The Broadcast [Literate Roleplay]

sunshine and whiskey

ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ʙʀɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ sᴜɴsʜɪɴᴇ
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Survivor Types(Roles):

1. Immunes- Cannot be infected with the disease or carry it. Their blood is the hope for the future for scientists may be able to use it to make a cure for the virus.

  1. LannaRae.
  2. SliverOfHope.
  3. ?

2. Immune Carriers- Those who cannot be infected or affected by the disease, but can still carry it and pass it on to others.

  1. Cross_Rhodes.
  2. ?
  3. ?

3. Non-Immunes- Are at the most risk, for they can easily be infected by the virus.

  1. macabremoonlight.
  2. ?
  3. ?


Character Skeleton:

| Name |

[First. Middle. Last.]

| Age |


| Gender. Sexuality |

[Pretty simple right?]

| Appearance |

[insert an image of what your character looks like.]

| Description of Appearance |

[Just one full paragraph will be fine. Tell their height, weight, skin complexion etc etc.]

| Weaponry. Inventory. |

[What kind of weapons does your character have in their possession? What will they be bringing along with them on this little journey of survival?]

| Personality |

[One full paragraph, explaining how they act individually and around others.]

| History |

[A minimum of two paragraphs, telling what happened before the breakout happened.]

| Reaction |

[Optional. Tell of your reaction when you heard about the breakout.]
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Character Skeleton:

| Name |

Ivanna "Ivy" Carleigh Jones (Immune)

| Age |


| Gender. Sexuality |

Female, Heterosexual

| Appearance |


| Description of Appearance |

Ivy stands about 5'5 and weighs about 117lbs, with pale porcelain skin that simply refuses to tan. While she was born with platinum blonde hair, she dyed it lavender purple when she turned 17 . It kind of was just something she did to irk her parents (as well as getting a rose tattoo on her hip bone). When she finally decided to get rid of it a few months later, she realized that she liked the way it looked and had grown accustomed to it, so she left it the way it was. Her hair had been lavender since. She also has a curvy yet toned figure, all thanks to the hours she spent on the swim team and early-morning jogs.

| Weaponry. Inventory. |

She has a pair of twin pistols given to her by her uncle just weeks before the outbreak. She'll be bringing along a basic first-aid kit, extra clips for her pistol, a kitchen knife, whatever dried or canned food she managed to salvage, a torchlight, a pack of batteries, two water bottles, ropes, and a Swiss army knife.

| Personality |

Ivy is a quirky girl with an eccentric sense of humor. While she may seem like your typical cool and sporty type of girl, she's definitely no Ramona Flowers. She's actually a closet nerd who prefers spending her evenings and weekends curled up in her duvet flipping through comic books (as you can see with the Ramona reference), novels, playing video games and watching all sorts of films, from mind-boggling sci-fi films to cheesy romantic comedies. Sly, perceptive and quick-witted, this girl can talk her way out of almost anything, too bad she can't use her skills to talk her way out of being eaten alive by a zombie. She's generally friendly towards strangers, but don't let that fool you. If you decide to pull anything funny she won't hesitate to pin you up against the wall with a knife against your throat. She can be a trustworthy companion if you're honest with her, and a very loyal friend who'll have your back no matter what.

| History |

Ivy was born to a couple of upscale yuppies who left her with her Uncle George as soon as she could walk. Seemed like they were more intent on trying to keep their marriage together and finding ways to make more money than raise a daughter. Her uncle George was a pretty cool guy, but he didn't know crack about raising a kid. So instead of reading her bedtime stories and playing tea party, he took her hunting, brought her video games and thought her how to stitch a wound. When her parents found out, they were horrified. So when she was twelve, they took her backing a desperate attempt to fix a broken relationship. They even when as far as sending her to some expensive private school, social clubs and dance lessons as an "apology" for abandoning her.

They wouldn't let her read her novels and comics, calling it an unhealthy and unproductive hobby. Instead they made her take private tutor lessons and go to social parties with the other rich kids.

She disliked the way her uptight parents treated her and rebelled, purposely failing her grades and such. The only thing she enjoyed in her new life was being on the swim team, which was the only thing she excelled in. The more her parents tried to take control of her and fix her up, the more she rebelled. When she was suspended for breaking into the principal's office and spray-painting the walls, it was the last straw. So they packed her up and shipped her back to uncle George, who didn't mind the least bit to have her back. She moved to a public school there and settled down almost immediately, even managing to make it to the local swim team. For that moment, even if it was brief, she was happy. She loved how life was, it wasn't simple, but it wasn't hard. She had everything she needed. Her books, her comics, her video games, her movies, the swim team and her uncle. It was enough, it was perfect. But then the virus had to go and mess it all up.

| Reaction |

[Optional. Tell of your reaction when you heard about the breakout.]
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| Name |

Avery Lynn Taylor (Non-Immune)

| Age |


| Gender. Sexuality |

Female. Homosexual

| Appearance |


| Description of Appearance |

Avery stands 5'4 and weighs 130 lbs. She has fairly tanned skin and faint freckles dot her cheeks. Her hair is short, barely reaching her neck, and is a dark brown; the same color as her eyes. She is flat-chested and isn't curvy, giving her an ambiguous figure. She is fit, however, from her days on her high school's softball team. Avery wears a minimal amount of make-up because she thinks it's just too much of a hassle. The palms of her hands are covered in scars from callouses she got from playing softball for years.

| Weaponry. Inventory. |

Avery carries an old metal baseball bat that she used to practice with in high school as a weapon. She carries a small backpack which holds a metal water bottle, dehydrated food packs, extra ammunition, and a first-aid kit.

| Personality |

Avery is a major tomboy, and it shows through her actions. She isn't afraid to speak her mind, and can come off as a little rude sometimes. She often acts before she thinks, and doesn't usually filter what she says to people. In the past, this has caused her to lose a few friendships and she has gotten in trouble a lot for it as well. Avery hates being told what to do, and often does not listen to authority figures. She can have an inappropriate sense of humor sometimes, and often makes jokes at the expense of others. Despite all of these things, Avery is loyal to those she trusts (although she has a hard time trusting people) and will never give up a secret, even if it costs her life. She is a strong fighter, and is determined. Avery doesn't care what others think of her, an she never gives up.

| History |

In her childhood, Avery grew up with a broken family. Her mother left after she was born, and she was left with a young, single father who had no idea how to raise a child. She spent a lot of time teaching herself the skills she needed to learn, and did not rely much on her father. Since she was little, she had always loved sports and considered herself just one of the guys. In school, she was bullied a lot for being different, but she always fought back. She played almost every sport there was, but when she entered high school she found her love of softball and stuck to it.

She only ever had a few friends in school, and most of them left her when they found out she was gay. Only one stuck with her, and he moved away after a few years of their friendship. He promised to keep in touch, but he didn't. Avery felt lost and alone, but didn't let it phase her. After she graduated high school, her father kicked her out of the house, so she got a job at a grocery store and found herself an apartment for a year until the outbreak began.

| Reaction |

When Avery found out about the breakout, she immediately packed what she could and got out of the house. She didn't want to risk being infected, and she was determined to get out as quickly as she could and head to Dellwood. She didn't know how she was going to make it alone, but she hoped she could find at least one other person to go on the journey with her. There was only one goal in her mind: get to Dellwood without dying, whatever it took.
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Character Skeleton:

| Name |

Ella Thila Liliette (Immune)

| Age |


| Gender. Sexuality |

Female, Bisexual

| Appearance |

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-12-28_12-19-39.png.315dd353f3345df75f0dcc97375a5889.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10994" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-12-28_12-19-39.png.315dd353f3345df75f0dcc97375a5889.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

| Description of Appearance |

Ella's height stops at a simple 5'4 with the female weighing in at about 114lbs. She has smooth skin that shows a well blended tan complexion. Ella has long brown hair that may look copper or bronze in the sunlight and has delicately placed red highlights that are all natural, the sun seemingly bouncing off when reflected upon. Ella's eyes, unlike the picture above, are actually dark brown in color making it look almost black at first glance. She doesn't have any prominent curves but basks in her small and lithe frame, using it to move quicker and be more stealthy when necessary. She also has a nicely toned figure from being on the track-team in high school.

| Weaponry. Inventory. |

Ella's weapons consist of a set of duel pistols, a few knives, and two molotovs that she had made once the outbreak was first announced. She carries around a black backpack full of canned goods, medical supplies, a canteen of water, a pack of matches, and a few extra clips of ammunition.

| Personality |

Ella is rather independent, not wanting to rely heavily on others for fear of her getting too attached or them up and leaving her. She is pretty sarcastic, witty, cheeky, whatever you would like to call and isn’t exactly afraid to show it. She is rather blunt every now and then or when frustrated and tries to hide or cover up her emotions, hating the feeling of being weak and useless. Ella may seem sweet or 'innocent' to some, and she really does have a kind heart and good intentions, but she actually has the vocabulary of a sailor which tends to make itself noticed in the worst of times. She does try to help people, at least those who need it, and is quite optimistic for the current situation worldwide. Ella loves to put her own input out there when the situation calls but she also likes to stay in the shadows and just observe. If you really get to know Ella and become close to her then she will be one of the mostly fiercely loyal and trustworthy people that you could ever possibly meet.

| History |

Ella’s childhood was, what she would like to believe, average. Or at least in the beginning. Her mother worked at a daycare all day and all night while her father was in the army so she never got to see him much. Money wasn't much of an issue, considering she was an only child, but there wasn't enough for her to get whatever she wanted, when she wanted. So to sum that all up: she wasn't spoiled. Every time her father came home he would teach her how to throw knives or shoot guns and bows. He even taught her how to fight which is always a good skill to have.

When Ella was 17, her mother got a letter in the mail that her husband, Ella’s dad, had passed away. Apparently, he was trying to save a woman and her child from a burning building when a bomb went off, killing everyone nearby instantly including him. This news was devastating to both her and her mother considering that both were extremely close to him. Ella was in shock for the first month after his passing, everything going on without her really recognizing or being able to comprehend anything, before she snapped out of it. Unfortunately her mother wasn't as lucky, being diagnosed with depression along with still being in her shocked state. For the next year Ella had to take care of her mother which involved bringing her food, water, bathing her, doing all of the shopping herself, earning money herself in ways that she doesn't necessarily like to talk about even though it's nothing too bad, and everything else in between.

When Ella first learned about the outbreak she was stunned and wanted to brush it off but didn't for fear that it was true. She boarded up the windows and doors in her and her parents’ house and stayed there, continuing to take care of her now deathly ill and depressed mother.

On the 3rd day, May 16th 2020, Ella was rudely awakened by a crashing noise inside the house. Getting up, she slowly walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a great big cutting knife just in case. Since it had only been 3 days since the worldwide outbreak, and since Ella hadn't gone outside since it was announced, she had never personally met one of the ‘zombies’ and when she did, it wasn't pretty. Ella had just opened the door to her mother’s bedroom, checking if maybe it was her that had made the noise, and was greeted upon the site of a destroyed bedroom, Ella’s mom in the middle of the destruction. As soon as the 18 year old brunette took one step back she was attacked by the only family she had left and, as a natural reaction, stabbed the knife into their skull, killing her rabid mother almost instantly.

After this… encounter, Ella couldn't stand to be in the house she had grown up in, the house she had killed her own mom in, any more so she grabbed a backpack, shoved some stuff inside along with her weapons that she carries, and took off with only one destination in mind: Dellwood.

| Reaction |

When Ella first learned about the outbreak, as said in her bio, she was positively stunned and wanted to just brush it off and continue on with life but instead she took action, afraid that it would cost her her life if she didn't. She worried constantly about what it was going to be like and how everything was going to change now that something so huge had struck worldwide but busied herself with chores and other activities, as distractions, while being cooped up inside.



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Character Skeleton:

| Name |

Rory W. Greyson (Immunce Carrier)

| Age |


| Gender. Sexuality |

Dude--Straight (mostly)

| Appearance |

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be8992a49_.jpg.e17f8ff5e314a9ddf4ce190b9853d34e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11008" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be8992a49_.jpg.e17f8ff5e314a9ddf4ce190b9853d34e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

| Description of Appearance |

Tall enough to shoot hoops in high school and do well on the team. Another couple of inches and his head would be brushing ceilings. Can't have that with his carefully styled hair to think of. Rory has a medium build. Working out isn't something he has to do with his body type, he exercises for the fun of it. A guy can't have too many muscles--or at least that's his personal philosophy. Buying expense clothes is something that girls do, but Rory's jacket means more to him than his car or his left arm (he's ambidextrous). It's leather and comfy and has a zillion pockets. Rory has striking electric blue eyes that broadcast what he's thinking whether he's trying to be sneaky or not.

| Weaponry. Inventory. |

--Rory has a dull pocket knife which also contains a nail file and a can-opener

--A mini-flashlight on his key ring complete with a red laser pointer

--An axe from his grandpa's garage

--A bag of M&Ms in his jacket which he will hide protectively from everyone else

| Personality |

Rory prefers to be on his own and independent. When other people are around, Rory feel like he has to impress them. Putting up and show and acting like the cool guy is second nature to him. He's goes out of his way to convince people to like him and then he gets irritated if they do because he wasn't acting like his real self. He has a few really close friends but many someone buddies. Whether he's close to someone or not, Rory is comfortable cracking jokes and pointing out stupid trivial things off the top of his head. By himself, Rory is quieter and more reserved but never really thoughtful. That’s when he works out or goes jogging. Alone or with pals, he's easy-going and he tends to shrug off serious situations. The outbreak has made him less causal however. Rory is irritated if someone insults him or suggests he's dumb. He's prone to swearing profusely if he gets information wrong, is loud-mouthed, self-centered, moody, aggressive, and childish. Also the kind of friend that would die for you if it came down to it and would always have your back.

| History |

Living with grandpa wasn't all waking up at 6 a.m. and doing manual labor for eight hours. Rory spend his down time away from work in town making friends and hitting on girls way out of his league. He spent too much time hanging out with his friends and goofing off. When his buddies finally retired for home some nights, Rory would stay on in the clubs or parks or whatever and drink. His mom disappeared, moved away with some other guy when he was ten. Rory's dad collapsed and is in the hospital after his second heart attack. Rory doesn't have any brothers or sisters, but plenty of snooty cousins that he hates. It's said that only children got spoiled or at least that's what Rory heard once. He thought of that concept in a positive light. Like parents loved their one kid so much they gave him whatever he wanted out of love or whatever.

Money was always an issue at the Grayson house. Grocery money went missing and Rory and his dad ate canned peas or ramen three days a week. He grew up knowing what it was like to not have stuff. Rory got a job at his grandpa's mill when he turned fifth teen and moved in with the old fart three years later when his dad had his first heart attack. The old man didn't believe in spoiling kids either. Not that Rory was a kid anymore. He threatened to fire his own grandkid tons of times--actually did once--and always complained. If grandpa had turned on the news a few more times instead of watching jeopardy, he might have survived the outbreak too.

The alerts came on almost all the channels after a while. Rory always wanted more information on what exactly the T.V meant by an 'outbreak'. None of the zombie talk made sense to him. Like the walking dead was just a T.V concept or so he thought. Grandpa seemed to understand more than Rory did. They began stock piling canned food and water bottles. Grandpa threated to kill him when Rory said he was going to leave the house to visit his friend. Things got bad fast.

Rory woke up one morning and the carpet had turned purple--blood on their blue floor. Grandpa's arm hung limp from the couch arm and he had a revolver clutched in his hand. He killed himself. Outside a walker had strung itself on the wire trying to bypass their wired fence. It was one of Rory's cousins in plain view. The garage was attached to the house. Rory went in to scavenge for a weapon. The gun his grandfather used--he never considered taking it. A choice he would regret later. Rory packed as much supplies as he could carry and ran the truck through the pack of zombies waiting patiently outside. He watched the news and couple times and knew about the supposed sanctuary in Dellwood.



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| Name |

Stephanie Kimberly Watson.

| Age |


| Gender. Sexuality |

Female. Heterosexual.

| Appearance |


| Description of Appearance |

Stephanie is five foot eight and weighs one hundred and forty pounds. She doesn't have an ounce of fat upon her body, she is pure muscle even though she may not look like it, she is really strong for a female. She had neck length blonde colored hair and sometimes wearing it in a ponytail. Her skin is fairly toned and she wears slightly dark clothing to balance it out.

| Weaponry. Inventory. |

- She carries with her two pistols, black in color, that are strapped along her waists.

- She also carries a backpack with a first aid kit inside, cutting knife, food and water.

- She has a switchblade stuffed in her boot.

- Extra clips for her pistols.

| Personality |


| History |


| Reaction |

[Optional. Tell of your reaction when you heard about the breakout.]
Character Skeleton:

| Name |

Bradley Cross Ricard

| Age |


| Gender. Sexuality |

Male, Bisexual

| Appearance |


| Description of Appearance |

Standing at 6'3, weighing in at 164 lbs Bradley is a pale skinned middle aged man with a bushy brown beard and average length brown hair, tucked away under his beanie. His eyes are a greyish almost green color, matching his combat trousers and his combat jacket slung over the front of his chest. He keeps everything he owns inside a rucksack on his back with a sleeping bag rolled up and resting on top. He does not care about his appearance and rarely shaves his beard unless its getting out of hand.

| Weaponry. Inventory. |

Carries an Mp5 across his back, A USP with a silencer tucked into a holster on his combat jacket and one axe normally carried or put in a holster down his thigh. He currently has 3 magazines for his MP5 all full with 30 bullets and another magazine already loaded and 2 magazines for his USP 12 bullets in each and another one already loaded. In his bag he has 2, 1 litre bottles of water. 2 cans of tinned meat and 1 can of tinned tomatoes, as well as one bar of chocolate and a bag of crisps (As the Americans call them, Potato chips)

| Personality |

Bradley could be considered to be that of a selfish person but he hardly thinks the fact he looks out for his own well being over others, Others call him antisocial for the fact he simply doesn't trust most people, but who would trust every random stranger they found in these times. He is blunt, he rarely gives a damn about anyones feelings, if he has something to see he will say it, some could say he is the asshole of any group whereas other say he is the truthful one but in his eyes they're both true.

| History |

Bradley's childhood was of no interest, he was an average child with an average family, a mum and dad and 2 brothers, both older. He went to school didn't learn that much, Got average grades in most subjects and surprisingly even to himself an A in maths. He wasn't one to work out daily but he did keep himself in shape in his early years.

He went to college for around a year before dropping out and finding a job, it was low pay but it was better than learning about something he wouldn't need later on in life, his personal philosophy being that experience was the best way to learn about the things you needed to know in life. At around the age of 27 he started working in security, mainly as bouncers for clubs, or security for private businesses, it certainly paid a lot better.

It wasn't long before he moved far away from his home town, very far away. Something had happened between him and his family, something he could never tell anyone, he had to get away from it all before he went mad, he moved to a city the name not being important as long as it was far enough away so that his family wouldn't be able to find him without it being pure luck or coincidence, he could start a new life, put the past behind him, no one had to know what happened but him.

Bradley wasn't what you called a happy man though, he lived on his own in a little apartment, no family nearby, He doesn't like to talk about what happened with his family, it's a secret he intends to take to the grave if he can help it, no friends really either, he never really lets anyone in never had probably never will nobody knows why, sometimes he can't remember why he does it himself. He likes to think this can change, but the majority of him just laughs at such a thought.

He'd seen as the televisions had all malfunctioned, he'd seen the disarray the people were in, some rioting and stealing everything they could, others panicking trying to protect their loved ones, trying to keep their family and friends safe, most of them failing miserably. He on the other hand had no one to look out for but himself, selfish in a way but he didn't care, he didn't have to worry about having a such a burden to be bestowed upon him

| Reaction |

He gathered what he thought he would need to survive, he knew he couldn't stay where he was and he knew if he grouped up with anyone they would only be a burden upon him so he avoided contact with anyone else if he could, but it wasn't long before it was forced upon him, a little boy all alone and afraid, he looked half starved he didn't really have a choice, he couldn't just leave this little child to die.

It was only a week before the little boy was eaten alive by the infected, Bradley saw with his very own eyes how they ripped him apart, this adding upon the reasons of why he doesn't group up with people, A. He didn't like to put his trust into people and Now, B. He couldn't cope to feel the guilt of watching another human die in front of him whilst he just ran and did nothing to help them.
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