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Fantasy The Castle's Secrets {Closed}


certified Lysander au Lune hater
Roleplay Availability
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Shadows rose high on the pillars of the Great Hall, shifting about in sync with the flames situated on various scones on the wall. The soft murmur of voices caressed his ears, as they all waited for the main event to start. He was the only one sitting, knees folded under him. All others were standing, as was the custom in this case. Skolak straightened his back, staring ahead. The dais rose before him, its steps littered with roses.

Not long now, He thought silently to himself, resisting the urge to move his head toward the side door just behind the dais where the priestess was sure to emerge from. The smell of meat roasting over a fire reached his nose. Skolak's stomach rumbled with gnawing hunger, he hasn't eaten since three days ago, where the whole castle had joined together to create a large, extravagant feast for their future king and he hasn't slept since that night.

The door creaked opened and the quiet conversations ceased as all turned their gazes toward the woman gliding toward the dais steps, her silent apprentices trailing behind her. All knew that the only one that matched the nation's ruler in power was this woman, master of all spiritual matters and the most reclusive. Draped in all white, the woman, Aieda said few words and was rarely seen outside of her crystal tower just outside of the main roads. Yet, she always emerged from her hole for the crowning of new kings, just as her predecessors before her have done to do the crowning and blessing herself.

Aieda's apprentices guided her to the center of the dais, for she was blind. Skolak knew that this blindness was self inflicted and the image of the raven-haired lady gouging out her own eyes gave the young man shivers.

"Approach." Her accent was soft, the words more like a question rather than a command.

Skolak thought he could feel his own bones creak as he shifted his weight and slowly stood, ascending the steps of the dais.

Her blind eyes seemed to watch him though he knew that wasn't true. It wasn't. Two apprentices brought over a cushion with his father's--- (well, his now) crown. The other held a dagger with a large jewel at its center. Her third, and final apprentice stood to her left and this is the one who spoke Aieda's words for her, "Child of King Wuurum, Slayer of demons. It is your time to take up his duty. Duty to your people and to the gods...." Aieda gestured to the apprentice holding the dagger, grabbing it from her.

The speaker continued, "Do you promise to guide this kingdom into the light of the gods?"

"I do so promise." Skolak intoned, knowing the words he had to say.

"Do you promise to protect this kingdom from the forces of evil, banishing them back into the darkness from whence they came?"

"I do so promise."

This went on for several minutes, and he repeated the words accordingly. Until Aieda spoke herself, "Your promises must come from the heart, from your blood that shall bind you to those promises." Her bird-like hands wrapped themselves around his wrist, baring it for her. Skolak nodded, bracing himself for what would come next. The blade sliced into his skin, droplets of blood spilling onto the dais.

When he turned toward the watching sea of faces, he was staring at them through the eyes of a King. King Skolak. He chuckled to himself, that rolled off the tongue.

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