The darkness of the clans (Actual RP)


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The great clan PS.1 has kept order in the area for many years to come... But after the great war PS.1 was destroyed by the other great clans. many of the surrounding villages are rebuilding themselfs. others are preparing for another war. for now peace is settled and many adventures may await... 
The walk home was very hard for Mukabi, the war had taken a real great toll on him, losing his mother and two younger brothers, he was very wet considering that he had been passed out in the rain for the last day or two... but it didint bother him any. It seems that there is nothing to live for.anymore, he cant avenge his familys death considering that the Shizaki clan had beat him to it. Its not just him that had lost it all, many of the other village members had lost their familys. Its a hard pill to swallow, but Mukabi knew that he had to suck it up...

"Woof, Woof"

Mukabi herd his mothers dog Toshi. He almost didint want to make home, to see his mother and brothers just lieing their, he couldint take it the last time so why should he go back? Why not just turn around and keep walking till he passes out again? Because, he just couldint, because he needs to give them a proper buryal to honor their life, to pay his debts to his mother for looking after him and sticking with him when times were tough, when there seemed like there was no end to the dark times in his life. He also had to let his brothers know that he loved them, to give them the buryal they deserve but shouldint need his brothers were both only 12 years old, too young to die by war.

As Mukabi approched his home he could see a small figure in his home and then he herd mumbling like somone saying a prayer of some sort then he herd somthing else... somthing that would shake his psyci...

His brothers voice!...

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