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Fantasy The Druid from Deadwood.


More toxic less flow
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Most who hear the song fall under his influence.

Can I get an Amen, an Amen now, brothers and sisters? (Amen!)
Can I get an Amen, an Amen now, scatter that seed. (Amen!)

Bad devils gonna rend your skin now,
Wanna pull you down into the mire.
But my river's gonna cleanse your sin now,
Safe from the righteous fire.

Come brothers and sisters,
We'll give you everything you need.
Come brothers and sisters,
We're scattering the savior's seed.

Free faith or by the force of my hand,
You're bringing me a soul to save.
Cleanse the filthy from my great divine land,
Hellfire upon their graves!

Come brothers and sisters,
We'll give you everything you need.
Come brothers and sisters,
We're scattering the savior's seed.
Step off the guilty path,
And come into this world of mine.
The world is collapsing down.
Step off the guilty path,
And come into this world of mine!
The world is collapsing down!

Can I get an Amen, an Amen now, brothers and sisters? (Amen!)
Can I get an Amen, an Amen now, scatter that seed. (Amen!)

Come brothers and sisters,
We'll give you everything you need.
Come brothers and sisters,
We're scattering the savior's seed. (Yea-yeah!)
Come brothers and sisters,
We'll give you everything you need!
Come brothers and sisters,
We're scattering the savior's seed!

it is seemingly by chance you and a few others are freed from the enthrallment of a unknown power. You awaken in a what would have been a beautiful grove... The numerous corpses, the blood stained soil and the horrid flora surrounding you however makes the scene a bit more nightmarish. While you are uncertain of it, you have a feeling of dread that your puppeted body has been preparing and feeding dead bodies to this strange flora. Your hands and attire slick with blood.

While you are still able to hear the song, the sound is muffled and distant. A voice that despite sounding human has a tone of divinity that radiates with each word spoken directly into your mind.
"The corruption is strong, you are damn lucky i was able to reach you. I haven't much time so listen. My protection will not last forever but you can strengthen the connection between the mortal world and the heavens. Its that damn deadwood druid! He's siphoning souls to strengthen his magic and like a vast network of roots the dark druid has infected most of this world. You need to rid the Bloodflora from holy lands so I and other gods can help you further. Time is essential here as the world hasn't much longer befo--"
And the voice is gone... Cut off from finishing what would happen but thankfully, You and others have regained freewill along with a mission from a God apparently.
How and why? Will shortly be revealed. In the mean time though?
You and five others are smack dab in the middle of a pickle.
A rock and a hard place.
A grove full of ravenous psychic plants and their enthralled servants...

The immediate plan is survival of course, but assuming god's words are truth you would go straight back to being a plant slave if not for their protection which is waning... your only lead on keeping free will is getting rid of the "bloodflora" from the "holy lands" scattered about the lands...

It is a medieval fantasy of my own design set in the world of Aerth. A world of magic and monsters which is inspired from dnd and many other forms of fiction. Hoping for four or five players able to post two paragraphs or more once/twice a week.
The freed group would hopefully go on a campaign to save the world and regain sentience from the Deadwood Druid whose seemingly halfway done with the grand plan to doom the world.

Getting rid of the Bloodflora being the "first step" but the party can attempt all sorts of shit to save the world. Be it gathering allies from all over for a massive fuck you assault on the druid.
Maybe you wanna gather legendary weapons and items for a elite surgical strike team.
You could go for the 100% route and hunt down all the Bloodflora...

To answer two questions pre-emptively,
Magic is a soft system, being as simple or as detailed as the players wanna make it.
Generally though it's "one mana type per person" but everyone is capable of performing various types of magic/spells via items, genetics and other means.
Easy examples being...
Bob is human, he inherently has the potential for fire mana. Bob is essentially a firebender, but he can still use gravity magic via his magic sword.
Valveeda is a half elf, thanks to her woodelf heritage she can speak to/manipulate flora and fauna ontop of having a separate a mana type. So while being able to mess with plants and understand critters, Valveeda might have healing mana, able to magical fix wounds.

The races of Aerth are many and varied. Though I will say no to some characters based on race abilities/size/etc for lore and balance reasons. I'll list the main types you can adapt but know i have the right to refuse or ask for a edit.
Like a 15-20ft anything is gonna be a no, a undead, demon or devil of some is most likely a no...
You are free to homebrew your own race/subtype so long as it fits into something below.

Humans, we all know this boring lot. Though Aerth humans have their own subcategories. The main three being...

Grudga, these humans are the most common. Born with one type of magic determined by genetics and random chance. Most common mana types are usually a element, such as fire water air and eart though it is very much random chance. They must learn and practice their inherent mana, using magic via physical movements imagination and mental effort.

Nari, these humans are born without mana. Instead the Nari humans are born with a guardian spirit. It is this ghostly guardian that works as both protector and magical conduit. Nari are able to see souls, spirits, ghosts in the world and from the recently deceased. Nari have a natural affinity for spirits which can be boiled down to their body having the potential for numerous guardians/magic types.

These humans have no potential for magic, they however can shapeshift depending on numerous factors/conditions. The most common being any animal or monster hunted and eaten is something a shifter can become. However some shifters are more random, varied...

Half elves are allowed as full-blooded elves are basically extinct.
There like humans here's the o three types of elf heritages to choose from.

Sun elf,
the strongest of the elves, with four arms and a affinity for fire and light. Some halfblood sunelves only have two arms but sprout a extra pair of flaming arms.

wood elf,
Able to communicate with flora and fauna, wood elves have a connection to nature and can manipulate flora to their advantage via their inherent mana. Make grass grow into binding weeds, have a tree bend and strike a enemy. Ask a flower for clues on what passed by recently...

Moon elf,
Dark elf is more commonly used as like the Nari moon elves have a affinity for spirits and souls. A moon elf can claim the soul of slain targets, consuming the soul for magical energy or to use it as a source for new magic. A moon elf can store multiple souls thus using multiple types of magic. Temporarily of course.

Somewhat fall under the same umbrella but have their obvious differences you can assume from fiction. They are similar to grudga humans with mana being random chance but more than enough gnomes and dwarfs have one or two mana types.
1) earth, earthbending
2) creation, the ability to transfer magic into items they craft provided they have necessary materials.

To many types to list, this is basically any humanoid animal with sentience.
They range from cliche anime girls who look human apart from a tail and cat ears to lizardmen with snake eyes and scales instead of skin. Some Beastkin have magic, others are gifted physically. Some have a bit of both abut are best at neither.

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