Story The Curious Traveller ~ Feedback wanted


The Ghost in your Closet
This is a story I wrote for an english assignment. Critque please?

Do you hear that Jacques? That is the sound of a thousand travellers crying out for help. All the ships that pass through that region meet an untimely fate.” The captain’s voice was a low, rasping sound that reminded the young boy of rattling bones and crow’s cries. He shivered at the chilling tale, trying to pretend it was the crisp sea breeze that caused the motion rather than the ghost story. The captain saw this however and a slow grin spread across his weathered features, the skin crinkling behind his eye patch and causing the jagged scar that ran from one side of his face to the other to become even more jagged and uneven.

Do you know what happened to those lost souls boy? They were all kinds of men, not just sailors. Some were merchants, some crew, some refugees like yourself, but all were prey to the lady of the sea.They say she is as beautiful as a diamond and as delicate as a Lilly. Her eyes can hypnotise you with a single glance and the moment she has you in her gaze you can’t resist her. She has hair the colour of ebony they say, and the most beautiful face you’ve ever seen. Don’t be fooled by her appearance though lad, she may be the loveliest creature you will ever see in your life but she has a heart as dark as the pitch used to seal this here boat. As soon as you give in she’ll drag you to the depths of her watery prison and you’ll never see the light of day again.” He said and then started to laugh, the sound of his laughter echoing on the wind and seeming to be absorbed by the crashing waves. Jacques cringed away at the sound and the old sea dog grinned again before placing a heavy hand on the boy’s head, ruffling his soft blond hair roughly. “You’re a good lad, Jacques, you’ll make a great man one day.”


Sunlight filtered into the small attic room above The Captain’s Daughter Inn, the faded floral pattern on the material letting in small chinks of light that danced on the surface of all it could touch in that small space. The man in the small wooden cot groaned in his sleep as he shifted on the uncomfortable pallet, his eyes squeezing tighter when he rolled only to find the sun in his eyes. Ever so slowly he came to, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand as he registered his surroundings. Slowly his eyes adjusted to the half-light and herealised he was in the attic room, taking in the old wooden beamsabove him and the simple furniture. He sat up slowly, holding hishead as sleep left him in a daze, the unbuttoned cuff of his sleeve sliding down his arm as he did so. How many years had it been since he had first come to this strange city and become absorbed in the legends of the Lady of the Sea? The thought plagued his mind as he pulled on his vest, buttoning up his shirt slowly and running a comb through his straggled blond hair. He tied it back with a leather thong and washed his face in the small porcelain basin to clear the night’s grime from his skin. Grabbing his coat and bag he took one final glance at the room that had been his home for the last four years and found it impossible to keep the smile from his face.

This is it,” he said to himself, adjusting his vest so it was straight. “I’m finally going to find her.” With another glance around the room he walked out onto the landing and closed the door behind him, descending the stairs two at a time.

Walking into the main area of the small but popular inn and tavern Jacques, more commonly referred to as Jack, spied Margaret Douglas, the cook and wife of the Captain’s Daughter Inn’s owner, Finn Douglas, as she swept the burgundy coloured floorboards. She looked up and a smile filled her soft features, reaching into the depths of her soft whiskey coloured eyes though there was a slight sadness only just visible in her gaze.

So you’re really leaving then.” She said with a hint of disappointment in her voice. Jack smiled half-heartedly, placing his bag on a bar stool to embrace the older woman warmly, kissing her cheek gently, her skin soft and slightly baggy from age, though shelooked well for it.

I’m afraid so Maggie, I’ll miss you terribly but this is what I must do.” He said with determination. The smaller woman nodded, dashing tears away from her eyes and hastily adjusting her hair so that the brown waves were tucked neatly beneath her hairnet.

You be good Jackie, and if you have any trouble you let us know.” She said in a voice thick with emotion. Jack nodded, his own voice overcome with emotion as she hugged him again. Finnegan Douglas, AKA Finn, came out from the wine cellar, wiping his calloused hands on his yellowed apron and letting his gaze fall on his wife and boarder.

You’re all set then? I can’t tell you how much it pains me to see you going. You’ve been a great help to us here. You’ll be sorely missed.” The man said in a gravelly but wholesome voice, holding out a hand to Jacques, who took it heartily and shook it vigorously.F inn’s weathered features suddenly seemed to light up as he remembered something and searched about his pockets, muttering to himself before he found what he was looking for. He pulled out a small leather bag and pressed it into Jack’s hands. “That’s your share of our earnings for the last four years, I know it isn’t much but you deserve every penny we can spare. It ought to be enoughto get you by until you can find a more permanent solution.” The old man said, his aquamarine orbs full of sincerity. Jack stared at the man, shaking his head.

I can’t take this, you have done more than enough for me.” He said, trying to press the bag back into Finn’s grasp but the old man pushed it away again.

No my boy, it’s yours. Consider it a parting gift from myself and Maggie. It’s the least we can do.” Begrudgingly Jacques accepted the gift and not long after he was on his way, weaving between people and carts to get to the port.

The ship he was to board wasn’t an especially fancy vessel, in fact quite the opposite. Her sails were patched in some places and her decks could use a good coat of polish but she was seaworthy and her captain knew how to handle her and treat her right. She went by the name of The Curious Traveller and indeed she certainly seemed to have seen many things in her various voyages on the sea.

Jacques studied the ship as he stood on the docks, his pack slung loosely over his shoulder. A man walked down the gangway, his shirtfront open and displaying a muscled torso and slightly hairy chest. His darkbrown hair was tied back into numerous braids which the strong winds blew around his sun-beaten face. He was a broad shouldered man and one glance told Jacques that he was clearly a man used to hard labour. He approached the younger man, studying him surreptitiously with inquisitive hazel eyes before nodding in approval.

You must be the one Jefferson told me about. I’m Henry Belfast, long time pioneer and trader and captain of this boat. It will be a pleasure to have you on board.” He said and Jacques nodded, holding a hand out to the man.

Yes sir, I’m glad you were willing to take me on.” He said, earning a laugh from Captain Belfast as he returned the handshake with a firm grip.

A young lad like you deserves a chance to see what our fine oceans have to offer. Besides, we can always use the help. Come on up and I’ll introduce you to the rest of the crew.” Jacques had hardly any time to respond before Henry was leading the way back to the gangway and onto the deck of The Curious Traveller.


A violent wind thrashed the sails as the sturdy vessel fought to remain on course on battled against the elements. The crew strained to rope in the sails, dashing around on the rain slicked deck to keep their ship from going under. Captain Belfast shouted orders at the helm, hands firm on the wheel to keep her straight as he watched his men dash about on the deck. A huge wave crashed over the portside railing, sending the smaller members of the crew skidding across the deck. Jacques coughed and spluttered as the salt water made its way into his lungs, burning his eyes and throat. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand before he and four other crew members moved to the windlass at the bow of the ship and began to push the large spokes to aim the sails and harness the wind.

“Come on my lovely, get us through this.” Belfast murmured, stroking the ship tenderly. Lightning split the sky in two and it seemed to touch the water’s surface, sending a burst of pure white light to blind them all temporarily. When their sight returned to them there was fire on the horizon, angry red flames and black smoke. Belfast pulled out his telescope and peered through, spying the remains of what looked to be another trader ship that had been hit by the lightning. Her figurehead was just visible from beyond the flames, the carved statuette of a winged woman, her wings and arms outstretched. Belfast felt his breath catch and he reached into his shirt and pulled out a small wooden crucifix, pressing it to his lips.

Mary mother of God.” He breathed before snapping into action. “Men! Turn her about, let’s get as far away from here as possible.” He ordered. Jacques dashed up the stairs to where the captain stood.

What is it? What is the matter?” He asked, confused. Belfast handed his telescope to the younger man and he looked through, not sure what he was meant to be seeing.

That is Pandora’s Revenge. They say she only appears to those marked for death at the hands of Her Ladyship.” His words confused the young traveller and he frowned at him.

Her Ladyship?” He queried and Belfast swallowed dryly before leaning closer.

The Lady of the Sea.” He whispered hoarsely. “You have heard the tales surely. She claims all those that trespass into her territory, and no one has the chance to escape.” His words reminded Jacques of the dream he’d had a week before and how he’d had the same reaction to those words at the age of twelve.

So that’s why we’re heading in the opposite direction then?” His question simply got a nod in reply as the sea dog focused on the wheel in front of him. The ship turned about as fast as the raging winds and crashing waves would allow, making its way back in the direction they had come from, trying to get away from the burningship. As they did so Jacques looked back and was amazed to see that the ship was gone and there was no sign of it having ever been there in the first place.

Only moments later there was another bolt of lightning and it struck the main mast, setting fire to the mainsail. The fire spread quickly and the crew rushed about, relaying orders and trying to stop the flames from destroying their vessel. Jacques helped cart water to the site of the flames but a looming shadow made them all stop and turn around. A flaming ship loomed over them, the angel figurehead burning angrily, her arms outstretched like an avenger. The men shrieked and screamed, many jumped overboard into the turbulent sea below, their bodies being crushed against the hull of the Traveller. A blinding light flared from the deck of Pandora’s Revenge and a woman was standing on the deck of the Curious Traveller, with long flowing hair the colour of rubies, and emerald green eyes. Her skin was a pale shade of ivory. Jacques found himself spellbound by her beauty, unable to waver from her gaze. He judged the others were under the same hypnotic influence as him by the lack of terrified cries on theair. The woman spread out her arms and began to sing. The sound ofher voice was the most amazing thing any of the men had heard, like an angels’ chorus. With each melodious syllable they lapsed into a trance that none of them were likely to awaken from any time soon. Slowly, more luminous forms took shape and landed on the deck, adding their own voices to the harmony and holding out their arms to the men. With docile looks on their faces the traders gladly fell into the entities’ arms and were carried off to Pandora’s Revenge. Once safely on the deck of the larger vessel Jacques turned to see he was in the arms of the lady herself. He blinked up at her and remembered the reason he had gone with these men in the first place.

Who are you?” He asked in an awed voice. The woman smiled a soft smile at him and kissed his forehead.

I am Pandora and I will protect you from now on.” Her voice was beautiful, even when she was speaking. It caused a smile to form on Jacques’ face as he closed his eyes.

None of the sea farers were heard from again. No one would know what truly became of them, no one would search for them. They would simply become known as the victims of the Lady of the Sea. And the Curious Traveller? They say if you are ever voyaging in the eastern part of the Hellink Sea on a clear night you will see her as she makes her way to her destination. A ghost ship with no master, a free being.

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