The Camp

Rachael Grimm

If you love something,put it in a jar.

To sign up, please include:

Appearance(Realistic please):




Reason for coming to camp:




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Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/0f5a_vqb_400x400.jpeg.6692190cad7a4e1a8c67d35547f51a45.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60850" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/0f5a_vqb_400x400.jpeg.6692190cad7a4e1a8c67d35547f51a45.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hannah Love|17|Female|Heterosexual

Personality: Hannah is a bitch and isn't afraid to admit it. She won't be your friend if you can't give her anything. She will use and abuse anyone she can to get on top. She will appear nice and friendly at first, but be warned. Once she has you locked in, you can consider yourself dead.

Hannah was born in the upper class and has had a pampered life. She has always had everything handed to her and has never worked a day in her life. She learned quickly that she could use people to her advantage. This caused her to spiral out of control and go mad with power. Her parents decided to send her to this camp to make her come back to reality.

Reason for coming to camp:
Her parents made her.


Using people

+Making people mad

+Hurting others


+Making her parents proud

Cute things

-People that are full of themselves

-Things she can't control


-Making friends


Losing her money

People knowing her tricks


She has never had a boyfriend but would like to have one.( ;) )



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Katelyn Wild|17|Female|Heterosexual

Personality: Katie is kind, sweet and funny. But will not take no for an answer and absolutely HATES people who try and be the boss of everything. She is the master at pulling pranks just for fun, she puts traps around her things so she know when someone tried to take something. Her stubbornness makes her highly protective and brave

Biography: Katie is an orphan and never knew her parents, she has made countless friends in the orphanage and watched them get adopted which is slowly pulling her into depression, so she tries to stay the optimist she is

Reason for coming to Camp: The orphanage raised enough money for one of their residents to go to this camp and Katie got picked out of pity that she was never adopted and its her last year there





+Being helpful


-Bossy people

-Stuck Ups


-Sour/Spicy food

-Rick people



The Dark


Small spaces




Sexual abuse

Other: She never tells anyone her fears

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.9e331cceeec69ee1f949d9908203a031.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60867" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.9e331cceeec69ee1f949d9908203a031.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


- Butch DeLouche


- 21


- Male


- Heterosexual [straight]



Me? Fuck you, how about that? I've been alone my whole life, I don't need friends. Sure, I might have a slight attitude, but it's for a good reason. From being a delinquent, to racketing protection money; I'm a man of all trades. I'm not a guy that socializes respectively, and if you wanna chat, good luck. I have a soft side towards the opposite sex, but that's only because I don't feel the need to drop kick women in the face. If you wanna play rough, you know my number..."


- Butch was born in the wrong side of the ghetto, cornering Great Britain. He was born from a scum of a mother, and a father that resided in prison. He started making his game when he was 14, whooping ass and taking names for almost no reason other than infamy. He got caught one day however, and was promptly sent to the British accommodation of Juvy. He did his time, with plenty of bloodshed however. He soon was released and sent out into the streets again, where he took his rain of terror back with a vengeance. A small part of him wanted to slow down, him impregnating a chick. Before the baby was born though, his wife was beaten to death by a man he himself beat up a week prior. This sent him into a blood thirsty rage, him tearing through anyone who knew the man. Butch had sense left his old life behind, traveling to the states to make a new life for himself. Hopefully this 'Camp' would get him enough cash to lay low for the remainder of his life.

Reason for coming to camp

- He mostly came for the money, but traveling to Hawaii would be an extra plus.


+ Fighting

+ Women

+ Smoking

+ Narcotics

+ Paintball

- Men

- People who run their mouth

- Goodie Two Shoes'

- Loud noises

- Biggots


- Getting Shot

- Losing Another Child


16 Year Old Butch:




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[QUOTE="Wild Born]


Katelyn Wild|17|Female|Heterosexual

Personality: Katie is kind, sweet and funny. But will not take no for an answer and absolutely HATES people who try and be the boss of everything. She is the master at pulling pranks just for fun, she puts traps around her things so she know when someone tried to take something. Her stubbornness makes her highly protective and brave

Biography: Katie is an orphan and never knew her parents, she has made countless friends in the orphanage and watched them get adopted which is slowly pulling her into depression, so she tries to stay the optimist she is

Reason for coming to Camp: The orphanage raised enough money for one of their residents to go to this camp and Katie got picked out of pity that she was never adopted and its her last year there





+Being helpful


-Bossy people

-Stuck Ups


-Sour/Spicy food

-Rick people



The Dark


Small spaces




Sexual abuse

Other: She never tells anyone her fears



Brown said:
View attachment 139948

- Butch DeLouche


- 21


- Male


- Heterosexual [straight]



Me? Fuck you, how about that? I've been alone my whole life, I don't need friends. Sure, I might have a slight attitude, but it's for a good reason. From being a delinquent, to racketing protection money; I'm a man of all trades. I'm not a guy that socializes respectively, and if you wanna chat, good luck. I have a soft side towards the opposite sex, but that's only because I don't feel the need to drop kick women in the face. If you wanna okay rough, you know my number..."


- Butch was born in the wrong side of the ghetto, cornering Great Britain. He was born from a scum of a mother, and a father that resided in prison. He started making his game when he was 14, whooping ass and taking names for almost no reason other than infamy. He got caught one day however, and was promptly sent to the British accommodation of Juvy. He did his time, with plenty of bloodshed however. He soon was released and sent out into the streets again, where he took his rain of terror back with a vengeance. A small part of him wanted to slow down, him impregnating a chick. Before the baby was born though, his wife was beaten to death by a man he himself beat up a week prior. This sent him into a blood thirsty rage, him tearing through anyone who knew the man. Butch had sense left his old life behind, traveling to the states to make a new life for himself. Hopefully this 'Camp' would get him enough cash to lay low for the remainder of his life.

Reason for coming to camp

- He mostly came for the money, but traveling to Hawaii would be an extra plus.


+ Fighting

+ Women

+ Smoking

+ Narcotics

+ Paintball

- Men

- People who run their mouth

- Goodie Two Shoes'

- Loud noises

- Biggots


- Getting Shot

- Losing Another Child


16 Year Old Butch:


Accepted as well!
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c33c1a1b4_Screenshot2015-07-07at12.10.59PM.png.19e2147b6f8c4d9ff28eba1e385a1892.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60893" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c33c1a1b4_Screenshot2015-07-07at12.10.59PM.png.19e2147b6f8c4d9ff28eba1e385a1892.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Lewis P. Abernathy

Sex: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Finicky, Control Freak, Neat Freak (Some say he's diagnosed with OCD, but the doctors have yet to prove it.)

Age: 19

Reason For Camp: His brother recommended some relaxing time for him, as if it would help at all.

Biography: Born from a constantly ill single mother, and raised by his older brother, Jackson, ever since preschool he's been trying to control others. Pushing religion out of his life, as well as science, control became his reason to live. When he was in charge, perfection was the only option. If you get something wrong, you're on his list. He got a part time job at a Walmart, but got fired. It was at that time, Jackson sent Lewis to the camp.

Likes: Control, Family, Math, The Honeymooners, Jackie Gleason, The Police, Classical Overtures

Dislikes: Leaders of any kind, Crime, History, VIolence, Rock and Roll, Strangers

I just read Kate Wild's page. My god, are we gonna clash.



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TacoBadgers said:
View attachment 140007
Name: Lewis P. Abernathy

Sex: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Finicky, Control Freak, Neat Freak (Some say he's diagnosed with OCD, but the doctors have yet to prove it.)

Age: 19

Reason For Camp: His brother recommended some relaxing time for him, as if it would help at all.

Biography: Born from a constantly ill single mother, and raised by his older brother, Jackson, ever since preschool he's been trying to control others. Pushing religion out of his life, as well as science, control became his reason to live. When he was in charge, perfection was the only option. If you get something wrong, you're on his list. He got a part time job at a Walmart, but got fired. It was at that time, Jackson sent Lewis to the camp.

Likes: Control, Family, Math, The Honeymooners, Jackie Gleason, The Police, Classical Overtures

Dislikes: Leaders of any kind, Crime, History, VIolence, Rock and Roll, Strangers

I just read Kate Wild's page. My god, are we gonna clash.
There is something you're missing. Did you read the overview?


Elizabeth Beaumont|Nineteen|Female|Bisexual


Her tough skin on the outside helps hide the soft emotions inside her. She may seem stuck up, but she's far from that.


Having her parents abandon her at a young age, Elizabeth was passed around relative that didn't want her. No one seemed to like having her around, so she began to stuck to herself. Having trust and abandonment issues, Elizabeth doesn't talk to anyone in fear of getting attached to them like she did to her parents not so long ago.

Reason for coming to camp:

A Relative Suggested It <(
;) )>



+Romantic Movies












-Thunder Storms


-Her nickname is "Zanna".

-She is a classic pianist.


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It's fears isn't it?

Fears: Animals, Being Controlled, Tight Spaces, Seizure Inducing Imagery (Despite never having a seizure), Drugs of any kind
That is one thing, but there is something in particular that is in the overview. You and @Eyeliner420 forgot. Otherwise, wonderful characters for both of you!
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c33c59b6b_Screenshot2015-07-07at12.54.27PM.png.b73dd23048ba410db2e4c87ccfd91fb0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60905" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c33c59b6b_Screenshot2015-07-07at12.54.27PM.png.b73dd23048ba410db2e4c87ccfd91fb0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Ebony Coleman | 17 | Female | Hetrosexual


Ebony is quiet, easily frightened, but logical. When you get to know her she will eventually break out of her shyness and attempt conversation.


In elementary and middle school Ebony wasn't the best looking, smartest, or liked and because of her flaws she was bullied, spit on, and sworn at. When her mother died her father thought it would be a good idea to move, so they did. Ebony kept her head down and jumped at anything and everything. Eventually she took a liking to t.v. shows like Sherlock and wanted to be as analytical as him.

Reason for coming to camp:

She wants to get in a good college


+ Justice

+ Books

+ Oversized clothing

+ Sour food

+ Kittens

+ Rain

- Loud noises

- Bossy people

- Violence



Thunder storms



Being lost

The dark




( persona )

Seth tends to not be able to handle other people's bs quite often. He's very disinterested in what others have to say, excluding himself, and is a man of few words. He's just bad at being social. However, underneath that mask of ice, is a man who's actually quite caring.

» callous and tolerant

» very, very, very quiet

» can be blunt

» eventually known to be aloof
(once you get to know him)

( bio )

Ever since childhood, Seth was home schooled by his mother, while his father-- who was both a scientist and a mathematician -- would come home late due to work. Unlike some of the other children he knew, Seth considered his parents to be caring and smart-- and to him -- very lucky to have . They made sure he was a good child until he turned eight years old. That's when his parents decided to ship him off to public school for the first time.

But unfortunately, the other kids ignored him. And since no one talked to him, well. . . Seth kind of got used to having no friends. He became invisible in their eyes-- a trait that continued on until he became older. A trait that explains why he doesn't speak that much, and why his social skills aren't exactly the best.

( reason )

He was in it for the money, but. . . now it's kind of an excuse to sharpen up his social skills.

( likes & dislikes )

+ music

+ sleeping

+ smoking

+ cats

+ silence

- water

- noisiness; too much of it

- annoying things

- being bossed around

( fears )

» drowning

» death

» rejection

( other )

» birthday: june twentieth

» zodiac sign: gemini

» favorite color: red

» favorite season: winter

» relationship status: single

» is right-handed

» wears lots of plaid, leather, and red/black colored clothing

» has a habit of smoking whenever and wherever

Appearance: (I added it, hopefully it'll show up)

Venice Dialle |Twenty|Female|Pansexual

Personality: Not the friendliest of the bunch, Venice is more of a loner. She doesn't enjoy being in the company of others that give a bad vibe but will sure hang with those that seem friendly. Not the smartest but in critical situations her mind might start working. Anyway, after you start knowing her, you'll know she isn't as stupid as she looks. Biography: No sad story behind the sad face. Venice grew happily with her parents in a rich household along with her two brothers Vincenn and Jamias. Even though her life was more than perfect, something still missed from her life, that being life itself. Leaving her with no time for herself and with days filled with nothing but studying to become a great lawyer in the future as her dad wanted, Venice distanced herself from the outside world. After reaching the age of nineteen, she finally decided not to have her life controlled and with the money she had saved up, she moved in with her brothers in a house that they bought. Giving up on the lawyer dream of her parents, Venice started doing what she liked most, teaching in schools as a substitute history teacher.

Reason for coming to camp: To pass time; Suggested to her by her brothers.

Likes/Dislikes: +Storms; +Books; +Lying; +Trying new things for fun; +Learning;

+Playing chess by herself; +one night stands.

-Kids who don't behave; -Classic music; -Supernatural stories; -Fake friends; -Money; -Silence; -Unnecessary swearing.

Fears: Being left alone; Losing her brothers; Death; Hell; Fire in general.

Other: Tends to keep her worries to herself/worries too much about nothings. The though of getting sick horrifies her. Her parents are disappointed in her choices in life. Believes in Paradise and Hell but doesn't fancy the idea of God being the one who created the universe.

(Hopefully I didn't forget anything and the picture of Venice shows up.)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/8876509-lily-pretty-girl.jpg.c1edeb54063749c02ccba6a6f8fdf4d6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61236" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/8876509-lily-pretty-girl.jpg.c1edeb54063749c02ccba6a6f8fdf4d6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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inkyduck said:




( persona )

Seth tends to not be able to handle other people's bs quite often. He's very disinterested in what others have to say, excluding himself, and is a man of few words. He's just bad at being social. However, underneath that mask of ice, is a man who's actually quite caring.

» callous and tolerant

» very, very, very quiet

» can be blunt

» eventually known to be aloof
(once you get to know him)

( bio )

Ever since childhood, Seth was home schooled by his mother, while his father-- who was both a scientist and a mathematician -- would come home late due to work. Unlike some of the other children he knew, Seth considered his parents to be caring and smart-- and to him -- very lucky to have . They made sure he was a good child until he turned eight years old. That's when his parents decided to ship him off to public school for the first time.

But unfortunately, the other kids ignored him. And since no one talked to him, well. . . Seth kind of got used to having no friends. He became invisible in their eyes-- a trait that continued on until he became older. A trait that explains why he doesn't speak that much, and why his social skills aren't exactly the best.

( reason )

He was in it for the money, but. . . now it's kind of an excuse to sharpen up his social skills.

( likes & dislikes )

+ music

+ sleeping

+ smoking

+ cats

+ silence

- water

- noisiness; too much of it

- annoying things

- being bossed around

( fears )

» drowning

» death

» rejection

( other )

» birthday: june twentieth

» zodiac sign: gemini

» favorite color: red

» favorite season: winter

» relationship status: single

» is right-handed

» wears lots of plaid, leather, and red/black colored clothing

» has a habit of smoking whenever and wherever

Wonderful and amazing! Accepted.


RivennAlizkin said:
Appearance: (I added it, hopefully it'll show up)
Venice Dialle |Twenty|Female|Pansexual

Personality: Not the friendliest of the bunch, Venice is more of a loner. She doesn't enjoy being in the company of others that give a bad vibe but will sure hang with those that seem friendly. Not the smartest but in critical situations her mind might start working. Anyway, after you start knowing her, you'll know she isn't as stupid as she looks. Biography: No sad story behind the sad face. Venice grew happily with her parents in a rich household along with her two brothers Vincenn and Jamias. Even though her life was more than perfect, something still missed from her life, that being life itself. Leaving her with no time for herself and with days filled with nothing but studying to become a great lawyer in the future as her dad wanted, Venice distanced herself from the outside world. After reaching the age of nineteen, she finally decided not to have her life controlled and with the money she had saved up, she moved in with her brothers in a house that they bought. Giving up on the lawyer dream of her parents, Venice started doing what she liked most, teaching in schools as a substitute history teacher.

Reason for coming to camp: To pass time; Suggested to her by her brothers.

Likes/Dislikes: +Storms; +Books; +Lying; +Trying new things for fun; +Learning;

+Playing chess by herself; +one night stands.

-Kids who don't behave; -Classic music; -Supernatural stories; -Fake friends; -Money; -Silence; -Unnecessary swearing.

Fears: Being left alone; Losing her brothers; Death; Hell; Fire in general.

Other: Tends to keep her worries to herself/worries too much about nothings. The though of getting sick horrifies her. Her parents are disappointed in her choices in life. Believes in Paradise and Hell but doesn't fancy the idea of God being the one who created the universe.

(Hopefully I didn't forget anything and the picture of Venice shows up.)
There is something you're forgetting. Read the overview carefully.
[QUOTE="Gif Queen]Appearance(Realistic please): View attachment 140845
Name|Age|Gender|Sexuality: Aaron Green | 17 | Male | Straight

Personality: Kind, random, funny, sweet

Biography: He grew up poor and didn't care. He loves making music and making friends. He's been bullied and hurt so he went into depression a few times but always came back from the depression

Reason for coming to camp: Family wanted him to get out of the house

Likes/Dislikes: Aaron loves to make music and sing. He loves to be random as well. Aaron dislikes bullies or being bullied

Fears: being mistreated.


~Brought his guitar with him

~If you ask him to sing something he most likely will

You're forgetting one important thing. Please read the overview.
[QUOTE="Rachael Grimm]You're forgetting one important thing. Please read the overview.

[/QUOTE] Sorry, still new to the site.
( ;) )

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