es):Father is an executive of a popular teen magazine, her mother a fashion photographer.

Art Style: Paint, and lots of it. (Mural like things)

Appearence: with a tiny black 'fake' lip ring.

History: Grew up in a city miles away from Springview and for a while, let her parents do to her as they wished. She let her dad read bogus stories to her and pretending to like them like he wanted, and let her mother choose her style for her, trying to make her look like a little angel. Eventually, she started to get fed up with it all, because in truth, she hated the clothes, the hair, the stupid stories that never happened in real life anyway, and took up painting scenes on large canvases, and the walls of her bedroom, displaying more of an emotional aspect, over any really object. Her parents tried to be approving of it, but wanted her to do something more 'lady like' and every time a mural was painted, they covered it.

Around the time she was 15 they moved to Springview, and once there, Holly kept out of her parents way, her 'revolt' going into over drive. Gaging her ears, percing her face and ears, and dying her hair were just the start. Her painting became mostly all she did, outside of tennis practice and paino lessons. Her parents still tried harder to keep her under thumb, and as they took away her painting supplies, she shut herself off from them, going almost mute around them, though they thought she was more 'well-behaved' and could still be raised 'right' to follow in their steps. However, Holly had simply began to accumulate a collection of paints she kept hidden, and often snuck out late at night, painting the underside of bridges or on the sides of warehouses and ally ways, knowing they wouldn't be removed as easily.

Other: Was forced to learn how to play paino when she was five, has never stopped going to the lessons. Picked up playing tennis two years ago.
Name: Katherine (Kat) Milton



Danielle Milton and Roy Milton

Parents' Business(es):
Her mother runs a successful jewelry company and her father is a cello player in a high class orchestra.

Art Style:
Chalk Drawings


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Kat grew up incredibly distant from her mother, Danielle. The closest they had ever gotten was when Danielle would adorn her daughter with pricey necklaces, fancy bracelets, and golden rings to model for potential customers. Although they were right next to each other in a room full of people, their emotions were still miles and miles apart. Her father, Roy, always kept her young mind occupied. Days, months, and years were filled with the piano, cellos, violins and their beautiful melodies. Her own father patiently taught her violin as he practiced on his cello. A dreadful call whisked her dear father away, though. He was off to the prestigious symphony orchestra, leaving her far behind. The practice room door which was usually wide open was no shut and locked. It reached the point as to where asking for a simple violin lesson ended up with her being tossed outside and told to "find someone else to distract." Upon boredom one evening of being thrown out for being a disturbance, she picked up some chalk her neighbor had abandoned on the sidewalk. With her new tools, she began to draw dozens of doodles which later turned into more elaborate pieces of art. Each night after work, her furious mother would hose it down and scold her for using her time so non-productively.

At the age of ten, her family moved over to the glamorous town of Springview. After a few more attempts with her chalk, Danielle confiscated the rainbow colors so she could dispose of them once and for all. Kat reacted quickly by buying a brand new pack of chalk which she used in complete secrecy. During this time, Kat's relationship with her mother got even worse to the point where she took it upon herself to cut her long luscious hair to far above her shoulders and dyed black. Her mother had a fit and tried her best at grounding her but she still snuck out at night. Kat's clothes turned into ripped jeans, converse, and a few cute leather jackets. Some nights, Kat would sneak out and pick a lucky spot around town to commence her drawing. Each night she would fall asleep wondering whether the people to view it would either be impressed or appalled.

Other: Kat has played violin since she was six. She had to start teaching herself around the age of nine.
Name: Gavin Michaels

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Parents: Eric Michaels and Lenora Michaels

Parents' Business(es): The couple both run very successful and popular VIP night club for celebrities or other famous people.

Art Style: Finger Painting - Further Explained: Gavin's fingers are deformed and never grew completely or correctly on both hands. Because of this, he cannot write or hold tools very well, so he uses the crooked and twisted stubs for painting. When he's in society, he wear's a pair of gloves that have prosthetic fingers on them so he can use them normally.

Appearance: Gavin has somewhat shaggy black hair and light brown eyes. He has deformed fingers, and he wears glasses when he isn't in school, at an event, or with others. He has a tall, skinny build with little muscle, but he holds himself confidently. Click here for picture.

History: Eric and Lenora Michaels were excited about the prospect of their first son when they were young newlyweds. After Eric had graduated, they started on it straight away. When Lenora found out she was pregnant with Gavin, plans were made almost right away. Since he was born with his whole life planned for him by his parents, each parent felt confident about his security when he was born. Unfortunately, none of them were aware of the deformity that he would be born with until it happened.

Gavin grew up learning how to read and do basic math in elementary school, but he wasn't able to write. Since his parents had just started their night club, they weren't able to get any prosthetic limbs for him until he was in middle school. From there, they also found he would need glasses, and they sprang for contacts right away. Gavin simply went along with it, too passive to care let alone fight, and he learned to write with the fake fingers. He had a pair of glasses that he liked more than his contacts, but he never wore them around other people.

Gavin didn't take an obvious interest in art. In all fact, he hated the class. He wasn't as coordinated as the other kids with the prosthetic limbs, and he had started developing some obsession over small details. He finally gave up on art, and he didn't return to it until his parents started showing him off as their prodigal son who would soon take over the business.

Although that wasn't his first plan, Gavin started to become passive again, and he went from being a social, sensitive guy to being quiet and irritable. His parents went from carefree, interesting people to night-life snobs. They started to pester Gavin to take more interest in the business, and soon they started to make minor life choices for him. After a year of having his parents hovering over his shoulder and "helping him" make his choices, he simply retreated from the world and started to paint with the stubs of his fingers. Shockingly, the paintings weren't too bad, and he soon became proud of his deformity, but his parents didn't see it that way.

The first year he could, Gavin moved out to move into college and major in psychology, but even now, things are always a little tense, and his parents are still expecting him to take over the night club one of these years. The only way to express his thoughts to his parents is through the finger paintings he makes all over the walls of his apartment.

Other: Gavin is part of a "peer hotline" as a way to practice his psychology and help him learn about other people and help those around him.

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