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Fantasy The Dragon's Throne (character page)



The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The cs is the minimum of what I need, feel free to add more if you like. Ask questions in a pm.
Only make humans. Know I may ask you change or edit something.

Age: (dragons child 16 or older, anyone else 21 or older)
Appearance: (picture and brief description please)

(Give a little background to you being whatever)

Gear: (what your character has on them when working or traveling)

Mana: (mana determines your power. Please name something and explain it a tad...)

== If it's fire mana you are a fire bending pyromancer. If you have transparent mana you are a illusionist able to turn invisible.

If you are the Dragon kings child your mana is Dragonblood which allows you to breathe magic and shapeshift into a Dragon. The mother determines what magic the Dragon child breathes. If she has ice mana her child will be a ice dragon ==
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Name: Lalo (adopted by the Kingdom enlisted into the Hart regiment)
Race: Human
Gender: male
Age: 26
Appearance: 5ft10 grey hair, black eyes, athletic build. More toned then muscle mass
Lalo would appear to be a foreign Hunter by his attire and weapons, a hood or wrap usually hides the notable grey hair.

Lalo is one of the kings Rogues, the youngest in history to get the rank of "Dragon rogue" although he hates the title. Preferring Royal Hunter or Assassin. At just six years old Lalo, (like many others)
was adopted from the Drawin orphanage and trained brutally by the best the Dragon King can afford to spare. After a great deal of successful assassinations and jobs completed Lalo was promoted and given the title of Dragon at age twenty two.

Gear: apart from clothes, water, rations, Lalo has a pipe.
Caltrops and wire whenever he can restock it.
Lalo has wyrven scales stitched into his leather armor with chainmail underneath.
A dark red fur hood/cloak made from a horned wolf gives the impression of a decent hunter,
the foreign look comes from three metal boomerangs of varying size and shape.
Hanging from his waist and holstered on his back.
big boomer.jpg
over five feet^^
More reasonable sizes.
A dagger with teeth designed for catching and holding a blade in place.

Mana: thunder.
Lalo controls electricity, in terms of ability he is considered equal to or better than the Dragon mages of Drawin.
Able to produce electricity as a projectile or to control metal with magnetism.
The ways Lalo uses his mana is inspiring and terrifying depending on what side you see it from.
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Waboe can change from heir to knight to non existent depending on what's needed, which is why some things may seem odd in the sheet as it won't be finished/fixed

Name: Waboe Dalla Hart
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 27
6ft tall
blue/purple hair purple eyes, basically fantasy Batman in terms of physical condition
waboe Dal.png

Waboe Dalla, Waboe was or still is one of the most ambitious and proudest of the kings children. Always trying to one up his elders and stay ahead of the young. To that end at age eleven Waboe entered the Hart regiment to be trained/tortured into a perfect tool for the kingdom.
Excelling beyond the random orphans in terms of skill, control of mana as well as physically... although becoming a knight at age seventeen, Waboe was frustrated he hadn't been given a title worthy of his talent and skill.

Ultimately his poisonous mana was the reason, a dragon knight is expected to work closely with the king, guarding and performing his bidding. No matter how skilled with a sword, one can't risk leaking purple death at every confrontation.

Despite having excellent control, the poison is lethal to everything including the soil.
Waboe is forbidden from using his mana In the kingdom under penalty of imprisonment. On the battlefield Waboe is something of a legend, able to use his magic without fear of punishment to decimate anything that crosses his path
"For the Dragon King."

Gear: Waboe carries a katana and dresses in casual clothes.
Wears the standard Drawin army attire if in need of armor.
(Rarely wears it however) much to confident in his abilities to fight or become a mythical monster

Mana: Dragonblood/poison.
Waboe is able to conjure poison in various forms, preferring to breathe a gas that incapacitates, and a slime to coat his blade or spit.
While having a natural resistance to various venom and toxins no one of the Dalla or Hart family is outright immune to poison, though to take down the Purple Prince one would need a very potent poison.
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Gwendolyn Rose Hart
Arts by RossDraws


•Heir - One of the many children born to the king she considers herself one of the more deadly of his children. Once she heard of her fathers death she swiftly returned back home wanting more news of how their mighty king was killed. She’s spent her days training and learning all the skills needed to fight not caring that others might be larger then her in stature.

Usually wears leather materials and a cloak when traveling. Has armor made for her but prefers to not wear it as she’s much quicker and precise when not weighed down. She also has a satchel that contains paper, charcoals to draw with, glass vials to test poisons and antidotes with. She also has a beautiful wing shaped necklace gifted to her from her father when she first came into her power. Oh her weapons are usually well crafted short swords and she’s been known to wield around a long scythe.

•Dragonblood/Poison(Toxic) mana -
Having her fathers blood flowing through her means she’s able to shift into a dragon using her mana. Her mothers mana is poison so that gifts her with multiple poison abilities. She’s able to spit out large volumes of a poisonous substance it’s sticky and coats anything it touches. That’s her preferred method of her poisons she also had lethal venom in her fangs so one bite from her not only tears into you but injects the venom into your blood stream. (Adding more)
She’s also immune to poisons or so she says it’s undetermined if any poisons can actually harm her or not (yes certain ones can but she’s not gonna tell you that.)

•Studious - She loves learning and works hard to learn. She knows knowledge will help her get further in life. She also knows that knowledge is power and can get her far in life.
•Organized - A very organized woman in both mind and body. She likes keeping things tidy and in the right places as it helps everyone. She also likes to help organize tasks and such since it’s just fun to her.
•Hardworking - A very hard working young woman though most don’t know. She’s always been this way since she wants to make a name for herself and just live comfortably one day. She tends to work hard towards anything and everything.
•Clean - Oh she’s a bit ocd very very clean and tidy in nature. She tries to stay as clean as possible and often washes when she can even if it sometimes hurts. She also likes to try and keep her work clean and tidy since it’s the only thing she truly enjoys.
•Creative - She’s always coming up with new ways to go about tasks or designs for clothing she draws. She also enjoys drawing weapons and designs for weapons.
•Strong-willed - She has to have a strong will to get by in life. She knows if she was weak she would easily get stepped on or killed.
•Regretful - She can be very regretful of the things she’s done to survive sometimes not always. Also the fact when she was younger she didn’t have full control and often hurt others.
•Envious - She can be very envious of those of more loved status. She wants to have the crown and avenge her father before any of her siblings do.

Extra Facts:
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Rival ft. Neonii (Lost Identities Remix)




Janyin (Sincrest) Hart









Frosty Heir.

Janyin is a 'nth heir with a repertoire of wintery and cold names accumulated since birth. When he was an infant he would always cause chills in the air with each burp, yawn, or wail. Nurses, servants, and anyone else interacting with him, besides his mother, learned to wear cold-climate clothing. This kept him away from the other heirs until he was older and learned to control his chill better.

Janyin would work on his abilities and obtaining skills early in life, making him something of a child prodigy, with a propensity to manifest wings and a tail and one-syllable phrased "breaths" without having to go full dragon. He became one of the more well known and looked at heirs of Drawiin by age ten, and would later train with the Knights and then Dragon Knights.

With Queen Limon's decree, he intends to embark on the quest, as much as his father's death may have an effect on him, it's less of avenging him and more to defeat them (Shadowhands) altogether. Though he is certain it's only truly possible if they work together. He has always had an ambition to rise and better himself, but he doesn't necessarily believe that means to take the crown and become Drawiin's next king. He does however believe the next ruler should be a good one, and he quietly questions the Queen's motives, among others.

Janyin has a resting face that makes him appear bored or uninterested, if not serious or annoyed. He is giving you the attention and ear though, if not focusing on something. He gets easily irritated when he is trying to focus and something or someone is being disruptive. The same is true for when he believes someone is not doin their job or a task. The teen is tactical and analytical, observing and perceptive to situations and formulating how to counteract or move forward. He also is someone who takes to investigating things himself, which may sometimes get him into trouble. Family values and his loved ones are important to him, he doesn't easily make friends, and it's possible he could learn to lighten up a bit and smile every once in awhile.

crystal clear.

Janyin is a young boy who only seems to come up to most people's elbows, standing at 4'6" (137cm). He has peach skin and white hair with a slightly spiky and wavy nature. Turquoise eyes that shine with fractals of frozen light when pushing himself with his power.

He wears a green scarf and a white sleeveless haori over a tank top or "Muscle Tee" and hakama. When visiting his mother's family he wears a kimono instead of his haori and is forbidden to fight in it.

Janyin doesn't wear any armor as he is capably of creating icy barriers and armor to protect himself when he feels he needs to. He carries with him a katana, sheathed in a plain looking scabbard with a bronze hilt and worn at the hip. Prior to transforming (into a dragon) he wraps the sword around something (usually a tree limb) with his scarf to retrieve later.

As a dragon, he looks very similar to the "Asian Lung (Long)" with a pair of wings. The appearance is almost ethereal and his scales glisten in colors of green, blue, and white; with even more colors oscillating as light hits him and is refracted. Thin white feathery whiskers, a thin sheet of feathery-feeling hairs and crystalline spikes down the spine are some other prominent features of this form.



♡coded by uxie♡
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Placeholder for two characters, a Dragon Knight and a Rogue. Element will be Fire/Lava for the Dragon Knight, and Darkness/Shadows for the Rogue.
Name: Akio Stoneheart

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Appearance: 7C0F7D54-0AF2-4CDC-BC42-5645933C33EC.jpeg
Akio stands at 5’6 with emerald green hair and eyes. She most of the time always has an uninterested look on her face.

Heir/Knight/rogue: dragonknight
Akio’s parents were killed by Bandits when she was little. They had hidden her well bit she saw the slaughter take place. As a result the trauma rendered her unable to properly display emotions. The rage and grief she caused her mana to go berserk and she destroyed her home. She wandered the streets of a nearby Village, stealing food to survive. When she would hide away in the wilderness she fought of wild animals. That's how she learned to control her mana at a young age. Eventually, she was caught by a skilled knight who took pity on her. The Knight trained her and Akio quickly blossomed into an exceptional warrior. She became a dragonknight at age twenty-two. She had been by the kind side ever since up till his death. Akio is still looking for her parents killer to this day.

Gear: C2A7C8D0-735B-4F07-84E9-F94FD3B12DFC.jpeg
Note: her armor is an emerald green.

Mana: she can control plant life. She can grow spiked branches, poisonous flowers and even a forest. Her only limit is her stamina.
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