The Danger in Divergent Love


*~ perfect teatime! ~*
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Harmony Lennon








Generally even-tempered, it takes quite a lot for her temper to boil over the surface. But when it does, she can become inconsolable and will act very brash, and say things that will cut deep. She's rather down to Earth and is friendly towards the people she encounters, and is pretty open. However, she can be very gullible, cripplingly so. Seeing as she'd lived in a rich neighborhood with caring parents, she's had no reason not to trust anyone and is very trusting right off the bat - which will be quite troublesome in her adult life. If you were to tell her that there was a chocolate fountain in your basement, she would be the first to parade down and have a look-see. Though, this in no way means she isn't smart. She's actually an intelligent young woman. She's book smart, but she is no way a 4.0 student when it comes to street smarts. Sometimes struggles with vocal affection and deep heart to hearts, but instead expresses them physically, or in a different form. Such as being a shoulder when you're sleepy or calling to make sure you arrived home alright. As she is from Amity and works in the fields most of her day, the young woman is quite toned and durable - but no where near the level that Dauntless is at. Harmony would be eaten alive.


She has a guitar

Name: Ryder Wilkes

Age: 17

Faction: Dauntless

Personality: Ryder looks like most of the Dauntless kids on a surface level. He doesn't fear much, and he's pretty experienced when it comes to things like jumping off bridges or hopping onto moving trains. He also has the sense of invincibility that many Dauntless feel; there is something thrilling about danger. On the other hand, Ryder knows that there is a line between danger and stupidity that the Dauntless sometimes blur, and he hates when the leaders will have them do things that are outright irrational. Ryder is a quick learner, and he can do things right often times on with the first try. He is physically strong and has quick reflexes- he's basically built to be a survivor. Despite his tough demeanor, Ryder is fairly awkward when it comes to interacting with people from other factions and tends to be slightly shy around strangers. He isn't the greatest at making conversation, and he would never be considered as friendly or kind as someone from Amity or Abnegation. Ryder is more street smart than book smart, and he often acts on emotion and impulse rather than thinking things through ahead of time.

Extra: His older sister left for Dauntless for Amity at her Choosing Ceremony, and his parents were incredibly ashamed of her decision.

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