The Civil War of Arthia Storyline and Plot - Fantasy RP


New Member
Hi everyone! This fantasy RP is set in a very heavily detailed world I was inspired to create years ago from endless sources of fantasy novels, games, movies, pictures.

This RP is set in the country of Arthia. Arthia is small country set in the realm of Xarkarv, a fantasy world where all and any creature has a home, somewhere.

This means that everything from Demons Unicorns to Angelic Celestial Anubis Hounds to your run of the mill tiny obnoxious pain in the ass Goblin.

As for your characters, I limit you to these choices: Any sort of Elf.(Wood Elf, High Elf, Dark Elf)






Your Character can still be from a mixed heritage. Maybe he's Half Elf - Half Human. Or even Half Orc - Half Human or Elf! Etc etc.

This world has a 'realistic' sense of magical existence. It's not too rare to see wandering Sorcerers offering to snap their fingers and make your sword clean and shiny for a small sum, just don't expect to see a magic user splitting up islands with his voice and summoning gods and shit. No no no. Magic is a very difficult trait to manipulate in this world.

SO! Now lets get back to the bits that matter. Welcome to the country of Arthia. Why are you here and what is your purpose? Well you tell me. But let me tell you a little bit about Arthia and what is currently going on;

Arthia is a small country that is currently and officially ruled by the royal family; the Whitemanes.

The Whitemanes are one of the wealthiest families in this region of the world. Their family has ruled Arthia for generations. They are a beloved royal symbol. They treat the people well and their army boast themselves the strongest and best-equipped force in the world.

The cool thing about their military? The veteran soldiers(Those whom have served the Whitemane army more then 6 years) get promoted to what are called; Lionguards. Lionguards are given purebred white lion cubs, who they raise and train on their own, forcing and creating an unbreakable bond between beast and master.

The country has just entered civil war since another family decided the Whitemanes have had long enough in the spotlight. This other family, known as the Loveguards are convinced that the Whitemanes have no right to rule and that they are ruining the country while hiding it with spoils and bribes to the public.

This RP is set in a city in Arthia called Iron Crossing. Iron Crossing is located almost spot on in the middle of the country. A large river, runs right down through the center of the country and Iron Crossing sits right on top of it. The city is the seconds largest in the country and serves at the main port of the country. It is also the main trade center of the country and hold the highest population of around 16,000.

Since the city is in the center of everything, it's also the city that is most prone to riots and right out war within the streets due to the recent civil uprising.

Your characters are all here in Iron Crossing. Who are your characters? Why are they here? Did they travel here? Or do they live here? More importantly, who's side are they on, if any side at all?

( This is just the basic quick introduction I could think of at the top of my head. It's also like...7am here now so I shall get some sleep. If enough people find this interesting, I shall create a Character sheet page and continue this thread with the more relevant information on this RP. )

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