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Fantasy The Chronicles of Solis


The Leader of the Pantheon

The Chronicles of Solis

This is where forms for characters will be posted.


Rules for Character Creation:
This is fantasy, so magic and magical creatures are allowed in backgrounds and pets, but nothing is going to be as powerful as the powers the Gods provide.
If your character is a Champion, their powers and personalities should be linked to what the god presides over. So a Champion of Kymir wouldn't have fire related powers.
Characters must be older than 20. I apprieciate that teens are fun to play sometimes, but I don't think the Gods would put the fate of Solis in the hands of people who have a still developing brain.
Please make sure your character has flaws. It leads to funner gameplay.
If there are loads of people who want to be a Champion, I might come up with some more Gods and extend the deadline.



a picture or text description of your character

your character's name

your character's age

your character's gender
Personality (optional):

describe your character's personality. This is optional since you can describe it later through actions in roleplay

your character's life story leading up to the start of roleplay. While you are required to describe it, you don't have to tell everything if it's inconsequential / you want to keep some secret before revealing it later in roleplay.
Skills (optional):

normal real-life skill your character obtained through his life. For example, a healer would be well-versed in medicinal practice, a thief would probably be very good at stealth, even a construction worker has strong constitution and high stamina. Someone doesn't have to work a specific field to have skill though. For example, someone who attends a lot of parties may have become very charismatic.


(If not a champion, ignore this section)


what god is your character the champion of?

describe your character's power and how it works. Be as descriptive as you can. If I feel it's not descriptive enough or is ambiguous, I'll contact you to refine it further.

limit of your power. If I feel like it doesn't balance it enough, I'll contact you further.
Additional Info (optional):

anything else you want to add, just put it here.



Epthys, Goddess of the Sky, Freedom, Fate
Kymir, Goddess of the Sea, Change, War
Acorr, God of the Land, Stability, Nurturing
Soros, God of Magic, Belief, Pride
Anemis, Goddess of Death, Life, Balance

More will be added if a lot of people want to join.




Situated on the planes in the middle of the continent, Aplia consists mostly of farmers. It's the largest country formed from the remnants of Solis and is run by a governing body in the capital city. Unfortunately, the Government has very little reach past the walls of the capital, the farms outside being set upon by bandits and extorted just to stay alive. 


A very solitary kingdom, the leaders of Esthines live in constant paranoia. Their borders are lined with watchtowers and their military is one of the biggest in the five kingdoms. They live mostly in isolation, only trading for the necessities with other countries and trying to provide for everything themselves. Not many citizens are allowed to leave, and even fewer are allowed to return.

Skon Thar-

Everywhere north of the Great Sea Pass is part of Skon Thar, a warrior kingdom. There is no permanent control on Skon Thar, control being passed around from chief of one tribe to the chief that killed them. Despite being at war most of the time, the tribes also know how to work together to survive in their harsh environment. Trading between themselves and other countries is their greatest strength.


On first sight, Draesia seems to have escaped the chaos that spread to everywhere else. The Holy Emperor that rules them is benevolent and shares funds and goods with his people. The cities seem prosperous and the people happy, but below the surface things are very different. Anyone who expressed unhappiness or any sign of dissent swiftly disappears, never to be seen again.


Otrodor is less of a kingdom and more of a piece of land that no one except the natives can survive in. Arid desert covers most of the land past the mountains, broken up by the occasional river or oasis where towns are based. While not very united, the one thing most 'Dorians have in common is sailing skills. Given the deadly nature of the sand wastes around them, sailing over rivers or the surrounding ocean is usually the safest way to travel if you know how to deal with pirates.

No Man's Land-

South of the Draesian Mountains, and between the Aplian Planes and the Esthian border are stretches of land that belong to no kingdom. People still live in them, making what living they can without the protection or benefits of a kingdom to help them.



Champion of Empthys, Lysandra Dalia @illicit

Champion of Kymir, OPEN
Champion of Acorr, Aleksei "Alyosha" Ventsov @Broodmother

Champion of Anemis, Damien Morana @TheOne

Champion of Soros, Theris Fey @SecretRock


-Rashtar Dungar, @Bmikeization

-Patrick Beika, @Some1

-Emory Shirsk, @vinebeck

-Static Kine, @Apbuggy


OOC Thread:

IC Thread:


Theris Fey - 25 - Male
Personality (optional):

A little bit of a dick, but Theris is mainly made up a jokes. He's pretty cocky too and likes to think that he can handle anything. He can be serious, but it's not seen often.

Growing up in Otrodor was difficult, especially since Theris's family moved around a lot. They settled down after an attack by pirates on their vessel, resulting in Theris's father losing his life and Theris losing an arm. Unable to do much to help him family with on arm, Theris started taking lessons with the local witch. Eventually he started helping in her shop, providing fortunes and helping to make potions while she was away or with other customers. 
It was when he was twenty that he decided to go travelling. Sick of the small oasis and drab environment, Theris got a lift to the mountains between Otrodor and Aplia. Since then, he's been travelling, selling potions and fortunes to get by while exploring and looking for a purpose.
Skills (optional):

Aside from the potion making and limited divination the witch taught him, Theris has been taught how to fight with a sword since he was small.



Manipulating the word around him using magic. 
By channelling the power Soros provided him, Theris can control things around him, short of humans. This means he can create structures out of stone, create storms, or even make plants do his bidding.

Theris has to keep concentration on his magic if he wants it to continue. This means he has to keep it in his mind, which can get difficult in stressful situations. He can also only control one thing at a time.

Additional Information:

In his travels, Theris has never been allowed into Draesia or Esthines.
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Laying claim to a Champion of Kymir, if there is no existing dispute. Either way, this will be my character sheet-post.


Markus Extinct

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Personality: That of a loner. Since he has no friends throughout his life, he has accepted being alone, now preferring it. He is very bright (smart), and will try to explain everything that exists (which will be hard in a fantasy RP :)  ) 


Markus was born in Drasia, but his parents became unhappy there, leading them to run from the country, and try to move into a new one. On the road, a band of thieves killed his parents, leaving him hidden behind a few bushes. A group of warrior passed by, and took Markus, now 4 years old, to grow up in Skon Thar. He was mocked in training, and eventually outcasted himself from everyone else, going to the only abandoned place in Skon Thar, the library. He read every chance he got from the dusty, untouched books on the shelves, training his brain while the others trained their bodies. He learned how to fend for himself, including cooking and direction without a compass. He is currently living IN the library, which his tribe has allowed to do. His only lights are candles set around, as he works tediously on who knows what, believing that he and his pride can get through life by himself.


-Knowing which ways are North and such without a compass

-How to cook a moderate meal

-Extensive language

-How to use random junk to survive

-Forging handwriting


God: Epthys



Impact Words: His words can impact reality. For example, if he said someone was feeling hopeless, they would begin to feel hopeless. 



Once his power is used, it causes a timeframe where it cannot be activated. This timeframe reflects his emotional status, like if hes really sad, the recharge will take a while..



Has a strange affiliation with the number 14 and the color purple


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just imagine your idea of the sweetest little baby doughnut precious, and give it hazel eyes and dark curly hair. that is alyosha. love him. love him eternally. 

Aleksei "Alyosha" Ventsov

24; looks younger.

Alyosha is a pure, wholesome, sweet baby darling who wouldn't hurt a fly. Even if that fly was eating his open wounds. He would talk to the fly and attempt to convert it to his religion, which preaches nonviolence and equality for all (for a good idea of how its rituals and general hierarchy might work, with allowance for the nature of its god, look at Eastern Orthodox Christianity).
He's not naive, but he's very meek. He believes deeply in hope, love, justice and all that jazz -- imagine a logical extreme of kindness and you get him, complete with his neurotic "by Acorr, am I offending someone?" and eternal calm bby face.

Raised in a monastery in Esthines. Took a holy vow akin to the Hippocratic Oath but for spiritual counselling; was given a passport because of the nature of his religious calling. That means that it's not likely he'll be bringing dissent and capitalism and all that to his home country. 

Charismatic, trustworthy and likeable.
Very learned -- languages, history etc; he's like a lore font.
He can imitate writing/calligraphy styles and accents well.
A good liar, especially if it relates to things he knows a lot about.
He knows quite a bit about domestic work and how to do various things the others might not be familiar with, since his god -- goddess, as he grew up knowing her -- patronizes stability and the highest calling for a priest of his religion is to maintain it.


Zorya - an Esthian female aspect of Acorr. So, Acorr.


Able to call on the beneficence of Zorya-Acorr to 'correct' a situation; that is, to make it as it needs to be and restore stability and life. The boons the goddess grants him to accomplish this vary, and may even just be insight instead of a temporary ability. Basically, he's kind of like a jack of all trades/a master of none.
The only constant power he has is a healing touch/an ability to positively affect people, plant life and animals.


He's a little more like a Biblical hero than a superhero: his power relies on his deity's desire for him to have it, and nothing he really does with it is on his terms. It could fizzle out on him in a pivotal moment if Acorr were to decide that it's better and less destructive for him to be without celestial defense at that particular moment.
As for the power he has passively, that only works if the other party needs it -- he could use a little of it to help him make someone feel at ease if his body language and tone aren't working, and maybe temporarily stay the bloodlust of a genocidal warlord, but he can't force his ideology into people's minds, even in the name of stability. That's not Zorya-Acorr, that's Kymir. Alyosha is not a cleric of Kymir.

Additional Info (optional):
he doesn't process negative emotion well so if he ever gets really angry or sad it just manifests as heart problems bc he's internalizing it to not hurt anyone.
also do you want tea? brother alyosha will make you tea.

one day he might snap into a cult leader and lead a crusade in the name of peace and love or something, like those shitty fluttershy aus
I have no idea why but it sends me to a different one. And I just realised that the different one doesn't have half my character sheet deleted. Gotta fix that.



Rashtar Dungar


Personality (optional):

stoic with a sense of caring for those he deems worthy of his care. Never afraid to jump head first into a conflict.

Born the 4th son to one of the great war chiefs of Skon Thar. Rashtar grew up with the realization that he would never lead his clan and decided to devote his life to being the most deadly warrior he could be. From the day he forged his axes from the ore from deep within the mines which was his peoples right of passage he never stopped fighting. When he was 29 Rashtar and his brothers joined his father in an epic conflict with a rival clan to the north. During that battle all of his brothers were slain and his father was badly injured  but there province won in the end. One the return trip back home his fathers wounds toke his life leaving Rashtar the only surviving member of his tribes Chieftain line.
Skills (optional):

Weapon proficiency: axes, good with a forge, likes to brag he is the best cook this side of the Razorback mountains (he really isint)

(Dont know if this works I hope it does haha)
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Patrick Beika





A long time ago, a baker, who was carrying his goods into the capital city, was ambushed and held up by a highwayman. The baker panicked and, grabbing a particularly stale baguette, hit the highwayman on the head the head, knocking him out. This was the start of The Bakers. The baker, astonished by the power of bread, and worried about his own safety, got together with a few other bakers and perfected the art of bread ninjutsu that The Bakers use today. Over time, The Bakers became less of a group meant for self-defense, and more of a group meant to kill people, as the weapons they crafted were deadly effective. They eventually only used the term "baker" as a disguise, as you cannot tell a Baker assassin apart from a regular baker. 

The Holy Emperor was one of their biggest customers. He used them more when he was a nobody before he came to power than now, as people are too scared to do anything worth assassination. He claimed them when he came to power, but The Bakers didn't care; they did the same thing.

The Bakers were not just a group. They were a family (They are all related). Patrick was born into this family.

Being the third youngest out of seven children, Patrick had a lot of competition. His parents had high standards for all their children, and living up to those standards was difficult. being raised by ninja balers, he has been trained in the ways of the ninja and the ways of the baker from birth, making him an effective baker and assassin. His parent always told their children: "We are above good or evil. We need not worry about morals. We only worry about carrying out our client's wishes as efficiently as possible". This became Patrick's motto, and with it, he climbed the ladder and flourished in the field. His bread was delicious and his kills clean. While not one of the best, he is still pretty dang good. His life has consisted of only baking and killing and nothing else, so he has to be.

Skills (optional):

Being a ninja, Patrick is a master of stealth and climbing things. His shurikens are pretty accurate, and he is knowledgeable of the body's weaknesses, so he can kill one as quickly as possible. He also knows how to craft fast acting, deadly poisons. He is great at disguising himself for any situation. But he is also trained in the art of the baker. His bread is pretty good, and he can make several types of pastries. He is also trained in bread ninjutsu, a combination of his baking skills and ninja skills. He can bake edible weapons, and dispose of them quickly. If done right, they can be as effective as normal weapons.  

Emory is a rather short and thin boy, as a result from his almost constant malnourishment. He stands at a paltry 5 feet tall, though his long (and hideously tangled) brown hair extends far past his feet. The young man keeps his tresses in a messy yet elaborate bun tied just above the back of his neck that he hides underneath a hood. His skin is quite pale and littered with deep-set scars. The lightness of his skin is a result from the narrow and form-fitting cloak that he wears to keep the sand out of his eyes, and the scars are simply a side effect of his survival in Otrodor. His hands and feet are thin and wrapped in makeshift bandages to aid in climbing steep bluffs, and he wears no shoes (too heavy to walk large distances in).


Emory Shirsk




Male (Transgender)

Simply put, Emory is rather like a wild rabbit. He doesn't trust easily, as his sense fight-or-flight dictates whether or not he'll continue to survive in such a harsh environment. He is constantly hyper aware of his surroundings, and his mind works faster than a New York minute. When he is alone with people he trusts, though there are very few of them, he is warm and eager to recieve both affection and attention. Because he's been virtually alone for eight years, he is unable to pick up on social cues, and does not have any filter or sense of what is or is not appropriate for the situation at hand.


Emory was born in Aplia, though his mother could not take care of him and sold her child to another woman, who took him to Otrodor to raise him alone. Everything they had was in meager supply; nonetheless they were happy. His adoptive mother taught him to sail, hunt, and sing, ensuring that Emory would be able to support himself even after she'd be gone. That time came much sooner than they both expected, however, as she was murdered by two bandits over a basket of nearly spoiled fruit when her son was only fifteen. The young man fled his small home, fearing they would come for him, too. For years he survived on a raft he had fashioned from several beached ships, travelling wherever he wished.

Additional Info:

Though he won't admit it, Emory doesn't know his real last name.

The only posession he really cares about is a small harp, given to him by his surrogate mother. He plays it feverishly; often when he is upset, he'll continue playing until his fingers bleed.

He keeps his hair long because of a faerie tale his parent once weaved for him, which was a story about a princess that used her long hair to climb down from a star to live among humans.

Emory is illiterate-- the only thing he can read is music sheets.

i kind of want him to be a champion of kymir buuuuut. i think someone else has already taken that lmao
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Lysandra Dalia

Nick: Lis

Twenty-two (22) years old





A smile is always plastered on Lysandra’s lips. No, not the fake version Draesia people usually wear on a daily basis. Lis can get joy from everything. Jokes and teases spout from her mouth which have gotten her in a lot of trouble in the past, but nevertheless. As the master of lying and great at keeping secrets, when she needs it, she uses the technique of making people think she has opened up to them even though her real emotions are hidden inside. Lis loves to lend a helping hand to people, especially her family, but she has her own boundaries and is not afraid to say “no” without explaining herself.




To Lysandra, Draesia is hell. It is the chains which bound her wings. Raised in a village with two younger brothers and her hard-working parents, Lis was always ordered to smile by others around her.

“Keep being happy,” They said.

“Or they’ll kill you. They said.

“I’d rather die fighting for my freedom than be a prisoner all the days of my life.” She said at age 16, and pulled a frown.

Then everyone backed away with their artificial smiles and the villagers began avoiding her. Of course, SHE DIDN’T GIVE A F- her family got into trouble. Her parents tried defending her, saying “Lysandra is just a teenager. Please. She doesn’t know anything.” But the emperor had no mercy. To punish the family, they took her father and he was never seen again. Devastation fell upon the Dalia family, but after 3 long years, the sorrow had ceased and less people were afraid/disgusted by her. The emperor had given them less money, and Draesia works very hard to support the ones she love the most, even to the point of stealing where her lying skills come in. However, although a very selfish thought, she longs to escape the issues and leave her family to move out of Draesia.




➢ Very good at lying and stealing from people

➢ Charismatic, great when coaxing people onto her side

➢ Knows self defense moves, although they are kinda rusty

➢ Can climb anything and isn’t afraid of heights







 ➢ Can look into a person’s future, like how one will die.

➢ Can find out what one actually fears and wants the most even if they don’t know it and make them realize it.



➢ She can only use her powers on a person 3 times during the person's lifetime.

➢ If she looks into the future, one time period can be chosen to look into, but only 10 seconds of the situation will be shown.

➢ Even though Lis can make the person realize their want and fear, it is their decision whether to act on it or not. To control someone’s actions would be against freedom after all.

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Damien Morana
Non-Binary (Female pronouns)
Personality (optional):
Dami is pretty serious and very spiritual. Though she has no qualms about killing people, she refuses to hurt an animal or plant unless she needs to and always tries to make up for what she's taken. She also believes in righting wrongs and, if possible, will help the family of people she's killed. While she's normally serious and focussed, Dami is still young and does know how to have a laugh, though it's rare she does.
Damien grew up in the southern No Man's Land, in an organisation called The Devoted. For her, life was always a competition. There were several other children being trained there, and not being the best meant being punished. It was a way to make them push themselves and improve faster, and it worked. By 10, Dami could outmatch the average Skon Tharian in hand to hand. Dami quickly became the favourite of one of the leaders, Lady Sonam. She trained Dami personally and is like a mother to her.
Skills (optional):
Martial Arts Expertise - Dami has been trained from birth to kill and is the one of the best at fighting hand to hand.
Stealth - Being an assassin requires stealth, and when she wants to, Dami can disappear completely.
Sword and Staff Expertise - Dami was also trained in the use of weapons, and these two are her best. With others she can use them, but will most likely be bested by someone who knows what they're doing.

If someone is dying, Dami can read their last thoughts and emotions.
Dami can also make people stronger or help them recover from their wounds faster.
Dami can also make the sign of Anemis burn briefly in the air in front of her as proof of her being chosen.
For the first power, Dami feels those emotions for almost a minute afterwards, and since they are very usually intense, it can be traumatic. The second power also requires Dami to sap the strength of someone around her to do it, or herself if there is no one else. This could result in someone dying. The last power doesn't really have a draw back as it doesn't really do much either.
Additional Info (optional):
The Devoted only recruit people who would normally not fit anywhere else. For Dami, this is that she is mute. She also has trouble reading since they focussed on physical training a lot.
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Normal Human Form


True Form (Energy Elemental)

Static Kine


Personality (optional):

Calm/Lax. Gets depressed when she feels like she let down her friends.

Static has lived around humans her entire life. At and early age, she developed the ability to look like a human through mind tricks. She's not the most mature person, but she isn't a complete child either.
Skills (optional):

Fighting technique, cooking (hobby), mind tricks, speed, and an ability to transfer/drain energy (There are limits though, as explained in the 'Limitation' section)


Ability to transfer/drain energy, 'Speed Booster!' (Name of the spell cast to race speed), mind tricks.

The transfer/drain energy can only be used to an extent, due to effect on users organs/brain. If used to much, it causes headaches, paralyzes legs/arms, and even fainting. And of course, she can only transfer as much energy as she has.
Additional Info (optional):

An Elemental that can control energy and though currents. She's adapted to a human lifestyle. Although she can turn into multiple human appearances, she tends to stick with her normal one (above).
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Deadline's been and gone, lets start. 

I'll post an intro post later and then we can start.

The Champion of Kymir is still free if anyone wants it.
Champion of Kymir : Vivid

Theme // Black Magic

Name // Vivianna S. Devereux

Nickname // Vivid
Age // 23
Gender // Female
Orientation // Pansexual

Height // 5'3"

Weight // 117 lbs.

Hair Color // Ebony

Eye Color // Pale Violet

God // Kymir



- When one is often around others, spending their time in social situations, like any other skill, it is perfected. You might say Vivid is a social pro. She also loves the attention.

Persuasive - Maybe it's intelligence, or simply intuition, but Vivid is really good at guessing, and saying, exactly what people want to hear. The common person is more easily twisted around her finger than thread.

Nimble/Graceful - When one sense in hindered, others enhance. Aside from her obvious ability to adapt with a new form of seeing the world, other things became clearer and easier, such as movement and coordination. Vivid often moves so fluidly and gracefully, people have described her as a silent dancer.

Pressure Lock
- The farther down in the ocean you travel, the more pressure grows until, finally, it squashes the human body like a bug... Vivid has the power to control the pressure around a single object or being. This takes intense concentration, demanding more from her depending on the atmosphere, the setting, the size, and the durability of the object.

Battle Cry - Everybody needs a leader, especially in a setting of war. Vivid's voice has a strange power, very faint, but when she speaks it makes those who want to hear her, listen to her, to focus just a bit more attention on her. Sort of the effect famous speakers have on crowds.

Echolocation - In something of the same way deep sea creatures navigate the depths, Vivid navigates every day life. Born with very poor eyes, only really seeing the word as some sort of blurry, watery reality, Vivid "sees" by feeling what's around her either by listening or by the vibrations in the air. Everything gives off energy, but very few know how to read into it. The obvious limitation is that she can't actually see and if one were to make very little impact the the environment then they are as invisible to her as thin air.
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