Story The Dammned of Deep Dreams (Journaled Stories)


"Dont fuck around with the cosmic horror dude."
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The Damned of Deep Dreams

My father had just died due to an unknown cause. And as the eldest child, it was according to family tradition that I sort through his things. And so I sorted through his office. My father was obsessed with sorcery and the occult. So it was no surprise that I found various books on occult sorcery. However, I did find something of strange fanaticism. A set of notes and stapled newspaper works. Mostly headlines and photos. But what most intrigued me was the rigorous and methodical curvature of drawn geometric forms. One might not even consider them shapes. I observed the notes. Which I concluded were organized into 3 sections. One marked “The Dreams of Lanor Sheildor” which I gazed upon first. According to the manuscript, one of my father's colleagues came to him in a frightful demeanor and asked for his professional opinion on a strange matter of apparent utmost importance.

This colleague's name was Lanor Shildor, a painter and sculptor of fancy renown. Especially in the field of the many liberal arts colleges based in Arkham City. For which he made a great many sculptures for show and study. Knowing my father's fascination with sorcery Mr Shildor sought to consult him. For he had been having strange dreams of a matter so alien he could not begin to describe. My father, untrusting of the vagueness, decided to use some strange methods. Which came in revelation to him in books of sorcery and dreamscape. For which I had some idea for which ones he had gleaned upon. One of these titles was “The Baelmarka ''. A book with many secrets not known even to me. But according to my father, it possessed power beyond what he could comprehend. A power of influence over what my father called “Wraiths''. These methods which he learned from his various books whatever, they may have been seem to have worked. Various time logs show immediately afterwards my father spent hours skulking in his room. Seemingly deep in imaginative thought. Mr Shildor a few days later came to my father again. And showed my father his bedroom and the knife which seemed to have been stabbed into the pillow. Leaning clockwise into the casing of the pillow. Parallel to the mattress where one would lay. Right next to where a head would be whilst at rest. Where it was manifested a few inches from Mr Shildor's face when he awoke.

My father examined the blade and discovered Mr. Shildor's fingerprints lay on it despite him announcing he never touched the blade. My father naturally questioned this. And began a sort of interrogation. His story remained strong despite the physical and mental pressure of my father's thoroughness. So my father consulted Mr. Shildor's assistant. Whom claimed to be present during the night the knife supposedly manifested. The assistant reported the same story as Mr Shildor. However, she noted strange noises in Mr. Shildor's room late at dark. According to the assistant they were strange mumblings and incoherent phrases muttered by some creature in a guttural tone. She noted however she could not make out the words being muttered if they were truly words. And also noted the phrases seemed strange, almost bewitched. And remembered one of the phrases which was muttered several times at various intervals. “Nilashan fghtst htsgc fhshtix.” She could not. My father did not know the transcript or translation of this, and thus he decided to delve into his study. This drew the attention of a man named Herbert West. My father was skeptical of the mysterious man, at least at first. But then Mr. West showed him a serum he created, which he claimed could resurrect the dead. They decided to experiment on the variables agreed upon by the two men.

My father through unknown means obtained a fresh corpse for the experiment. And he had appeared before the madman covered in foul blood not of his own. And clinging to a knife and revolver. They started as planned, They used the serum on the body. Injecting it within the still-warm veins in the body's neck. A very specific amount of it was injected and at a very specific time which Herbert West seemed unnaturally acquainted with calculating. My father was told it would take a significant amount of time for the body to fully resurrect. So he departed the experiment area to his study; leaving Mr West to oversee the body in his step and told Mr. West to inform him when the body awoke from its sleep. But he never heard from the mysterious scientist, my father ignored this, seemingly pursuming the body never awakened yet. For neither my father nor Mr. West could accurately predict when the corpse would awake as the previous experiments by the scientists all seemed to all awake at a time of their own desire. So he delved further into his research of the strange dreams of Lanor and his assistant's account of strange activity. But by the time he could scry a few derelict answers it was getting late in the dark. So he started concluding his study session.

He wrote in various places on sticky notes all around the notes of his study. About a strange happenstance and his bewilderment of a strange aura he sensed during this time. He stated he could not directly describe it in words but it seemed to drive into him a great sense of paranoia. A sense of wrongness he could not put a finger on. He naturally tried to investigate these phenomena but could not accord it to any works he read or wrote. I stop looking at the various notes in front of me. And decide to open my laptop. Knowing my father had security systems in his study. As for what purpose he intended them to be I did not glean. However, I sought to exploit or use it in some way to find what could have driven my father to such paranoia. As my father has never been known for his maddening watchfulness. I looked over the systems. Only to find it locked and heavily secured. Through means which I still have not gleaned upon. Only it seemed to have been locked by my father. It asked for a password. And I lurked into the depths of my mind for what I thought it might be. And I eventually came with an answer to this existential question. It was my father's wedding anniversary. I was not very surprised when this ended up being the answer. My father was not in the best position with my mother but I knew he sought to restore it. It was of grave importance to him and his life. I then looked upon the security systems eventually finding the camera systems. I found a camera positioned above where my father was doing his research.

There I saw something he didn't. Two yellow beady eyes looking through the tinted glass of the outside. Simply staring at the camera. The best way I can put it to words is it knew I would be watching. I was frozen with fear. I dare not speak of its form. To do so would be madness. But those eyes were the worst part of it. God the eyes! The only reason I returned from my petrification of fear was because the camera recording suddenly ended after a few minutes. I shall never forget its glare. I have tried and tried again. But I cannot no matter how hard I attempt. I knew its very purpose right then and there. To bring terror to the mortal realm. To cause a fate worse than death. Of what this fate might be I still do not know. But I would prefer death than to endure that creature's torture whatever it may be. For it was to live in insanity for the rest of your days. After this dreadful experience, I observed the notes some more. One section of the notes stitched with newspaper clippings and strange photos was marked “Ancient One Cult”. Based upon the seemingly random items and papers in this section I presumed it was a delirium of paranoia or madness. However, I then spotted the strange geometric figures. One might not even call them shapes. But I shall not describe them for doing so would be to wrap one's mind around concepts so alien their mind would not conform it to sanity.

I then in the scrambled writings found the name Nilanerospferan or Nilaneros. It seemed important. As dozens of notes surrounded the name and various newspaper clippings were around it. Which were all written in a strange italicized font as if quickly written due to some external stimuli or internal one. I then spotted an illustration of intricate design below the various scattered notes and clippings. Seemingly of a kind of realistic design however the proportions and angles of it seemed all wrong and utterly alien. I glanced upon the notes before I glanced upon the art if one could call it that. The notes indeed seemed written in pure delirium of vision. They took notice of seemingly unconnected events from around the world. Murders in Louisiana, Suicides in the UK, Missing persons in Russia, and much more. All of which seemed to have no witnesses or clues as to the cause or motive. According to the notes all of these were connected in some form. I then gazed upon the illustration taking note of every detail. The figure whatever it was meant to be was of vaguely anthropoid appearance with silk-green skin, and a head of strange angles and shapes. It had a large canine skull like a jackal where a head should be. It had no eyes, simply dark sockets where eyes should have been. It had no hands like a human should imagine them. Instead various tentacles of varying size and form extended from its forearm. And various fins and “flappers' ' were found all around its arms and legs acting as aquatic limbs in a way. Strange spectral wings sprouted from its back in strange glory. Up raised high over its head. Casting a long shadow like the night. The wings seemed skeletal but with green fire floating where flesh should be. The entity had no legs or feet; it simply floated in place. Like an ominous ghost or damned spirit. Watching the living of which it once was.

The last section of the notes read “readings and anomalies”. I stopped reading for a moment. I was already fearful of what might be within me; however, I had already delved into the beast. How my father managed to protect himself from these horrors at the time I did not know. But now I do and by god, he was a genius for it. I then continued observing the notes, which took notice of strange sightings all around by various people, mainly hikers and adventurers who claim to have spotted strange alien beasts. Most of these spotters returned either mad or deceased. The cause of both was unknown to the police investigating. My father somehow managed to obtain an internal police report on one of these sightings. Seemingly reporting many KIA officers seemingly caused by the witnesses in some way. Although it did not explain why or how. He seemed to profile various creatures and where they appeared. Although he seemed unable or unwilling to describe any of the creature's appearance.

He seemed to also keep a record of all the victims who spotted these creatures. Even so much as listing names, professions, and personal values. A well-kept record of everything he would need for intricate study. At the end of the section were various runes and occult symbols of various purposes and origins. Upon viewing these symbols I knew that they were to protect the document itself from malformation. I suddenly felt an existential aura of dread. I turned around and I saw the beady eyes looking at me from the window. I froze. And it slowly opened the window with a bony claw. And then lunged at me. I barely escaped but I was forever scared. In a way most unexpected. The nightmares of others come to me. Nightmares such as yours. I know your fears. I experience people's fears when I am around them. So I am sorry old friend. The best cure to fear is death. So goodbye old friend. I hope you do not end up worse than I have. For to have a fate worse than mine would be to invite horrors you could never imagine. I learned of them and now I wish I hadn't. You cannot hide. You cannot run. You can only submit and hope you are spared from their wrath. I shall bring you to them now. Whatever your fate is now no god or angel can help you escape it. Don't resist old friend. Just let it go away into the abyss. Your soul is already damned, best not get it destroyed now yeah?

Depths of Honor

I was investigating a case befalled to me by a professor - whom I knew very well as an expert on history especially around the Middle Ages. He had contacted me through a letter addressed specifically to me. I never got letters nor much mail at all. It described that she had found something of great interest which even she could not glean the meaning of. Which I found greatly prospective for she was knowledgeable in many fields of study and history. For her to not know the meaning of something seemingly so important is unheard of and potentially something of worry. So I departed at once and brought all my tools of expertise with me. I arrived at the site a few hours later and what I saw was bewildering indeed. A strange temple dedicated to a seemingly abysmal god. With angles and proportions seemingly inhuman yet human at the same time. Strange angles and drawings on the marble walls showed alien patterns. Which I was not acquainted it was strange indeed. The professor greeted me with open arms upon my arrival. The site around this strange seemingly temple was codenamed, Site Belphas. A name given based upon strange texts found upon the inner walls of the structure.

This was of especially great interest to me for the words seemed to form no word or phrase. At least from any known language of our world. It was only around an hour outside Arkham City. How it had been undiscovered for centuries, potentially thousands of years remains unknown. Just outside what many would call the capital of archeology and mysterious historical works. Arkham City is a city almost as populous as Boston. There must have been a very solid reason for it to have remained undiscovered. At the time I had more important matters to think about. I set up my various equipment and took out my various books and texts on similar discoveries. I could not find anything of close relation to this discovery. The professor whom I now know is Alenia Ophor. Requested for me to venture into the temple and note any findings I have. She would remain outside to organize the group of archeologists she had rallied. So I took various pieces of my equipment and walked to what seemed to be the front of the temple. I entered inside and found something both awe-inspiring and of great terror. Strange markings adorned the marble walls, sculptures, and statues of which I had no comparison, geometric figures seemingly studying the stars and far more than I could hope to detail here. I quickly took out my journal and began to detail what I saw. At first, I presumed the geometric figures were meant to study astronomy and the stars. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed to me that they seemed to be for a greater purpose. Something which was kept very hidden and seemed to not be written down.

I used my scientific instruments on the various figures and forms adorned on the walls. According to the instruments the figures and forms seemed to form a sort of language. Which the instruments were unable to translate. One thing they were able to decipher was what seemed to be directions into a deeper area of the temple. Which it called “The Abyss” I did not know what this meant at the time, I did not know. I collected my instruments and decided to venture into this “Abyss.” I ventured through the temple through various labyrinths and what I thought were tunnels. The trail to get to this hidden room was perplexing. I eventually made it to the mysterious room. Which to my surprise seemed to be a kind of cathedral. Great walls adorned each side made of dark black obsidian. All the walls were at least 40 feet high with an arched ceiling seemingly made of suspended magma. At the center of the room, there was a chalice standing atop a table made of strange rock. I walked closer to the chalice which seemed almost gloomy. I set up my equipment and started examining it. Seemingly was made of gold, obsidian, silver, and some strange purple crystal. I decided to pick it up and hold it in my hands. Oh, what a grave mistake that would be. I picked up the chalice and looked inside of it. To my surprise, there was liquid within it, blood. Blood was flowing in the chalice seemingly in a small eternal whirlpool. Like something invisible was moving it through ghastly fingers.

Initially I was confused more than anything. As I looked at it with intrigue I saw something in the flowing blood. What looked to me like a face staring back at me. It seemed to form a growing smile as it looked at me with blank eye sockets. I then heard the scream. Someone was screaming from a nearby section of the temple. And it echoed with great speed towards me. It sounded terrified of something or someone it had seen. I tried to put down the chalice. But when I tried to put it down I couldn't. Whenever I tried to put it down my body simply froze in paralysis. I would then be flung a good distance away. And the more I tried, the more painful it would become. One thing of important note is that the blood inside the chalice never spilled out. It was always the same no matter how much I was flung. The best relation I can give is it felt like something unseen was holding me and then throwing me with great strength. I eventually decided to stop attempting to put it down and ran towards where the scream originated. Once I arrived where I thought it had come from I saw a sight. A corpse mangled across the wall. I recognized the corpse as a member of the archaeological team. Her throat was slashed with what looked to be a blade. Her ribs were all broken. Her eyes were torn out of their sockets, them visible on the floor. Her arms and legs were snapped like toothpicks. Something was written in black ink beside her. I took out my journal and noted what it said but I did not have time to read it. I only barely managed to write down what it spoke of.

Something I took notice of was a note in her pocket. I carefully took the note and examined it. It was carefully wrapped into a small ball. Inside was a small piece of her brain covered in some black goo-like substance. Out of panic, I dropped it onto the floor. I looked around me for anything else of such gruesomeness. Why? Well, I was curious about certain deeds which had been done in my absence. There I saw it. The creature which I dare not name. Which I shall simply call a Unnamed; a title for it so I can speak of it. For I shall not say its true name for to do so would be maddening. All I can say is to many it is a god. And to many, it is a demon of great horror. Something of such abysmal regard to look upon it would be to invite madness. I looked upon it, I was simply frozen and it stopped in its tracks. For what reason or purpose seemed unknowable to me. It was a massive form of black flesh and black slime. Shifting and contorting to its own whims and motives. I was instantly bewitched by its gaze. I could hear its voice inside my mind, it spoke to me in some language which I innately understood yet could never put to words as to its complexity. It spoke and said “You behold the chalice. Tsyrunia. I require it.” I looked at the chalice in my hands and then back at the creature. I could sense the creature in front of me was of indescribable evil. This was not a temple, but rather a prison. The blood within the chalice formed words within it. Forming the words ``Run! Run far away from it!” I clutched the chalice in my hands. I could hear the creature scream into my mind “Give me the chalice mortal!” I turned and started running as fast as I humanly could. Running through the seemingly infinite passages of the ancient temple. I looked back as I ran and saw swarms of thousands, possibly tens of thousands of beetles. But they were simply exoskeletons and nothing more, no flesh underneath the bony surface. I looked in front of me once more and continued my sprint.

Eventually, I stopped as I had reached a dead end, with nowhere else to run. I looked back at where I had run from, I didn't see the skeletal beetles behind me. Nor the Unnamed that monstrosity of black flesh and tendrils. I decided to look around where I had ended up. The walls were made of black brick and seemingly etched with strange runes on their surface. I looked at them took out my notebook and took note of them. I looked at the chalice once again to see if anything had happened. Nothing seemed to have as the blood still swirled the same pattern and formed no words. So I continued my observations of the runes etched on the wall. They seemed to form a pattern of sorts which I was able to roughly translate. As something along the lines of “This is the prison and tomb of an entity so evil and vile we dare not speak of it. It is locked away with the chalice. Its own haunting creation of vile evil. It must be protected at all costs and be kept away from the monster. If you are unfortunate enough to hold the chalice. Run as far as you can from the monster and its minions. This is the only information I can give you without damaging your soul.” I simply stared at the translation for a few minutes. The chalice was still clutched in my hand as I looked at it. I thought of something. If this chalice was that beast's creation why did it wish to flee from it? Why did it wish to not be with its creator?

I looked upon the blood within the chalice and its constantly moving form. And the blood slowly formed the words “We are souls kept in eternal torment when the creature holds us or uses us. We cannot be released from this hell. You will slowly become one of us, your only hope is to hope it doesn't find us.” I picked up my notebook and started walking through the seemingly infinite liminal passages once again. Various torches of purple flame adorned the various walls. Each wall was made of gray stone cut in perfect squares and circles. I continued walking for what seemed like hours until eventually I saw a metal door down one end of a passage. I approached the door and grabbed the handle. Slowly opening the door and looking at the other side. On the other side was a strange room made of pink flesh and strange red clouds. Which seemed to form smearing skulls facing towards me as I entered the room. Once I entered the room the door instantaneously closed behind me.

As if by a powerful wind, yet there was no wind to behold. There were corpses adorning the flesh walls, in various states of decay. Some were seemingly ancient with only bone remaining. While some seemed to be still alive or fresh. Each of various differing make of every sort. And then the blood in the chalice formed the words. “I am not sorry Tsyrunia. You shall meet your end as the others have.” And with that, the chalice flew out of my hands. Into the center of the flesh room and simply floated. Then a mass of flesh engulfed me and adorned me on the wall of the place. Slowly taking everything of use from my body. I had been tricked to flee from one monster to go to another. And so I will die soon. You are already here but you have not awoken the beast. You have a chance unlike me. Flee, run while you can. You cannot hide from it for long. It will find you and it will hunt you down if it sees you. Like it saw me when I brought the chalice. I have been damned by Belalphala the flesh beast. It will eventually feast upon my soul. Run! Run while you can Tsyrunia.

The Trick Hotel

I don't know the true reason why I accepted the job. I was desperate and needed money. What did you say? When did it start? Well, let me start from the beginning. Beyarkt Hotel needed a caretaker, especially during times when no other staff were present. Predominantly winter and late fall when thick snowfall started. A day before I was expected to start work my boss Mr Teyart asked to speak to me. I complied and arrived at his office a few minutes earlier than expected. Mr Teyart was not present so I waited. For what seemed to be a few hours but was in reality a few minutes. He walked into the room and shook my hand before asking me to take a seat. I did so and he asked if I knew why he called me to speak with him. I answered truthfully and said I did not. He then took out what seemed to be a folder, opened it and took out several papers, and handed them to me. He then said in an almost hushed voice that he was told to do this before I started work. Apparently, a family had died in the hotel at some point. Someone had seemingly just walked into the hotel and slew them in their sleep. Neatly organizing their bodies in crude displays of bewitched honor. And then simply departed leaving nothing for the police to find a suspect. He asked if I was disturbed by this revelation which I was not.

He declared good grace and asked if I had any questions. Which I did not and so I left. On the first day of work, I arrived as usual. Everyone had already departed and I was to care for the facility until the 5th of April. My first day of work was November 21st so I had a good amount of time. At the time I wrote a decent amount of lengthy stories. Numbering in the dozens of pages in length and illustrated to my best degree. And so I used my free time to write or continue writing stories conceived in my mind. Mostly stories of experiences I could never hope to encounter. Such as adventuring upon Mount Everest, engaging in armed conflict with a formidable enemy, and encountering monsters and beasts only found in fantasy. Those are many examples. But the reality is there were dozens, potentially hundreds of things I wrote about and still write about. Anyways back to the story. Everything was normal and caught up until the 4th week. The 4th week is when strange things started happening. I would notice cushions for couches missing, chairs moved, devices turned on or off and so much more.

I thought nothing of it, thinking isolation for so long was getting to my mind. At one point in that week, Mr Teyart contacted me via radio asking for a status report. I reported everything was fine and the hotel was up to date. He seemed to carry on the conversation seemingly seeking assurance of the hotel's positive status. I assured him everything was perfectly fine and normal. He was satisfied and hung up the phone. A day later was Tuesday, December 12th and that's when I finally noticed something especially odd. While I was wandering the hallways I noticed what seemed to be a rat. I looked at it for a minute or two as it looked at me. Its eyes were not normal and were swirling black and twinkling like stars. It seemed it had been bewitched by some kind of power beyond my understanding. After a minute or so the rat fled down the hallway and through what I assume was the sewage pipes.

After this encounter, I decided to look into the less frequented areas of the hotel. At first, I inspected the maintenance tunnels and tool closets. Nothing was especially unusual at these locations so I concluded nothing much relevant had happened. I inspected the rest of the areas which I had not frequented in quite some time. Nothing seemed to be unusual so I returned to my work. In the 6th week, I was somewhat behind in my work. The snowfall began to get especially heavy around this time. So much so that it came to my waist and was nearly impossible to walk in. So I remained inside the hotel and did whatever needed to be done inside. Varying water pipes had started leaking. When I informed Mr Teyart about this he asked if I had any proficiency with tools. I indeed had some as my father had been a mechanic. Not so much for a profession but rather as a useful expertise. So he didn't have to rely on outside sources for repair of his various vehicles and other equipment. His true profession was a farmer. And what a damn good farmer he was. Back to the point now.

I was working within the works of one of the tool closets when I heard something. It seemed to be inside the closet with me. I looked down and noticed something akin to a trapdoor. Made of a kind of metal sheet. I attempted opening it but discovered it was particularly heavy. I attempted a second time with more force. And managed to open the trapdoor and view what it had covered. It was a dark corridor going straight down. A flimsy ladder was on the side presumably going all the way down. I grabbed a hold of the ladder and slowly descended the shaft. I brought my torch with me which illuminated the shaft below me. It was made of stone bricks seemingly molded to each other in a post-modern way. They were gray but some were black. As I descended it was simply repeating stone bricks along the walls. I descended for what seemed to be forever. Until finally I reached the bottom. I jumped down from the ladder and looked around. I was in what seemed to be a massive cave made of normal rock. I looked around and noticed the cave was peculiar in the fact it had no stalagmites or stalactites.

I ventured through the cavern and came across a small stream flowing through the rock. For a second it seemed like the stream was flowing with blood. But upon having a blink my senses came back to me. I crouched and pinched a flow of the water into my fingers. I tasted it between my lips. It seemed normal but with a strange tangy sense. I decided to head back up to the hotel and attend to my duties. I climbed back up the ladder and back into the closet. The next abnormal occurrence happened sometime later. At around 9:30 AM, Thursday when I was viewing the security cameras. I saw 2 people outside, a woman and a girl out in the middle of a snowstorm. The woman seemed to be in her mid to late 20s and the girl in her early teens around 15 maybe. I jogged down to the side door where they were and opened it. They stumbled inside and I closed the door behind them. I looked back at them only to find out they had no facial features. Besides a large gaping mouth with large and long teeth. They were inhuman proportions and certainly not of any creature I had seen. I screamed in horror, picked up a metal pan and bashed one of them in the face. Stunning it for a long enough time for me to run.

The smaller one was connected to the larger one through some kind of cord akin to intestines or blood vessels. This I used for gain and ran as fast as I could. Stumbling through the kitchen I picked up a knife. I kept running through the various rooms and halls of the hotel. Eventually, I stopped as I was out of breath. I looked around at where I had stopped. Where exactly was I? Around me were walls made of stone brick. Similar to the shaft I descended earlier. Adorned on the stone bricks were various what seemed to be sigils and runes. Of what their meaning was I could not discern. But I was able to make out what seemed to be a warning. As I looked at the sigil longer it grew brighter and brighter. It then started to move on its own. Forming the shape of words and phrases which I could comprehend but not discern. It formed the words “jhgt zecfr qevert vefthy.” I looked at it for a few moments and watched as it returned to its “normal” form. I had no idea at the time what had just happened nor do I now. I then heard a baleful scream coming from the direction I had entered the area. I didn't have to think twice before I started running again.

All of a sudden mid sprint I froze. As if encased in a block of blue ice frozen to a still stance. I could not move a single muscle of my body. It seemed nothing I could do would cause motion of my body or the surroundings. I could hear the creature slowly walk behind me. Strange hisses and chirps echoed through the area. It seemed to be inspecting me in a strange kind of way. The smaller one seemed impatient as it gnashed its teeth and growled at my still form. Eventually, they both came into my view after circling me a couple of times. They were grotesque in ways I could not hope to describe in words. If you seek to see it with your own eyes. Be my guest but I will not pull you out of that hell hole. I observed the 2 entities in front of me with an intense curiosity. Why had they not killed me yet? They seemed suitable to slaughter or devour any creature within relative size. The larger one opened its gaping mouth and a kind of barbed tongue slid outward. Full of sharp prickly things almost as if it was a kind of rose. With various thorns and barbs all around. The creature's tongue hovered around my face for a few seconds before recoiling back into the creature's mouth. The creature seemed to gurgle and its tongue shifted within its mouth. And it spoke in a raspy and gurgling voice. Which admittedly was strange to hear and even more difficult to understand. “Human, why you here? Why you at the hotel?”
I found myself able to move my mouth to speak words and such. But unable to cause any more bodily movement. I said in my normal tonnage of voice “I'm the caretaker here. I'm supposed to take care of the hotel during this time.” The entity tilted its head for a few moments. Then snapping its “finger” I was released. I could move according to my own accord once again. I simply looked at the strange creature for a few moments. The bone-rattling fear that had consumed me was all but gone. The closest concept I could give was it felt like I was bewitched. Enchanted to repulse feelings of fear, anger, and nervousness. The larger of the creatures simply stared at my form for a few seconds. Then asking me in a raspy almost alluring voice “Are there others?”. I thought to myself for an answer. “No, only me,” I declared I was not compelled to say the truth. Yet I knew if the creature wished to harm me it would have already. But I decided to not be so sure. I crouched down and picked up the knife I had taken from the kitchen. I stood back up. And pointed the knife at the larger creature and commanded. “What are you? A demon? A witch?” The creature's blank expression shifted into a cold smile. It seemed to laugh and cackle. The small seemed to snarl and got excited. The larger one said in a mocking bewildering voice “Oh no, we are much worse than your mortal demons. For we can smell, taste, touch, and feel your being. Unlike your fantastical demons. We can harm you and we can sense you.”

While it stated the last word it walked closer. Its tongue flickering out of its mouth smelling the air as it spoke. There was something about it that was of special interest to me. Not its barbed tongue, featureless face nor its little “child”. But the subtle charm of it. Its form was seemingly made by something who knew the true meaning of grotesque. A hideous form beyond any recognition of any beast man has categorized. As the creature approached me it seemed to speak to itself in mumbled tones. Differing voices speaking to each other aloud. I could barely make out their speech. However, I heard debates of whether to kill me or to use me for some other purpose. There were at least a dozen differing minds speaking to each other. The creature then finally stopped approaching me. It had stopped only a foot or so away from me. It perked its head at me, hissing to itself in self-centered mumbles. It then finally spoke again and asked. “Peculiar, very peculiar. Why are you not afraid human? Why are you not afraid of me and my kin?” I looked at my knife a moment and then back at the creature. Its form was hideous but not exactly horrifying.

“For I am not afraid of death. Nor am I afraid of pain.” The creature seemed satisfied by the response. It then hissed and clicked, seemingly thinking of what to do next. It then spoke once more “You may prove useful little human. Come here.” It motioned with its hand to come closer as it spoke. I took one step, but then a thought came to me. I thought of what to truly do. But then I reached a conclusion. I lowered my knife to my hips. I walked to the creature. Until I was well within arms reach. The creature chuckled and laughed. I simply smirked, and a great jolt of energy shot through me as I stabbed the creature in the neck. I pushed the knife through the creature's neck, so hard it stuck out the other end. In a crude display of mangled flesh and blood. I then grabbed the creature by the neck, raising it high as if a profound warrior. The creature seemed joyful and eccentric. With the larger one incapacitated the small one suddenly was engulfed in purple flames. Burning to a simple pile of ash in a mere moment. The creature squirmed and wriggled in my grasp.

I yanked the blade out of the creature's neck. Then thrusting it into the flesh, deep into the form of the creature. Right where a heart should be at least for a man. I proceeded to perform the same act at least half a dozen times. I then walked back from the scene I created. I looked down upon the blade which lay within my hand. It was bloody from tip to hilt; stained red with pulsing blood. I dropped the knife after realizing what I had done. I looked back at the corpse of the creature which I had just slain. Its body was writhing and contorting a writhing amalgamation of deceased flesh. I saw as its form started animating once again. Its head snapped back into place and flesh started shifting to heal its slashed wound. It slowly stood back up. Then simply stared at me in a blank expression. It then started laughing, then taking a bountiful leap. The blade I had dropped flew into the creature's hand. Next thing I knew the creature was driving the blade into my chest. Straight through ribs and flesh deep into my form. It then slashed my neck with the same ferocity that I attacked it with. And that was the end of me. At least for now. I suspect the creature has my body adorned for some bizarre ritual. I can only say this for sure. I will come back. In this time or the next. Redemption is nigh.


Now need I remind you wanderer. This is no tall tale. Many monsters, beasts and much worse wander the Astral Realm. But this is not set place there. This is set place somewhere much worse. This is set in The Howling Nightmares. A realm where every nightmare man has imagined is turned into much more than a nightmare. To venture there is to encounter every fear mankind has ever produced. I made the mistake of venturing there out of excitement and ambition. By good glory I would repeal that decision now. But anyways you wanted to hear my journey yes? Very well. I suppose it would be good to start at the beginning. Before it all went to shit.

Previously I was a professor of mathematics. Especially around theories and theorems of reality. What binded man to the planet. What binded man from drifting somewhere they should not be. During the reclusive hours when I was researching I came across a strange realization. Every person who had delved too far into these kinds of fields either vanished or died. And their works along with them. When I introduced this realization to fellow scholars of mine they dismissed it as mere coincidence. But I will have you know now. There is no such thing as coincidence. There is no such thing as luck. Initially I was in the same mindset as my fellow scholars. Surely it was because of the other fields they were studying or experimenting with. Such as exposure to radiation for nuclear physicians, chemical adornment for chemists and so on. But one night during my routine study I came across a book. Which detailed something it called “Scorned”. A malevolent disease of the mind and body.

Upon glancing at a page or two I knew this was something I would be keen on. Something that was intentionally kept hidden. Hidden from the view of the public and professionals alike. I took it and hid it at once. And resumed my study as if nothing had happened. But when I returned to my home I took it out of concealment. And started to study its vast contents. What I saw within suggested a malformed disease. One humanity has only imagined. Is in fact much more real than anyone has ever conjured. The book had examples of infected subjects. Their cracking and contorting flesh inhuman in every way. The book spoke of a character. Which the book called “The Plague Doctor”. Which it referenced as the primary source of its material. However it did not state where this “Plague Doctor” lived or who they were for that matter. However it described the figure as having immense powers. Especially over things it called “Necromancy and the Death Domain”. Something which it described as power over life and death. An eternal never ending cycle. If this passage was true then I did not know what to think.

I knew where I needed to go. A place simply known as The Wash. A swamp on the eastern side of England. A place notorious for phenomena known as flash floods. So I traveled to England. Once I reached my destination of London I quickly departed. Heading for The Wash at once. Luckily for me at the time it was low tide. So the majority of The Wash was still above water. I traversed it. But I could not by motorized transport. It had to be something much more flexible in a way. I decided I would go on foot. And so I did. I walked through The Wash on foot. For hours and hours on end I found nothing. Simply moist swampland and grassy fields. But then I came upon something most unusual. A small hut in what seemed to be a centralized location around The Wash. I was told no one had lived here for centuries, possibly longer. I approached the hut which I expected to be abandoned. But when I got closer I realized the hut was illuminated by torches adorning the outside and inside. Each lit with green fire that flickered and danced as I got closer. Once I was within a few meters of the hut I noticed something. Someone or something was within. I could hear what I presumed to be feet moving along the floor. And a shadow extending from the single glass window. Which was only around the size of a shoebox.

I crouched down and approached the hut. Until my back was to its wall. I could hear something inside. Not footsteps no. Something much more….. Human like. It seemed to be incantations? “Kefegty hghrty fghayer mjuqer”. Is what I can most put into words as what I heard. Something in a language or dialect I could not recognize nor understand for that matter. Curiosity overtook me as I moved closer to the door. Which stood above a set of wooden stairs leading up to it. Unstable by the looks of it but then again the entire place seemed unstable. I then heard speaking. In English this time. Coming from within where I heard the incantations. A soft and mellow voice. Not unlike that that muttered the incantation before. “I know you're there professor. Out of everyone I would not expect you to be here Professor.” I froze. How it knew my title was a mystery. But it was enough to inspire terror. I could tell by the voice it was female more than likely. I slowly backed away from the door as it slowly opened. And out came a woman. If I had to guess her age I would say late teens maybe. Her straight blackened hair was curled into what I would describe as curls. She was fair skinned like most in the area. And she spoke in a neutral tone as she said “What are you doing out here professor?” I was frozen. She was dressed in plague doctor's attire minus the mask. But I could see past her and see a mask hanging on the wall.

I replied in my usual voice. Pretending everything was normal for a second. “I have some questions that seem only able to be answered here.” She raised her eyebrow for a minute. But then she seemed to realize. “Ah you're here for revelations on the Scorned. Not many come here for that now. But I suppose better one than none.” She paused for a second looking at me. “Well come on in.” I was led inside of that shack. Which dare I say was bigger on the inside than the outside. Much bigger. It seemed almost infinite. Expanding farther than I could see. Corridors upon corridors and rooms upon rooms. She showed me into another room. Which appeared to be a massive laboratory. With large machines I had no inquiry of. She proceeded to describe to me what she called The Scorned. Which she described as mutated humans. Some mutated differently than others. When I asked why or how these people became “mutated”. She stated that there were many ways to become mutated. Examples include radiation, astral energy, limbo magic, dream morphing and so on. When I asked especially what dream morphing was. She said I was not ready. I would have to learn more before then. Much more than I had ever known. Which was something I wasn't sure I was ready for. But seeing as I had what seemed to be a reliable teacher I was prepared. To learn things which I could never imagine knowing on my own.

I stayed there for a while. But after a little while she told me to leave. For a reason she could not explain. And so I left with my notes and knowledge. This was something far more than I could have imagined. These Scorned were much more than mere mutants. They were monsters and terrors we mortal men have only imagined in gleaming nightmares. When I was venturing back to London I saw one. Its cracking and snapping flesh showing dominantly. I could not even recognize it as once human. Its face, if one could call it that, was a jumbled bunch of writhing flesh and bone. Its body and torso were melded with flesh from varying animals. At one point I saw elk antlers sticking out of its chest. It was crawling on all fours. I took effort not to be seen. But the creature seemed to sense I was there. Once it realized someone was nearby it emitted a baleful scream. I covered my ears hoping to avoid hearing its bone rattling call. But I couldn't. Upon hearing the sound my bones shook with great intensity. It was the most unholy call I had ever heard. It began to mutter tongues I could not bear to hear. But then sensing my fear it bounded towards me at great speed. I ran as fast as I could. There was no hiding from the creature. You could only run and delay the inevitable. Slowly as I ran I began to understand what the creature spoke. “Come here you beast! Monster! Let me show you what it's like to see it! To finally see the stars of our universe!” It spoke in a strange inhuman voice. It almost seemed like multiple people were talking at once. Each in strange unison. Eventually it caught up to me. I remember nothing except awakening in what we call the Howling Nightmares.

I found myself standing on what I could best describe as a black void. I could see nothing around me except for the black floor at my feet. Blacker than any substance I had ever witnessed. I stood up and continued to look around. Nothing as far as the eye could see. It was terrifying to see nothing in sight. Nothing to see, hear, smell or taste. But then almost instantaneously I found myself on the edge of a vast cliff. Magma pouring from its sides and flowing into an expansive current below. Below I saw the melting corpses of men and women. Who ventured here before me. I looked down a moment longer. And saw the bones start moving. People ran along the currents edge. The skeletons dragging them down into the magma below. The still living humans ran and ran. But they could never find themselves to run far from the current. I could hear their screams. All of their screams pierced my mind as if a thousand needles had stabbed my skull. The landscape then shifted. To that of my greatest fear. I was strung in a cage hung at least hundreds of meters in the air. With thousands of people watching below. I suddenly felt extreme pains coursing through my body. Something similar to being stabbed over and over again. With no clear end in sight. Yet no death that should come.

This lasted for much longer than I care to admit. But then I found myself in the same spot I had traveled there from. The same spot the creature had gotten me at. As if nothing had ever happened. But something very costly had happened. There were scars upon me. Both metaphorical and literal. These Scorned are not merely mutants. They are nightmares.

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