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Futuristic The Columbus Initiative Sign Up Sheet



I'm a legume




What kind of human are you? (See the available types here):

Place of Origin (still a native of Earth? Or a resident of the colonies?):

Role within the ship:

Background (What's your previous life like? How did you get recruited for the project?):


Abilities/Powers (Implants & augments for humans, magical abilities or superpowers for mystics & magi):

Appearance (face claim or description):
Name: Peter Smith

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Height: 5 ft 10 / 140 lbs

What kind of human are you?


Normal Human (On Record)

Place of Origin: Houston, Mars

Role within the ship: Chief Scientific Officer


There's a reason why Peter's name sounds extremely generic. Born in a rural part of earth's America, he was born in a religious society that despised magic and augmentations. The young boy was born into two magicians infamous to the town burnt alive at the stake. The child was rescued from the commune to a much more tolerant society on Mars.

Under a false name and assuming the identity of a normal man, he went on to live alone under the supervision of the Magus Administration Bureau.

The young boy was quite the prodigy when it came to mathematics and physics, but his background and training allowed him to excel at magical studies, far beyond what normal humans were capable of. He earned his PhD at the young age of 20, taught and researched with the best colleges on Mars before he's 22.

He enjoyed fame and respect as the champion of the normal humans, a genius despite not knowing any magic. Of course, few knew the truth and they all chose to keep it silent fearing for his life. The fame and supposed brilliance piqued The Columbus Initiative CEO to recruit him as a CSO for ARS Isabella

He secretly practices his spellcasting from various sources ensuring the legacy lives on.


Anxious, slightly unstable, and a bit jumpy, that's how one would describe him. His heart rate never seems to be lower than 100 BPM as he constantly thinks and wonders. He's not one to deny confrontation, if something is unreasonable or out of line he'd question it, but he doesn't actively seek conflict. His purpose is questionable, the thing that satisfies him most is research and identifying the unknown. Many wonder if he cares about humanity at all or if he cares only for the exploration that awaits him.



Peter has no implants, all he has is magic. In the past, spellcasting can only be learned from tomes passed from parent to child, but technology allows the wildfire of information to spread so much that Peter is inundated with powerful spells, how to cast them effectively, and ways to create new spells.

He masters the art of subtlety. The way he casts his spells heavily involves his eyes, minor hand movements, and mental manipulations. He rarely performs anything flashy.

Appearance (face claim or description):

Coming soon


My baby's gotta gun...

"Ahmi" Ahvelina Michelle | "Buzzkill" | Gunnery Officer


'GunMother' / 'Archangel' / Ms. Deviant
She/Her | 27yrs | 5'11" | 185lbs | Black Hair | Hazel/Gold Eyes | Tan Skin
Gunnery Officer | Adept | Lesbian | Muscular, Athletic build.

This is The GunMother...


20 yr old Ahmi out of the Vats

Ahmi loves her badass military look. Dark leathers, battle-scarred armour, and combat boots. When out of her combat gear she just braids up her hair and wears her signature box cap with the cigar/cigarette sticking out of the brim. She is a big woman with big muscles and so she loves to wear shortsleeve crop tops exposing her tats and muscles. And yes, she loves loose cargo pants, but if and when she wears shorts, rest assuresd they will be the booty shorts variety. One thing about going civillian is that she always has to have fresh kicks and so she will wear a different clean and crisp pair of shoes for each day of the week. Other than her signature hat, she will always have that ragged patched up bomber jacket with scraps and cut-outs of fabric, or bits of metal or clasps attached to it. Each item is from a member of her current and former squads.

Scars, Tats, Piercings:
Full sleeves down to fingertips, full back, some tats on her front and legs that tell her life story thus far. In particullar, a tattoo on her forearm with multiple overlapping runes that glow and pulsate when she uses her power. Little motes of light that she calls her 'bumblers' buzz around it. Has her tongue, hood and navel pierced. Scars everywhere especially in parts where she was experimented on. Of note, she has taken grievous wounds in her belly and right thigh leaving nasty scars. Archangel Implants in her head and arm that she assimilated and controls other tech devices. When she uses her power or when emotions are high, her irises will glow gold.


+ Humourous, Chatty and Flirty
+ Dutiful, Loyal and Respectful of Capt and Crew
+ Steel-Nerved, Quick Reactor, and Resilient
+ Confident, Hard-Working, Officer Leadership
+ Tough, Daring and Athletic

- Humour can be offensive, Smack-talker, Cocky.
- Rigid, Does things her way cuz "Bitch, I AM the GunMother,"
- Aggressive, Abrasive yet Needs Quiet Emote Time to Herself.
- Glory hound, Annoyed by Laziness, Only hangs with Officers
- Driven to find Siblings, Hates overlording, oppressive regimes, Violent Rage in Combat.


  • -always has a toothpick or something sharp out the corner of her mouth
  • -always has a cigarette/cigar once mission complete, other than that does not smoke
  • -Calls people by their first initial when she gets comfy with them
  • -Eyes glow gold when using her power or in high emotions
  • -Hums christmas songs while she is working
  • -rough n tough bitch but once the karaoke machine bust out she will bust out the moves and vocals lol
  • -scowls a lot but eyes soften when talking to a friend, smiles when talking to people she considers family
  • -usually calm demeanor but when she gets pissed, she spits right before she lays into you
  • -Known as 'Archangel' when she was part of the Aerial Prime squad.
  • -"GunMother" is her infamous name and rep as a Merc/Bounty Hunter
  • -"Buzzkill" is her pilot callsign and those that know her well half-mockingly call her 'Ms. Deviant' due to her past transgressions.


  • Ahmi is just another orphan who went missing across Canada all those years ago. As a young girl she and many other children were taken by the secret para-military government body known to a small few as Sector XTC.
  • Flourished with manipulating tech and managed to form a bond with the AI, machines and powersources from the Kri'tarris System known as: Archon-Reaction nanotech.
  • All children were experimented upon: enhanced body parts, implants and Adept Power Accelerants were all used to create super soldier children.
  • Ahmi was a top specimen and excelled at all physical training. Was held in high esteem as an honours student and soldier.
  • A nautral-born alpha, she soon earned her way to squad leader, codename: Archangel, of the black-ops team: Aerial Prime. This was an all flight-based team with all members powered by the Archon tech.
  • Successful in all tours working as a unit, but more importantly, bonded as a family... that was until the mission at the Haida Gwaii on Canada's west coast. The team was divided right down the middle regarding the decision to execute their objectives in full. They had all known each other since they were little, they even cut themselves to share blood. Yet the Siblings still found no alternative but to battle each other with devastating results.
  • Ahmi was badly injured and her powers muted, but she still managed to escape with several of her Siblings. But they could not stay on Earth lest they be hunted and tried for treason.
  • All fled into the galaxy and each went their separate way. They each had stolen Archon nanotech and vowed to meet again when they all met their personal objectives.
  • Ahmi recrafted her nanotech which she eventually renamed the Archangel Tech and lived for years the life of a hired gun and mecha pilot going by the name of the infamous 'GunMother.
  • Also worked aboard two major starships, one Destroyer class and one Battleship class.
  • But eventually she made too many rivals and enemies that dropped her name and Sector XTC caught wind of her whereabouts in the Kri'Tarris System.
  • Overpaid to have some strings pulled for her where she was commissioned as Gunnery Officer of the ARS Isabella to lay low and send out feelers for her Siblings out there in the Galaxy.



Supersoldier Training / Upgrades / Implants

  • Highly skilled in field combat as a black ops soldier on Terran or Zero G: close combat, firearms, flight training, intel, comms, non-verbal communication, stealth, mental/physical endurance, leadership.
  • Synthetic reinforced limbs, joints and digits
  • Reinforced spine, upgraded synapses/nerves
  • Upgraded muscles and ligaments
  • Enhanced internal organs, ears and eyes.

Adept: Tech Manipulator / Archangel Tech Mecha Suit

  • Tech Assimilation - can meld into machinery to control and manipulate as if it were a part of her. Weapons are her specialty; it is the reason she used to be called 'The GunMother.'
  • Tech Interface - able to 'speak' to computers and hack and dominate operating systems to get them to do as she wants.
  • Tool-less Manipuation - she can telekinetically move and attach various pieces of inanimate objects together or pull it apart without the use of specialty/hand held tools.
  • Archangel Tech - nanotech that she is able to control and manipulate to form and re-form a mecha suit with full flight and advanced weaponry capabilities. Originally an extravagant golden angellic form but has since gone with more of a bug with big guns look to hide the stolen tech. Also has minor 'bumbler conjurations' whereby she forms such thngs while in human form: a HUD display visor, internal comms, close combat weapons, energy sidearms or hard wire interface ports.
  • Archangel Reactor - implant that multiplies energy to be used to power her mecha suit and its regen abilities.


  • Tech Assimilation -
    - | Power Amnesia - massive physical trauma gives her a form of 'power amnesia' in which she needs to relearn how to use her Tech Manipulation and Interface powers over time.
    - | Archangel tech dependent - she has become super dependent on the nanotech that it has become like a drug; she gets withdrawal if she does not use it once a day. Also requires 'quiet time' once a day to sort her thoughts from 'machine recoding' that messes with her methods and training.
    - | Archangel Reactor - Recharges by draining electric powersources, but to maintain her humanity and resist 'machine recoding,' she must take bio-energy from organic lifeforms too.

  • Archangel Mecha Suit -
    - | Glowing Gold - There is almost no way to stealth with the suit on due its wings and multiple parts pulsating with golden light.
    - | Wrath of the Archangel - During battles whereby Ahmi feels great negative emotions, the suit reacts and all weapons arrays go online and she will go on a berzerker rage, decimating all enemies without rational thinking and there may be lots, and lots of collateral damage.
    - | Weapon Signature - The Archangel Nanotech is actually the Archon-Reaction Tech stolen from Sector XTC, those that created it and experimented upon Ahmi and her 'siblings.' She is trying to hide it however, the energy blasts from her two main guns are devastating yet give up an energy signature unique to the Archangel Nanotech.

Last edited:
    Derek Moreau

    6′2″ (1.88 m)
    180 lbs (81.65 kg)

    True Magi
    Chief Navigator
    Derek is most often quite scruffy in nature, with unkempt clothes and even wilder unkempt hair, though he does sometimes try to make an effort depending on the occasion. Not one for formalities much, or social cues for that matter, Derek essentially doesn't care what someone else thinks of him or how he chooses to present himself. He's not there to please others. A baggy white shirt that has never seen an iron before? Sure, why not? Those jeans with holes of an unknown nature? Yeah, put them on.

    In terms of stature, he stands at a respectable 6'2", an imposing height to most but average as he would choose to put it. His frame can best be described as quite muscular, with an impressively structured body with no overly large muscles nor lean muscles. Derek tries to maintain his physical fitness at times since he's always stuck up in his room doing god knows what, this is more an obligatory task because he needs to regularly maintain his physical health so his body can take the strain of using magic.
    Face Claim: Oscar Isaac
    Pleasure to me is wonder—the unexplored, the unexpected, the thing that is hidden and the changeless thing that lurks behind superficial mutability.
    - Derek Moreau

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