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Fantasy The City of the Occult [casual-detailed/COMING SOON]


mega nerd






character's full name:

pronunciation: (if necessary)

actual age:

apparent age:

gender: (if necessary)

sexuality: (if necessary)

immortality status: (immortal/mortal)

type of magic: (passive/active/utility)


occupation: (apprentice/store-owner/IT auditor/etc)

alignment: (good/neutral/evil/etc)

supporter of: (miguel/gaston/bram/etc)

other: (anything else you want to mention)


character's appearance: (real & animated pictures accepted)

clothing choice: (optional)

defining features: (scars/prominent features/etc)

transformation: (if necessary)

transformation occurrence: (full moon/voluntary/at random/etc)

powers/magic: (please be descriptive)

how did you obtain these abilities?



other: (anything else you want to mention)


background/biography: (min. 1 paragraph)

how did they find burgensielle? (you do not have to do this if it is already mentioned in bio)

years of residency in burgensielle:

personality: (please be descriptive)

virtues: (3+)

vices: (3+)

quirks/habits: (optional)

likes: (optional/5+)

dislikes: (optional/5+)

family/lineage: (optional)

friends/relationships: (optional, we can sort out character relations in OOC)

other: (anything else you want to mention)



character's full name:

actual age:

apparent age:

gender: (if necessary)

sexuality: (if necessary)

immortality status: (immortal/mortal)


occupation: (apprentice/store-owner/IT auditor/etc)

other: (anything else you want to mention)


character's appearance: (real & animated pictures accepted)

clothing choice: (optional)

defining features: (scars/prominent features/etc)



opinion on magic:

other: (anything else you want to mention)


background/biography: (min. 1 paragraph)

how did they find burgensielle? (you do not have to do this if it is already mentioned in bio)

years of residency in burgensielle:

personality: (please be descriptive)

virtues: (3+)

vices: (3+)

quirks/habits: (optional)

likes: (optional/5+)

dislikes: (optional/5+)

family/lineage: (optional)

friends/relationships: (optional, we can sort out character relations in OOC)

other: (anything else you want to mention)

COUNCIL MEMBERS/TRIO *audition required*
to be added.. PM me if you're interested in having a character be apart of the ruling council. bram will be played by co-moderator @Inheritance . miguel and gaston are undecided, but either one will be played by yours truly. if you are interested in playing one of the trio members, create a PM that includes myself and Mr. Inheritance so we can have a group chat

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  • character's full name: amaryllis matsumi hayashi

    pronunciation: [auh-mah-ril-us] [mauht-soo-me] [hah-yah-shee]

    actual age: 24

    apparent age: early 20's

    gender: female

    sexuality: heterosexual

    immortality status: immortal (unbeknownst to her)

    type of magic: utility/active (unbeknownst to her)

    species: human

    occupation: apprentice and barista at local cafe

    alignment: true neutral

    supporter of: gaston

    other: her powers are just developing, and she is not immediately aware of them although some signs are beginning to show.

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THE BASICS character's full name

Jacques Marcel Langlois



actual age





ask him, and you may receive

immortality status


type of magic

active & utility




historian, guest lecturer; poet


neutral good

supporter of


APPEARANCE/ABILITIES character's appearance


clothing choice

long coats, elaborate accessories, an abundance of silver charms around his neck and wrists. semi-precious stones adorn his six rings upon his right hand.

defining features

his hands resemble leather and he smells of the earth after a spell of rain



, the ability to amplify or dampen gravitational force (at the expense of Jacques' stamina). the former is capable of creating fissures, but doing so would leave Jacques vulnerable afterwards, needing a full day's bed rest. the latter, which enables levitation, also expends energy but at a slower rate.

how did you obtain these abilities?

he was born with them, though his parents never displayed any sort of magical talent. it skipped a generation or something, who knows.


versatility of application, will override powers that manipulate the ground, such as earth (elemental) magic


expends stamina when used, potentially to the point of collapse; limited range due in part to its energy drain on the user

IN DEPTH background/biography

Born to non-powered humans in the city of Burgensielle, Jacques was self-taught in the precarious art of controlling his gravikinesis. His first mishap occurred beside a river he liked to visit: At first, he believed that the fish were swimming upstream or at least attempting to. It was when they started flying around and landing on the grass that he realized they were floating out of the water. Startled by this revelation, the young Jacques stumbled backwards over a rock and smacked his head. It wasn't until nightfall that his father found him and took the boy home. They all thought the concussion was caused by the bump on his head, for it wasn't until Jacques was a young fellow of twenty-one summers that he found out his exhaustion was linked to his powers. He passed by the wrong pub at the wrong time and was harassed by a couple of drunk troublemakers until Jacques decided to give them a scare by lifting them into the air a story or two.

The police found five men unconscious outside the pub that morning, Jacques among them.

years of residency in burgensielle



Polite and respectful, Jacques is everyone's image of the perfect gentleman. He treats women and men alike with courtesy and gives people the benefit of the doubt. In the classroom, he proves his intellectualism and displays his passion, encouraging his students and guests to see value in history's lessons. He has been known to stand upon his desk on occasion when he gets really into a lecture.

With all this in mind, Jacques is far from perfect. He has a fascination with the morbid and doesn't always see the danger in any given situation. He's lighthearted to a fault which can rub others the wrong way, especially if the situation warrants more gravitas. He can be long-winded at times when something fascinates him and it usually takes a few nudges before he realizes that he's gone off on one of his theories.

And as they say, you ought to beware the nice ones. Should a person have the misfortune to pick one of Jacques' friends or loved ones as a victim, all of his compassion gets flung out the window. He can be rather vicious with his words and won't hesitate to physically harm someone who's proven to be a threat to others.


gratitude, compassion, accountability


impetuous, jealousy, pride

please let me know if anything needs to be edited!
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@Captifate it's great as is but i forgot to add two details on the CS which is what their alignment is (good, neutral, evil) and who they side with within the trio! if you could add that in that would be great! everything else is perfect!

character's full name: Maron Elba

actual age: 18

gender: Male

sexuality: Bisexual

immortality status: Mortal

type of magic: passive and active

species: human


day time pawn shop owner

Night time thief

Alignment: neutral evil

Supporter of: bram


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.ec5b3cdd1fa5bae5740a26b9515e9626.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130287" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.ec5b3cdd1fa5bae5740a26b9515e9626.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Invisibility: can make self and clothes turn completely transparent

Enhanced physical capabilities (stronger, faster, better senses, etc.)

How did you obtain these abilities?

Rigorous training to be stronger

Invisibility was gained from a experiment he volunteered for

Strengths: excellent at stealth

Good thief

Pro stamp collector (gotta have a hobby :P )

Weaknesses: scared of spiders

Invisibility takes stamina over time

Can EASILY be bribed with money or shiny things

In Depth

Background: Maron's life as been pretty normal. He was born to poor people, kidnapped when he was 5, experimented on for 5 more years, then escaped when he was 12. I mean pshh what's not normal about that??

The people who kidnapped him were an organization trying to make the perfect spy. One of their many experiments were to fuse human skin with a chameleons then double the effect.

Sooooooo they pretty much took his skin off while he was alive then put a new type of skin on him that had complete invisibility on it.

They then started torturing him some more to try and see what could activate the skin camo. Once it was activated they soon learned the error of their ways and Maron immediately escaped.

How did they find burgenfielle?

He sought refuge in the place and hoped someone could teach him how to turn the invisibility off and on.

Years of residency: 10

Personality: Maron is a wild card. No care for human life and is just interested in entertaining himself OR having shiny things.

Virtues: Crafty, Smart, good at selling anything

Vices: Greedy, insane, wild



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  • [ THE BASICS ]

    character's full name:

    Rimira Emblen

    actual age:


    apparent age:






    immortality status:


    type of magic:







    Chaotic Neutral

    supporter of:


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(I'm new here, so I don't know many fancy formatting tricks yet. Sorry.)


Character's full name: Tam Elliott Sinclair

Actual age: 32

Gender: Depends on the form she's taking.

Sexuality: Heterosexual, but keep in mind that she can switch genders.

Immortality status: Mortal

Type of magic: Active/Utility

Species: Human

occupation: Actor, performer

Alignment: Chaotic neutral, Supports Miguel


Character's appearance:

(Just one of her more well-known faces)
Clothing choice: She often changes clothing on a whim, as it's really all just part of her shapeshifting body. She loves opulence and excess, so dazzling clothing, short dresses, and expensive suits all fit her just fine.

Defining features

More notable for her lack of permanent defining physical features- as a shapeshifter, Tam puts on new faces like others put on new hats, and adopts new mannerisms to boot. Its difficult to know who you're really talking to except for those who know her very well, who can spot several tell-tale signs, like her predisposition towards humming, tapping, and otherwise making musical sounds.


Shapeshifting: Tam has the ability to physically change into any humanoid form, from beautiful starlets to old men to hideous monstrosities. A single shift is generally not particularly taxing, but rapidly changing forms in a short period of time can quickly grow exhausting. She can use her abilities to mimic actual people or to become faces she's only seen in her imagination. Any physical characteristics are adopted by Tam when she assumes a form (i.e. a bodybuilder's strength), but not any non-physical prowess (i.e. a musician's trumpet-playing ability, a genius' intellect, or a magic-user's magical abilities).

How did you obtain these abilities?: Tam was presumably born with them, but she only became aware of them in her mid-teens.

Strengths: Able to disguise herself to gain trust, information, and material wealth, excellent for escapes and hiding, difficult to track, makes for a perfect tool for spying and performance (Tam's profession of choice).

Weaknesses: Little utility in combat, exhausting when shifting rapidly, limited to humanoid forms.



Everyone who's anyone in the Burgensielle theatre scene knows who Tam Sinclair is. One of the city's preeminent actors, she broke out onto the scene ten years ago and has only risen higher since (predictably, a shapeshifter makes for a very effective actor who can play nearly any role). Despite her fame as Tam, very few know much about her personal life, past, or other personas. Raised as an only child in an abusive home until her mid-teens, Tam's powers manifested after a particularly harsh night, allowing her to adopt a new identity and escape into the city. Changing from face to face, Tam spent the next years mastering her powers and her imitating ability. She found that after a few days trailing a person, she could adopt their mannerisms fairly well- at least long enough to make off with their valuables or valuable information. After amassing a respectable cache of ill-gotten gains, she used the money and connections to lever her way into theatre under the name "Tam", where her skills lent themselves naturally to the performance. Still, she lives as many people- an old crone on the street corner, a respectable politician- anyone in the city could be Tam in disguise.

Years of residency in Burgensielle: 32


Tam the starlet is charismatic, clever, and the perfect manipulator. She knows exactly what strings to pull and who to pose as to get what she wants. Being a shapeshifter, she's naturally crafty and takes pleasure in leaving others mystified. The first rule of performance? Always leave the audience wanting more. Tam is absolutely unabashed at assuming any form in pursuit of her goals, and often wears revealing clothing in attractive forms. When you're a shapeshifter, why be modest? You can look exactly how you want.

While generally playful and flirtacious, she's haughty and can be arrogant- it comes from always thinking you have the upper hand, as she often does. It's difficult to tell what's a facade and what's not when talking to her. As another side effect of shapeshifting, Tam has self-identity issues. She's told so many lies and adopted so many personas that even she finds its hard to know what her "true" self is- she only has a hazy recollection of what she originally looked like.

It may be confusing why a manipulative liar like Tam supports Miguel. Her reasoning is this- she loves Burgensielle just as it is, where she can rule the roost in luxury. She'll side with Miguel to protect the city just so she can continue sinning in peace. She's never really had any very close friends, so she doesn't know how to react when people become close to her, as they may well during the campaign.


charismatic, clever, crafty


haughty, manipulative, compulsive liar
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character's full name: Luke Bastion

actual age: 28

apparent age: 28

gender: Male

sexuality: Straight

immortality status: mortal

type of magic: utility

species: Human

occupation: Tailor

alignment: Chaotic Neutral

supporter of: Gaston/Miguel

other: He doesn’t support Bram.


character's appearance:


clothing choice: Accessorized to the teeth and meticulously fit together. Every button, stitch, and belt has a purpose and magical function. Typically, he sports a vest of some sort, shirt or no shirt, and an unusual amount of belts.

defining features: Longer, light brown hair, light brown eyes, tall, lanky. No scarring of note but his hands or wrists are usually bandaged from a crafting error. Honestly, the sheer number of accessories this guy wears is bizarre.

powers/magic: Tailors magic to fit his needs- Like a wizard has a wand, Luke has a needle and thread to weave magic into everyday clothing items. He cannot cast spells at will or suddenly animate clothing, all of the spells must be carefully stitched, glued, or hemmed into place before being used properly. Thus his options are only limited by the clothes in his closet. His signature item is a jacket that transforms into hawk wings allowing him to fly.

I’ll try to be responsible with this power and describe what he’s wearing but not what exactly they do whenever he enters a scene so it’s not like I’m making things up on the fly. Also, it can take weeks for him to complete experimentation on a new magic item, even then most are only one use. Other than his signature jacket most of his items fall apart after use so it can take some time to repair them.

how did you obtain these abilities?

Pricked his finger on a magic spinning wheel, not even kidding, he loves to tell the story.

strengths: tries to be prepared, looking good, sewing, fixing things, and creative or unconventional.

weaknesses: Things he’s not prepared for, waterproofing clothes, active fighters, good pay.

other: He can make magical objects for other characters if they pay well enough or are good enough friends.


background/biography: Born to a simple family, Luke grew up in Karlsruhe, Germany on the boarder of France. His Father was in masonry, his Mother took care of him at home, where she completed chores and occasionally mended clothing for neighbors.

Luke was never one for clothing design, but he and his mother would put together costumes for the local festivals and performance groups. He loved any craft involving feathers. His Mother taught him the basics of crafting, and he took an interest in it.

At age 20, Luke apprenticed a leather-worker for a year and learned how to prepare and shape leather for shoes, belts, even purses. He continued his studies in Italy for a few years.

By 24 he was interested in settling down and starting his own shoe or tailoring business. He wandered his way to burgensielle, upon arriving he discovered the town’s lack of a tailor or craftsman. He was able to get himself an apartment, and an old woman convinced him to take her old spinning wheel as a welcoming gift. When moving it in he was enchanted by it and pricked his finger. Suddenly, his eyes were opened to the magical city around him, and he hadn’t wandered into just any city.

For a few months, he slaved away from his small apartment room mending peoples clothing and running a few of his own experiments on the side developing new magical items. After saving up enough money he bought his own storefront. This November will be the one-year anniversary of his shop’s opening.

personality: His work is his life, he puts his heart and soul into his work spending a majority of his day crafting and experimenting. His behavior is not uptight or orderly though, his routine is not normalized. He is inviting as a person, warm-hearted, and loves a good story. He especially enjoys being introduced to new powers to experiment with. Need glasses to stop your eyeballs from shooting lazers? He’s definitely down for the challenge. He’s not one to turn anyone away and will always look to resolve conflicts in a manner with the least damage to both parties.

virtues: accepting, faithful, supportive

vices: accident prone, workaholic, easily manipulated

quirks/habits: He will lend or sell you any piece he has designed except for his jacket. He enjoys spending time on the roof when he’s not working.


rearranging his storefront

nuts and seeds--natural foods with a good crunch



fun craft supplies (buttons, colorful thread, unique leathers, or creature parts)

Granny(the old lady that originally left him the spinning wheel)




shady deals

taking a vacation

leaving his store unattended for too long
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character's full name: Andrew "Fuzzie" Mark Smith

actual age: 400+

apparent age: 15

gender: Male

sexuality: Bisexual

immortality status: Immortality

type of magic: None

species: Human, with a demon inside him

occupation: Part time job at a Burger King

alignment: neutral

supporter of: gaston (but later in the story he will support miguel)


character's appearance: see profile pic (im not an artist)

clothing choice: black hoodie, jeans, sneakers

defining features: metal limbs, weird hair

transformation: FUZZIE, when Matter, his demon, controls him.

transformation occurrence: when Fuzzie gets negative emotion.

powers/magic: Fuzzie is skilled at hand to hand combat and firearms.

strengths: Invulnerable to things that cant hurt demon

weaknesses: Things that can hurt demons like angels, other demons, demigods, etc.


background/biography: Andrew was born in a village. He and his sister Nari help their parents farm. One night, the demon showed up to Fuzzie. He said he was Jesus's son and can grant him immortality if he shakes his hand. He did, causing the demon to enter his body. He controlled him and killed all his family members.

Fuzzie is on the run most of the time, because he doesnt want to hurt anyone and the government is chasing after him. One time, the military caputured him. They replaced his limbs with metal ones. They gave him training in firearms and hand to hand so that he can be used as a weapon in the army. During a 5 mile march, Fuzzie atracked all the soilders and escaped.

He found himself in this city filled with superhumans that was off the radar. He decided to stay with his people, not knowing there was sides to take. He has live in Burgensielle for 43 years.

personality: Fuzzie is a comedic guy. He seems to not take anything seriously. However, he has a demon, Matter, inside him, talking to him. Fuzzie has a lot of bad memories about Matter killing people. Fuzzie is only happy to cheer himself up, as he is mentally broken.

virtues: Cheering people up, fighting "the bad guys", good advice, helps people that need to be helped, not breaking the law (most of the time)

vices: Cursing, drinking, violence, stealing, killing, being selfish, dirty mind, doing things before thinking about it

quirks/habits: Drinking, sleeping, eating, video games, jokes, pranks, thinking, fighting, destroying things (more will be added as the rp goes one)

likes: action, adventure, destruction, his habits, seeing people smile, being in a relationship, friends

dislikes: boredom, seeing people in a negative mood, people hating him, his past, Matter, and people who he just met flirting with him

His demon Matter: Matter lives inside Fuzzie. Only Fuzzie and other demons can hear him. Matter wants nothing but to make people suffer. If Fuzzie gets enough negative feelings like anger, Matter can control him.

For more detail, visit my profile information slide.
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