The Court of the Storm Mothers (Rules + OOC) [Treasure Island]


Senior Member
Everyone, I think you all know the rules by now. But, just in case, let's go over them one last time.

You may all play any type of mixed blood of your choice. Be it a god-blood, a ghost-blood, a demon-blood, an half-caste or a fae-blood.

You all get Inheritance 2. No more. No less.

The Artifact and Manse background are forbidden.

Aside from that, I feel it is important that you find a good reason why you would be crew on Artemis' ship. ^^ Oh and by the way Axel, we need to find a name for a ship. :) I was thinking perhaps the Smiling Lady? It's up to you though.

I won't award any bonus BPs for background and pictures and theme songs and such. However, I do love them.

And you want to make me happy right?


So, I can't think of any more rules, if anything comes up that's a problem I'll deal with it on a case-by-case basis. ^^ Aside from that, feel free to ask any question here or talk about anything that strikes your fancy, we'll begin when everyone's got their sheet down in the sub-forum.
Are there any particular differences in the rules between mortals and Exalted that we should keep in mind?

...Speaking of which, which rules do we use? I know that mortals get a -2 penalty for using Abilities without any dots, and usually round down for calculating attributes, but... we're not entirely mortal.

I should probably reread the book...
You want to look at the Scroll of Heroes for the God-blooded character creation rules. And they're more like heroic mortals than exalts, overall.
The character creation rules I can find, I'm just worried about the little differences in rolling and general rules, such as dealing with disease and wounds... I suppose I don't need to worry about most of that until it comes up, though.

But, one thing. Do 10s count for two successes for heroic mortals or God-Bloods? I can't remember... I know they don't for ordinary mortals, at least, but I'm not too sure at what level of power they start.
God-blooded get all the benefits of being considered heroic mortals. So they round-up, they stunt, they don't get that penalty, etc.

And there's none right now that come up to mind. I'll be sure to make a note if I see anything I feel I really need to mention. ^^

Arguably, they do not have the resistance to disease and wounds of their parents and their healing factor unless they take that mutation.

But they still get to consider 10s as two successes.
...Oh, heroic mortals round up too? I really do need to reread the rules...

Just... bear with me if I make some mistakes here at first, I guess...
That won't be a problem. If there's anything anyone feel the need to bring to my attention, since I'm prone to mistakes too, feel free.
According to the book:

Heroic mortals do count 10s as two successes.

Heroic mortals round down for determining DVs.

Heroic mortals stunt bonuses are lowered by a tier. i.e. In order to get a 1 die bonus, a 2 die stunt must be performed.

Though if the Storm Mother sees fit to alter these rules for this game I certainly wouldn't be sad.
Yeah. No.

I'm not interested in reducing everyone's capacity for heroics. Round DVs up and stunts are stunts. Period.

Disease, poison, bleeding and everything else that has to do with not having some sort of divinely reinforced body however? As per heroic mortals unless you take the mutation to make it work differently.

Is there anything else that needs my attention in that area, mister Luck? :P

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Joined: Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:00 am

Posts: 66

Location: Phoenix
...Yeah, whenever anyone capitalizes the word Phoenix, I tend to think of myself before the city. This can be pretty confusing...
Yeah, the rule for stunts and rounding up/down, as I recall, was related to Essence. Essence 1, you round down and don't add Essence to DV and such. Essence 2+, you round up, add Essence, etc.

I'm got to finish writing up the background for my character in Anathema Ascendant but I've already done Artemis's fluff for the most part, so writing up her sheet won't take too long.

As for a ship name, I'll think about it. I figure the ship's name has to be fittingly awesome, though, like just saying it makes you feel like you have to do a guitar solo in front of an erupting volcano.

Edit: For the lulz, we could also call it The Wild Stallion, manufactured by Preston & Logan Shipping Co.
Once again, I don't get the joke but that's an hilariously inappropriate name for a ship crewed by only females. (And one trap)
It should actually be spelled The Wyld Stallyn. But I'm all for that name, with either spelling. Also Danakir, my pesky acquaintance would need to be name Rufus.
Not that Rufus is pesky, he actually kinda wise and helpful. I was just making the connection because Rufus tends to appear and disappear a lot.
Yes, but WHO is that Rufus name supposed to be a reference to? Explain your references people.

A reference that is not understood is pointless.
Never saw that movie so the reference still evades me, but it's still a funny name even from out of that perspective so I guess I'll indulge you both. ^^
I thought Wild Stallion was pretty good.

Here's some other I grabbed from random name generators. Some are more girly than other, and some are more humorous. I kind of like Decapitated Rainbow.

Phat Ass Grabba

The King Gorilla

The Weeping Primordial

Supreme Assault

Gore Desolation

Evil Puppy

Pink Eternity

Rancid Slime

Fluffy Scorn

Master of Bunny

Decapitated Rainbow

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