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Fandom The Boys CS


I can't Sleep
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


Alias (If you're a Supe)




Weaknesses (Important only if you are a Supe)


Kendall "Ken" Walker


Kendall is crazy enough to fight a Supe and to do anything if it means that Vought will be taken down. He is friendly and caring towards his allies but a maniac to his enemies. Ken would probably go on a rampage if he got Compound V in his system. He also does weed a lot and that affects his mental state and his decision-making skills. But he will forgive any Supe who goes against Vought.


-Good at analyzing Supe weaknesses
-Causing a distraction

Weaknesses (Important only if you are a Supe)


Dascal Bridges


Alias (If you're a Supe)

Dascal is a little bit more aware of his surroundings than most people. He tends to be in his thoughts a lot and will not usually take notice of other people unless he needs to. Dascal is undoubtedly brains over brawn but that doesn't mean he can't fight. Dascal is also a bit of a ladies' man and will flirt with any woman, no matter if she is taken or not. He is not a pervert though and will back off if they say so. He is very friendly and approachable though and will use his charm to his advantage.


Dascal has some boxing experience so he can sorta hold his own in a fight.
Is an experienced leader.
Is 170lbs and uses his weight as an advantage.
A smart tactician.

Weaknesses (Important only if you are a Supe)


Dascal was born in Queens to an absent father and mother and was almost selected for a Compound V program but was declined due his failing health in his youth. Dascal instead was sent to live in a foster family in Brooklyn where he was treated badly.
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Click Fingerprint

  • Basic
    Name \\ Varvara Lisette Toth
    Nickname(s) \\ Vara to most people, Vava to their younger sister and no one else, Liz whenever she needs a quick undercover nickname
    Alias \\ Risk
    Age \\ Twenty-four
    Gender \\ Cisgender female
    Sexuality \\ Bisexual

    Height \\ 5'4"
    Hair \\ Naturally, Vara's hair is poker straight and blonde. Two unspeakable ideas, yes, but true. Vara's been dyeing her hair a variety of colors since her teenage years, from blue to red to split-dyed black and white, but, of course, it would always fade back to a platinum shade of blonde. On one hand, it meant that she’d never have to use bleach, but on the other, it was annoying and so off-brand. She also has to style her hair and cut it with craft scissors to get it the consistency she wants. Currently, her hair is a shade of blackest black with a streak of indigo running through it.
    Eyes \\ Vara's eyes are a hazy green – akin to the moss that clings to the side of buildings and swallows sidewalks whole.
    Face Claim \\ Amanda Fix

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""Some of us wear the villain label with pride, because they want to rebel against the norms, because it's a harder, more rewarding road to travel, or because being a 'hero' often means so very little. But few people really want to see themselves as being bad or evil, whatever label they wear. I've done things I regret, I've done things I'm proud of, and I've walked the roads in between. The sliding scale is a fantasy.""

Name: Linda Lambron
Age: 21
Alias: Bad Apple
Gender: Female
Height: (Varies)

Her powers have compromised her sense of self, being able to alter her base appearance at will combined with hive mind has given her a fluid mentality in relation to this, making her somewhat unsure on just who she is as a person and a habit of attempting to reinvent herself inside and out. This changes frequently depending on her mindset or mood. One thing that is consistent however is that they are a very driven woman once they have a goal in mind, compartmentalizing to focus on what they want while at the same time seeming to go about it as a free-spirited and open individual. They don't put the same weight in how others view them as many others do, or at least takes it in a different way. Playful and open, while she might not fully know who she is, she knows what she wants.

Within her Villain persona she can be highly talkative and theatrical, throwing out puns, barbs and quips while laughing the entire time.

The compound V administered to Linda as a child changed her physiology from a single entity to a large mass of individual ones that are arthropods in nature. These function as a collective hive mind and can reorganize themselves to give the desired appearance that is nearly indistinguishable from a normal human on the surface. Linda has stated that certain forms are far easier to maintain than others, with features such as pores and correctly matching veins being difficult to get correct, as well as struggling to mimic melanin.

The hive mind itself has drastically impacted Linda's Psychology, namely with no longer seeing themselves as a single entity and a penchant for using We instead of I in conversation. She is able to share the senses of each individual in the mass when discorporated or separated from her main body, with each sharing a copy of her own mind and so be directed at will. This can function at a substantial distance as well as appears to have given her a superhuman ability when it comes to multitasking due to the multiple minds functioning in tandem. This also seems to give her a strong resistance against the mental effects of other powers.

Finally, her body appears to be able to give off a unique pheromone compound that can infect local arthropods in the area, effectively incorporating them into her hive mind and collective biomass with the abilities and control this entails. She can then manifest the abilities of these through each entity within her collective, each appearing to remember the biological makeup of new additions.

This body has given her a incredible resiliency, as well as a host of abilities related to each such as the ability to manifest webs, chitin and a naturally increased proportional strength.

Skills: Acting, Arthropodology, Creativity, Darts, Improvisation, Literature, Tailoring.

Due to the very nature of their altered form, Linda has also incorporated various mental and physical weaknesses from her power. She holds an innate fascination with bright lights that can be somewhat dazzling and entrancing to her should she stare at such for too long. She is also effected by various chemicals differently than normal humans. Caffeine will instead have an intoxicating effect, and they are a extremely lightweight when it comes to consuming alcohol. Salt causes their body to lose moisture, and Lemon or Garlic is particularly unpleasant and distracting to them.

Insecticides are highly effective against her swarm provided they have not adapted to repeated exposure to the same formulas, They also hold a particular vulnerability to electricity that can be conducted through their swarm's moisture, fire and over wide area effects.

Linda was scouted by Vought shortly after their birth because of several genetic markers present, making them an ideal candidate for V. Her parents would not really be able to decline Vought's offer, something the company representatives knew all too well, being from a low-income household scraping the poverty line and declined health insurance there was not an option, plus very few would turn away at the prospect of their child getting superpowers. After a mountain of NDA's and a generous grant to her parents, Linda would be treated with the compound with promises of growing up to become a hero.

Similar to Linda however, these promises would not mature as expected, with not only her powers emergency having both parents dead from anaphylaxis but also the difficulty of a power that was believed as "Unpalatable" and "Undesirable" made in marketing them as a hero. The fact that she would also commonly freeze up when facing the mass of flashing cameras from the media did little to help matters. Still she didn't let this stop her, attempting several spins on a hero identity while existing within the Vaught sponsored foster system.

Initially she aimed to potentially market herself as a humor hero, though outside small time appearances it never took off and she was dropped by her Agent. This then had her come up with a different take on the path, that given the world's reaction to her she should play into it. Changing direction to sponsored Villainy as a Heel to promote other heroes, at least until she could get enough brand recognition and attention. While potentially a good idea, this also had her exposed to the darker side of the worlds Heroes, finding herself actually trying to minimize the collateral of them rather than her own. She would however not be able to quit easily, having entered into a contract that required her constant participation and defeat, without the chance of rising with the occasional victory.

It is only recently however that she finally had the revelation that the person playing the villain should fully step into it, and for that contracts meant very little. After all what bigger villainous plot could there be than the downfall of a pillar of the Heroe community, and maybe a bit of cathartic karma for Vought along the way.

-Rarely checks the sizing on purchased clothing, and eyeballs her own created outfits because of her ability to fit the clothes instead of the other way around.
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Ilega la lluvia para limpiar las heridas...

CC - Cherished Courage Hart - "Ms. Ballistic / Bomba"


Tripsi, 'The Bombshell,' Cherry (Bomber), Dimples'

She/Her ○ 25 yrs ○ 6'1" ○ 195lbs ○ Blonde Hair ○ Blue Eyes ○ Caramel Skin ○ Muscular, powerful build
Telekinetic Supe Lesbian ○ Model/Bodyguard o Employed by Vought

This is CC...




+ | Easy-going, Friendly and Light-hearted
+ | Honest, Polite, and Sweet
+ | Loyal, Dependable, and Encouraging
+ | Heroic, Honarable and Hard-working

- | Not the Sharpest Knife in the Drawer, Aims to please and Easily Peer-pressured,
- | Over-protective, Stubborn in beliefs, Only tries to see the good in her mates
- | Acts first before thinking, Overcompensates being girlie, Romantically Gun-shy.
- | Sees Red; Becomes Bull, Needs Directives, Fight always before Flight.

Superpower: Telekinetic Wrecking Ball
+ | Uses telekinesis to create weapons and powerful shields. Can use powers to fly and combo with shield to crash into targets without harming herself. Super: strength, agility, endurance, strikes/defense.
- | Cannot use telekinesis to affect anything farther than she can kick. Rear is completly unarmoured.

Skills / Talents
○ | Outdoor sports (climbing / swimming / surfing / snowboarding), Basketball!! Combat Martial Arts (unarmed and armed), Shooting, Dangersense, Bodyguard, Minor Automotive, Understands Spanish but speaks Spanglish lol, working with a smile.


○ | CC is a half-Caucasian and quarter Mexican/Jamaican only child. Parents were low-life scammers and 2-bit crooks that ran a small deli that was a front for their racket.
○ | Even though they were scammers, parents were really good to CC and raised her as best they could and tried to keep her out of criminal activities. Nicknamed "Tripsi" as in Triple C's; Cherished Courage Cutie-Butt.
○ | Her name really is over the top sappy but she loves it because her parents told her her name were the two things they wished for her to be and to have.
○ | During her teens, she became a local star athlete in both basketball and women's MMA. Nick named "Cherry Bomber" by the growing fanbases. "Dimples" came up as a nick too because of her dimples on her always smiling face. But actually started off by haters. They referred to her as 'Dimples' which was code for 'Dim' or Stupid, but the nick became just a cute, friends-only thing in time.
○ | Actually earned scholarship to play basketball at Uni but could not keep it due to her grades and dropped out. Turned to MMA circuit full time and excelled as the darling "The Bombshell." Most of her prize money she gave to her family so they could afford to get out of the ratty and roachy upstairs housing of the diner.
○ | One of the girls she used to train with at the climbing club, DJ, was a ToBeYou poster and had a meteoric rise in fame for her 1st person vids of her climbs and aerial performances. DJ was signed on by Armada Inc's globally popular, Circle of the Sun aerial performing troupe as one of the 'Angellics'. Their 1st person POV live performances cams became the next big thing. There in-house performance arena was a remodeled warehouse complex in Hope.
○ | CC was requested personally as DJ's bodyguard after an 'incident' happened with the old bodyguard. CC was trained by Armada Inc's people and was signed right away. Worked as a model beside DJ as well and that's when the serious cashflow flooded her pockets.
○ | The bodyguard and the celebrity became fast besties and CC was loving her new life and was sending lots of money to her folks. She hoped to stop her family from needing to commit crime to pay off dirty debts and make ends meet.
○ | Then the day of the bus crash. Everything changed. The Circle of the Sun shows were cancelled due to deaths to 2 performers and 2 crew. When CC woke up she was in a hospital with DJ hovering over her, uninjured. Her bff said that they were both retired from Armada Inc.
○ | Apparently DJ was secret operative for Vought and told her that she needed to be infused with the V-serum to live. For the next few months, the young woman was rehabbed by Vought and began to get used to her powers. Still has great potential but happy with her progress so far.
○ | She healed quickly due to the serum and soon became a full time employee continuing her role as a body guard for select individuals associated with Vought such as lawyers, sponsors and doctors. She even still does modelling with DJ everyso often
○ | Now CC is a truly bonafide Vought asset, and is now renown as 'Ms. Ballistic'. She is happy to stay with them despite the turmoil. As long as her bff DJ is still there so will CC.


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