The Contract (Signup and OCC)


One Thousand Club

The Contract

Co-run by Serenity_Black.

Based on the series, Darker than Black . *note you don't need to know anything about it in order to join the rp*

Life as we knew it changed seven years ago when the stars fell. Sure they were replaced by the artificial ones, but that wasn't the only change. Contractors and Dolls, even the Moratoriums started popping up. These people that had abilities and were no longer humans, ones that mimicked humans having no humanity of their own, and the unrestricted that seemed the most dangerous of all. Set in

Corbon City (a large city much like our modern day new york) many know something is off and amiss, but few know the truth that is out there, their ignorance keeping them safe for now.

Playable characters:

Contractors: Contractors are no longer considered humans. They are very logical and put their survival above others. Each has a special ability and when they use it they must pay a price afterwards, it may be delayed in combat but it is unavoidable. Examples of this is breaking their fingers, smoking, doing tedious tasks.

Dolls: Dolls are empty inside and are more or less and their personalities are literally programmed into them. They are mediums that can spy through certain mediums like water or stone. (They must be in contact with said medium for this to work) and have a multitude of purposes.

Moratoriums: (limited availability) Moratoriums are like contractors but they are more out of control and do not have a price to pay for using their abilities.

Humans: Self explanatory.

There are two popular groups that most the teams sign up on. The Initiative and RDAH (Research and development of abnormal humans). They both are high end research associations that are competing against each other in the field of science, in the study of contractors dolls and moratoriums. Both pay well and have a multitude of jobs for the teams to get assigned. Teams can also be independent contractors, working for the odd man or smaller organizations with different goals in sight.

Usually set in teams of two or three, teams get together for a number of reasons. (going up in ranks of a group, money, protection, a skill set, generally looking out for themselves) These teams work for different groups, gathering information, assassinating targets, generally dirty or grunt work.

Your team will be picked for you depending on who joins and everyone's character sheets. You can have two of your own characters on the same team as long as you note it.

Note: The color dark grey will be used for official npc posts so refrain from using this color.

Character Sheet

Physical (picture preferred, description acceptable):


Type(contractor, doll, human):




Skill set(lock-picking, combat, hacker...):


Group alignment (Initiative, RDAH, Independent, or no preference):

Team: (to be assigned)

For Contractors

Contract (ability and price paid to use it):

For Dolls


For Moratoriums




Damion Contractor (Serenity_Black) p1

Aya Doll (AlwaysChaos) p1


Kenji Contractor (AlwaysChaos) p1

Luna Contractor (amdreams) p1


Yomi Contractor (GoddessOfGod) p1

Lucas Doll (amdreams) p1

The Initiative

Ceros Contractor (Ceros) p2

Saffron Doll (Serenity_Black) p1
Physical (picture preferred, description acceptable):

View attachment 10497

Name: Kenji

Type(contractor, doll, human): ContractorAge: 22

Sex: Male

Personality: Somewhat arrogant, Kenji believes in his skills both natural and unnatural. Quiet unless he has something to say or a point to be made he is far from a chatterbox. Child like or ignorant people irk him, and he's hard to please.

Skill set(lock-picking, combat, hacker...): parkour, computer smarts

Background: On his own since becoming a contractor, Kenji kept mostly to himself, joining a team only to make things more efficient while making money and trying to keep ahead.

Group alignment (Initiative, RDAH, Independent, or no preference): Independent

Team: (to be assigned)

Contract (ability and price paid to use it): The ability to manipulate shadows, his price is having seizures

Physical (picture preferred, description acceptable):

View attachment 10498

Name: Aya

Type(contractor, doll, human): DollAge: ~18

Sex: Female

Personality: Aya is cold and stubborn, she uses unsettling glares and sarcasm to keep others at a distance, though secretly she likes inappropriate jokes.

Skill set(lock-picking, combat, hacker...): Surveillance, good memory

Background: Was picked up by her current team without memories, her personality already inborn in her.

Group alignment (Initiative, RDAH, Independent, or no preference): no preference

Team: (to be assigned)

Medium: Glass
Physical (picture preferred, description acceptable):View attachment 10499

Name: Yomi

Type(contractor, doll, human):Contractor


Sex: Female

Personality: She is distant and barley talks to others. She uses rude comments and sarcasam to keep people from asking her questions or trying to talk to her. Sheoesn't care much for others and bielieves that only she can do what she does best. She doesn't like passing up a job to anyone or because the pay is low. She can be talkitive but only if she truly likes you. She also has a child like attitude.

Skill set(lock-picking, combat, hacker...): combat, good memory, Swift on her feet

Background: Before joinng up with her team, previously she was in another one. They failed to do their mission, which lost them their pay. Yomi was outraged of the temas performanc,and when someone tried to cool her down she snapped loseing herself and killing off her team. A few days later she woke up with a man in a strange house and him holding out his hand smiling.

Group alignment (Initiative, RDAH, Independent, or no preference): Independent, she gets more money faster that way

Team: (to be assigned)

For Contractors

Contract (ability and price paid to use it): The ability to inflict pain on others, which allows her to either twist the body a certain way or to just use pain untill there dead. Price to pay for this is illusions of the one's she killed screaming and tring to grab onto her. She shuts down and begins to scream.

For Dolls


For Moratoriums


Physical (picture preferred, description acceptable): View attachment 10501

Name: Damion

Type(contractor, doll, human): Contractor

Age: 22

Sex: Male

Personality: Cold and uncaring, he just goes through his life doing what he must to live. He will attempt to act like a human so he doesn't get noticed, but his general attitude is that he's the only one that matters.

Skill set(lock-picking, combat, hacker...): Hand to hand, as well as being very good with knives, and stealth

Background: Everything was normal for him until the gate appeared, he went from being a normal fifteen year old to suddenly gaining a strange ability, losing his emotions, and finding that killing was very easy. After he gained his abilities the RDAH took notice of him and caught him one day, training him in combat and knife fighting as well as stealth.

Group alignment (Initiative, RDAH, Independent, or no preference): RDAH

Team: (to be assigned)

Contract (ability and price paid to use it): Ability: Invisibility

Payment: Has to take pictures (they can be very random)

Physical (picture preferred, description acceptable): View attachment 10500

Name: Saffron

Type(contractor, doll, human): Doll

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Personality: She shows no emotion at all, she is programmed to follow orders given to her by those on her team

Skill set(lock-picking, combat, hacker...): Surveillance

Background: As far as anyone knows she doesn't have a past, not like the people around her care to know, and neither does she.

Group alignment (Initiative, RDAH, Independent, or no preference): The Initiative (though she doesn't really care about who she works with, The Initiative is just who owns her)

Team: (to be assigned)

Medium: Wood

Physical: View attachment 10611

Name: Artemis "Luna"

Type: contractor

Age: 19

Sex: female

Personality: Luna is sarcastic, flirty, mischievous and slightly sadistic. She loves to poke fun and provoke people whenever she can and is always looking for something entertaining. She doesn't care much for people but loves animals. A fan of music, she is often humming a song when idle or in the middle of an interesting confrontation. She hates people touching her but isn't above touching people herself.

Skill set: Luna is skilled in free running, close quarter to mid ranged combat, and is a decent shot with a gun.

Background: Young Artemis never had that much luck with people. She developed a fear of men rather early. Partly due to her alcoholic father who liked to yell a bit too much, although he never touched her. Then there was her first boyfriend who did beat her after an incident where she accidentally scratched his face. After discovery of her powers though, she decided to reinvent herself, now with the knowledge that she was actually stronger than the ordinary people around her. Her hatred of other people grew though as she continued to witness the ugly side to society and still doesn't very much like the people of her team.

Group alignment: no preference

Team: TBA

Her power is manipulation of water and water form. Her payment is lack of use of her eyes, so she closes her eyes when she uses her powers.

View attachment 10610View attachment 10613

Name: Lucas

Type: doll

Age: 16

Sex: male

Personality: Lucas was programmed to be cute, sweet, generally obedient and innocent. He is generally happy go lucky and looks on everything with optimism and a cheerful smile.

Skill set: Lucas is skilled in lock-picking and general explosives.

Background: Despite Lucas' cute face, he was quite a handful as a kid. Always getting in trouble at school and loudly complaining to his mom how much he wished he could live with his dad, who had left their family when he was 12, he drove his mother to the brink of insanity. His transformation into a doll began when his mother, in a but of depression, tried to drown him in the lake behind their house. These memories are currently locked away.

Group alignment: no preference

Team: TBA

Medium: plants
Name: Ceros


View attachment 10632

Type(contractor, doll, human): Contractor

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Personality: If he has friends he stands up for them when they are hurt etc. He doesn't trust strangers that much, unless he feels like he can.

Skill set(lock-picking, combat, hacker...): Combat, likes to use his power to confuse his enemies.

Background: Found a gem in a cave in his town of origin, which he always keeps with him. Doesn't remember much about his past.

Group alignment (Initiative, RDAH, Independent, or no preference): No preference.

Team: (to be assigned)

Contract: Ability: Can copy someone else's ability.

Price: Has to pay the same price as the person whose ability he copies.

[MENTION=4186]Ceros[/MENTION] you can use any picture you find online or hell draw yourself. The only problem is that the character themselves have to be original. You can use the picture but not the character. Feel free to rewrite your character and sign up again though.
@Ceros You have to pick one ability, either shape shifting (which could be used to spy), or mimic ability (to steal their powers, possibly by touch I would suggest on that one). We just can't have a character overly powerful, just one ability is allowed. Sorry.

@Ceros Much better, and great choice of payment, that's going to make it harder when their payment requires something. ^^ Sorry if we seemed a bit harsh.

The Contract is now open! The contractors are the team leaders, if you're not sure of who's team you're on look to the second post on page one. This post will also tell you who you're working for. Team leaders will be messaged their current missions. You don't have to do your missions right away but keep in mind other teams might have the same mission and be your competition. (Note that you can not kill a character off without permission of their handler.) If anyone else wants to sign up, please bring a partner with you, otherwise you will sit in pending until someone else joins. Keep in mind humans are available as well!"'> The contractors are the team leaders, if you're not sure of who's team you're on look to the second post on page one. This post will also tell you who you're working for. Team leaders will be messaged their current missions. You don't have to do your missions right away but keep in mind other teams might have the same mission and be your competition. (Note that you can not kill a character off without permission of their handler.) If anyone else wants to sign up, please bring a partner with you, otherwise you will sit in pending until someone else joins. Keep in mind humans are available as well!"'> The contractors are the team leaders, if you're not sure of who's team you're on look to the second post on page one. This post will also tell you who you're working for. Team leaders will be messaged their current missions. You don't have to do your missions right away but keep in mind other teams might have the same mission and be your competition. (Note that you can not kill a character off without permission of their handler.) If anyone else wants to sign up, please bring a partner with you, otherwise you will sit in pending until someone else joins. Keep in mind humans are available as well!"'>

The contractors are the team leaders, if you're not sure of who's team you're on look to the second post on page one. This post will also tell you who you're working for. Team leaders will be messaged their current missions. You don't have to do your missions right away but keep in mind other teams might have the same mission and be your competition. (Note that you can not kill a character off without permission of their handler.)

If anyone else wants to sign up, please bring a partner with you, otherwise you will sit in pending until someone else joins. Keep in mind humans are available as well!
Physical (picture preferred, description acceptable)View attachment 12320

Name: Reus

Type(contractor, doll, human): Forfeiter (so human)

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Personality: A Lazy laid back personality, he remains care free and fun loving to the end. Although he does have times of serious behavior he is nothing more than a child like prankster, with a side of sarcasm.

Skill set(lock-picking, combat, hacker...): Decent with handguns . a butterfly knife adept. he is a skilled interrogator. A decent information network.

Background: Once a prodigy of a contractor with an impressive portfolio of complete assignments was a hand of the government. He yearned for normality, one day he lost his powers in an event he calls the calamity and never delves deeper into it. He was cast out and abandoned by the world he thought he wanted. Now he is back to keep being apart of the world that only ever made sense to him.

Group alignment (Initiative, RDAH, Independent, or no preference): no preference

Team: (to be assigned)

For Contractors

Contract (ability and price paid to use it): When he used to have it Controlling magnetism in objects. Price to be paid was blood letting.
Physical (picture preferred, description acceptable):

View attachment 12360

Name: Tiffany Nightingale

Type(contractor, doll, human): Contractor

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Personality: Tiffany is sassy and flirty. She likes to seduce people and leave them hanging and takes amusement in other people's emotional pains. She also like to be deceptive and two-faced; no one really trusts her and they're right to do that for she can be manipulative and deceptive. She likes to takes risk and gamble on things especially when the odds are against her and even then, she's still alive.

Skill set(lock-picking, combat, hacker...): Running in 6-inch heels; doing acrobats; acting

Background: She never really had another person in her life; she kept everyone a fair distance away from her. She was always alone, spending the nights in bars entertaining men and leaving them almost as quickly as she walks through the doors.

Group alignment (Initiative, RDAH, Independent, or no preference): Independent. Likes to go from group to group, depending on where the pay is higher.

Team: (to be assigned)

For Contractors

Contract (ability and price paid to use it): Controlling a target's body for fifteen minutes. She has to sing a full song.

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