The Brain System.Dystopia Roleplay(ALWAYS OPEN)


You live in the new city, IMPERIUM. The new, safe, domed city that is always peaceful and violence is out of the category. You're in a perfect world.

But there's a catch, you were programed to not feel anything, see touch, you're under control. But, some people reprogram on their own. Those are known as the Bytes, they are rebels trying to over throw the system, anyway they can.

The ones still being controlled are the, Sobries can be rescued if the Bytes find the antidote. They are controlled, sometimes they have feelings left inside, but no control.

The ones controlling are the Controllers, they despise Bytes and love their Sobries. They try to take clear the rebels anyway they can, possibly even kill.

This isn't just your normal city...


1) Minimal Swearing

2)One Character Per Person

3) Make the entries make sense.

4) No bullying here

5) have fun

6) at least 3 sentences





Sobrie, Byte, or Controller:



Name: Hero Lesense

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sobrie, Byte, or Controller: Byte

Bio: Mom and Dad are no where to be found, almost died in car crash so her head collision reprogrammed her. Now she's trying to defend humanity and look for her family.

Appearance: Profile Pic

Personality: stubborn, hot tempered, caring, strong, impatient, athletic, intelligent.
Name: Lucas Othello

Age: 15

Sobrie, Byte, or Controller: Controller

Bio: He had always been one of the people who accepted the Sobries and the Bytes. He had been walking down the street, and was assaulted on the streets. Because of the 'incident' (as he calls it) he has come to hate both the Sobrie [though not that much he still likes being in control] and the Bytes, even though he hates the Bytes way more.

Appearance: Black hair, and yellow cat-like eyes. Much like profile picture. Likes to wear the color black [hoody's, leather or spandex pants]. Always wears a dog tag simply saying 'Lucas'

Personality: Acts a bit like a d***, but can be a sweet guy when he tries [which he doesn't]. Isn't all that bad, he's just got a bad back round, and thats what made him despise the the Bytes.
Lucas said:
Name: Lucas Othello
Age: 15

Sobrie, Byte, or Controller: Controller

Bio: He had always been one of the people who accepted the Sobries and the Bytes. He had been walking down the street, and was assaulted on the streets. Because of the 'incident' (as he calls it) he has come to hate both the Sobrie [though not that much he still likes being in control] and the Bytes, even though he hates the Bytes way more.

Appearance: Black hair, and yellow cat-like eyes. Much like profile picture. Likes to wear the color black [hoody's, leather or spandex pants]. Always wears a dog tag simply saying 'Lucas'

Personality: Acts a bit like a d***, but can be a sweet guy when he tries [which he doesn't]. Isn't all that bad, he's just got a bad back round, and thats what made him despise the the Bytes.
Accepted! Just go ahead and jump in, or wait for others, or whatever you want.(Isn't Othello a game?)



Sobrie, Byte, or Controller: Bytee

Bio: Kiro Akira wandered through different cities looking about them and stopped in the city for a short time to be dragged into the byte group. He doesn't remember much of the past he had behind that.

Appearance: a black hoodie with a black tank top under it. He also wore cargo pants with chains hanging from them. He wore a fedora upon his head as well.

Personality:Very out going and protective over others.
Name: Logan Adair

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sobrie, Byte, or Controller: A Sobrie

Bio: Logan was born to a pair of Bytes. His parents always preached for freedom, yet he wondered if it was better to restrict people. He was quiet and shy, a good student. He didn't feel as if he fit in with his family. He responded distantly to his parents. Out of his family, he was closest to his brother, Isaac, but rather admired him from a distance. When Logan was 16, his parents found out ways to become bytes, and while Isaac tried to persuade his parents not to do it, Logan remained silent, unsure what to say. His parents proceeded, and were shortly after exterminated. Logan was struck with horror, and his brother was enraged at Logan, claiming he could have done something. Isaac left Logan, who then proceeded to change his name, ridden with guilt and horror. Logan left to a different school, searching for his elder brother, avoiding controllers who wanted him as a witness, dead and more unsure than ever. Should he become a byte to spite the people who killed his parents, become a controller so he could change things from above and find his brother, or remain a sobrie so he wouldn't suffer his parent's fate?


Personality: He's quiet and thoughtful, highly intelligent. While he enjoys people, he isn't sure how to begin conversations. He's not shy, persay, because if you begin talking to him, he'll answer, often talking for a while, as he rarely gets a chance to. He's skeptical by nature, as well as indecisive and curious. He is artsy in his words, and, very philosophical. He's an analyzer, for sure, often missing opportunities for happiness because he will over think his choices.
^ Greatly Accepted :D  
I walk around the city, trying to act emotionless, I see the Sobries walk around. It's sickening, how they have no control, I step into an alley to catch myself before I laugh to death. I step back out as I see the Sobries walk in the most perfect straight line, I hope I don't get noticed. I walk into a bakery and buy some cakes(Bytes get hungry ya know) I had to force my arm, posture, eye contact in the most perfect position, I don't want anyone to get suspicious. I take it in and walk into my apartment, and dog the pastry. I remenicse my old memories, at least the ones I can remember. It was my birthday, 13th to be exact. We were going out to eat when some citizen malfunctioned, she/he crashed into our car and I banged my head against the bumper. For some reason thats when it happened. I looked at the world more differently, but all I heard from my parents was, "Run" and I sprinted as far as I can, now I'm here. I look out my window and see the ridiculously perfect people. but, then I see someone interesting, very. Orange hair, green eyes, he looks different, for some reason this boy sticks out... But, that doesn't matter, I walk back to my room and lay down.
Name: Jon (Last name unknown)

Age: 16

Gender: M

Sobrie, Byte, or Controller: Byte

Bio: He was never one to be with others, he was a loner. But being a loner had its perks. He was never really recognized by anyone, he was invisible. Not even the bytes have heard about him just yet, he was one of them, just not known by them. He was their overseer, he saw them, but they didn't see him. He was a genius, could solve almost anything within seconds. He went into hiding after he left his family from another city and sought refuge here in Imperium. He was picked up by the controllers, taught and fed by them. He was a controller, but then he suddenly cracked and stormed out. He refused to work for them after he heard what happened to the people. No-one knows where he went, they thought he was dead so they didn't search for him.

Appearance: profile picture

Personality: Aggressive, loving, stubborn, impatient, has a god complex.
Logan sauntered in in line, nearly all of his muscles aching. The rays of sunlight from above were blinding him, yet he didn't attempt to blink. Early in the spring morning he was already fighting against his programming. Everyone did, a bit. Although you were programmed, you still had to take liberties in your life. That was the thing about programming. It was a very strong pull on what to do, as if your limbs were being pulled by puppet strings. It often seemed random, as sometimes you had small liberties and sometimes you did not.

It always seemed that someone was playing with you. Most mornings, Logan could choose what to wear, within certain extents.However, this morning, his limbs were reaching for the gray collared shirt he had been forced to buy a few weeks ago. He had fought the program using all of his energy, and managed to force on his usual outfit His black trenchcoat, worn and faded,over a simple button up, matched with his favorite checkered hat and emerald scarf made him stand out just enough. He had worn it when Isaac left him, and was wearing it ever since. How else was he supposed to recognized by his brother? After bypassing the first bit of programming, the entire dressing program for the day was shut down. Still, he allowed himself to be fed the oatmeal that he hated because he was just to tired to fight at this point.

Upon leaving the house, he was brought into the straight lines for students to go to school in. Everyone was wearing the gray collared shirt, except a few. What was this for? Were the controllers of his school checking for bites? He stood out now. Oh god.
Hero looked at the clock, SCHOOL! She ran down the stairs but had to walk on the streets, no one has ever ran in public before, if they were, then they were noticeable bytes. She started going into the lines and there were others there, guards. Hero panicked for a second, but remembered she's been through this before. She stood up straight and was checked, "Give me your arm" The guard said harshly, she did so. Like all the other times they gave her a shot, she tried not to show any emotion, but flinched. The guard made a distinct look, but, he waved her to leave and so she did. She walked out and looked at her watch, she scrolled to where her assigned friends were and started to walk towards them. She hated those girls. Bethany, Shelly, and Kylie were her assigned friends. All they were forced to talk to were about boys and school. But, she had to go so no one would notice her. She looked back at the long lines and saw the boy again. The one from earlier, He goes here?, she thought. He was wearing a black trenchcoat, checkered hat, and an interesting emerald scarf. She gulped as she went to her fake friends. "Oh my gosh have you seen Troy? He is SOOO Hot!" Bethany announced, "According to my LifePlan, we're going to get married!" All the girls did that eeek thing and I did a flat one. I can't wait for this to be over.
Jon was watching from up above the school, he lived in the Church beside it. No one ever went there unless it was Sunday, he was alone every other day. He looked down on the people at school, he was jealous with a slight taste of relief. He was looking at the clock until he noticed a boy with the strangest outfit, he had never seen this type of clothing before. He was fascinated. "Woah." he mumbled to himself in astonishment. A checkered hat and bright orange hair, someone so rare. He heard the children at school talking about the usual things, boys, girls, clothes, games. Everything a teenager would talk about. He wanted to socialise, but he couldn't he'd be caught, so he thought to himself, "Why not have my own fun?". He silently through down a smoke bomb and was ready to observe what would happen next. He couldn't wait.
Class started, thank the LORD, she didn't want to see those girls again for a LONG time! She sat up straight in her desk, which made me really tired. Slouching is forbidden and you'll have to be in the hospital. The teacher was teaching them math, "Now" The teacher said, "Hero, what is the answer to

([{15x^(7/2)y - e^(x)} * 7.6e] + [38/5]e)*e(x^2+[3/2y^3])" And pointed at her with her pencil. Hero was stumped, what is it? She searched her brain but she didn't know. A student never had an answer wrong before. She just blurted out, kind of loud, "Zero!" All the students looked at her, Hero stood there worried. The teacher gestured Hero to come to her, Hero walked there softly. Uh Oh, she thought. The teacher wrote her a pass to the nurse, "Here darling, you had a hard time today. You may need a little fixing up to do okay?" Hero nodded and took the pass. She walked out of the classroom and darted towards the door, she is NOT going to the nurse. Who knows what will happen? She started to walk through the the corridors and almost to the door...
The smoke went off, and the guards were stumbling over top of each other wondering what was going on, they didn't know. Jon was laughing at the guards, they were acting like fools. He couldn't hold himself back, he loved seeing people doing the dumbest things. His laugh was loud, and he couldn't stop it. He heard an alarm go off, like they've spotted him. He saw children walking in straight lines out of the school, he didn't know what was going on. Was it him that caused this? WHy would they evacuate because of a smoke bomb? He would find answers later, but in the meantime he would just watch and see what would happen next. Did they see him? he asked himself, he threw a blanket over himself and lied down and watched.
Kiro pushed open the door to the class his eyes scanning the room as he ignored the look the teacher had given him for being late. He then silently moved to one of the empty chairs to sit down and began to watch the teacher reaching in his binder he brought with him, the only thing he really brought with him. He then pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil from his pocket to stare at the board and begin writing the information on it down, he didn't know what any of it said nor did he really care what it said only followed directions. He then looked to the female as she blurted out the answer knowing it was wrong, a problem as complicated as that was something more complex of an answer rather then zero. He then shook his head as the teacher handed the female the pass to the nurses office. 'please tell me she isn't actually going.' was the thought that ran through his mind. From there Kiro sighed softly looking to the paper he had written the problem down on, shifting to the corner of the page he stared at the paper and began to draw what appeared to be a long rectangle but soon formed into a drawing of a staff. His mind wandered about as he pondered on the looks he was drawing feeling as if it were familiar to him but he couldn't even put his thoughts on it only question it. Maybe a dream of some sort.
Hero started to walk when a small, smoke explosion came through, "What the?!" She said, everyone walked out in straight lines as guards went bizerk. She's not going to lines this time, maybe they wont notice. Then she heard laughter, crazy laughter actually. Hmmm, she thought to herself. She started to walk and heard the laughter getting louder and louder... She blew the smoke off and saw a guy under a blanket. What? She's never seen him before, he doesn't go here. But, she knew one thing, he made the bomb. She was about to chuckle also. She gave a smirk, "It was you?" She said, a little cheerful. as she raised one of her eyebrows. Finally another Byte around here. 
((The answer is actually zero :tongue: I looked up most complicated equation, pretty cool if you ask meh))
Kiro followed the class out smiling. It was about time there was something interesting he hated going to this school. Kiro's eyes followed through the smoke examining the slight disturbances of movements the smoke made indicating there was someone moving there. He then looked to the female who held the pass and pushed through the smoke and people following her quietly only to ask if she was really going to go to the nurse station or not. After seeing her speak to someone under the blanket he silently stood behind her and bowed gently after she finished speaking to him not caring about the surroundings or if she was paying him any attention. "So I hear we have two bytes now." He said with a grin watching for the next response. "Three if you count me as well but possibly more around." 
((It is? O_o Wow thats kind of cool actually xP
Hero turned to the kid, he was a byte two! She was excited, maybe too excited. She looked at them both and smiled, great to find bytes around here. "That's great! I'm Hero, and you are..?" I put my hand out to shake. Wouldn't this be fun! I've always wanted to know more bytes, not all bytes show their faces around here. 
(( Be right back Im going to the store))
He was waiting, waiting to see what would happen next. The guards were still acting up like idiots, and everyone was in a straight line, nothing was out of the ordinary, what was wrong? He noticed a girl, a younger girl looking up at him, he was spotted. He immediately crawled away with his blanket hoping no one else would notice him. He looked back at her just for a moment, she was... smiling. She was definitely different, but how?How could she blend in so well? He wanted to know more, but not here. After school, in the shadows where he couldn't be seen. He would wait for her in an alley. He left the church and ran off into the midst until he reached the exit of the church. How was he going to get out without being seen? He had a plan, it was dangerous but it might work. Jon opened the doors of the church and casually walked outside. His arms stuck to his side, his legs moving in an awkward fashion, this wasn't weird at all. It's basically how they walk but a little more quirkier. A man looked at him for a second and asked, "Are you feeling okay today?" Jon was startled, and he showed it. The man was about the yell for help but Jon put his hand over his mouth and ran into the alley. All you could hear next was punching. Jon managed to knock the man out and steal his clothes. A bit too big, but it will have to do for now. He walked into the crowd of people and continued his route.
Kiro smiled and took her hand shaking it. "Kiro Akira. I believe thats all I can remember tho I don't know much of anything else besides my name." Kiro then looked to the one beneath the cover reaching down to help him. "It's kind of obvious if you continue like this. Just freak out like everyone else. Much better disguise." He said this only to notice the man was gone already. Shrugging gently, Kiro looked back to the female. "So shall we stand in line or shall we make a well noticable escape? Your not getting out without being noticed. His eyes soon lit up a deep purple as he grinned looking at her. "Lets make this a little more fun tho." He said this as he looked to one of the students pants legs and nodded softly. From there his eyes began to focus as a small flame emitted onto the threads of the pants burning slowly causing him to jump out of line and freak out. "Now, lets get out of here."

((Woahhh D: Lets not switch from third to first confusion.
Hero chuckled as she shook his hand. She smiled and her mixed coloured eyes widened in amusement as he lit a student's pants on fire. She also liked the way his eyes lit up into a deep purple. She replied, "Don't need to tell me twice" She darted out of lines, jumping over fallen guards and flipping over students, she then dashed out of the door. 
(( I'm backkkk ))
Kiro watched her rush for the door and shook his head as he rushed towards the window only to jump and tuck his body into some what of a ball letting his figure flip and break through the window landing into the bushes right outside of it. From there Kiro slipped from the bush laughing as he looked at her rushing towards the streets.
Hero looked and saw he went to a different route, she walked towards him, acting like a sobrie. She then pulled him slightly towards the forest(Hardly any sobrie goes into the forest), making sure they are concealed by green. She turned to him and smiled. She's just glad she's not the only byte out there. She decided to speak, "So uhmm you're a byte huh?" She gave a smirk

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