The Demonic Disease


New Member

Imuralis Fallire Morbus. Translated into English as Immunity Failure Disease. This was the title given to a terrible virus that infected hundreds of demons a few hundred years after they fell from God's grace with Lucifer. As fallen angels, demons were basically immortal; but IFD changed that.

The disease made demons weak to certain substances. Silver, certain kinds of wood, certain plants, even water could weaken those infected. Depending on the demon, he was affected by at least two and up to all of these substances. Because IFD was so contagious, and specific to demons, those found out to be infected were immediately exiled from Hell, doomed to wander Earth's surface (where all of these substances existed mind you).

The infected demons reacted to their disease in different ways. Some understood why, some vowed revenge on their unfair treatment, and some took their feelings and turned them to the human race. Some found joy in killing, torturing, and committing all sorts of heinous acts against the human race. Others blended in with them, even so far as to falling in love. Its from these relationships that a new breed of monster was created.

These half demons were infected with the virus their demon parent had, making them a new breed of monster; vampires. When IFD was faced with the human DNA, it mutated into a specific strain, gave these vampires a very specific set of weaknesses and strengths. Weak to water, fire, garlic, and wood, vampires could only be killed by fire and wooden weapons piercing their heart unless first weakened by garlic or water, then they could be killed by conventional means.

But for all their weaknesses, being half demon also gave them distinct advantages. They were faster, stronger, had better reflexes and senses, and lived much longer, even centuries. They also had a healing factor so they couldn't really be killed unless attacked with their specific weaknesses. They also were immune to all other diseases and were genetically beautiful. They were perfectly human in appearance (if not extremely pale) except for two things; their eyes were odd colored and had slits for pupils and possessed fangs.

Unfortunately for vampires, the only way they could live was off of blood. There is nothing more delicious to them than human blood, and they also spread the disease through biting humans and sucking their blood, unless they sucked enough to kill them. Because of this vampires are feared by humans almost as much as demons were.

Along with these two banes to human existence, there was yet another. The origin of this strain was not born through life, but through death. A demon, infected and exiled, was weak from coming into contact with a jeweler who sold silver items. Fleeing into the forest in his weakened state he fell prey to a pack of wolves. He managed to kill all but one, who feasted on the demon.

With eating the demon though, the wolf contracted the disease; creating a new strain and driving the wolf crazy. It no longer thought it needed a pack and abandoned its natural caution, charging into the nearby village and biting everyone he came into contact with. It was finally put down, but not without several newly infected monsters.

With the rapidly mutating virus spreading with these bites, these people soon became werewolves. IFD was specific to these creatures as well, making them weak to fire, silver, and a type of plant that became to be known as Wolf's Bane. These werewolves were cursed in a special way. In human form they were faster, stronger, possessed better reflexes and senses than their normal human counterparts. But it's when they lost control of themselves that they became monsters. Relying only on primal rage they become monsters that attack anything and everything in their sight. This only happens when they get too angry or on nights that the moon was full. Of course with these killing sprees humans came to fear these creatures as well.

In those first years the monsters flourished. werewolves and vampires were everywhere, not to mention the demons that kept attacking people. The death of humans was widespread, as was the fear.

Humans didn't lay down and take this abuse from the monsters of course. Humans, and especially hunters soon discovered their weaknesses and set up precautions. Silver weapons were almost as common as iron. People kept torches always at the ready and farms of garlic and wolfsbane were everywhere. Those who could use magic learned how to use fire first of all. People were dying to be sure, but even more so were the monsters.

This war went on and dwindled the monsters down ton near extinction, and so they fled or hid. Eventually people began to forget about the monsters, and as the years went by they became nothing more than myths to the humans. The only ones that stayed vigilant were an order of hunters, dedicated to the complete destruction of werewolves, vampires, and all the demons they could get their hands on.

Now its the twenty-first century, and the Order of Hunters and Exorcists (OHE) New York branch is struggling. The monsters have infiltrated every business and school, and the deaths are adding up. Do you have what it takes to hunt the monsters? Or maybe you want to become one yourself? Or maybe you're a part of the ignorant masses and want to stay that way. Your destiny is your own.


1. No god-modding.

2. Play nice. Don't be a jackass.

3. Please be literate. We're human, we are going to make mistakes, but try to employ proper grammar.

4. Under no circumstances do you get to control another role-player's character. This includes they're reactions or feelings in response to your character's actions.

5. I have no problem with cursing. Go crazy. Just keep within the site's rules.

6. You do not get to say if you severely wound or kill another person's character.

7. To go along with rule 6, your character is not invulnerable; nor will they win every fight. If you get in a fight with another character and neither of you give at all just go your separate ways without either of you being hurt.

8. No spam.

9. Romance is fine, but absolutely NO sex.

10. I understand writer's block, but try to get at least three sentences per post.

11. I reserve the right to make any other rules as I see fit.

12. All RpNation rules apply.

This isn't a rule, just a strong suggestion; have fun.


You can play as an infected demon, a werewolf, a vampire, a hunter, or a normal human.

Normal humans can turn into any of the above except demon.

Example of a skeleton:





Profession: (If normal human)

Weapons: (If hunter. Keep weapons to believable carry weight.)




My Skelly:

Name: Crispin Davis

Race: Human

Age: 25

Appearance: Five feet eleven inches tall with a toned, lean body style, Crispin has green eyes and short, messy brown hair. Fairly good looking with defined features, he usually dresses in a black, leather, studded jacket and has a silver cross around his neck. He wears black cargo pants and black T-shirt. He wears black shoes somewhere between boots and sneakers.

Profession: Hunter

Weapons: Crossbow with silver tipped bolts, which he slings across his back.Six silver throwing knives, three strapped to each thigh. A few fire bombs kept in a pouch on his side.

Personality: Crispin is borderline psychotic. He is rather intelligent but gets distracted easily. The only thing to hold his undivided attention is when he starts hunting something. He kills because its fun and he enjoys the challenge involved in killing monsters. He refuses to kill those under thirteen. In his relations to other people he tends to seem weird and all over the place.

Bio: Born into a normal, Welsh-British family, Crispin had an utterly unremarkable childhood. That didn't change until he hit sixteen years old. At this age his family was camping on a night lit by a full moon when his family fell prey to a pack of werewolves. As they slaughtered his family Crispin thought this was where he was going to die. That's when the hunters showed up. Here they killed the werewolves and took him in. He swore into their lifestyle and began climbing the ranks as a hunter. He transferred into the New York branch three years ago and has been killing in the Big Apple ever since.
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Name: Alice


Age: 18

Appearance: Has black hair and usually always is in black tight clothing <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Wallpaper-Anime-Cute-37.jpg.08a0ebf14c87e7182bb075ae5d527115.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2039" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Wallpaper-Anime-Cute-37.jpg.08a0ebf14c87e7182bb075ae5d527115.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Profession: (If normal human)Used to be a hunter but stopped, and is often still sought by demons/werewolves/vampires and such

Weapons: Keeps two blades (small blades) usually just around some place easy to reach

Personality: Shy and quiet usually, has a great fear of demons alike, but usually tries not to show it. Greatest fear is of vampires

Bio: Alice used to be a hunter, but quit, for one day she suddenly stopped seeing a point, and she found it needless and reckless. To her it was just a repeated cycle, and she didn't feel like dealing with it any longer. Alice now lives alone in a small house on the outskirts of town, and rarely leaves her house unless needed.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Wallpaper-Anime-Cute-37.jpg.e74655b71e8f1fb4a1b907d38c8a63ed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2038" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Wallpaper-Anime-Cute-37.jpg.e74655b71e8f1fb4a1b907d38c8a63ed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Jade, if your character is no longer hunter, what does she do? Is she a teacher? Cashier? Or is she a student? And then at what age did she start and quit hunting?
She just stays at home :P she quit under a year ago, started hunting at a very young age of 10, and was a very well know hunter
Ok. Find some way for her to make money though. Or maybe she had inherited some. Other than that, accepted.
Mmmmm she inherited it, and is technically rich, though she doesn't act nor spend like it o3o
Just enough to support a basic story really. So possibly as few as two. Depends on the characters.
Name: May

Race: Vampire

Age: Mid 100's

Appearance: May appears to in her early twenties, however that is certainly not the case. Her hair is a dark brown and is rather long, although only coming to about mid-back when she has it tied back into a braid, with bangs that hit her eyelashes. Her eyes are an unearthly blue, its icy look perfect for her cold inner-personality. She stands at about 5'7 with a slender figure and slight curves. And, of course, her skin is pale.

Personality: She has lost any real form of emotions or feelings long ago, although she's pretty damn good at mimicking them. To others, she is friendly and caring, always going out of her way to take care of and help other people. However, her true nature is mostly cold and indifferent towards just about everything, and is also a compulsive liar. It's hard, if possible, to get her to show any true emotion.

Bio: May has lived in New York all her life, having been a vampire since the day she were born. Ever since she could remember she has hated it, constantly having to feed off of humans disgusted and saddened her at the same time. The first blood she spilled was at a young age: her mother had hired a nanny to care for her while she was away at work as a nurse, and things took a turn for the worse. Her mother came home to find May crying in her room covered in the poor woman. From then on her mother swore to protect her no matter what, whether it was sneaking home donated blood or cleaning up her accidental kills.

Of course, she didn't age like humans. Slowly, she watched everyone around her change and grow old together, while time seemed to only wait for her. Angered and frustrated, May decided to close herself off, never again allowing others to get close to her. Eventually, she was all alone and stayed that way ever since. Since aging process is slower than the normal person's, this caused her to have to move around every few years or so to avoid detection.
Name: Leon ( Leo)

Race: Human/Hunter

Age: 26


Profession: (If normal human)

Weapons: Two Revolvers that always stay hidden on him. And a Red Blade Katana he calls Lion's Tear.

Personality: Curious and Insightful most of the time deep in thought which can cause him trouble in his daily life. Most of his thoughts lie in limbo cause he's not sure if what he is doing is right. He also has at times suffers from shell shock which makes him rampage or suffer.

Bio: Not sure what to do with his life Leon decided to go backpacking with his friends a few years back where, was forced to watch the horror of his friends getting killed and decapitated by a group of demons. Despite his best efforts he couldn't save anyone and was soon the next to be feasted upon. As he awaited his demise he was saved by a old man with a red sword. The man told him to go home. But Leon decided to follow him. The old man told him about the silent battle that had been going on for centuries and how the blood of hunters in the area was getting thin. That day Leon decided he would join the fight. The old man trained Leon in everything he knew and before he died gave Leon a very last gift the Red Blade soon later to be named Lion's Tear. It was after that he was recruited and sent to New York . For time to time he would have nightmares of the demons he had faced and killed each one haunting hit thoughts but he still continues to carry the fight.
Name: Valentine (Val) Kristof

Race: Werewolf

Age: 19


Note: he has both eyes, unlike in the reference photo.

Profession:Despite being a newly turned, he still tries to hold down his job at a popular local coffee shop/cafe. His shift is normally in the evenings.

Personality: He's friendly when he needs to be, for example when he's working, but outside of that he's pretty quiet. Val gets easily irritated with people who are loud, boisterous, or rude. Likewise; he's careful about what he says if public, aiming to blend in, especially with the recent changes in his life. There's nothing he loves more than a still, peaceful night. He's a bit of a loner by choice, not in a self-pitying sense, and he doesn't go out of his way to avoid people. If the calm gives away, he's actually got quite the temper, a raging, boiling heat. This is typically activated by disrespect, he likes to be treated well, and won't take kindly to anything differing.

He's more of the book type, living in a higher class neighborhood for most of his life. The newfound strength gained from being a werewolf terrifies him, and even more so, he finds being hunted strange and unwelcome. So far he's been standoffish to the local packs, still in denial regarding his condition.

Bio: Valentine grew up fairly normally, living with his family in a higher end apartment in eastern Berlin, where his mother worked as a fashion designer and merchandiser. He spent his early days helping her run the booth at the weekend bazaar, taking in the culture and picking up an interest in music after years of listening to street performers. After the main income from his father ceased, they moved to a more humble living space while Val started school. (note: his father is American, an english teacher, so Val is fluent.) After the usual ups and downs, he conquered school and left his home with a scholarship to a school in -where this RP is taking place-. He took the family dog with him, to provide him with some comfort in this new, alien country. On the flight over an infected wolf held in a transportation crate, on it's way to be studied, broke it's way out and attacked Val's dog. Unaware that werewolves even existed, the airline staff simply sent his dog home with him, its leg wrapped it bandages. It died a few weeks later, not strong enough to handle the strain, but not before it bit Valentine, who was also ignorant to the situation. He's just now beginning to feel the side affects.
Name: Raphael Secholm

Race: Werewolf

Age: 27

Appearance: (I included his werewolf form)

Personality: He kinda tends to be the 'tough guy'. Before you get to know him, he just appears to be the kind of guy that doesn't act like anything is important but he does it in a serious way. He kinda acts like he doesn't need anybody when, in reality, he's a lonely guy. If properly befriended, he shows his true self: a good and loyal friend who's willing to risk his own dignity in order to make his friends happy.

Bio: Most people tend to avoid him due to the fact that he not only has an intimidating appearance, he also lives in the woods, has bloody bandages over his wrists, and was born a werewolf. This technically makes him an alpha but he doesn't bother making a pack. In werewolf form, he has a little bit more control over himself than most werewolves (due to the fact that he's been trying to tame his inner beast all his life) but that doesn't mean that he won't lose it at times. 
Yeah...there was an accident were the uploaded files weren't coming up but now they have ._. Just ignore them I guess, RPnation isn't letting me edit them out at the moment. Oh well. 
Yeah...there was an accident were the uploaded files weren't coming up but now they have ._. Just ignore them I guess, RPnation isn't letting me edit them out at the moment. Oh well.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Anime-Guy-anime-guys-20980907-700-963_large.jpg.a9d60e34e45d906d362c454cc74858ef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2072" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Anime-Guy-anime-guys-20980907-700-963_large.jpg.a9d60e34e45d906d362c454cc74858ef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Werewolf_by_JLoneWolf.jpg.7e76a07a0da64e328069d937255c5a59.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2073" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Werewolf_by_JLoneWolf.jpg.7e76a07a0da64e328069d937255c5a59.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Anime-Guy-anime-guys-20980907-700-963_large.jpg.8e66bc794f8e297fd51f8082a39d997b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2074" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Anime-Guy-anime-guys-20980907-700-963_large.jpg.8e66bc794f8e297fd51f8082a39d997b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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She has brown hair that falls down in waves to waist.Her eyes are chocolate brown with golden amber streaks in them often giving them the appearance that they're glowing.She wears dark wash daisy dukes and a striped tee-shirt that goes past her waist to her knees so it kinda looks like she wearing a shapeless dress.With black leather combat boots with worn soles.She is 4'0 with sun kissed skin.

Profession: (If normal human)Hunter

Weapons: (If hunter. Keep weapons to believable carry weight.)She carries twin blade both double edged and kept sharp to the point to wear they can split a hair in half.Along with a small set of throwing knives hidden in her boot.

Personality:Carefree and playful,yet hotheaded so she can get angry very quickly.Also to others she can seem extremely innocent ,so she is underestimated a lot.

Bio:Hannah was born into a family of hunters who trained her to be a deadly weapon from a young age.(I need someone to be her father)But truth is she never wanted to be a hunter.Her dream is to just be normal and ignorant of the dangerous world she is in.She knows this will happen so does what she is told stays strong and just hopes to survive another day.(I've always been bad at bios sorry)

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