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The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
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Come one come all come have a ball, it's the fantastical magical carnival! It rolls into town offering foriegn and curious delights... yes one needs to pay for admission and you'll be allowed to witness and partake of many a splendor an curiosity.
Treats and food one has never tried, beasts monsters and people one has never seen, acts of skill chance and magic that take ones breath away!

It's the famous traveling Carnival!
But you saw the title, you know something's up and here it is...
The carnival is run by a evil wizard who kidnaps and transforms kids and adults alike into animals or literal monsters for the profit of his roving circus. This wizard has over one hundred followers that are loyal to his cause either unknowingly working without reason to believe the ringmaster is kidnapping and cursing people for nefarious purposes or worse, helping this monster do his evil deeds for a killing or just pure love of the game.

This rp is about some adventurers/bounty hunters (preferably one whose lost a loved one when the circus rolled by)
Taking on a job to infiltrate the carnival free as many slaves and cursed beings as possible and capturing the evil wizard whose been pulling this shit. Preferably using magic to turn him into something stupid and being imprisoned to eat pissed on bread til he dies.

Should you want to play you'd be making a skilled indvidual with a sense of justice hired by a escapee of said circus.
Magic is a thing in this fiction but for the sake of the rp it will be somewhat limited compared to the main villian whose able to curse people into becoming animals and monsters etc

These individuals would need to have some sort of performance art or at the very least happy and able to do menial tasks and manual labor. Knife juggling, setting up stalls and tents etc

I think four or five players would do. Post requirements is two paragraphs or more once a week.
Ask questions or show enthusiasm below
I'm very much interested! I'm new to rpnation though so yeah.. I might need a bit of guidance when it comes to navigating the site but I'm not new to roleplaying so you can expect at least decent replies (I hope).
I'm very much interested! I'm new to rpnation though so yeah.. I might need a bit of guidance when it comes to navigating the site but I'm not new to roleplaying so you can expect at least decent replies (I hope).
Heyo i don't think you'll need guidance as most stuff, or my shit anyway is pretty straightforward in terms of what pages to go to an making a character sheet.

Once a person or two show interest ill make a cs page and tag everyone who seems keen.

While we wait, any questions about the fiction that I can answer?

Out of curiosity, would one of our OCs be allowed and/or able to change the humans-turned-monster back into people once they are released from the wizard?

Out of curiosity, would one of our OCs be allowed and/or able to change the humans-turned-monster back into people once they are released from the wizard?
Put simple without spoilers...
Yes and no,
oooh i'm definitely interested !
I’d be happy to join!

Out of curiosity, would one of our OCs be allowed and/or able to change the humans-turned-monster back into people once they are released from the wizard?
hmm, not really. like you said, it's pretty straightforward

CS page is here, If you have any questions please ask here on the check or in a PM

Saia Saia thanks for posting, the cs works well. Only thing I can ask you add to it is some tragic/sad part of her past to give her adequate reason to want to help.

The easiest being she saw a friend or family kidnapped by a clown during this carnival and NO ONE at all believes her and for whatever reason she is down to help some people infiltrate the devils carnival.

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