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Multiple Settings The Celebrity life of Jeremy Kelly "Passion Kiss" Lightfoot.


Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot

Passion Kiss/band: Jeremy and the Rainbow Passions
Roleplay Type(s)
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot was just an average guy. A young teen. Not too focused on the ways of the world due to how his family was always protecting him. Although... that's what one would usually believe. Think. What the real deal was that Jeremy was not just average. He was more. He was a coming out gay youth. A Gay youth who was also a developing drag kid. Drag Teen to be more exact. Plus not only that... he was also a celebrity. Known to the world as Passion Kiss. Of course that not only was it his celebrity singing stage name... but also his Drag Kid/Teen handle. Identity. That was his total bag. Complete bag. It was who he was... The complete part of what he was... Inside and out. What's more is that he also was believed to look like the Advocate Desmond Napoles. That was a real feat. A real feat.

It was the beginning of the school year for him. High school. He was set to start his 9th grade year and so far... to him things were seeming to look up. Look in the right direction. Or so he believed it be so...

Jeremy: *Walking through the front doors of the high school* ...

Jeremy walked on through the main hall leading way to the office. He knew that he had to attain his classes. And receive his locker #. The very things he needed. On the outside he was a celebrity and well known. But now since he was seeking to tone it down a bit so he could get a normalcy as much as he knew he could... he had to keep things low.

Jeremy: *Fixing his make-up a little and making sure that he was looking right* First day. I feel like a little ole' mess. I really should relax and keep calm. This is the right move. Being the celebrity is great... but what is the worth of it... if i don't have a Education to fall back on when that is on a recession and on break? No Education... No real cushion to lean back on when things start dying down and it's time for me to retire for the rest of my life. When that very point comes.

Jeremy had a bit of worry and he knew why... however he also knew that for being as highly sensitive as he was... he knew that for the things he was needing to attain to... it was for the best that he tried to get some grasp of normalcy. His sisters were doing so... So he knew that he'd have to follow the same vein.


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