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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Hi everyone! My name is Hali and I'm looking for writers interested in roleplaying The Boys!

(Just as a heads up, I just finished season one and am currently binging season 2! I'm aware of what goes down later on though all thanks to spoilers. Despite the fact I'm not fully caught up, I'm a HUGE binger and will probably knock out the show by the end of this week hehe.)

Some few things about me are that I am 21 years old, go by she/her pronouns, and live in the EST timezone! I consider myself a lazy novella/advanced literate writer and am only looking for long-term, 3rd person roleplayers (: !


โ€ข 18+ only please! This goes for any characters involved as well!

โ€ข Please be at least literate! I am mainly an advanced literate writer, but my length fluctuates based on my partner's preference!

โ€ข Please be patient! We all have lives outside of roleplaying, so please understand my replies won't always come in an instant! I'll always be patient with you as well (:

โ€ข Triggers/limits must be discussed in the beginning! I want us both to have a very fun and comfortable experience ^^


โ€ข The Boys

โ€ข CCxCC/CCxOC (me)

โ€ข MxF with me as the female role

โ€ข I'm more than open to AUs as well as the canon plot!

Characters I want to play


Queen Maeve


I don't have any specific ships in mind, so feel free to tell me what character(s) you want to portray, and we can figure out a pairing that way! Though I do have a slight preference for Homelander or possibly

If interested, I prefer to receive requests through private dms, and I usually answer almost right away!

Thank you and I hope you all have a wonderful day!
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