The Crew of Death's Cannon (Actual RP)


Aki of Hearts ♡


The First Day

Hello. Hold your questions until I've finished speaking. First mate, please slice that man's throat. I do not like people who interrupt me. Thank you. As I was saying, welcome to Death's Cannon. I'm sure you've guessed by now that you are on a ship. Can you feel the rocking of the boat? Nothing feels better. I'm sure you're wondering how in the blazes did I end up on this ship? I don't have a clue. I'm sure you were either kidnapped or just taken right out of the bar while your drunk to no end. In any case, my mateys here have brought you because they just don't seem to care that much about me ship. I love me ship but hell I wouldn't want to clean this dump either. See that's where you all come in. From now on, you are part of me crew whether you like it or not. You do everything I say and you leave when I give you permission. I can understand your resistance to such a job so I'll give you three choices. Join me. Don't join me and I get to slice your throat. Or you can jump. Get up onto the deck and jump. No one will stop you. We won't hurt you while you swim in the water. The sharks will enjoy your company. Perhaps they'll even invite you to dinner.

No one wants the sharks? A pity. I enjoy the screaming. Welcome to me crew. Have you recognized me voice yet? I am the infamous Captain Leonard Machtig, also known as the Blood-stained Pirate. I earned me nickname because I took down the majesty's prized ship. By meself. I hid in the food storage until all the crew was asleep except for the guards. Me dagger had a wonderful time slicing all the throats. I took the captain's head and put it on the top of me mast. If you're ever up there, give it a kiss. He gets lonely.

Enough about me. It's time to set sail.

The Crew

Captain - Taken by Akihito

Parrot - Taken by paipai900

First Mate - Taken by UnholyRedemption

Captain's crew (Only one spot left) - 1 reserved for Dusk

(First come, first served)


Ace, The Sword Emperor - @Lucem Tenebris


Have fun!

No godmodding

No bunnying without permission

Romance is allowed but don't go overboard. Keep it PG-13

Everyone who is not part of Captain Leonard Machtig's original crew will be assigned as captured people. After the original crew is filled, I will not be accepting anymore.

Captain Leonard Machtig, the Blood-stained Pirate, stood on his ship Death's Cannon watching his captured people clean and work his ship.

"Isn't this much more fun than jumping." Leonard said, smiling cruelly.

A young man pulled out a knife and raced at Leonard.

"LET ME OFF THIS SHIP YOU BASTARD!" He screamed as he lunged at Leonard.

Leonard side-stepped the man and pulled out his pistol as the young man stumbled onto the floor.

"Mercy. Mercy!" He whimpered. Leonard smiled evilly.

"Aye. Aye I'll give you mercy." He replied. Leonard shot the man in head, killing him instantly. "As you can see. I am a fair man. If anyone else wants...mercy, please come see me. I'm sure I can arrange it." He shouted to the rest.

The captured crew just did their jobs faster.

Leonard went to the side of his ship and stared into the water.

"Where the devil is my bird.." He muttered.
Pandora, other wise known as the Executioner yawned as she only just woke up. In all honesty she should of been awake hours ago. Sitting up she threw herself off her bunk before grabbing the cloak she usually wore to throw over her shoulders. Locking it into place she set her hat on her head and walked out of the cabin.

Now, why was she called the Executioner? Simple. She would kill you quickly but with the most pain. Now, that wasn't the main reason. It was because she, since killing her parents, would only kill upon Leonard's orders. This is why she was named the Executioner. Well, of the south anyway. Her siblings, strangely missing were quite brutal as well and so gained similar names.

Anyway, walking outside of the cabin she looked around at the mass of the captured cleaning away at the deck. Ah, it was a beautiful sight. The red haired first mate lazily walked up the steps till she stood near Leonard, a small frown on her lips. "How many have tried to kill ya' today Captain?" She asked, leaning against the rail as she watched them.
"You insult me Pandora. I don't try to kill anyone. I am a gentleman." Leonard replied innocently.

He stared at Pandora. She was a good looking woman. Much younger than him. Just the way he liked them.

She was still young and beautiful.

"Looking beautiful as always Pandora." Leonard said as he turned back to the sea.
She chuckled softly as she rest her lower back against the rails, her red hair pulled over one shoulder was fluttering with the wind. She once again hated being outside. "Psh, your telling me if I look down there I wont find a corpse, blood or see them shivering in fear?" Not that they already weren't doing that. When he complimented her she laughed merrily, grinning. "Oh well thank you C'ptain." She replied with a tip of her hat.
"Unhand the fair maiden!" A parrot dressed in a very dashing suit and a fancy monocle, he looked like quite the gentleman. Flying straight towards the pirate captain's eyes, his beak gleaming in a very pointy way. "Kaw kaw!" Hitting Leonardo right in the forehead, Polly the Great emitted an obnoxious laugh of annoyingness. "You Klondike bar."
"I will make no promises Pandora." Leonard said, his mouth twisting up into a cruel smile. "Perhaps it is time I set a course."

Leonard quickly tilted his head to the side letting the bird fly past him.

"You damned bird! Away from me and be with your women, damn flirt." Leonard growled. Polly was a pain but he amused Leonard immensely and Polly had been with Leonard before anyone else and he still told him to stay from his women even though they were the only ones there.
Pandora watched with a grin before she began to laugh at the antics of her Captain and the parrot. It was amusing, after all who met such a intelligent animal like Polly. She watched them both with a smirk, her dark blue eyes staring at them both as she did. Yes, this was one of the few reasons she woke up in general. That and she had some jobs to do. "I swear C'ptain you and Polly are quite the comedic duo." She replied softly, yawning softly. "Good morning to ya' Polly dear." She glanced over at the sea before nodding. "Set ya' course if ya' want."
Ace was practically glaring holes into the Captain's head. One minute he was getting a drink and the next he was on a damn pirate ship. Ace was angry for multiple reasons at the current moment and that wasn't good for anyone who happened to even slightly rub him the wrong way. Of course he was mad at being forced to become a part of some crew, but one thing made him angry most of all. They took his swords. The swords he had been using his entire life and that he always kept with him were being kept away. If he even got close to the blades, he was going to cut the man's head off.
(Time to mess with Lucy's character!)

Pandora glanced over at the captured with a malicious grin on her features, her hat tipped forwards to hide the mischievous glint within her blue eyes before she glanced back at her Captain. " 'Ey C'ptain, If I have no work ta' do can I go mess with some of ye' Captured pets? Im so very bored right now that Im almost considering jumping off the boat Myself!" She moaned lulling her head back before she stood up properly.
((I love chicken))

Flapping his wings to push himself up onto the pirate captain's shoulder, Polly was very tempted to excrete himself on Leonard's shoulder. But that would be vile, disgusting and unclassy. Polly would get the old man in a much worse way. Staring straight into Leonard's eyes with Hus own black beady ones, Polly seemed o have a sadistic smirk on his beak. "Watch your feathers, pheasant." Oh, those bird puns.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]Ace was practically glaring holes into the Captain's head. One minute he was getting a drink and the next he was on a damn pirate ship. Ace was angry for multiple reasons at the current moment and that wasn't good for anyone who happened to even slightly rub him the wrong way. Of course he was mad at being forced to become a part of some crew, but one thing made him angry most of all. They took his swords. The swords he had been using his entire life and that he always kept with him were being kept away. If he even got close to the blades, he was going to cut the man's head off.

((Hey hey! Did you happen to look at what I had posted about your character? ^^))
"Away with you blasted bird." Leonard muttered and swatted him away.

He turned to Pandora.

"If you must. Keep them healthy though or you'll be scavenging for more next port." Leonard growled as he returned the stare from Ace.

A fighter. How lucky.  

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris](Yeah, he has no weapons.)

(Oh I know! :3 I meant about his personality))
(Yeah, I read. The reason he's just not scared about stuff like this, is because he's experienced it before.)
Pandora gasped over dramatically, her and resting on her heart. "C'ptain, you know I would not kill one of ye' precious little pets don't you?" She asked before grinning, giving him a small wave. "Well, yeah, I wont kill 'em." She called out as she jumped over the rail and onto the deck where they were cleaning away at the floor. Of course, the little fighter kid was the captains main interest, mainly because it was rare to have someone that fights. They would normally get scared and be so disgustingly obedient that it made her sick. So, the first mate of the ship walked over to the one who so bravely stared at the captain with a grin. "Havin' any fun ?" She asked, her thick Irish accent appearing as she spoke.
Ace turned his glare away from the captain and trained it on the new arrival. Apparently she was the First Mate of this ship. He had seen how close she was with the Captain and that added to his dislike of her. Now she was here, trying to get a rise out of him. 'Having fun?' Why in the hell would he be having fun!? He had been forced on a ship, had his swords taken, and now some woman was trying to pester him. Of course he wasn't having any fun! He don't speak these words aloud and simply turned his head away from the woman. She wasn't worth getting angry at. Besides, she was weak an his words were reserved for the strong. Although, the annoying ones often got a few words, as he bashed their heads in.
The red haired pirate beamed happily at his lack of response as she clapped her hands together joyfully. "Oh wonderful! The captured kitty is quiet!" She paused, grinning sadistically. "I bet that little puppy wants his claws back hmm?~" She cooed as she felt her grin get wider. "Those precious little swords? I wonder what the sharks would think of them if I dumped them in the water." tapping her cheek as she faked intense thinking. "What does the kitty think hm?~"
Polly watched the weird human boy, raising one of his brow bones in process. Humans were always such stupid creatures, they always made everything more complex than it should really be. After being swatted away by the pirate captain, Polly flew off to sit smugly on top of Pandora's shoulder. He liked her shoulder better than Leonard's anyway, much easier to perch on. The view of Pandora's mammary glands from this angle was quite good too.
"If you so much as touch my blades with your filthy hands, I'll make it so you won't be able to touch anything ever again." His voice came out in a low growl. He would never yell, but his voice was just as intimidating. That was not an empty promise. He built his life off those swords and they were one of the few things he valued in this world, if not the only thing.
"There was once a monkey that stole a banana, what do you think happened to it?" Polly squaked one of his usual mind boggling questions as his very deep and classy voice was much different compared to other less intelligent parrots. He sounded a lot like one of those Prince Charmings that girls would always dream about. Such a low and deep voice for such a classy dressed parrot.
She laughed even more as she set her hands upon her waist, leaning forwards. "Oh? Make it so?" She purred before nodding her head. "I would love to see you try without a weapon." She stated quietly as she grinned. Her fingers reached down to her thighs as she pulled out one of her two pistols, spinning it around before she pointed it to his head. "Im so bored ya' see..." Her finger resting upon the trigger. "And messing with you seems like the most fun." She paused, putting her weapon back as she glanced to the cutlass on her hip. Maybe. Glancing over to him she grinned. "How about we play a game kitty?~"
"You mean these swords? I thought they were toothpicks. That's about the worth they are." Leonard scoffed, coming up behind Pandora with Ace's weapons.

He pulled out Ace's swords and threw them on the ground, spitting on them.

"They're worth less than the unpleasant items that come from Polly's rear end." Leonard bellowed with laughter.
Ace's eyes narrowed at the woman. Ace was a rational man, despite his tendencies to get annoyed. He would not engage on combat with someone beneath him. However, this woman had the nerve to put a gun to his head. This would not be tolerated.

"You'd be surprised what I could do without a weapon." Ace swung his head to the side and twisted his body in a half-circle. He quickly removed the cutlass from her hip. He pointed the blade directly at her throat. "Do not test me, woman."

As he pointed the tip of the blade to her throat, he heard the Captain's voice. He wouldn't let himself be swayed from his position, but the man had the nerve to insult his blades. He quickly grabbed them, the other woman's cutlass still in his hands. "I could say the same about you"."
Leonard stared at Ace nonchalantly.

"Not a smart move boy. See we have guns. You don't." Leonard laughed and pulled out two pistols which he aimed at Ace.

"I say a bullet can go faster than a swing of the sword. Sure you may take down the girl but at the cost of your life? Think about that."

He cocked the pistols and smiled at him cruelly.

"You got guts I'll tell you that. Put the swords down and maybe we can make a deal."
Polly watched with interest as the stupid humans battled each other, usually birds would only fight one another for territory or mating season. Humans tried to kill one another off every single day! The parrot wondered just how long they would survive. "Fool!" Polly bellowed, his beady eyes staring straight at a random barrel to the left. "As a great monkey once said, have sex and be happy." Polly recalled a time when he visited a tribe of monkeys, they seemed to solve everything with sexual interaction. It was quite intriguing, new information for the bird's brain.

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