Two Thousand Club
The City, a bustling metropolis filled with a war between various families in the Mafia. Only now, the stakes have been raised with the entrance of a new enemy, a clan of Faeries determined to return the City back to its primeval form.
On both sides of the war, Wizards act as mercenaries to either serve the various crime families, restore a new base for the Faerie takeover, or form their own organization to preserve peace.
I put this into nation building because I'd like to see players create the organizations and factions fighting in the city.
For instance, why are the Faeries so interested in the city? What powers, what rules, and what governs them?
For the Mafia, what kind of crime families are in operation? How big is the network? What rules might govern them? What alliances can be formed? There is as much in-fighting within the Mob as there is with the new pixies.
For the Wizards, what are their motives? Do they fight for the people of the City, the Mafia, or the Faeries? What drives them? Being a mostly neutral organization, what side they choose, if any, may determine the fate of this metropolis.
On both sides of the war, Wizards act as mercenaries to either serve the various crime families, restore a new base for the Faerie takeover, or form their own organization to preserve peace.
I put this into nation building because I'd like to see players create the organizations and factions fighting in the city.
For instance, why are the Faeries so interested in the city? What powers, what rules, and what governs them?
For the Mafia, what kind of crime families are in operation? How big is the network? What rules might govern them? What alliances can be formed? There is as much in-fighting within the Mob as there is with the new pixies.
For the Wizards, what are their motives? Do they fight for the people of the City, the Mafia, or the Faeries? What drives them? Being a mostly neutral organization, what side they choose, if any, may determine the fate of this metropolis.