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One Thousand Club
Roleplay Type(s)
Here is the starter
I was excited to get out of school there was a new candy shoppe that was only a block away from the school. The candy Shoppe that is now there used to be a shoe shop with a fat man that was short and had red hair and always yelled at costumers that did not do exactly what he wanted. Now it was replaced by a cute candy shoppe named the charm. The name was a bit unusual but everything else seemed normal. Im staring at the wood desk tracing the lines in the wood watching the clock till it was time to leave. The clock read 2:33 I only had 30 min till school was out. I was truly praying they had ice cream because it was almost summer and it was hot as hell. I lay my head on the desk looking directly at the clock fanning myself with my assignment waiting for school to end.

As Sabrina's gym class was winding to an end they all went back to the locker rooms to change. Sabrina took the opportunity to hop into the showers for just a moment. The water was still quite cold as she stepped it, rinsing off after having run today. She didn't mind the cold water, in fact, she found it invigoration. Feeling refreshed she was ready to go just in time for the bell to ring.


Trough a portal the young witch entered the candy shop. To any of the human's from this world they''d be none the wiser to the fact she was a witch from another world. "Hello," she called out in a warm, enchanting voice. Moving behind the desk she prepared to start her shift.
The bell finally rung and i was ready to leave this hot boreing school. Im running as fast as i possibly can people were looking at me like i was crazy. I finally get to the navy blue locker with the number 231 and start to turn the knob on the locker left to the 10 right to the 20 left to the 5and pull up and my locker is open. I grab my acid washed looking back pack and start stuffing it into my backpack. All my textbooks all my lose assignments and my binder. I can barely zip up my binder because of how full and sloppy it is put in but i am able to zip it up. i put it on my shoulders and grab my phone from my pocket and lye to my mom about where im going. I put my phone back and start running twords the front of my school. I walk out of the building takeing a left twords the direction of the candy shoppe. I was overjoyed that we had a candy shoppe in our small town now.
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Tup rubbed her eyes, she heard small noise that portal did as it closed behind her. After her eyes adjusted to light she noticed that she was in some kind of warehouse and then she saw same candy that she had eat in cave. Tup run to box and started gorge them in her empty stomach.
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As she was walking out of the school she saw her friend, Sean, running off. She knew exactly where he was probably headed. Running over she easily caught up with him.
"Hey Sean. How was the rest of your classes today?" She asked as she slowed to his pace.


Hearing a noise coming from the back storage area. With an annoyed sigh she headed over to go investigate. Loudly swinging the door open, it banged against the wall with a loud thud.
"Who's in here?" She called out as she moved toward the sound. It wasn't long before she came across the goblin. She smirked a bit and quickly reached down to grab the creature up by the back of it's clothes.
"Well, well, well, look what we have here. Aren't you a cute one?"
ArchAngelLexi ArchAngelLexi

Tup had just finished eating candy box empty when she was lifted up from box. As she saw what lifted her up she screamed something in goblin and then she draw her club and started flail it around, club is only as long as her forearm is (1/2 ft), yelling. "Huuman lets Tup go! Huuman lets Tup go!"
I feel someone touch my shoulder and I jumped a little bit not knowing the owner of the hand. The person says Hey Sean. How was the rest of your classes today?" i now know who it is as she matches my pace. A little annyoed that she scared me I say "the rest of my classes were fine and you know where im goingi so please don't tell my mom" I felt bad about lying too my mom about going to the candy store she says candy rotts you'r teath but i don't belive her plus the temptation was to great i had to check it out. I don't say anything else to my friend i just stand there waiting for her to response.

"Oh man, 'Mister Goody two shoes' is finally breaking some rules," She teased, pretending to wipe away some tears. "It makes me so proud."
Laughing a bit at her own joke she poked Sean in the side. She had never known Sean to break rules, it was almost exciting to see him like this


Getting thumped on the shoulder by one of the swings she winced then held the creature out at arm's length. She narrowed her eyes at the creature.
"Now that's not very nice," she scolded ",Who taught you your manners?" She poked the poor goblin's nose and continued ",Maybe I'll have to keep you as a pet and teach you some real manners."
ArchAngelLexi ArchAngelLexi

Tup smiled, showing her pointy teeth, as she saw human wince when her club hit. "Grum teach Tup" When human poked Tup's nose, she stopped smiling and started rubbing her nose with her free hand. "Tup not pet!"
He scoffs at her and say "This is the only time I'm going to break the rules". He starts leaving in a slow jog again twords the candy shoppe not waiting for her because of her annoying comments about him.
Sabrina effortlessly caught up with the Sean. To be a show off she began to jog backward for a moment, sticking her tongue out with him. "Well mister rule breaker, I'll race you there," She quickly sped past him. Was it fair for the track star to race her less physically inclined friend? Absolutely not.
Beating him to the candy shop she leaned against the wall outside and waited for him to catch up.

"No?" She responded with a pout. "How disappointing, you might've liked it."
Shrugging it off she turned to the now empty box of candy. How Problematic. I guess we'll have to deal with this now. With the Goblin still in tow she walked out of the storage room.
"Boss! we've got a problem here! This," She called out before pausing and looking back at the goblin in her hand. "Um, what did you say you name was? Oh, whatever," She asked quietly. but before Tup could answer she continued to call out ",This goblin ate a box of the portal candy!"
He met Sabrina at the wall we’re she was leaning. He just sighed and walked right into the front doors that were glass. He stepped in and it was very pretty, the floor was checkered and the walls were full-of candy some in clear jars some in jars you would not see through but I bet we’re full of candy. I could not explain because none of the were main brands. I smelt so good like candy and there was a man hollering something to someone in the back. There was a counter and swirly chairs. I seated my self at the swirly chair waiting for assistance

The witch brought out a goblin looking thing.They were hollering at the witch that was holding him and teasing him. The witch had a welt on her face witch was probably were the goblin thing got her. I said “we could keep it and put it to work but put it away from the front before a customer comes in and sees it” just as she walked into the back a customer walked in. He was blond and was wearing jeans and a button up he looked like to good kind of kid to good be here. I walk over to him but I was still confused how a goblin got in here and ate all the portal candy.

"Tup!" Tup yelled to woman before looked confused to male human who talked to woman human who carried Tup still as he said lots of human words and some of them were new to her. All that she got was something about working, put away and seeing. All that was so confusing for her.
A older man came up to Sean and started to ask what he wanted. I was to focused on what he looked like. He had grey hair and was in a plaid shirt and jeans with a apron. I looked up a little worried be cause I Am a little socially awkward and I was waiting for Sabrina to come in and serve as a distraction as sorts. He looked up and said what’s supper cheap here? The older man snickers.

the somewhat older man that owned the charm was confused when he asked the kid for what he wanted but he just stared. Then the kid asked what was cheap he snickers and says “well I have penny candy’s that’s I change out everyday so if you don’t like what’s in for today it will be different how’s that sound?”
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