The Celebrity ^.^ (YukiUchiha & I)


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Damian needed to get his car fixed. It wasn't his normally fancy car, just a Cadillac CTS he bought from a older man used so he could have a car to drive when he wasn't the hit pop sensation "Damian". It wasn't like there was a personality change in him either, he was the same as always. People usually never recognized him though, which wasn't surprising because he would wear a blonde wig and brown eye contacts. He would then proceed to put on very normal clothes so no one would single him out from the others.

His manager was mad at him for going out in public dressed like a dork, but Damian wanted to speak to normal people who didn't know he was a teen idol. He was driving his poor Caddy to a autoshop, which was surprisingly not that busy despite being a weekend. Damian shrugged it off, driving his squeaking Caddy to the parking lot and then entering the building. He came here often, actually. Since his car was a piece of worthless crap because it kept dying, he knew the owner fairly well. Well, he knew him well enough to know that he was a single father.
Ariana was riding her Harley Davidson to the car shop. She was late again. Her father was more then likely going to chew her up. She sighed and when she pulled up she saw a very nice Cadillac. What a sweet car. she thought to herself as she went and parked her bike in the back. She jumped off and walked inside behind the desk where she was clocking in and her father came uobehind, "You were late again." He said as he patted her on the back then walked towards Damian. Ariana sighed and just put on her cap which hid all her hair and another customer came in.

"Back again Damian. What seems to be the problem. The usual?" John asked as he was at his window. He then told him to drive up in any empty spot and they would start on it right away. Ariana on the other hand walked out of the little office area and went to go look at a Chevy Silverado, the one the customer was driving, and wrote down all the information needed. She then had them park in the spot on the right hand side of Damians car.
Damian saw the girl who was most likely the owner's daughter. Damian didn't stare long so he didn't attract any unneeded attention. He smiled politely at the owner and said, "It seems so, Mister. My car seems to hate me, and it is making that rattling noise again. I believe that older man cheated me."

Damian got out of his car and went to talk the owner. He asked quietly, "How long will this take this time? Do I need someone to pick me up, or should I just wait here?" He fixed his sunglasses, and pulled down his hat just a bit more. He may have looked a bit weird, wearing a hat and sunglasses, but it was needed or his manager would go crazy. He was mad enough that Damian was going out in public, but Damian needed to be free every once in a while.
"If Ariana gets to it, it should only take about twenty minutes. I'll see if she can get started on it." He said as he walked over to Ariana who was working on fixing a radiator. "Ari. Trade me cars. You go do that one." Her father saod and Ariana sighed then looked over at it, "I'm assuming battery and maybe a new belt." Ariana muttered to herself and walked over to get the things she needed.

She started on the car first she fixed the belt then she removed the battery and finished in twenty minutes. Just like her father said she would. When she finished she smiled and closed the hood then went and called for Damian. "Your car is ready sir." Ariana said as she got the keys and handed them back to Damian. She walked over to the cash register and rung him up only for the belt. Her father said not to worry about the battery, "That'll be twenty dollars and sixty three cents." She said as she looked up at Damian. It was weird that he was wearing sunglasses.
Damian nodded his head obediently and watched his car being worked on as discreetly as possible. He could easily buy a new one, but not with attracting attention. It wouldn't make sense for a person his age to be able to buy a new car without money from somewhere. Even if he said his parents were loaded, it would bring unwanted attention to him.

He moved to the cash register, adjusting his sun glasses again. He pulled his hat down a bit more, which shuffled his blonde wig a bit somewhat revealing his dark blue hair underneath. One of his songs cam on, and he murmured the lyrics out of habit. He pulled out his wallet and paid for the car belt in cash since his credit card had his name on it. His full name on it, and it was a platinum card with a picture of his celebrity face on it.
When one of Damians songs came on, Ariana rolled her eyes. "I hate this song.." she muttered mainly to herself. She sighed and gave Damian his change when she noticed the slightest blue hair and that he was singing to the song. Ariana blinked twice but she just shook it off. "Thanks sir. Come again. " she said as she smiled. She honestly didn't want to say anything because if he was Damian, why would he own a run down car? He could easily get a new one.
Damian was shell shocked when she said she hated one of his songs. His eyes were wide, and he was absolutely shocked. "Is there a reason why you hate this song? All the girls now a days love this song," he paused. "Never mind, that's none of my business. I hate fan girls anyway." He took his keys and fixed his hat and glasses once more. His voice was polite, "I'm guessing I'll see you guys next week seeing as this car will probably break down on me again or something." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly.
"I just don't like the singer. He thinks he is so great but he isn't...." Ariana stopped herself and just smiled. "Nevermind. Anyways yeah see you next week." She said as she smiled nicely and politely. She didn't know why he was so worried if she liked that singer or not. When he left she sighed and walked back out to relieve her father from the car he was working on. She took over and finally it was time for lunch.

It was around 3 when she went to go grab a bite to eat with her friend at a rather fancy place. Her friend was in a dress and she was in blue jean shorts and a t shirt. She sighed and just ordered a salad, "So did you hear that new song by Damian. Omg he is so hot. I love the blue hair." Her friend said. Ariana just sighed and rolled her eyes, "I told you I don't like him. All he does is try to get girls to like him so he can have a selection." Ariana replied. "You're so mean to him!" Her friend exclaimed.
Damian drove off, only to get a call from his manager. "DAMIAN!!!" he roared ferociously. Damian's ears run, and he placed the phone down on the passenger seat, and listened to his manager rant on the speaker. "I hear you moving around, so I know you are there!!! ANSWER ME," his manager roared.

"Huh," Damian asked. "Sorry, I wasn't exactly paying attention. I'm driving here."

He sighed when his manager started lecturing him, "You are driving?!?! Why aren't you taking a limo or anything? Please tell me you aren't driving that crappy Cadillac you bought a while back? Why do you hide your identity? Don't act like a normal person! You ARE a pop star!"

"I want to live a normal life sometimes," Damian protested.

"You don't have time for a normal life, now come to the usual restaurant! We have titles and gigs we need to discuss. I'm already there," his manager yelled.

"So you are yelling at a restaurant?"

His manager replied, "No, I'm yelling in the bathrooms. Now get over here! NOW!"

Damian groaned, "Okay, okay." He hung up and sped to the restaurant, recognizing the girl from before was also there. He shrugged and found a seat in a booth and sat across from his manager.
"Ari. That guy is Damians manager." Her friend said and Ariana looked up to see the person she saw at work. "I wonder who he's talking to. He looks weird." Ariana sighed, "Can't we just not talk about the hit pop sensation Damian for once. He is all you ever talk about." "Because he is H.O.T hot." Ariana just sighed again and continued to eat her salad while her friend kept babbling on about Damian. Ariana was getting annoyed. She had heard enough but for her friends sake she stayed quiet and let her babble.
Damian adjusted his wig self consciously. His manager was talking about a concert in this town, and he was worried. "Dude, what if someone recognizes me after anyway," he whispered uncomfortably. He felt people staring at them, he just didn't have the guts to see who exactly was.

"You shouldn't be hiding your identity anyway," his manager scoffed. "Anyway, no one will recognize the hit pop sensation, Damian, when you are dressed as a geek. What are with the sunglasses and wig anyway? They look so stupid."

"I'm trying NOT to stand out, if I dressed normally, people would ask." Damian defended.
Ariana finally came back from her day dream and looked at her friend and saw her staring, "What are you doing?" Ariana asked and her friend just turned around, "I find it awkward for a pop sensations manager to be talking to a person who looks like a complete geek." she scoffed. Ariana just rolled her eyes and looked at her friend, "Obsesive much." she said and the other girl just smiled, "No. Just his number one fan." The two laughed and Ariana stood up, "I got to get back to work." she could hear whispering about how she was dressed so casual for a fancy resteraunt. Ariana sighed. "Just stay a little longer. I'm sure your dad would understand." her friend said and Ariana gave in like always and sat back down.
Damian and his manager discussed a few things about the concert. Being skeptical, Damian tried to convince his manager to not accept the job, but he seemed persistent in making Damian take the concert. With a sigh, Damian looked around. He spotted the girl, the mechanic's daughter, in a booth with another girl, and his face paled. He adjusted his sunglasses and hat nervously.

"Dude, I gotta get outta here," Damian said in a rush. "We can talk about this at the loft I'm staying at?"

His manager grimaced, "That old place? I don't see why you stay there anyway. You should stay here so we can finish discussing."
Ariana just wanted to leave. She honestly didn't like being here. She hated this so much. She looked over at Damian and saw he was getting very nervous. She wondered, Could he possibly be Damian the pop sensation. Ariana finally was going to leave. She stood up and left her money there on the table and walked out. She didn't actually ride her bike here, she walked. She began walking down the street but then thought about waiting for the blonde to leave. She stayed hidden behind a wall and waited for Damian to walk out.
As soon as Damian saw Ariana leave, he breathed a sigh of relief. He shook his head no to his manager and said, "Naw man, I want to go home. Call me or meet me there, but watch for the paparazzi." He pulled out his wallet, left cash on the table for his manager's meal and his drink that he hadn't touched. He slipped out of the table, ready to go home. Exiting the restaurant, he spotted his car and went to leave.
Dammit he would be in a car. Ariana thought as she sighed and followed it as best as she could. She knew she might lose him so she gave up. She sighed and just decided to go home. On every billboard she saw there was nothing but Damian about his new album. Ariana rolled her eyes, she didn't understand how so many girls could be obsessed with him. Ariana sighed, she really hated Damian.
Damian had very bad luck. He stared at his car with wide eyes. His tired were slashed, his windows bashed in, and there were multiple dents in the frame. He rushed back into the restaurant, only to find his manager gone. Groaning, he knew that calling the police meant they would check his license, cause a scene, and that meant people would know that Damian the pop star was hanging around town. He sadly called a taxi, informed the restaurant owners that he would pick up his car in the morning, and made plans to visit the auto shop again.
Arianas father had recived the call from Damian and he told him he wouldn't be that busy tomorrow. Ariana walked into the shop to see her dad there still, "Pops get going. It's going to get late." she said as she hugged him and went to grab the keys to her bike, "Go home soon pops." she said and drove off to the house. She parked and walked inside. She jumped onto her bed and wrote in her diary. I think just maybe Damian is Damian the pop sensation.... is the last thing she wrote in her diary.
Damian got into the cab and had the driver take him to his shabby apartment. He dragged his butt into his home, and into the bathroom. Brushing his teeth, washing his face, and then taking a quick shower, he prepared to go to bed. Snuggling into his pillows, the only thought in his mind was, 'Why am I so unlucky?'
(Time skip?)

Ariana woke up the next morning rather early and yawned. She got up and took her shower then got dressed for work. She ran down the stairs and made a quick breakfast then left from her house to the shop on her bike. She got to the shop and clocked in and saw Damian's name on the list. She sighed and went to help a customer purchase tires. "You know a lot about cars." The guy said and Ariana just smiled, "Yep. Thank you have a nice day." she let out a sigh.
(Uh huh)

Damian called a tow truck to bring his car to the shop. He scarfed down some left over pizza from some time ago, and then got ready for the day. After getting his car fixed once again, he would be meeting his manager and a few other people to confirm and schedule a concert in the area. He was nervous about how the news would get out, and he was also wondering if people would go searching for him. With a groan, he called a cab and told the driver to take him to the shop.
When Damian came with the tow truck Ariana couldn't help but laugh. "Your car is really jacked up. I can fix it though." was all she said as she had the tow truck driver place it down and she pushed it in the garage. "Alright so a new window and new tires." she said to herself as she looked at Damian trying to find blue hair but didn't. He can't be Damian. she thought
Damian groaned at the girl, "I don't think it is the car's fault. I think I just have terrible luck! Who would slash a total strangers car, raid it, and smash the windows? I think someone is sabotaging my car." He paused. "Maybe someone actually is." He could think of only one person... His manager. He could have hired someone to break his car.
"I see." Ariana said as she asked for the keys, "Are you a natural blonde?" she asked curiously. He could pull off blonde but if he was Damian he would have blue hair. She really thought maybe that was him but she didn't know for sure yet. One of Damians songs came on again and Ariana just rolled her eyes. Another song she hated.
Damian's eyes widened behind his sunglasses. His hands twitched, but he lied smoothly, "Ah yes, my father had blonde hair." When his song came on, he fought the urge to sing. He really did, but it was a natural instinct, and it was almost painful. "Is that your natural hair color?"

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