The Den (remakes)

Lovable Dark-side

I might be a scarf. Who knows?



How long have you been at The Den:

What made you come to The Den:






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I want to join 



How long have you been at The Den:5

What made you come to The Den:She started a fire that killed three people.






(My characters)

Name: Agatha (Mama Bear) Salts

Age: 27

Gender: Female

How long have you been at The Den: She has been here about 12 years give or take.

What made you come to The Den: She heard about it from a man she was traveling with on the road, so she decided to check it out.

Skills: Mama Bear can makes the best drinks in the city, and has a waiting list to get inside her pub every night. She is also a good listener

Job: She owns Salt's a small pub near the central area of the city. That is known to serve the best drinks in town. If you can think of it Mama bear can serve it.

Personality: As her nickname intends Agatha is a salty, hearty lass, with the claws of a bear and a whip for a tongue when she needs it to be. Her sense of humor is a strong one and is always cracking jokes, and has a thing for sending out backhanded complements She is the life of the party, but she is at times a no nonsense person, when it comes to her cubs. (Aka her regulars and waitresses at the pub). She can't stand it when someone mistreats them and I would never get on Mama's bad side if you value your life. Because, Agatha is a woman to be reckoned with, and when it comes to the ones she loves. She is like an old grizzly, ready to tear you apart. But that almost never happens. Most people go to her if not for her drinks, then for information or advice. She always has a ears open for anyone who needs to talk and is always ready to help. I think its because of that motherly instinct inside her.

History: She came to The Den 12 years ago give or take one, or two. She was 17 years old and not much different than she is now. Except younger. And unlike most people here she has always been pretty open with her past. She had grown up with her mother and step father, her actual father had been out of the picture for years. So, the man she had known as father for most of her life. Actually had no blood relation to her at all. But still treated her like she was his daughter. Everything was nice she had a roof over her head, food to eat, and a baby sister on the way. When one day a man came to her house, screaming, pounding on the door. Yelling that he wanted his daughter back, and that her mother had to right to take her. At the time Agatha was only 11 and didn't really know what was going on. Yet, she knew well enough to hide away in the closet while her step father handled it. The man that she had known as father for so many years, opens the door and the next thing she hears is a loud bang and then her mothers screaming, and even though she wanted to run so badly. Little Agatha stayed in her closet hoping the bad man would stay away.

After an hour or so later a man with black, graying hair and grey eyes like Agatha's opens the closet door. His white shirt covered in blood. " Hello, sweet heart I'm your daddy." The man has said to her that night and after that he had taken her. She soon found out this man was her biological father and that he had been spending years searching for as he called her " His little Princess." She lived this man for a long time and eventual ran away 5 years later when she turned sixteen. When she spent her times traveling trying to figure out what to do. She had nowhere to go, no money, and no one to save her.

Her days were spent walking across the country trying to find somewhere safe. She was always a afraid her birth father would find her again. She was always on the run, but when she was 17 and traveling with a man who went by the name of Midnight Sam, he told her about a city where everything was forgotten in the past and everyone was free to live the life they wanted. Agatha didn't really believe in the city, but false hope was better than no hope at all. So, she searched for a little while. Until a scout eventually found her and took her to The Den. Where she started out working as a waitress in a small pub, that in the future would become her's.



(I have another character. I will post later)

Adrian Boyd


22 almost 23



How long have you been at The Den:

Been at the den since he was 7

What made you come to The Den:

Wanted to go on an adventure


Camouflage, quick thinking, calming people down, speed, silence, strategies, reading people.


Used to be a Tracks but now is a Field Medic


Adrian used to be very ruthless and selfish in his old Tracks days, he had a short fuse and would usually take action before thinking. But now as a Medic he is very caring and generous, he is soft and delicate with his movements and tries to help everyone. Adrian can become angered but tries not to be. But altogether Adrian is sweet and hates seeing others hurt.


Adrian began training for Tracks when he was 8 and was a tracks until an accident when he was 16, Adrian had gone on an important mission with a group of men and women. Adrian had become cocky at a point inside one of the passing trains and caused everyone in his team to either die or go missing on this mission. It is not known how Adrian had lost all of his team and how he got out but he lost his left arm and injured his left eye. After what had happened with his team he wasn't able to be a Tracks, so Adrian chose to be a field medic. Adrian now has a mechanical arm and is constantly silent when asked about that mission, it is still the talk around some parts of the town.



Adrian has the nickname Left because of various reasons you can probably work out. And he has a bad habit of smoking when annoyed.
Titus Arel Tokien






How long have you been at The Den:


Truth be told, Titus has lived in the Den for all of his life.

What made you come to The Den:

"Why am I in this hellhole, indeed?"

Titus is one of the few surviving people that were actually born in the Den.


While Titus's biggest and most prominent skill is thievery, due to his Tracks work, he is also skilled in combat.

Strengths: Intelligent, quick runner, charismatic, thorough in his work, knife and hand-to-hand combat proficiency.

Weaknesses: Arrogance, distrusting/untrusting, does not work well with others. Borderline kleptomaniac. Merciless.




"Don't mix me into your idealistic nonsense. I'd sooner cut you down just as fast as I would to anyone else."

Titus is the type of person who is very independent, who prefers his own company over anyone else's. Despite being somewhat charismatic, he's usually only a 'charmer' when he's talking himself out of some trouble or other. Which, for him, is pretty often. He lives and breathes thievery; it's a skill that he's honed his entire life simply because he had no other choice. Unfortunately, this has conditioned him into becoming a borderline kleptomaniac. If he sees something he wants, he simply goes for it without ever thinking about the consequences of his actions. That said, it's not to say that he's impulsive- quite the opposite, in fact. Titus is the type of person to intelligently analyze his target before making a move; in some cases, he will even obsess over it. He simply just doesn't think any farther from when he gets what he wants.

Titus can be a rather cruel and merciless sort of person. Depending on the circumstance, he'd just as soon watch someone die as cut their throat himself. In his mind, anyone stupid enough to put themselves in harm's way deserves it. He's the type of person capable of committing murder, especially if someone were to hurt one of the few people he actually cares about.

Tough as nails and with a guarded heart, Titus isn't exactly the easiest person to get along with. He's free-spirited and generally just does whatever he wants; he blatantly disregards authority and doesn't give anyone respect unless they've earned it, in his eyes. He can be very blunt at times, has a dark sense of humor, and actually enjoys thieving. It's like a game to him. While does have a mean, cruel streak in him, he can also be very kind when he wants to be. He would just as easily give his life for his friends as he would take the life of someone that did him wrong. Titus can be quite over-protective over his friends, but especially so when it comes to loved ones. When it comes to love, he's got no idea what he's doing. He wouldn't even know how to show his affection, much less confess it.


"I never knew my folks. From what I know, they were just two teenagers trying to strike it out here....but then I came along to mess it all up."

Titus was born on December 8th, in the absolute worst place imaginable- the slums of the Den. His parents, both teenagers at the time, were much too young and inexperienced to know how to take care of a child. He was lucky not to have been aborted; the only reason he was born was because his mother had a change of heart at the last minute.

The early years of Titus's life were perhaps the hardest, as food was increasingly scarce. Baby formula was becoming harder and harder to find, so every so often his mother would have to make do with a little bit of powdered milk and a lot of water. His father wanted nothing to do with him, and so was constantly away from the home. His mother would often sing him lullabies as he cried in hunger.

His childhood consisted of his father teaching him how to steal, how to fight, and how to pick his targets- even if only to bring whatever he got to his father so that he could trade it for booze and drugs. Now that he was of an age in which he could be useful, his father paid more attention to him. If Titus resisted, his father would threaten to harm his mother.

By the time Titus had turned eight, his father became the leader of a local gang. He had also taken to beating his mother around whenever he was in a bad mood, which was often, or when she did something to annoy him. Which, unfortunately, was also often no matter what she did. Over the next two years, it would get worse and worse, escalating with every day that passed.

Until finally, the day came when he killed her.

Titus was home that terrible day. He witnessed it with his own eyes; a young boy of ten who was forced to sit there and watch as his own father stabbed his mother thirty-two times in the chest, simply because she wanted to leave. In a single instant something cracked inside of Titus; he snapped. Using his own father's teachings against him, he fought for the knife and ended up using it to stab his own father to death- thirty-two times, just like his father had to his mother.

After that, Titus left his childhood home and never went back.


Titus, being the thief that he is, tends to keep a portion of what he steals to trade on the side.

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Name:Marie Blake



How long have you been at The Den:has been at the Den since she was 5.

What made you come to The Den:Her parents died and she became rejected so she ran and found the Den.

Skills:Fighting, swimming, and climbing


Personality:Marie is Nice and kind-hearted now in the Den cause she isn't rejected. Marie used to be Mean and Cold-hearted cause she was always rejected.

History:Marie was a very nice girl at age 4 her parents died she started getting rejected cause people blamed her for her parents death a day after her 5th birthday Marie ran away not wanting the rejection anymore. She was also very mean and cold-hearted because of the rejection but that changed when she went in the Den she found there is where she began to become the Nice Kind Marie. She started climbing trees when she was 4 before her parents died. She is now a great climber Runner and Fighter.


Other:She wears her moms wedding ring on her ring finger but everyone in the den knows she is not married. She has a locket that was giving to her on her 4th birthday that she wears and she made her dad's ring into another necklace. 



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Roxas.jpg.25468771d2522dc87f7ceec4c2ae159a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13231" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Roxas.jpg.25468771d2522dc87f7ceec4c2ae159a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Rowan (Ro) Her last name is unknown.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

How long have you been at The Den: 3 years

What made you come to The Den: Place holder

Skills: She is well balanced and small, making her swift. She is also monkey like and able to use her feet like hands if she needs to. (that last part is limited to picking up small objects and tying knots)

Job: Track

Personality: Ro is a hard headed, suborn girl. Who has the tendency to be rash, and over dramatic. She doesn't take well to being told no, and is a little bit childish and can be quiet eccentric. Making it hard to get along with her at times, and when it comes to trust she isn't to quick to accept new people into her life, and is low on friends at the moment, but those who are her friends find out pretty quickly that she is quiet a clever girl, even if she isn't the most intelligent she knows what has to be done must be done. Even if she doesn't like it and loyalty might just be one of her strong qualities.

History: Not much is known about her past, because she doesn't speak about it much. So, she has never told anyone the full story, but if she is pestered enough she will give you a part of a story. Whether it is true or not it is unknown. All anybody truly knows is that she came in at the age of 14 a skinny little thing, with a frighten look on her face. A shredded piece of meat that use to be her hand, hanging limply at her side. She didn't talk for the first few months, but soon came out of her shell.

Other: She only has one hand. The other was lost in an accident on her way to The Den, and she loves chicken noodle soup. 
Everbody I shall be starting this Rp once @X64 and @Latula get there characters posted.



  • Roxas.jpg
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I need to edit my personality still though right? 
So technically I can't Rp yet correct 

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