Showcase The Denizens of Jupiter


Literal fossil
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Axel Engstrom



Age: 212

Pronouns: he/him

Sexuality: pan/omnisexual ; polyamorous

Race: Vampire (Polidori strain)

Height: 6’ 4”

Weight: 230 lbs

Hair color: white

Eye color: gray

Build: well muscled but on the slimmer side


Before September of 1812, Axel Engstrom was a simple farmer in the small town of Vemdalen in Sweden. He had been married for almost two years and was the proud father to an infant son. He and his wife Ronja lived a relatively reclusive life, as Axel was born with albinism which, during that time, was something that caused the superstitious townsfolk to gossip and at times be outright cruel to him.

He had his farm, his little family and life was peaceful. Until the warm autumn night when the vampire came…

Axel's early decades as a young vampire were not easy by any means. He wasn't well taught by his maker but learned on his feet and found that he was charming enough to get what he wanted most of the time. He was fast. He was strong. By the early 20th century he had become quite impressed with himself and reveled in his abilities to do and have anything and anyone he wanted. It was this hubris that brought him into the life of a succubus named Katya.


In 1924 Axel arrived in Saint Petersburg, Russia. He had been casually picking off sex workers and random drunken , opium-addled strangers for a week or so before making the decision to check out a local brothel.

He didn't even have the chance to take his evening meal up to a room before he was grabbed by the succubus Madam and pulled away. Katya was stronger, older, and far wiser than Axel. She knew his intentions with her employees and had been watching him for several days. She had intended to kill him, but ever the charmer, he convinced her to let him live. The two struck up a friendship that quickly blossomed into so much more. She is his partner in eternity, his mentor, his lover, his Mistress, the mother to his undead children, and eventual biological daughter.


If there was one thing that would forever leave a hole in Axels heart, it was the loss of his son so long ago. In life, he had wanted so badly to be a father and his little boy was everything to him. The desire for fatherhood never truly left him. It was the most human thing about him. He had successfully created and mentored many progeny over the years and Katya enjoyed playing the role of surrogate mother to them all. After much discussion and the finding of the most skilled alchemist in all of the underworld, thanks to Katya's connections as a high ranking demon, their dream became a reality.


Juno Engstrom, though born of a vampire father and a demon mother, seems to be entirely human. She ages at a normal rate and thus far has not shown any signs of demonic or vampiric abilities. Axel calls her his ‘little bird' and while he has a very relaxed parenting style now that she is an adult, he will always be fiercely protective of her. Humans are so fragile and live such short lives. He means to keep her happy and safe for however long he is blessed to have her.

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