Story The Broken Vase

There was once a beautiful blue vase, all shiny and new, stood proudly as they heard praise after praise of their beauty. Time marched on and the once new vase became old, chipped, and one day became broken as a small lip piece fell off. Time went on and the vase soon entered new hands. The new owner took this old & broken vase to repair their new treasure to potter after the potters' shop they went to but was told to throw the vase away as it was worthless and old. With every rejection, the vase felt her heart break, lose hope, and become bitter, seething with hatred. Then one day, this now-bitter old vase was taken to an old man who graciously accepted the job of fixing the vase. Despite hearing this, the vase bristled and thought “Just let me be destroyed already! Can’t you see how broken and chipped I am?! You have so many more pieces that are whole and beautiful than an old broken vase like me.” The old man just smiled and got to work. Time passes and the old bitter vase wakes up. She looked around and saw herself in a nearby mirror. She was shocked to see all the repairs and looked at the gold veins adoring her body. She felt the bitterness and hatred she had felt for such a long time melt away as she looked at herself. “How could someone show love like this to an old vase like me? I don’t deserve to be like the other pieces in this place.” As she thought this, she realized that she was still just as beautiful and amazing as she was before and even more with all of her scars. From then on, the vase smiled and lived as happily as she did when she was brand new.

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