The Cabin (sign-ups and rules)


One Thousand Club
Okay, this is like an Evil Dead/Cabin in the Woods type roleplay. Basically a few good friends (I'm thinking four-six characters) decide to go on Spring Break together to Chelsea's (I'll play Chelsea) cabin. It's in the middle of the woods, is creepy looking, and has been abandoned for many years but since it is this type of story they decide to stay there.

Then the typical happens. The twenty-somethings all get rowdy and everything is fun until one of them decides to go into the scariest basement ever... these people are not that smart but that's the fun of it! They don't think or act like a normal person would and one of them takes an interest in a book that clearly should not be read. Then the third act begins and everyone is fighting with themselves and for their lives as demons are released.

-The book will release several dozen zombies (not all at once) and one demon that can possess one or two people at a time but needs to be transferred by touch. (I'm open if you want anything else released)

-I'm all for the gore so if that offends you then please don't join. I don't consider myself excessively gory but I do like the blood/guts angle so this is a heads-up.

-Please ASK before you do anything to another character. If you want to chop off their arm. ASK. Kill them? ASK. It's not hard. I'm okay with my characters dying and getting injured but I'm NOT okay if you just start hacking my character's limbs off. If you do not ask and the person is not okay with it then we will decide to ignore that post and all of your future posts and your character will be eaten by zombies.

I think that is it. It should be decently fun. I mean who doesn't like those awful cabin in the woods-type movies? Any other questions should go here.

Character skeleton:






*(The characters do not usually have much personality in these stories so don't feel like you'll have to put up much there)

Name: Chelsea Shaw

Age: 23

Personality*: She is soft, caring, and artistic. She is also conveniently in her last year of schooling to be a nurse.


Name: Ivy Farin

Age: 24

Personality: she's high spirited, and and playful. She can, however, be a bit of a b**** sometimes. Her favorite game is truth or dare, in which she always picks dare. She's be a bit of a practical joker and she loves to be the center of attention and the life of the party!


name: Jessie wright


personiliaty: hes an out going hard headed smart mouth and isnt afraid of anything

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/hat.png.f801983293b032dad9f8bbf44f9b0635.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="480" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/hat.png.f801983293b032dad9f8bbf44f9b0635.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Excellent. Both of you are accepted : )

I'll start the thread tomorrow unless you guys want to wait for more members?
Excellent. I have to run right now (literally... unfortunately... I hate exercise haha) but when I get back I'll write something up.

Accepted Octavius : ) -I'll also post in D-Day when I get back... promise.
Name: Mark Way

Age: 26

Personality*:Mark is rebellious. He likes to get into trouble and play pranks on people.


Other: He carries a pocket knife around and rides a motorcycle.
Ah, excellent.

Ember Spark - accepted.

I'll close sign-ups and make the post finally.
Woo! You're awesome. 
Name: Daniel MacArthur

Age: 19

Personality: Mostly quiet, he's mainly with the group because he had little better to do, and decided that his time away from people was done with. Mostly a social outcast, he's sort of on the fringe of whatever group he's with. Smart, and braver than he realizes, and is only starting to come out of his shell.

Appearance: Lean, not necessarily weak looking but not a very cutting figure either. He has long-ish brown hair, and a long black jacket, along with a short sleeve shirt underneath.

Other: He always has a pocket knife on hand, and is paranoid enough to have brought a wood ax with him, "just in case."
Name: Azalea Praise Sparks

Age: 20

Personality*: Azalea is distant and dark. She was invited by Mark to the stupid cabin campout thing. She agreed only because she had nothing better to do. She is a 'outcast' in many peoples eyes.


Other: She road on the back of Mark's motorcycle.
Aura said:
Excellent. I have to run right now (literally... unfortunately... I hate exercise haha) but when I get back I'll write something up.
Accepted Octavius : ) -I'll also post in D-Day when I get back... promise.
Take Your Time im in no rush.

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