The Chosen of Hours


Life is time. Everything else, great and small, every journey taken, pleasure felt, battle fought, secret learned and ending endured all take place within the flow of time. A person is bound by time, and defines time. Time flies or crawls depending on the mood, events years past can seem like only yesterday, whilst yesterday can seem a thousand years ago. In the beginning Pluto, the Maiden of Hours, kept watch on the flow of time, and served as the great mediator between her sisters' functions, binding the Maidens into a cohesive whole. Past, present, and future were her domain, and she worked to preserve them. And then the Usurpation came, and Pluto was fatally wounded during She Who Lives In Her Name's final strike on Creation, struck down at the moment of the Gods' greatest victory through their Chosen, along with many others.

This tragic strike was to erase many concepts from Creation, as well as the Incarnae that defined them. Entire groups of Exalted felt the death knell of their progenitors in their souls, and it drove them utterly mad. They fell upon one another until only a few were left, and the rest fell on their swords. These Exaltations were damaged fundamentally, driving any host cursed with them insane. In the end, Lytek gathered them up and

locked them away in the Reliquary of Lost Stars, which sits in a secret antechamber and memorial shrine in his office. Among these unfortunates were the sixth caste of Sidereals, the Chosen of Hours. The Timekeepers were the mediators of the Sidereals, like their Maiden among her sisters. They arbitrated disputes, ensured the continuation of fate, and filled in the gaps between the functions of their fellows, ensuring the journey reached its correct end, the correct secret caused the correct battle, and so on. They were maintainers of harmony and concord, and their loss more than doubled the workload of the other castes. In this time, only the most ancient or historically minded Sidereals are aware of the existence of a sixth Maiden and a sixth Caste, and even they believe them to be lost forever.

However, this is not necessarily true. The other Exaltations cracked permanently because their progenitors were utterly destroyed, but Pluto was not. Dying and broken, her body was taken by her sisters and placed in a chamber in her domain, the White Clocktower, where she was laid in the heart of her sanctum and placed in a powerful stasis. The Maidens had cast a great fortelling, and knew that as long as their sister did not die, her Exaltations would heal in time, and if they were healed, then Pluto could perhaps be saved... One day, the Healers will walk amongst their brothers again, and a sense of balance may be restored to the Viziers.

Caste Markings:The eyes of the Chosen of Hours had unnaturally white irises that seemed to glow softly, surrounding pupils which contained the glimmer of snow-white stars. With great expenditures of essence the Mark of Hours shone on their forehead like burning snow.

Anima Effect: The Timekeepers nickname was well given, for time was theirs to manipulate. By spending 10 motes reflexively, the Chosen of Hours could make the Lesser Sign of Hours. Her anima billowed out in a cloud of pure white light, which suffused herself and all allies within (Essence x 10) yards. Anyone so blessed found time passed faster for them than for others. This caused the Speed of all actions undertaken by them to be reduced by 1, to a minimum of Speed 2. This includes attacks made in combat, and lasts for one scene. At the 11-15 mote anima flare level, this power cost 5 motes, and cost 1 mote at the 16+ level.

Auspicious Abilities: The constellation of the White Clocktower is made up of a single constellation from each of the other Houses, representing the connecting force between them. The five constellations in this House are The Messenger, The Lovers, The Quiver, The Guardians and The Corpse. Thus, Chosen of Hours' Auspicious Abilities are Ride, Socialise, Archery, Larceny and Medicine.

Associations:The colour white, the element of water, the season of winter, the Central direction and the time of eclipse.

Sobriquets: The Timekeepers, The Lost Brethren, The Healers.

Quote: 'Yes, I know it hurts. But this pain will fade, in time.'


Something that's been kicking around in my head since reading that one line in DotFA, so I gave them a little write-up. Thoughts?
The Greater Sign of Hours

By the Sign of Hours is time brought to heel. The Sidereal manifests a blinding white aura, which speeds outwards. For her (essence) hours, subtract the Sidereal's essence rating (before removing the permanent dot) from the Speed of her actions and the actions of all allies within (essence) miles, whilst adding her essence rating to the Speed all who oppose her. This cannot reduce Speed below 1 or increase it above 10. Anyone entering the area of effect has this effect placed on them, while the effect lingers on anyone leaving the area of effect for the allotted time.
Yeah, it's mine. I was seriously insomniac last night.

Where would I put it in lore5? Articles?
I, too, agree with FC and CW - excellent work, my friend. Tons of story hooks with what you've written and I like the mechanics. Just one question - have you thought about their Astrology colleges?

As for Lore5, yes, you would put it in the Articles section.

Once again, nice work.
Added to Lore 5, along with some new bits, like how the Chosen of Hours do not suffer Arcane Fate (on account of not being taken into account at the breaking of the Mask) and the Fractured Shard, a mechanic I brought in to replace it, though it's very different (Malkavian Exalted FTW!). Have a looksee and tell me your thoughts.

Also, I listed the Colleges above. Due to their nature, the house of the White Clocktower is composed of a single college from each of the other Houses: namely The Messenger (Ride), The Lovers (Socialise), The Quiver (Archery), The Guardians (Larceny), and The Corpse (Medicine). Two of these choices were obvious ones for me. Time is a thief, and time heals all wounds, (thus Larceny and Medicine), while I chose Socialise to represent time's ability to heal (or solidify) disputes. Archery and Ride I'm still not entirely sure of, though Archery I picked because I wanted them to have a combat ability (and I didn't think Melee was appropriate). I may decide to swap ride for Resistance.

First of all, many many congratulations for this excellent work.

I... just have one question though... don't you think that there would be a set of 5 new abilities ?

But man, what a great work ^^
Coming up with 5 entirely new abilities is unnecessary, and besides, since Pluto wasn't completely killed and time wasn't erased as a concept, any abilities tied to her or it collegewise still exist, and thus everyone would still have access to them. I felt the 'ties that bind' nature and concept of this caste was the most elegant solution to get around it. And it isn't the first time castes have shared, either. Lunars (specifically the Lost Castes) and Alchemicals shared caste attributes.
Arrows would represent the hands on the clock (Archery) and time is a path always best trod when accompanied by another (Ride).

The traditional representation of ending someone's life is to cut his life thread, his time has come... so melee would be more appropriate I think.

Time is also very immaterial, time changes things and people without people noticing so maybe Stealth could be good too.
Well done. This can fit in nicely with the hints of a sixth Maiden comming up.
cyl said:
The traditional representation of ending someone's life is to cut his life thread, his time has come... so melee would be more appropriate I think.
Time is also very immaterial, time changes things and people without people noticing so maybe Stealth could be good too.
One ability from each other caste, and I'd already decided on Larceny for Secrets, and Medicine for Endings (I kinda wanted integrity, but you can't have everything.)

I'm glad everyone seems to like this idea. I'll be throwing a couple of Hours-specific charms up on Lore 5 later, if you want to check those out.
Chaka said:
One ability from each other caste, and I'd already decided on Larceny for Secrets, and Medicine for Endings (I kinda wanted integrity, but you can't have everything.)
Time is the ultimate thief, and it's hard to be a Healer without Medicine to back you up. I think you chose thoughtfully for the Hours abilities.
Ok, there are now 2 archery charms (Tilting the Hourglass and Speeding the Hands Forward), 2 Larceny charms (Stop and Shorten the Thread) and 1 Medicine, Socialise and Ride Charm (Time Heals All Wounds, Shadows of The Past and The Nick of Time, respectively.) I'll probably add another charm to the last three, but I think 10 Pluto specific charms is plenty. Have a look at them and let me know what you think. I've also added ability prerequisites for creating an Hours caste working for Heaven to the article.
HA! I friggin' love those Charms, especially Stop and Shorten the Thread. The medicine charms are great, but I can't get over Shorten the Thread. Reminds me of Dr. Oprheus from Venture Bros. While he simply predicted the deaths of people and was mostly a Chosen of Endings, still some great similarities. These will be seeing work in my games coming up.
I think all the Charms work well but the descriptions could do with some tidying up around the edges. I especially like the Archery Charms, they are sweet.

I would suggest that you include a link to your article on each Charm so that people have some frame of reference should they stumble upon them while browsing through the Charm trees. You also may want to include some rules text in there about what the "Hours" keyword means.
Added an Hours keyword descriptor to all the charms. Don't know how to make links in Lore5, though. Also, I tidied up Shadows of the Past a little bit, and added Yellow Path as a prerequisite for The Nick of Time. but if any of the other charms are particularly confusingly written lemme know, and I'll fix them.

I'll probably stat out a 'signature' Timekeeper and put it in the character thread in a while. I really didn't expect anything when I wrote this up, I was just bored and had an idea kicking around in my head. I'm glad everybody likes it.
Lore 5 uses standard HTML, so you can make links with something like:

<a href="">Click me! I'm a link!</a>

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