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Futuristic The Cosmic Alliance || Lore



Bust :(
(WIP, please check back over the next few days for more info and some (hopefully) nicer formatting)

Join us now in the
Cosmic Alliance
GenreSci-Fi, Sandbox
Status Accepting
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  • Intro
    The galaxy is old, very old, and has seen the rise and fall of many an empire in its time. Many bitter wars have been fought and alliances forged in the name of resources or carving out pieces of territory, but as far as the galaxy is concerned, such events have always been but a brief flash in the pan at best. At best, a civilisation can hope to have an intergalactic force that rules with such power and longevity, that it may actually make for an interesting footnote somewhere before it is inevitably cut down to size like all that came before it.

    Such is the nature of the Vanished Galaxy, so-named because of mildly-concerning legends of entire empires and unstoppable armies simply…vanishing. Gone without a trace, or cut down from their prime so abruptly that anthropologists and historians are left scratching their heads over what exactly happened. The galaxy is vast after all, and huge sections of it still remain a mystery to nearly all of its inhabitants. Surely, there could be answers lurking beyond the Known Sphere, though whether it would be possible or wise for anyone to ever seek them out is often up for debate.

    But you, of course, want nothing to do with any of that. The Cosmic Alliance doesn’t appreciate people poking their noses around into dangerous areas and trains of thought after all. And who would want to squander a hard-earned opportunity to join its ever-growing ranks so easily?

    Founded approximately 200 years ago, The Cosmic Alliance is the latest attempt by more placid or, alternatively, more desperate members of the galaxy to form a federation built on peace and prosperity. Led by an enigmatic leadership simply known as ‘The Council’, its primary focus is to create an intergalactic union of planets for defensive and economic purposes. It is noteworthy in particular for taking even pre-space worlds under its wings, shielding them from the outside dangers of the galaxy and offering a gentle, guiding hand from afar until it is decided that they too, are ready to join the alliance.

    You are most likely a member of The Cosmic Alliance, or at the very least, someone who was dragged along onto this ship by someone else that is a member. Perhaps you are a fresh new recruit, eager to serve your ship on its first mission, or a hardened old officer sent to keep an eye on the new trainees. You could be someone who is merely passing through, seeking travel from one planet to another, or hoping to sell a few of your ill-gotten wares from an Elysiel junkyard before any of the snootier staff members catch wind of your activities.

    For whatever your reason, you are here, on The Observer. And that’s soon to be a twist of fate that could very well let you make your mark on Vanished history.
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Background Image from Frank Cone from Pexels

Species Compendium

About the Compendium

This is where we collect information on the sapient species that inhabit the Vanished galaxy. This is intended to update from time to time as new entries are made, or new information is discovered within the roleplay.

Submitted species can be just about anything, whether you want them to be humanoid enough to be mistaken for one or a massive eldritch horror that can only survive in the vast vacuum of space. As long as the species has found ways of adapting to the conditions of the ship and can interact reasonably well with others, they’re valid for use. The main restriction for your species is just to try and keep them balanced, powerful abilities are fine but should be offset by some significant drawbacks to make up for it.

New Submissions Template

Please note that reference images are encouraged, but not necessary.

Species Name:
Average Lifespan:
Average Size:
Planet of Origin: (Please include a brief description of the planet)
Physical Description:
Culture & Society:
Species Summary: (A short paragraph snippet summary for the master doc)


Sapients are defined, by the Cosmic Alliance, as any species with sufficient enough intelligence to demonstrate self-awareness. By law, the Cosmic Alliance seeks to protect the basic rights of all Sapient life, and has been known to enter conflicts with other alliances in order to uphold this belief.



Classification: Cephalopod
Average Lifespan: Unknown, possibly immortal
Average Size: 1,000 - 1,400 ft in length
Diet: Doesn’t eat but inhales gases, mostly hydrogen and helium, for sustenance. May also utilise solar energy from nearby stars.

Planet of Origin

The Medusira Star System: A cluster of gas-giant planets with large rings of debris around them.


An androgynous species that exists in an airborne state for a majority of their lives. Chyrillians share many similarities with whales in their appearance, but are actually classified as cephalopods and have a series of tendrils running along the lengths of their bodies that allow them to manipulate the world around them. They are highly adaptable to the atmosphere around them and are able to alter their structure to accommodate significant changes in pressure and composition, allowing them to survive and move with ease in a variety of environments. They exist primarily in the vacuum of space, only occasionally visiting planets to feed or escape from even larger predators. Chyrillians have no vocal chords, nor even a mouth to speak of. Instead communication between the species is entirely visual, consisting of intricate colour changes to their body and occasional movements from the tendrils. Digital translation of their language is largely a work in progress.

Culture & Society

Once thought to be just peaceful animals drifting through space, more recent developments in translation technology have revealed that Chyrillians are actually a sentient species after an individual nicknamed ‘Blue’ befriended a small research team stranded in her territory. Chyrillians are social creatures and roam through space in large packs of hundreds of individuals, usually fleeing from any ships that get too close to them.


Classification: Humanoid
Average Lifespan: 500 cycles, some live to 700 cycles
Average Size: 4’11” - 5’4” ft
Diet: Namely aquatic creatures- but have been known to eat equivalents to deer as well

Planet of Origin

Sekirw: A planet with three continents and similar to Earth in its variety of terrains and the variety of climates. Unlike Earth, in which the equator is the hottest, it’s actually the northernmost pole that’s the hottest. As a result, the continent farthest to the north consists of deserts and the heaviest rainforests. The other two continents sit around the equator of the planet, which typically gives them much more temperate climates. The southernmost tip of the planet is rendered uninhabitable by most species, except for a few aquatic creatures that hang out in the depths. The majority of the south pole is covered with a vast archipelago. Between the islands lie several crops of jagged rock, making travel within the archipelago impossible and impeding attempts to inhabit the islands.


The El’fiyka are a lithe, humanoid species that are often compared to elves.They tend to run much smaller than humans do, with the tallest ones being around 5’4”. They have a few distinct sub-species variations, though hybridisation across them is not uncommon. Some notable variants include:

Koshka El’fiyka: The most wide-spread variant, and likely the one that most other species are familiar with. Their ears are feline in shape, but they’re larger and oriented a little closer to the sides of the head. The vast majority of them also have cat-like tails, which can range from thin and long to short and extremely fluffy. Koshka also have retractable claws on their hands and feet. They are also noted for being surprisingly agile and having an exceptionally good sense of balance.

Lisa El’fiyka: As Koskha are often compared to cats, Lisa are often compared to foxes. Their pointed ears sit more at the top of their head than a Koshka, and their tails are often far longer and fluffier too. While perhaps not as graceful as a Koshka, the Lisa are noted as being the fastest variant on the planet and generally have taller, stronger builds by El’fiyka standards.

Culture & Society

The El'fiyka speak a language that has often been compared by humans with the fictional language ‘Elvish’. However, peppered in one will hear hisses, clicks, and additional sounds best described as “mrow”. Society as a whole is more on the progressive side. In fact, Sekirw isn’t just a home for the El’fiyka. No, in fact, many different races and species have made a home on Sekirw’s three continents. Some are trying to inhabit the islands as well, despite what was written above. The three continents are split into a few different countries- the Koshka language changes slightly depending on the country. However, everyone speaks the same language- as people on Sekirw typically refer to the language as “common”. However, they know to differentiate between their version of “common” and the common language of the Cosmic Alliance. Typically the government structure is similar among the different countries, a bit of a social democracy of sorts. There is little rivalry between countries- typically each country minds its own affairs, but they work to keep trade between them strong.


Classification: Plantoid
Average Lifespan: Unknown
Average Size: Highly variable
Diet: Mostly through photosynthesis and consumption of water, though some varieties have been known to be opportunistic carnivores.

Planet of Origin

Uulaa: A humid planet covered mostly in lush, tropical rainforests and beaches. Much of the plant life here shows at least some level of intelligent thought, ranging from simplistic decision making to undisputed sentience. The weather is known to run to extremes and at times can be very unpredictable, resulting in sunshine and clear skies one day only to have severe thunderstorms and fog the next.


The Eeowi are a highly diverse and adaptable species of sentient plant, found in a huge variety of forms. Though every Eeowi starts life as the same small seed, as they begin to develop into the sapling stage they begin to differ wildly in behaviour, shape, and even basic physiology. This appears to be primarily based on a combination of environmental factors and conscious effort by the Eeowi, who may choose to absorb specific nutrients and elements or show a desire to move to a specific location. Sapling Eeowi are typically small but mobile, roaming during the day before returning to nutrient-rich soil at night.

As they grow in size and intelligence they show a remarkable ability to dictate what they wish for their form to be, ranging from large, sprawling tangles of mostly-sedentary vines, to agile, peaceful flower-like creatures that rely only on sunlight and water to survive, to a vicious, spiny behemoth that lurks beneath the surface of a lake and drags unsuspecting large game down into its depths to devour.Some have even been shown to mimic the forms of other aliens since the discovery of the planet, achieving a humanoid shape that is almost indistinguishable from the actual species. Often these beings will have some tell-tale sign of their true nature though, ranging from the presence of vines and flowers sprouting from their skin and woven into their hair, to something more uncanny such as an Eeowi forgetting to include the right amount of eyes, ears, or limbs on their form.

Form changes are possible throughout an Eeowi’s life, though the ability to do-so seems to slow down significantly upon reaching adulthood. As the species begins to interact more and more with the Cosmic Alliance one may occasionally spot an Eeowi in a transitional form, using a variety of tools or shells to help ‘reshape’ themselves until they are able to take on said form more permanently.

Culture & Society

Due to the relatively recent discovery of the Eeowi, much of their culture, society and history is still being studied. Despite having not reached space-travel by first contact, the Eeowi have displayed remarkably advanced technology in other ways. They have built tall, sprawling cities that integrate almost seamlessly with the more natural world around them, with almost all of their infrastructure crafted in such a way that it is almost indistinguishable from any other patch of rainforest from an outside perspective. Enter an Eeowi city, however, and you will be introduced to a sleek-built, thriving underworld of modern structures, technology, and amenities.

Indeed, it would seem that their lack of space-based technology was not from lack of ability but from lack of interest in the skies above, coupled with concerns for how an Eeowi would fare in the long-term should they be absent from the planet for long periods of time.

Results have shown that the Eeowi are indeed capable of leaving the planet, but there is a complex combination of atmosphere and soil composition that they require that can make long-term absence more difficult unless they are able to readjust and adapt to the different conditions. This process can take a few years, however, and thus most Eeowi choose to either commute between the planet and elsewhere on a monthly basis or, if affordable, take a expensive piece of equipment referred to as a ‘Rejuvination Chamber’ that is specifically tailored to their needs. Said Rejuvination Chambers are one of the Eeowi’s most impressive technologies to date, capable of breaking down elements to create new ones at ease.


Classification: Humanoid, Primate
Average Lifespan: 150 - 200 cycles
Average Size: 5’4” - 5’9” ft
Diet: Omnivorous

Planet of Origin



Of average height, weight, and little in the way of natural defences, humans instead rely on their intelligence and resourcefulness to survive on the galactic field. They are nearly identical to the humans of the 21st century, though improvements in health-care have elevated them to longer average lifespans by several decades. A common tendency is to enhance some of their features and abilities with cybernetics, though compared to the more lavish and elaborate displays by other races (such as the Sylphiels) they tend to be more subtle and practical when it comes to enhancements.

Culture & Society

Humanity is often considered to be a bit of an enigma by the standards of other species, who find them difficult to predict. They are regarded as a very ‘jack of all trades, master of none’ sort of species, but with large numbers and an incredible determination in the face of adversity. Humans have a habit of snatching victory from the jaws of defeat, and though relatively new to the Alliance they have already achieved a legendary status amongst many of its members. Often loud and stubborn to the core, the general consensus is that while they may sometimes make for tiresome neighbours - they are none-the-less an invaluable ally to have on your side when disaster strikes.


Classification: Humanoid, Amphibian
Average Lifespan: 200 - 250 cycles, though there are much older individuals recorded throughout history.
Average Size: 5’0” - 5’5” ft, but can be as tall as 7’0”
Diet: Carnivorous, with a focus on aquatic creatures. Capable of digesting bones, and a variety of substances that would be considered toxic to many other aliens, but are lactose intolerant.

Planet of Origin

Aevin’aar: A planet defined by its vast swaths of ocean and minimal landmass. Large landmass is mostly confined to a section of the northern pole, and otherwise found as thousands of tiny islands that dot the surface of the planet. All life on Aevin’aar originates from the sea, and the majority of Mjiorian civilisation is confined to enormous, sprawling cities located in the more shallow sections of the ocean.


Mjiorians are a bipedal race of aliens with features often compared to axolotls and fish. They are adapted to an amphibious lifestyle, equipped with both a set of gills and lungs. Fins are common, and can be located along their arms and legs, down their spines, on the tips of their tails and upon their heads and faces. Their scales come in a variety of colours and may feature bold patterning depending on what phase of the ko’lindaar a mjiorian is currently experiencing. The ko’lindaar, also known as ‘cycle-shifting’, refers to a phenomena where a mjiorian will physically shift between genders (though it should be noted that gender expression and pronoun choice may or may not change in kind depending on the individual).

Once reaching maturity Mjiorians no longer show visible signs of age, and can presumably live indefinitely. They are still however prone to diseases and lethal injuries, and due to their often headstrong and reckless natures it is rare to have a Mjiorian survive past a century or two. The age of a Mjiorian is most easily determined by their height, as most seem to reach around 5’0” - 5’5 ft upon maturity and then continuously gain height at an average rate of a few inches per century lived. It is unknown whether they have a maximum height and, given their aquatic lifestyles, it is theoretically possible for ancient members of the species to reach some truly monstrous sizes at the depths of the sea.

The mjiorian species once consisted of three distinctive variants which divided them in the past. As their history has moved on from this mindset however those variants have begun to blur, and in the modern era many mjiorians can claim to have ancestry from not just all three variants, but from other beings that share their homeworld as well such as the Vieshian and Fyrian. The variants are as follows:

Ko’mjiorian: Also referred to as the ‘Rounded’ variant of mjiorians, and considered to be the most common. They are distinguished most easily by the shape of their fins which consist of short spines surrounded by a rounded membrane. During their Ekol phase they most commonly display patterns of spots, and it is from this variant that the bioluminescent markings gene originates from. They tend to err on the smaller side of things compared to other mjiorians, but are typically the fastest and most agile within the water.

Vo’mjiorian: The Vo’mjiorian are sometimes referred to as the ‘Sharp’ variant, thanks to the fact that their spines sit outside of their fins and extend into long, sharp protrusions. Though rarer than the Ko’mjiorian they tend to have an advantage in both size and strength compared to them, and can survive at more extreme depths in the water than other variants. During their Ekol phase they typically display bold patterns of stripes or swirls.

Xo’mjiorian: Typically the largest and most durable of the variants. The Xo’mjiorian can also be referred to as the ‘Billowing’ variant, distinguished most easily by their long, flowing fins with no visible spines. Their Ekol phase is typically marked by an overall change in colour from dull to vibrant, and may additionally show patches of other colours.

Culture & Society

Bold and brash, Mjiorians are a species that takes delight in challenging larger opponents and winning against impossible odds. They are a protective species as a whole, taking in weaker entities under their care and then fiercely defending them from any threats. Many Mjiorians are religious in some manner, with the most common pantheon worshipping several stars as representations of Old Gods. There is a strong belief that these Gods watch over them to this day, and favour any brave warriors that will stand up in the defence of others. Mjorians are naturally fluid in their gender, and can physically phase between several different states over the course of a year. Their gender identity however is often not tied to the physical state of their bodies, and therefore many Mjiorians will instead signal their preferred labels through the prominence of their markings or certain accessories. When in doubt, it is considered polite to use ‘they/them’ for any Mjiorian until informed otherwise.


Classification: Humanoid, Insectoid
Average Lifespan: 80 - 100 cycles
Average Size: 6’5” - 6’10” ft
Diet: Opportunistic Omnivores (Mostly stick to fruits)

Planet of Origin

Ix’il: A once-tropical planet now mostly covered with huge, barren plains and dome-like city structures. Much of the plant life on the planet has been wiped out due to a phenomena that the Pteratrix refer to as ‘The Blight’, and very few people still live on its surface.


The Pteratrix share many similarities with moths and butterflies, having a set of antennae and two pairs of wings. They have two sets of arms, though the upper pair is often more dominant and dexterous than the lower pair. Combined with their keen senses and quick reaction times this provides the Pteratrix with a level of dexterity that is often admired within the Cosmic Alliance. A short layer of fur and a thicker mane of it around their necks provides them with insulation, which puffs up when they feel threatened. From their heads sit two long antennae which they are very protective of, as damage to these drastically lowers their sense of balance and ability to perceive the world around them.

Culture & Society

Due to The Blight, the majority of Pteratrix are now scattered among other planets and are considered by many to be a dying race. Many of them find solid careers in branches of biology, due to past heavy emphasis on Ix’il needing to produce geniuses in these fields in the hopes that they would one day find a solution to The Blight or their slowly dwindling numbers.
The Strix

The Strix

Classification: Unknown
Average Lifespan: Unknown
Average Size: Unknown
Diet: Analysis of abandoned ships suggests a varied, omnivorous diet, with the distressing possibility that it includes a taste for the flesh of other sentients.

Planet of Origin

Disputed: Some believe it to be from one of the planets in the Oculi Caeli system based on the historical texts of neighbouring empires. All planets of the Oculi Caeli system appear to now be barren, but surveys done by archeologists have uncovered faint remnants of cities of an unfamiliar architecture or the occasional fossil of an undiscovered animal or plant. General consensus is that an alien race did, at one point, live on several of these planets, but no official declaration of this race being The Strix has been made yet.


Little is known about the physical appearance of The Strix, as they seem to take great care in revealing as little about themselves or their plans as possible. A few, unconfirmed tales of escapees exist but they regularly come into conflict with each other. Some aliens theorise that this means that The Strix are shapeshifters, while others claim that it means that The Strix Empire is a multi-species entity. The one, unifying detail in all accounts is the description of their voices, said to be a high-pitched, melodic sort of call constantly punctuated with a noise described as saying ‘strix’, and is thus the namesake given to the species by the Cosmic Alliance.

Culture & Society

The Strix are known mostly by the presence of the vast, ring-like structures that make up their ships. They are an enigmatic species, sometimes warping a single ship into scanning distance of a planet for several weeks only to suddenly warp away without any indication of what they were doing. At other times Strix ships will spawn near a planet and make demands of its leader for resources, citizens, or even the planet itself. Failure to agree to the demands of The Strix is often met with a swift and brutal demise of the civilisations involved, with the latest known victims of this behaviour being the Ix-Ruulka. So far no successful attempts have been made to board a live Strix ship, nor even successful scans to obtain any useful data on the species. All that is known about The Strix instead comes from analysis of debris left in their wake, and the occasional unconfirmed tale of an individual claiming to have escaped from them and survived.


Classification: Avians
Average Lifespan: 100 - 200 cycles - longer with tech
Average Size: 5’5ft - 6’5ft
Diet: Omnivorous, but mostly stick to fruits and flowers

Planet of Origin

Planet of Origin: Elysiel – a continental planet with many cold, mountainous regions. Most Sylphiel cities are integrated into these mountains, and without the ability to fly or scale tall structures navigation is often very difficult.


A thin and fragile, bipedal species with an avian ancestor. Sylphiels have a low physical strength and are easily affected by small changes in the environment, in addition to easily falling ill to pathogens. They are instead heavily reliant on their keen memories and brilliant feats in engineering to work around these drawbacks, and will keenly augment their bodies with cybernetic enhancements. Due to these extensive enhancements there is some debate as to what a typical, unmodified Sylphiel should actually look like, but the general consensus is that they are a bipedal, avian species. Additionally they have a set of small, vestigial wings on their back. Due to little use in their natural state, a Sylphiel that can afford the expensive procedure and maintenance of them will likely have these wings cybernetically enhanced in order to allow for proper flight.

Culture & Society

An ancient species renowned throughout the galaxy for the invention of the Universal Languages Database and ULD devices. They are a society ruled by a nobility built around scientific progress, with their current Monarch being the oldest member of the family with the most achievements to its name. Sylphiels are generally regarded as a brilliant but vain species, often creating elaborate and eye-catching cybernetics to attract the attention of their audiences. A Sylphiel’s standing in society is easily judged by the number and elaborate nature of the cybernetic enhancements they possess. Sylphiels are extremely talented polyglots, able to learn and adapt to a language so well that the most talented amongst their kind have been known to be able to hold basic conversations in a matter of days, and be considered fluent in a matter of weeks. They typically only need to be told a word translation or the rules of a language once, and they will then remember it perfectly from then on.


Classification: Reptilians
Average Lifespan: 350 - 450 cycles
Average Size: 6ft - 8ft
Diet: Carnivorous, mostly large game.

Planet of Origin

Saal-Ziir: A warm planet consisting primarily of long stretches of desert. Lakes and vegetation are sparse, and located primarily on the north and south poles.


The Zita-Gaxx are a large, bipedal, desert-dwelling reptilian species. Due to their bulk they tend to move slowly along the land, but have an ability to ‘swim’ through the sandy lands of their homeworld and similar environments. Typically adults can stand anywhere between 6ft to 8ft tall, with age being the key factor in determining their height. Their scales come in a wide variety of colours and patterns and are extremely durable, allowing them to shrug off blows that would devastate most other sentients. Their primary form of defence utilises their immense strength and resilience to power through foes, or to crush them with their powerful jaws. Though considered to have average hearing and poor eyesight, their sense of smell is exceptional and they have been known to track down scents from miles and miles away.

The Zita-Gaxx have a few sub-species variants, which are defined as follows:

Korii: The Korii make up the vast majority of the species as a whole, and are likely the variant pictured by other species of aliens when thinking of the Zita-Gaxx. The Korii generally live on or just below the surface of desert plains of their homes, and are well adapted to its harsh temperatures. They are regarded as the most adaptable members of the species as a whole, and typically have an easier time navigating new and unfamiliar environments than the more specialised Dekii or Raikii.

Dekii: The ancestors of the Dekii are believed to be the first Zita-Gaxx to emerge from the underground, surfacing in the northern grasslands of Saal-Ziir. Frequent earthquakes in the area and the subsequent formation of The Great Desert Scar however lead to this population of the grasslands being geographically isolated from the rest of the species for hundreds of generations. As a result of this past isolation, the Dekii have evolved several unique traits. These include softer scales and a less bulky appearance, often with an absence of the spikes, horns, or frills that tend to adorn the Korii or Raikii. Dekii individuals also tend to have better eyesight and hand dexterity than other variants.

Raikii: The Raikii are a relatively new discovery by the rest of the Zita-Gaxx, though rumours of their existence have prevailed throughout their history. These Zita-Gaxx are believed to be the descendents of those that chose to stay behind when the Zita-Gaxx first began to dig towards the surface of their world, and thus are the variant that most resembles the shared common ancestor of all three subspecies to this day. Over the eons of isolation the Raikii retreated deeper into the underground caverns in search of food and warmth, evolving to be able to live indefinitely underwater. As a result their hind-legs have significantly atrophied in place of a strong tail that propels them forward, making it difficult for them to move outside of their aquatic environment. Many therefore use assistive technology, such as a wheelchair, when travelling on land.

Culture & Society

Though fearsome in appearance and capabilities, Zita-Gaxx are generally very docile and only lash out when provoked. They are a fairly nomadic and lonesome species, usually only gathering together to form breeding triads and raise their children to maturity before drifting apart once more. Zita-Gaxx tend to find themselves in occupations that require long periods of solitude, as they get anxious in larger crowds or with unfamiliar people.

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