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Fantasy The Carnival OCC

Oh the two words are interchangeable to me what is the difference between the two? Do we have a big tent and animal shows as the main thing or games and sideshow acts? Like are the carnies the main attraction or are there rides and such?
LunaticLove LunaticLove So far I think I'm the only one with a permanent animal. Hopefully we don't end up with a petting zoo worth of animals though, there's a reason why Spirit already doesn't like children. Children + cotton candy = sticky fingers
I was hoping you'd know, the words have different meanings but are used interchangeably. I'm not sure if this is a carnival or a circus.
raven flame raven flame You know, you can make your character Japanese if you want to. No offense, the character's fine, but at the moment he seems a little inconsistent.
raven flame raven flame Were you talking to your raven or Vasco in "erm y-you needed h-help mr. Vasco?" crow asked his pet raven on his shoulder this line? Also is Vasco the trainer your character is getting whipped by? Or is it some random trainer NPC?
No it off and i cant get it turned back on for some reason and im dyslexic ok leave me be we all have some form of trouble writing ok
I also promise not to cause too many problems for Crow, though that blindfold is a captivating target. May I ask how translucent his blindfold is, can he see through it well?
He can see through it but it dosent let light in. It also depends on how one sees it if they put it on and look through it, it could be completely dark, or like they have nothing on......to put it simply....magic infused blind fold. Sounds weird but i don't care

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