• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic The Cosmic Alliance || Characters



Bust :(

Join us now in the
Cosmic Alliance
GenreSci-Fi, Sandbox
Status Accepting
Useful Links
  • Apply
    Hey there! Here you can apply to the roleplay with your character. Those that are accepted will automatically be invited to the Discord OOC discussion group, and be allowed to immediately start posting in the IC thread if they wish. We are also happy to invite you to the Discord without a character prepared yet if you have any questions.

    Please note that fancy BBCode is completely optional, and plays no factor in whether or not we accept the character application. In general we're pretty easygoing with characters, and would rather have a quick chat about how to better help them fit into the world if needed rather than outright reject any concept.

    Want to submit a new species, location, or other world-building idea alongside of your character instead of using some of our pre-existing options? That's fine too and highly encouraged. Please submit at minimum a separate short description in a message to the GM or on Discord, or as part of your character application.

    Player Character Form

    SPECIES: (Please include some information about the species too if new)
    GENDER: (Please remember to include pronouns)
    SEXUALITY: (Optional)
    APPEARANCE: (Image references are highly encouraged and can be in any style, but are not necessary.)
    BACKSTORY: (Please at least include their personality and what reason they have to be on the ship.)
    SUMMARY: (Optional) (A short blurb to be included as part of the Cast tab and elsewhere.)
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Background Image from Frank Cone from Pexels


Hey there! Here you can apply to the roleplay with your character. Those that are accepted will automatically be invited to the Discord OOC discussion group, and be allowed to immediately start posting in the IC thread if they wish. We are also happy to invite you to the Discord without a character prepared yet if you have any questions.

Please note that fancy BBCode is completely optional, and plays no factor in whether or not we accept the character application. In general we're pretty easygoing with characters, and would rather have a quick chat about how to better help them fit into the world if needed rather than outright reject any concept.

Want to submit a new species, location, or other world-building idea alongside of your character instead of using some of our pre-existing options? That's fine too and highly encouraged. Please submit at minimum a separate short description in a message to the GM or on Discord, or as part of your character application.

Player Character Form

SPECIES: (Please include some information about the species too if new)
GENDER: (Please remember to include pronouns)
SEXUALITY: (Optional)
APPEARANCE: (Image references are highly encouraged and can be in any style, but are not necessary.)
BACKSTORY: (Please at least include their personality and what reason they have to be on the ship.)
SUMMARY: (Optional) (A short blurb to be included as part of the Cast tab and elsewhere.)

Rules & Guidelines

Please note that rules may be added or modified as needed in the future.

1. Treat others with respect

This should go without saying, but please remember to respect each other throughout the roleplay and on the server, and remember that there is another human being on the other side of your screen. Hate speech and harassment of other members will not be tolerated.

2. Communicate with others

This roleplay recognises that people can get busy and that real life takes priority over the story. It's fine if you need some extra time to come up with a reply, need to take a break from things, or even quit the roleplay all together. All that we ask is that, if possible, to please communicate this clearly with other members.

3. Be mindful of the posting schedule

Our current aim is to try to post at least once a fortnight. Though players will not be kicked out of the roleplay for failing to post in this time, a period of two weeks without a post or any communication about it will have us assume that the player is on hiatus until further notice.

This means that anyone involved in interactions with them is free to skip the reply and continue onwards with the roleplay. Their characters may also be shuffled to the background as off-screen NPCs, though they are able to rejoin the roleplay at any time should the player return. We do our best to respect the characters of others when this happens and minimise any further interactions or consequences for them, but we may give them an in-story nudge off-screen if necessary.

4. Semi-Lit and Literate Friendly

We find that the length of the roleplay post is less important than the ability to interact with it and reply in an easy manner. While we prefer a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs on average, shorter lengths are fine as long as you are able to give other roleplayers some dialogue, action, etc for them to bounce off of in their response. Quality over quantity is the general rule of thumb.

5. We are an 18+ Group

This is a roleplay intended for an older audience alongside of its OOC Discord. We ask that anyone who requests to join be at least 18 years old.

6. We are a primarily LGBTQ+ Group

While anyone is welcome to the server regardless of their identity, we want to stress that there are a high number of LGBTQ+ members currently present on the server and that there is a good chance that many of our characters will likewise share such identities as part of their stories. Please only join the server if you are comfortable with this.


Asterodia Dor Ulfgaar
Mjiorian | 27 | Fluid (She/Her)

A temperamental Mjiorian of some small fame on the planet of Aevin'aar as the adopted daughter of the legendary Captain Skrul. Despite not being related to the family by blood she is additionally the current Aard Bal'dor to Dor Ulfgaar. This is a responsibility that she does not take lightly, and thus has been training for the role for a number of years. She is currently on an assignment from The Cosmic Alliance as a ship mechanic on The Observer.


Isilynor Tralamin
Sylphiel | 33 | Non-Binary (He/They)

Current favoured heir to the Tralamin Guild on Elysiel, a talented expert in cybernetic engineering, and determined to remind others of both of those facts constantly. Isilynor can usually be found in their on-ship lab or stomping around in the hallways somewhere arguing over the conditions of the ship and the fact that no one around here ever seems to have an inch of respect for them. Isilynor is probably right.


Zikvien Vizis-Tevika-Gaktiel
Zita-Gaxx (Korii) | 82 | Female-Presenting (She/Her)

A rather bluntly-spoken, introverted zita-gaxx that has recently found herself in a role as part of the security team for The Observer. Despite her species’ appearance Zikvien is considered to be something of a gentle giant among the crew, providing you don’t give her reason to have to leap to their protection.
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(Currently a WIP, just putting this here as a placeholder for mine)

Dor Ulfgaar
Mjiorian | 27 | Fluid (She/Her)
  • Introduction
    SPECIES: Mjiorian
    AGE: 27 years
    GENDER: Fluid (currently She/Her)
    SEXUALITY: Pansexual
    BIRTHPLACE: Aevin'aar
    HEIGHT: 155 cm | 5.1 ft
    OCCUPATION: Ship Mechanic

    (WIP) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ornare felis eu est aliquam gravida. Duis lacinia interdum malesuada. Morbi eleifend dapibus imperdiet. Nunc sit amet purus euismod, hendrerit ipsum non, eleifend augue. Aliquam ac augue ante. Nullam consectetur facilisis purus, nec ullamcorper purus. Integer tellus ex, porta quis facilisis at, euismod in velit. Vivamus sagittis orci at metus imperdiet ornare. Nulla laoreet ex eget fringilla lacinia. Vivamus congue sagittis diam, ac vulputate augue vestibulum at. Mauris cursus mattis maximus. Vestibulum nunc tortor, bibendum a neque ut, eleifend pulvinar massa. Aenean in mauris lacus. Praesent finibus ipsum vel rutrum ornare.
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Background Image from Frank Cone from Pexels

[Gets her grubby gremlin hands all over your thread] Yeeessssssssss

NAME: Aezsaa of the Mountain Glades
SPECIES: Draxiek
AGE: 47
GENDER: She / They
SEXUALITY: Unexplored; most likely aro/ace or demisexual/demiromantic
HEIGHT: 6' Living Form | 6'7" Stone Form
OCCUPATION: Agricultural Scientist
Like all Draxieks, Aezsaa has a humanoid body that is difficult to determine if it’s made of flesh or stone. In her case, she is a being of gneiss stone, giving her various dark striping upon her body. Mostly, this striping isn’t very noticeable, not until she enters her Stone Form.

Living Form: In her Living Form, Aezsaa stands about 6’ tall and is broad shouldered, faintly sharp-featured in the face, and a bit thicker from the waist down. They possess dark brown eyes flecked with gray, what appears to be an ashy medium skin tone, and dark gray hair in a wavy/curly sort of pixie cut. Streaks of lighter gray shades can be found among the strands, as if like highlights. Their right arm is gone, destroyed up to the shoulder while they were in Stone Form during a recent accident. The stump left behind is jagged and permanently caught between Stone and Living states, covered in spiderweb-like cracks that reach to her neck.

Stone Form: In Stone Form, Aezsaa gains an extra several inches in height and a long, prehensile tail. Talons protrude from her fingers and toes while her facial features stretch into a subtle beak with a pair of protruding fangs. Their body becomes much more clearly that of a stony material and stiff wings–far more suitable to gliding than actual flying–sprout from behind their shoulders; the membranes of which connect down to their hips. In the center of her chest, her Crystal Core becomes exposed, set upon her sternum. It has become cracked and chipped recently, affecting its natural glow and recharging capabilities.

Clothing: In terms of clothing, Aezsaa prefers loose materials that she can comfortably move about in and can accommodate both her forms with ease. Primarily one for a wide band wrapped about her chest to protect her Crystal Core whenever it is exposed, she’ll otherwise forego any shirt and content herself with a long open coat, pants that possess a variety of pockets, various belts about her waist to hold pouches or small bags, and durable boots that won’t get shredded by her talons.
Partially extraverted in mannerism, Aezsaa will always be the first to offer you a gift from her well-kept gardens if she so much as enjoys the sound of your name. While they have the brawn to protect themself and a couple others, fighting definitely is not one of their better skills. Though, it doesn’t stop some from coming to Aezsaa for physical assistance in preventing altercations. Must be her imposing size and stone-like qualities. Given her friendly nature, she’ll very often strike up conversations. Or, at the very least, fill up a space with chatter, even if the only other occupant is a silent listener; she doesn’t mind leading topics of random discussion if another isn’t inclined to contribute. Don’t be fooled, however, into thinking this is simply because she enjoys hearing herself talk. It’s born far more out of an anxiousness about silence than anything else. Quiet spaces make her uncomfortable so, if she can’t talk to her garden or to another being, she’ll play videos or music or soothing background noises. She likes to claim it’s because silence is boring. More accurately, it’s to avoid getting lost in thought and detaching from their surroundings, entering their Statue Form.

Aezsaa loves her clan while simultaneously wanting to explore beyond her home region. Normally only Elders became nomadic, but Aezsaa was ready to start traveling on their own despite this norm. In their travels, they experienced new cities and new lands, new beings and new cultures. She's not entirely certain of how it happened, but she eventually crossed paths with members of the Cosmic Alliance. Whether because the Alliance didn't have much information relating to Draxieks or because of other motivations, Aezsaa was encouraged to join their ranks. Promised the stars, Aezsaa agreed and soon found themself as part of the Observer's working crew.
A fierce-looking, soft-hearted extravert that would rather see others enjoying the bounties of her gardens than anything else, Aezsaa has hopes to explore and experience the numerous worlds. Especially if it means she can discover new flora and fill her journals about them.

Walking cane


Classification: Humanoid | Gargoyle
Average Lifespan: ~ 250 - 530 Cycles
Average Size: Living - 5’8” - 6’3” | Stone - 6’1” - 7’2”
Diet: Omnivorous, though with a primarily vegetarian leaning, and minerals found in their regions to sustain their Cores.

Planet of Origin

A planet with far more land mass than water and, consequently, mostly consists of desert regions. Only a few, small, mountain ranges exist. The largest, spanning the length of the northeastern hemisphere of the singular continent, is home to the biggest variety of flora and fauna and is where the majority of sentient populations reside. Knowledge of what resides within the ocean is limited, but some speculate thousands of more flora and fauna might exist within the dark depths.

Humanoid in form, all Draxieks have two Forms: a Living Form that appears far more organic and a Stone Form that seems to be an entire body of stone. While their Living Forms possess a wide range of variety in terms of hair colour, eye colour, height, body structure, and the like, there’s a hint of something less organic-like about their body that mimics the type of stone they are born from. Their Stone Form is less varied, though still possesses a range of qualities. With wings that are more for gliding than for flying, and prehensile tails, Draxieks possess talons and claws in this form, are taller than their Living Form, and more visibly have stone-skin that mimics their mineral type. Hair and eyes remain unchanged between forms, as do any body piercings. Clothing does not shift with a Draxieks’s form and can become damaged if not suitable for either Form after a shift. In addition, their Crystal Core–a gemstone or crystal with strange qualities that provide the Draxieks life–becomes exposed while in Stone Form. Often, it is located in the centre of their chest, but some individuals’ Cores are located on other parts of the body.

Culture & Society

Draxieks are born from any number of stone types dependent upon the region in which a clan resides. The more variety within a clan, the more equitable societal behaviours tend to be. The less varied clans tend to develop/risk developing biased perceptions of types not found often in their region. A loose hierarchy exists within most clans with roles and ranks being influenced by a being’s age. As Draxieks are so long-lived, with the aging process slowing significantly upon reaching ~25-28 Cycles, adulthood is considered in phases: Young, Moderate, Middle Aged, Experienced/Wizened, and Elder. Clans are regularly guided by the Experienced and Elders, though it is not uncommon for Elder Draxieks to one day leave their clan and adopt a more nomadic lifestyle to search for new purposes, making room for newer generations to come into existence. Despite variances and differences amongst clans, nearly all Draxieks society has adopted the responsibility of being their planet’s caretakers, striving for a balance between all things living and necessary to life. Religion doesn’t play a huge role in their society, but many do consider a spiritualistic perspective.

A rough, fierce-looking sort that generally care more about tending to herds, plants, or younglings rather than accepting your challenges of strength and ability. Draxieks are debated to either be Living Stone beings with organic, humanoid camouflage or humanoid beings with shapeshifting abilities that grant them a stone-like body for defence.

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