The Choice is Ours

usagi froggy

Rhythm Heaven Enjoyer


Name: (First and Last)

Age: (18+)



Mate: (Do not fill this in until I give permission)

Job: (See Mate)

Dormitory Room: (See Mate)

Sexuality: (This will not matter when I choose your character's mate.)



(These will be assigned randomly. Do not complain about the job you receive. More might be added later.)

1. Mayor: Jace Curt

2. Secretary: Thomas Nickerson

3. Doctor: Thea McCormick

4. Nurse: Gloria Bellavance

5. Maid: Leia Harper

6. Librarian: Genevieve Shepard

7. Chef: Alexei Midranov

8. Banker: Devi Braden

9. Supervillain: Daniel Shepard

10. Minion: Liberty Jones

11. Superhero: Diana Celia Darling

12. Sidekick: Amabel Drawn

13. Shopkeeper: Beaumont Bradley

14. Scientist: Aradia Miranda Lee

15. Athletic Instructor: Virtues Dyer

16. Arts Instructor: Frank Jaeger


Dormitory 1: Daniel Shepard x Jace Curt

Dormitory 2: Genevieve Shepard x Thomas Nickerson

Dormitory 3: Diana Celia Darling x Aradia Miranda Lee (The two middle names together! How cute <3)

Dormitory 4: Amabel Drawn x Liberty Jones

Dormitory 5: Beaumont Bradley x Gloria Bellavance

Dormitory 6: Frank Jaeger x Thea McCormick

Dormitory 7: Alexei Midranov x Leia Harper

Dormitory 8: Virtues Dyer x Devi Braden

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Gloria Bellavance






A soft spoken young woman who tends to stay on the safer side of life, Gloria secretly likes the thrill of adventure but is too scared to try and go against the rules or try anything new. She's very self conscious about her appearance and is quite shy at first, but after breaking the ice, you'll find that Gloria is very friendly and kind. Very generous, Gloria tends to be used a lot by other people, her sweetness back firing on her, she's often stepped all over, used as a place mat, a stepping stone. Will Gloria Bellavance allow the government to control her life just like how they did while she was growing up? Or will she muster up the courage to...rebel?


Beaumont Bradley



Dormitory Room:

Dormitory 5




She's 6'2

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Thea McCormick (Thee-ah)






Thea's attitude can both be snappy and generous, as well as a joker. Her snappy-ish personality is attended when working, since she was once a hard worker on Earth. She got many files done, since she used to be a Bookkeeper, a Nurse, and her most recent job was working at the Olympics Arena as the Staff. And when you come across the generous side, you may find her care towards the poor. Just like the Muslim Religion, or similar, she always seems to find the good and forgiving within the poor and homeless. So Thea ends up giving at least two dollars. And the best out of all, is the Jokester. Her young and immature side comes on quite strongly. Thea loves to play games, help people, and even party sometimes.





Dormitory Room:





Weight: 117lbs

Height: 5'5"

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Frank Jaeger (J pronounced as a Y)






A man steadfast in his beliefs, he tends to be outspoken in his opinions. He likes his business streamlined, disciplined and orderly. He tends to be caring and fairly open, but he can become serious at a moment's notice if something important comes up. He acts mature and tends to take the moral high-road in most situations. He refuses to let himself be walked over or used by someone's tool. He believes that all people have a greater purpose in life, anything from saving lives to raising a new generation. He feels himself a protector of the weak and down-trodden, he stands up for those who can't, or won't, stand up for themselves. He tends to take charge in situations of importance, though he always takes input from his teammates. He strives for perfection between body and mind through exercise and study. He was formerly a soldier in the military and also worked as a private military contractor for a short time. He holds a college degree in American History from West point.





Dormitory Room:





He is 6'3", 215 lbs. Hair: Blonde, Eyes: Blue. Former nationality: USA.



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Name: Thomas Nickerson

Age: 23


Personality:Thomas is rather shy despite his enthusiasm for studying science and tinkering in labs. He tends to spend most of his time indoors either in libraries or somewhere secluded. He likes to help others, though can be quite a handful when someone tends to get on his nerves. He doesn't like to be corrected or told what to do because he prefers to do things himself. He has a great imagination and is a big dreamer. He likes to think outside the box and view the world differently though it may seem hard. He tried to stay positive when he can but overall he has low self esteem. He doesn't like talking about his feelings and doesn't quite understand why someone would care about another's feelings. He likes to allow his mind to drift away when he reads books and hates being interrupted but tries to be polite knowing most people don't understand his love of knowledge.



Dormitory Room:--

Sexuality: Homosexual

Other: He stands 5'11 and likes to write in his journal and though he wouldn't admit it he likes reading books about things other than his normal studies.

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Name: Leia Harper

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Personality: Leia is a generally calm kind of woman. She is very laid back and doesn't let a lot of things stress her out. Leia is nice to everyone, although if she dislikes someone she makes that perfectly clear with the other person. Leia has a sense of humor, although is not the type to always be telling jokes. She tends to keep opinions to herself and doesn't really speak out against anything unless it's something that will effect her or others in a big way. Leia is more of a follower, and usually just follows the person who has the most power/authority over her. The downfall in her personality is that she is too laid back, and at some events of great importance she will not take it all seriously.

Mate: N/A

Job: N/A

Dormitory Room: N/A

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Height is 5”5, weight: 125 lbs,

she wears headphones because it makes her feel "safer".

Name: Aradia Miranda Lee

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Personality: Aradia is rebellious and musical. As a musician, she loves to play cello and guitar. She loves the darker side of life, and respects the uncanny and occult. She will rebel to anything she sees fit, very steadfast in her beliefs. Aradia believes in the miracles of science and invention as well as the sanctity of her religion-- polytheism. Aradia is compassionate and cares for the well-being of others. She will almost always put others before herself, even if it puts her in danger or discomfort. Her mouth, however, will get her in trouble. She will speak out against what she believes to be wrong-- even if it can get her killed. Though she gives great advice to the downtrodden and in need, she never gives good advice to herself. She is insecure and has issues with self-confidence. She takes her studies very seriously, planning on graduating with a degree in psychology and a minor in music in a little over a year.

Mate: N/A

Job: N/A

Dormitory Room: N/A

Sexuality: Pansexual

Other: Aradia suffers from generalized anxiety disorders as wells as Borderline Personality Disorder. She has her disorders under control for the most part.

Name: Diana Celia Darling (Dia for short)

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Personality: Dia has always been the silent type. She was always fixated in her books and computer. She loved to write and read, but most importantly, she loved to photograph. Her walls were once decorated floor to ceiling with photographs she or someone else took. When she was not spending her time writing, reading, or taking photos, she would relax in the peaceful noises of her silence. She was friendly to those she knew, and spoke her mind when necessary. Though she is usually to herself, she is still true to her friends and a true believer of love. Her dream was always to fall in love. Sadly, she has yet to experience this due to her nature of being alone. Though she wasn't always this way. She hopes one day, sh can be herself again. Whoever that may be?

Mate: ---

Job: ----

Dormitory Room: ----

Sexuality: Bisexual

Other: She has one ice blue eye and one golden brown eye.
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Name: Liberty Jones

Age: 21

Gender: female

Personality: Liberty is a total socialite and is extremely energetic. Her friends matter more to her than anything else in the world. She is an extremely driven person and is a huge advocator of woman's rights. She's the kind of person that likes to make things happen, and his very little patience. She practices yoga and meditation to help calm her nerves. Liberty dislikes the new form of government and has held many protests, but the government shut them all down before they grew too large. She is passionate about what she loves (and hates), and has a fiery temper. She is a daredevil, but her sometimes she takes chances that she shouldn't. Her dream is to make her mark on the world while she has the chance.

Sexuality: heterosexual

Mate: (Do not fill this in until I give permission)

Job: (See Mate)

Dormitory Room: (See Mate)



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Name: Alexei Midranov

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Personality: An absent-minded and cheerfully polite professor of botany, Alexei has over time become a social recluse spending most of his time taking care of his small hydroponics garden of decorative plants. He is a tall, slender man with chestnut hair and glasses, and with slightly shabby beard. While he does not avoid human contact, he much prefers the spending an evening with his herbarium filling in notes on some interesting specimen he found. Alexei is also a pacifist who will always attempt to resolve most conflicts with reason, though he has long

ago lost the idealistic belief that this is always possible. Negotiations, paperwork, trade and similar boring but practical aspects of city life make him nervous.

Mate: N/A

Job: N/A

Dormitory Room: N/A

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Other: Distrusting of technology, computers especially, and a fan of old clothes

and gramophone records of swing

Name: Amabel Drawn

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Personality: She is very outgoing, and never afraid to speak her mind. She doesn't like people telling her what to do, even if she knows its for the best. She doesn't like the new government and doesn't hide it whatsoever. She loves running, and is quite fast. She has an excellent sense of humor, but no sense of time and place. Mostly she just doe and says whatever she wants to, leaving any possible consequences to deal with later. She enjoys the company of friends, and by friends she means anybody she doesn't dislike, but every once in a while, she will walk aimlessly by herself for an hour or two.

Job: N/A

Dormitory Room: N/A

Sexuality: Asexual

Other: She usually calls people by their last names, unless they're close friends, in which case she'll come up with a lovingly annoying nickname for them.
Name: Genevieve (Gen/Jen) Shepard

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Personality: She's not an easy person to get along with. She's a no nonsense type of person and rough around the edges, incredibly bossy and stubborn. But she loves what she does, and those she does care for (very few that they are) she makes sure more than anything that they are taken care of. She's the type to bury herself in her work, sometimes neglecting her own needs, but she's also very clever, resourceful, and handy to have around. Due to her workaholic nature, she doesn't sleep very much and is naturally very temperamental. All in all, she's a very distant, sometimes cold person who many judge as not having any emotions, with a very blunt sometimes mean sense of humor that few understand. But she's efficient and gets the job done and is fiercely loyal to those she deems trustworthy.

Mate: N/A

Job: N/A

Dormitory Room: N/A

Sexuality: Straight




Jace Curt






Survivalist is the best word to describe Jace. He will do whatever is necessary to stay alive, no matter what. That's the very trait that put him here. An ex-con, Jace was given a simple choice, live here or die. While he has a tendency to disobey rules and laws that stand in the way of his own advancement he wouldn't normally seek the harm of innocents, going as far as to cancel or change plans to avoid doing so. He wouldn't usually help anyone whom he doesn't owe anything to or doesn't aid in his survival or the advancement of it. He himself acknowledges this somewhat morally grey position, but sees good as simply better than evil, and prefers any action for it's cause. He feels that he doesn't have to perform as to what others perceive as good, but rather what enhances his chance or quality of life, sometimes good, but never outright evil. Lastly he is very apathetic to others and critical of all, even himself. He feels it's important to be able to accurately gauge yourself and others or risk being surprised as to who will stab you in the back. He's learned to depend on no one, and will pursue his own goals with all his will and wits. He snuck a small pack of smokes with him but hasn't smoked any. A rare luxury, especially now, he puts the same one in his mouth when alone but never smokes it.

Mate: Daniel Shepard

Job: Mayor

Dormitory Room: Dormitory 1



Other: He stands about 5' 7" (1.7 meters for the metric) He was arrested and convicted for smuggling, gambling, and owning an illegal firearm.

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Name: Devi Braden

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Personality: His personality can be expressed two ways: He has a disorder that causes the part of the brain that causes emotions such as guilt not to function. To put it more frankly, he is a sociopath. An intelligent sociopath. However, this is partially because (because of the disorder) he has almost no concept of right vs wrong.

Mate: N/A

Job: N/A

Dormitory Room: N/A

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Other: He stands at about 5'9", weighs 145 lbs, and is almost physically useless (almost all of his worth lies in his intelligence).

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Virtues Dyer






Assertive and outspoken - she is driven to lead. Excellent ability to understand difficult organizational problems and create solid solutions. Intelligent and well-informed, she usually excels at public speaking. She values knowledge and competence, and usually has little patience with inefficiency or disorganization. Virtues is a natural born leader. She lives in a world of possibilities where she can see all sorts challenges to be surmounted, and she wants to be the ones responsible for surmounting them. She has a drive for leadership, which is well-served by her quickness to grasp complexities, her ability to absorb a large amount of impersonal information, and her quick and decisive judgements. She is a "take charge" kind of person. Virues is very job -focused, and fits into the harsh world quite naturally. She is constantly scanning her environment for potential problems which she can turn into solutions. She generally sees things from a long-range perspective, and is usually successful at identifying plans to turn problems around. Virtues is usually successful in the world, because she is so driven by leadership. She is tireless in her efforts on the job, and driven to visualize where an organization is headed. For these reasons, she is a natural leader. There is not much room for error in the world of Virtues. She dislikes to see mistakes repeated, and has no patience with inefficiency. She may become quite harsh when her patience is tried in these respects, because she is not naturally tuned in to people's feelings, and more than likely doesn't believe that she should tailor his judgements in consideration for peoples feelings. Virtues has difficulty seeing things from outside her own perspective. Unlike other people, Virtues naturally has little patience with people who do not see things the same way as her. Virtues needs to consciously work on recognizing the value of other people's opinions, as well as the value of being sensitive towards people's feelings. In the absence of this awareness, Virtues will be a forceful, intimidating and an overbearing individual. In her personal world, it can make some her overbearing as a wife or parent.

Virtues has a tremendous amount of personal power and presence which will work for her as a force towards achieving her goals. However, this personal power is also an agent of alienation and self-aggrandizement, which she will do well to avoid. Virtues is a very forceful, decisive individual. She makes decisions quickly, and is quick to verbalize her opinions and decisions to the rest of the world. Virtues may make decisions too hastily, without understanding all of the issues and possible solutions. On the other hand, Virtues may have difficulty applying logic to her insights, and may often make poor decisions. In that case, she may have brilliant ideas and insight into situations, but she may have little skill at determining how to. Her actions may be inconsistent. She may become dictatorial and abrasive - intrusively giving orders and direction without a sound reason for doing so, and without consideration for the people involved. Although Virtues is not naturally tuned into other people's feelings, she frequently has very strong sentimental streaks. Often these sentiments are very powerful to her, although she will likely hide it from general knowledge, believing the feelings to be a weakness. Because the world of feelings and values is not where Virtues naturally functions, she may sometimes make value judgments and hold onto submerged emotions which are ill-founded, and will cause her problems - sometimes rather serious problems. Virtues loves to interact with others. As an Extrovert, she is energized and stimulated primarily externally. There's nothing more enjoyable and satisfying to Virtues than having a lively, challenging conversation. She especially respects people who are able to stand up to her, and argue persuasively for their point of view. There aren't too many people who will do so, however, because Virtues is a very forceful and dynamic presence who has a tremendous amount of self-confidence and excellent verbal communication skills. Even the most confident individuals may experience moments of self-doubt when debating a point with her. She is likely to place much emphasis on her kids(if she ever had some) being well-educated and structured, to desire a congenial and devoted relationship with her husband. With her family, Virtues needs to be in charge as much as she does in her tasks. Virtues is likely best paired with someone who has a strong self-image, who is also a Thinking type. Because Virtues is primarily focused on her job, she may have a problem with being constantly absent from her family, physically or mentally. Virtues has many gifts which make it possible for her to have a great deal of personal power, if she doesn't forget to remain balanced in her life. She is assertive, innovative, long-range thinker with an excellent ability to translate theories and possibilities into solid plans of action. Virtues is usually tremendously forceful personalities, and has the tools to accomplish whatever goals she sets out for.


not yet


not yet

Dormitory Room:

not yet




5'9" and is about 120lbs. Fair skin, long legs, straight red hair, ocean blue eyes, overall very pretty.
Name: Daniel Shepard

Age: 22

Gender: male

Personality: Daniel is the younger sibling of Genevieve Shepard, and has been abused sexually, physically, and mentally by his dead uncle. Because of this he puts up a shield of being apathetic, while flirting with just about anyone. Once you get past this shield, and get to know him, Daniel is a kind and caring person. While afraid to stand up for people, he will try to do his best to help in a non-confrontational way.


Mate: N/A

Job: N/A

Dormitory Room: N/A

Sexuality: Bisexual
As of right now, this RP is closed! We have one spot left and that will be taken by myself. Sorry, all! 

Name: Beaumont "Bean" Bradley

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Bean is very new to the world and has been very sheltered. He is extremely curious about everything and loves to discover new things. He is extremely friendly and likes to meet new people. He is restless at some times and is very annoying. He often tries to force you to be his friend and will get upset if you don't. He is sensitive and a big crybaby. He is normally pretty happy though and always has optimism on his side.

Mate: Gloria Bellavance

Job: Shopkeeper

Dormitory Room: 5

Sexuality: Gay

Other: Bean is very short at 5'5". He weighs 137 lbs. 
Everyone, please check the front page for mates and dormitory rooms!

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