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Multiple Settings The Crimson Khan


Keeping it Cheeki, and Keeping it Breeki
Hello there, I hope you are having a good day.

I've been wanting to try out an idea in RP for a while, and usually I simply do not get the chance to, as it is more or a multiverse thing, although I do not consider it as loose as some that I have seen. Now before I begin explaining further, allow me to say that don't worry about there being a trillion alternate realities, not only do I not really subscribe to the idea that every choice made creates several separate universe, but even if I did, I wouldn't bring it into an RP because narratively, I think it kills the sense of importance and urgency in any situation if an infinite number of any one character exists.

Now the conflict of this scenario is relatively simple overall, although like anything there are complex intricacies that make it unique, but not only would it be too much to list in an interest check, but I think it would also kill some of the surprise and intrigue if every possible detail was laid out from the get go, like how a murder mystery is far less interesting if in the first chapter, you learn who the killer is, how they kill, who they kill, and why they do it. Of course, if you are very well versed with the SCP universe, you may find some of this familiar, as I am borrowing from it since I find the universe as a whole deeply interesting, along with the creative leeway it greats.

Essentially, a primordial god, then known has Harak, turned upon his siblings, devouring them and taking their power for himself, becoming perhaps one of the strongest beings to exist, while waging a war on existence and life itself. Although the explanations are left vague on purpose, he seems to exist beyond the reach of any normal universe, his realm extending through the void outside of normal existence, which is part of where one of his nicknames, "The King of the Darkness Below" comes from.

The main plotline will be somewhat dependent on who we are playing, as somethings would make sense for one character, but not for another, however, it will revolve around this war in someway or another. The good news is you can play as virtually anyone, although god-modding is not going to be an okay, so try to keep it reasonable. I am fine with just about any plot elements as well, and most things are up in the air as far as where we can take this.

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