Pai Chan
Elder Member


Aurora was too dumbfounded to notice much exchange of words when the hologram person appeared. He resembled a ghost but a bit more solid. Not like any Aurora had seen. And then he was gone and left a tense stillness in the air. The two girls had a back and forth and Aurora could tell the princess's integrity was questioned. Was Aurora really doing the right thing? She was a goddess but she wasn't omnipotent. If she had gone to see the seer from back home before leaving on this journey. Right now, Aurora was being led blind with Nathanial acting as a guide. But he was military. Aurora knew that military officials only acted in what was best for their country. Moral or not.
The sudden release of gravity interrupted the priestess' thoughts. She quickly sat on her staff as if it were a bench and regained control of herself.
"So many surprises in this place." Aurora said as she saw her ally grab ahold of the other two girls. He did some improvising to get everyone out and Aurora was so impressed she forgot that she could have easily floated everyone to safety. She gave Nathan points for creativity as the woman followed closely behind and provided a protective shield around them that would bend light to make them almost appear invisible to anyone looking in their direction. Aurora easily kept up, flying on her staff, as they sped out of the combatant zone.
Soon the effect suddenly ended and Nathan came crashing down with the two girls. Aurora didn't feel a difference since she was already suspended in air but the fall of the others confirmed they were out of the affected gravity range. She landed next to Nathanial and smiled with him while checking everyone over to make sure there were no serious injuries.
"I guess the affected area is, indeed, limited. It seems we are out of the thick of it and immediate danger." Then her smile quick faded as she turned to Meira.
"If you want to part ways then this is the best time to do it. You seem to have people looking to rendezvous with you. But the princess' safety is our priority. I'd love to have you help us but I understand if you are having doubts. War has a way of making manipulation easy and doubts flourish. I wish you would remain with us and see the girl to safety."