The Dawn Brigade (Mlp) [Inactive]

A Green Pegasus made his way towards the office he'd been told to report to, pushing the door open and scanning the room with a disinterested expression.
"I'm here now aren't I?" the Pegasus replied, glancing around the room, before closing the door and walking towards the desk.
"You're in here to get this slip" the mare says as she pushes a piece of paper forward. "After this you will have your combat abilities tested out back" Leaving the paper on the table she gets up and opens the door at the back of the room " Give that slip to the instructor out back and he will give you further instructions"
"I don't need my combat abilities tested, I know how to fight," the Pegasus muttered, grabbing hold of the slip and looking it over quickly, before walking towards the newly opened door.
The mare ignores him as she sits back down with the same idle expression on her face as before.

Outside the building is a open sand pit with a wooden pony in the center of it. Standing at the other end of the sand pit is a orange earth pony resting his hoof on the hilt of a sword
The Pegasus grinned slightly at the sight of the wooden target, before sidling over towards the Earth Pony. "So, you're taking this combat test are you?"
The earth pony points towards a weapon rack and then points back at the target before drawing his hoof over his throat in a slicing motion.
"Kill the target then," the Pegasus smirked, before walking towards the weapon rack, picking out a pair of wing blades and slipping them over his wings.

Diving forward, he brought his wings up, slashing one wing through the targets forelegs, before bringing his second wing down in an arc, burying it in the top of the targets head and splitting it in two in a cloud of splinters.

"Good enough?" he asked, turning back to face the Earth Pony.
The earth pony shakes his head and points towards the target again. If the pegasus was to look behind him he would see a fully reformed and now animated dummy was on its rear hooves and slamming it's front hooves down towards the pegasus's back.
The Pegasus let out a grunt of pain as the dummy attacked him, before rolling forward. Turning to face the target, he let out a snort, before diving forward once more, flapping his wings and slamming into the target, driving it to the floor. Letting out a snarl, he began to hack and stamp at the target, doing all he could to make sure that it wasn't going to be getting up again.
Each cut made in the wooden pony would heal moments later as the dummy was bombarded with attacks.

The earth pony just sits there watching the fight
"Just, fucking, die!" the Pegasus grunted, before flapping his wings, launching himself into the sky and taking the dummy with him, only to drop it back to the ground a few seconds later.
The earth pony starts to tap his hoof imaptiently before yelling "You know you may want to get a different weapon" The earth pony's eyes widen as if he had forgotten an important detail. " oh and before I forget the shed behind the weapons rack is fully of chemical goodies like hell's fire. Just try to keep the dummy out of the shed if you go in there"
The Pegasus snarled at the Earth Pony, before kicking the dummy hard and using the momentum to propel himself towards the shed.

"You couldn't have told me that before mud boy?" he growled, pulling out a vial of hell fire and grinning, before carefully applying a line to both of his blades and diving back towards his opponent, now fighting against both his opponent and the clock as the fire threatened to singe his wings.
Growling, the Pegasus slid under a wild blow from the dummy, before bringing his wings up, slicing through the wooden dummy with his flaming blades, setting the dummy ablaze as he passed by.
With a final roar of annoyance, the Pegasus brought both his wings forward, hacking the dummy's head from its body, before kicking it away and flying upwards out of its reach to watch as it burnt.
Smiling the earth pony says "Well done bird brain we might make a soldier out of you yet!" Pulling another fat stack of papers he begins to dig through them
"Well maybe if could get some decent intel before sending me in, I'd do better," the Pegasus snapped, slipping the blades off his wings and letting them fall to the floor. "Then again, what can I expect from mud ponies."
Finding the slip he was looking for the earth pony pulls out the piece of paper and hands it to the pegasus "Well anyways you've passed the combat exam. Normally we would give you some sort of initiation ceremony, but with the war going on we need you to get out into the field ASAP. It looks like your first assignment will to meet up with a squad that is currently regrouping at Bastil Castle. There is a train heading there in a few hours".

As the earth pony begins to walk away he presses his hoof to his forhead "Oh and before I forget this is for your equipment expenses" Pulling out a fat bag of bits he tosses it to the pegasus.

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