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Realistic or Modern The Coterie

The Coterie

The Coterie is the home you didn't expect to feel home. Located in a somewhat sketchy side of the art district in L.A., the Coterie does not seem like much with it being a run down looking communal living space tucked away above a quaint little coffee shop on some side street, but the Coterie and the residents inside are what makes it feel like home.
While a communal living space isn't ideal and is certainly something to get used to, the Coterie has it's perks! Like... Well, the people are cool and there' s a pool on the rooftop... Oh! And the parties are wild and fun. It's a nice place to live as long as you can avoid the drama, not mind the shared bathroom with it's toilet and shower stalls, and the shared kitchen where your yogurt might possibly get stolen if you forget to label it... But mostly the people are cool.

Anyway... Welcome to the Coterie... and good luck!

Halloween at the Coterie is always one of the best parties on the block. With the building packed full, drinks flowing, and music pumping, there is always some memories to be made. Whether you choose to partake in the festivities or not, be sure to thank Jesse for going out of his way to decorate. And buy the booze. And buy the snacks... And for allowing such a wild party to happen within the building... Just thank him... k bye.
Jesse has always hated Halloween with a passion. For some odd reason, this was the one holiday where the residents of the Coterie have always gone the hardest with their partying. Although he did enjoy the spookiness of the holiday, there were always too many people getting invited to the place to monitor. It was like he would get lost in the sea of drunken young adults who couldn't see straight after two shots. Pitty them. The only thing he refused to do though, was clean up the vomit. That was all on the people that lived here. He may have been the oldest, but that didn't mean he was their babysitter.

Finally hanging up the last orange and black garland, Jesse retreated to his room. Soon enough the residents would be exiting their apartments, and the strangers (the residents friends) would be showing up at the door. God, why did he let this party go on every year? Was it because he had a soft spot for these people to have fun, and that he never got to experience it when he was their age? He had no clue, but the music in the morning would definitely give him a headache.

Soon enough, he could hear the buzz of laughter floating through the halls, and the stomps of feet coming in through the front entrance. More dread and anxiety coursed through him as the thought of people piling in hit him. He would be stuck in his room all night... Unless he went and got a few beer in him. Maybe that would loosen him up? Make him social? Jesse wasn't the social type though. He kept everyone at arms length, only interacting with them if he needed to. The Coterie was supposed to be a place that made him social, have him get to know people more. But then he grew up and that didn't work. He never exited his shell of anxiety that his family trapped him in.

When the music started, Jesse was sure enough that everyone was beginning to drink. Maybe when they were all drunk enough, he could leave his room and go sneak himself a drink. Afterall, he did buy the booze in the first place. It was rightfully his. So, when he was sure that he could go unnoticed, Jesse quietly exited the room and made his way to the kitchen. He could get snacks too... So he grabbed a bowl from the cupboard as well, and dished himself some of the snacks that he had also bought. Finally, with two beer and a bowl of snacks tucked in his arms, he started to retreat back to his room... Until he heard the crash of something breaking, "fuck sakes..." He mumbled and put the things down to go investigate what was broken... and probably clean it up.
coded by kaninchen


Coca Cola
โ€” Divino Nino

devious ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

he's a ghost, using his dirty sheet from the floor (think pigpen from it's the great pumpkin, charlie brown)

open to all

none so far

evan steele

โ€• the burnout

It was Halloween night, and Evan Steele was completely unaware of the holiday at hand. But, to be fair, did he ever know what day it was outside? He had just got sacked from his job at the local dollar store for showing up high. Luckily for him, he had stashed away a handful of snacks and candy in his pockets before he had been ushered out. At least he wouldn't go hungry while he "looked" for another job. He had just gotten back from the store when he heard the sound of music echoing down the hall. And when his eyes spotted orange and black decorations hanging from every nook and cranny, he knew that it was, indeed, Halloween. He hurried up to his room, throwing open the door to the bare walls. He snatched the off-white, dirt-stained sheet from the floor, quickly cutting a couple of holes for eyes.

He threw the ghost costume over his head, satisfied with his hastily-made disguise. It wasn't long before he made his way over to where the party was. But, as he would soon realize, he hadn't cut the holes for his eyes big enough. This was fully realized when he ran into something breakable, the vase or whatever it was shattering into a million pieces once it hit the floor. Evan scurried as far away from the scene of the crime as his legs would take him. There was no way that this could be pinned on him if he wasn't there. He ripped the sheet a little more so that he could really see what was going on. But he didn't have any arm holes - he looked rather silly just standing there, a sheet without any arms. But then he realized that he could just poke his arms out from underneath if he needed to use them.

Evan found a place on the stairs, sitting down on the bottom step. He yawned, stretching out. This could be a nice place to take a nap...

coded by xayah.แƒฆ
mood :

location :

refreshment table
outfit :

n/a (about to be interrupted by apollo -ferret- -ferret- )
;; Hayden

Hayden didn't have an affinity for Halloween in particular, but he always loved a good party. To him, the holiday was an excuse to enjoy some of the best ragers that have ever been thrown. Seriously, there was something about Halloween that made people go absolutely feral, and he lived for that energy. Getting ready in his room, he heard the music start blasting and knew that the party was getting started. He gazed into a mirror as he ran a hand through his hair a few times to give it his signature never seen a brush before look he tries so hard to achieve. At least he makes it look effortless to everyone else, despite putting so much effort into it. For the fourth year in a row, he was dressed as Indiana Jones. What? The costume was easy to put together, and Indiana Jones is an icon. The costume had historically been a hit and gotten him a lot of attention, specifically from people who wanted to sleep with him. Hayden convinced himself that this night would be no different. It would be good, chaotic vibes from here on out.

Upon hearing it become louder and louder outside of his room, he decided it was time to venture out. The party was in full motion. He had waited a bit before joining in, not wanting to be a part of the lame buildup to an absolute rager. Before leaving, he grabbed a bottle of Bacardi rum. His objective was to spike the punchbowl, a time-honored tradition. Seeing many familiar faces as he roamed the halls of the Coterie, he smiled and nodded to his friends, greeting them with his typical too cool to care faraway look in his eyes.

Now near the primary refreshment table, littered with cups, bottles, and crumbs of various people's abandoned snacks. In the center: the glorious punch bowl. Well, ok, it wasn't really a sight to behold or anything, but after being spiked, it was going to be damn delicious. Everyone was expecting the punch to be spiked, so there was no need for Hayden to wait around and be sneaky about pouring the bottle in. As soon as he approached the table, he twisted open the bottle, ready to pour.
coded by reveriee.

  • Very tired from working all night on costume but excited nonetheless
    junas d'antonio

    She was set on the idea of sewing costumes and cosplays by hand. While her dear friend Oscar wasn't having it this year, Sebastian always had her back. She had spent the early morning finishing up his costume, adding final touches and making it fit the tall man, and then, had to finish her own. Halloween for Junas was a mindset, it never was over, and even when she knew about it months in advance, she wasn't done with her own cosplay, but thankfully it was mostly done. As the music began to blare, she felt the pressure get worse and worse as she desperately tried to sew on the last finishing details on the red dress, half-dressed already, wearing nothing but a bra on top which everything else of her was finished. make-up, hair in a French braid and wig cap, shoes, and leg details on, all of it trying to come together and have a Megumi cosplay ready (from Konosuba). After all, Junas was a nerd at heart and it gave her a chance to try and sew something easy and focus more on the small details and accuracy.

    Minutes passed and a gleeful shout came from Junas as she jumped up, with a finished dress and hurriedly threw it on, followed by the wig, and hat, and grabbed the staff she had OScar help her make. Poor as she was, her hobby and passion didn't make it easier for her to save money yet, it was stunning. It was such quality sewing and it's clear, this is not her first rodeo finishing a cosplay last second. The last touch to put on, the cape of course, and the look was finished. Makeup covering her dark circles, she gave a small twirl before pulling out her phone to snap a picture and post it to Instagram as one does. And of course, to her personal Instagram, having a 2nd one for more, professional purposes.

    One final check over her cosplay and she turned to Apollo, a roommate and close friend now. She didn't expect to room with another sewing nerd yet the two happened to room together and she regrets nothing. It was great to have someone else to bounce ideas off of and understand, whereas Sebastian and Oscar never really gave her much input other than 'It looks good'.

    "This is good enough for tonight right?" she asked as she stepped out of the room slightly and posed as if someone had asked for a photo, more just for practice as to her, it was important to post as the character as well. The instant she would get confirmation from Apollo that it was good, Junas was off to the races, soon disappearing into the forming crowd of people all making their way around as the door to their room closed with soft thud.
    • outfit

    coded by reveriee.

Apollo Gray
"It looks great, Junie!" Apollo stopped to look at the clean seams and color choices, fabric expertly picked. He had just come back up to his room to put on his lackluster costume after mixing punch when the music had started to play in earnest. He was currently applying green glitter to his cheekbones and up his temples. The glitter matched the dragonfly wings he made himself, out of colored foil and wire. He popped in his fangs and pulled a black mesh shirt over his head, popping each wing in its cutout ever so delicately. There was definitely a better way to wear the outfit, but Apollo had never really been one for meticulous planning when it came to Halloween costumes. His pants were a dark earthy brown and his boots were black lace ups. Fashion combats gifted the previous Christmas from his mother. His nails were painted black and he'd run temporary dark green dye through his blonde hair. On his ears sat fake elf ears with piercings, small gold hoops through his actual lobes. His babyface still gave him a rather impish appearance, though he did look decidedly fae. Junie bounded out the door quickly and Apollo was left to apply a light dusting of black eyeshadow and dark eyeliner on his waterline. With all that taken care of, he assumed he should find the guy who was bringing the alcohol to spike the punch he'd so lovingly handcrafted (lies, it's Costco brand). He closed the door behind him and firmly locked the door. He was tired of paranoia making him change his sheets after every party (he still will just in case). With that he bounded down the stairs to locate anyone carrying copious amounts of alcohol or lurking by the punch. Squishing himself through the throne of people, he spotted Harry. No. Hayden. Whoops. But what was in his hand was an absolute travesty. Darting thought the partygoers, getting there just in time. Apollo stood far too close to the other guy, shouting above the din of music.

"What are you doing?? What idiot puts rum in punch??"

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