• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The Border Princes



Starting Locations:
Kent Kent - Arcane Tower along the coast
CaptainSully CaptainSully - Abandoned Tower - Right of Mentreda
Dest Dest - Alsfeld: Dead center of the plains in between Mentreda and Brasov
Trektek Trektek - Dark Fort: In the forest section between Vidovan and Aldium
Auriel Maza Auriel Maza - Damarel: Mountains near Mortensholm
Crocodile Crocodile - Steyr: Between Kypris and the Arcane Tower
palmtree219 palmtree219 - Ruined village in the mountains above Vidovan
Mechking Mechking - Ruined village, in the hills between Barak Varr and Brovska

Unmarked Locations
deer deer - You'll be coming in from the top right and starting near Akendorf
ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe - You'll be coming in from the left, starting near Nynda
LucasGhost LucasGhost - Start along the coast near Somjek
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood - Start out at sea
Abstracty Abstracty - Start along the coast near Matorea
LadyOfStars LadyOfStars - Start on the left side, in the forest, near Heldegard
Spacekitty Spacekitty - Start on the right, near Zenres
Kloudy Kloudy - Start at the delta in the river, to the bottom left of Zenres

→ Krull Skulltaker ( CaptainSully CaptainSully )
Krull is struck by visions of a human male in heavy armor, waving to his people as he rides into a small wooden keep... The vision zooms out to show the castle resting upon a small hill...

Kill Johannes Hinderbach, Knight of the Order of the Black Bear
→ Illumbe ( ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe )
A single letter comes within is a name and a location,
Antonia Conti, Cabanel

Krull Skulltaker​
Turn I


Let me tell you a tale of a man from the north as he and his warriors march on forth.
They hunt for blood in his name, with his arrival things'll never be the same.
His name is Krull, his hunger blood, the lands he will wash in a crimson flood.
Bloodied knuckles and jagged blades, an urge for battle he has in spades.
For many it comes as no surprise, swinging his axe as blood flies.
For he is favoured of the blood god Khorne, basking in glory as flesh is ripped and torn.
The Border Princes is now his home, in a watch tower carved from stone.
What happens next is for you to see, will he kill you or will he kill me?

-- Archibald “Archie” Holkvist - 13th Bard of Kreutzhafen


"The God...he speaks to me..." A voice grumbled, thick with an unmistakable accent of a northman.

"What does he say?" Questioned a towering ironclad of a man.

"My target..." Was his short response, turning the haft of his great axe, inspecting the brutal edge of his weapon.

"What of us?" Another of the crimson armoured behemoths queried.

"That all depends on Johannes Hinderbach..." Krull said with a snarl, "...if a man of honour, you watch me present Khorne with the skull he craves...if a coward like most of the human filth...then the hounds shall be unleashed."

Guttural roars of agreement drifted amongst the small group, blood was soon to flow one way or another. The Blood God would be pleased in victory or defeat for the does not care from where the blood flows. Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!


⦿ Actions:
• Action 1:
Search the watch tower and surrounding area for items, loot, information, mounts…anything.

• Action 2:
Find Johannes Hinderbach, Knight of the Order of the Black Bear and challenge them to a duel.

Shawk Skyshrieker

-Turn 1-

-Abandoned Village north of Vidovan-

Shawk paced eagerly back and forth as dozens of skavenslaves toiled around him. He knew that there wasn't warpstone here, beneath the ruins of this manthing lair... probably... but he would still make use of it. After all, he was the greatest-best warlock engineer of Clan Ektrik! He deserved his own lair! An Undercity all his own, ruled by none other than smartest-cleverest Shawk. Then, a slave rat not far away dropped the tool he was using to excavate part of the ruins.

"You-you! Back to work! No time to wait, I, greatest-best Shawk Skyshrieker must make new, cleverest devices." He hurried over, preparing to teach the rat a lesson on hard work when something shiny caught his eye... Warpstone? No-no.. just a manthing decoration, one they wear around their necks. Worthless! He began to plan-scheme once more, already forgetting about the skavenslave that was now furiously digging not far from him. Then another shiny caught his attention... Warpstone! It must be! Shawk took a step closer... No. Still no. Just a broken spear tip. The warlock-engineer kicked the offending item with all the frustration he could muster, screeching incoherently at the sky about all the injustices of the world, the pox-cursed rivals he had in Skavenblight, and worthless manthing crafts.


1) Explore the ruins. Surely there's something he can use.

2) Begin excavating tunnels beneath the ruins. He will need a workshop soon, and he refuses to work while sky-rival watches over his shoulder.​
Illumbe Rodrigo Alejandro Desidero Figueroa

The rain patters down on the road. It’s cold- a light, spring rain. Some might have called it refreshing. The end of winter’s chill, the warming days, the blossoming green. A good thing, a gladdening thing.

The chill does not bother him anymore. The days have so much less to enjoy. The green does not seem so lovely under silver moonlight.

The blood on the road, the sound of a man struggling and clawing at the dirt- they did not help either.

Illumbe has him pinned to the road, the rapier puncturing the large man’s lung. A common bandit. The young vampire had found him in a bush by the crossroad- waiting for the first lonely traveler that stumbled across into his way. It had been easy to disable him. Sidestep. Trip. Impale.

But Illumbe hesitates. This would be the first time he would feed behind the reach of the Count. It felt like damnation. Yet… intoxicating.

He kneels down, and bares his teeth.

The man looks at Illumbe’s fangs in terror. There’s recognition in his eyes.

“I will make this quick.”

Then he bites, and the rush enters him. Blood. It was headier than any wine, sweeter than any honey. He drinks. And drinks.

There’s a step behind him. Cagliari? And- a panicked panting.

Not Cagliari. An accomplice? He didn’t rush out at first, must have been too frozen in fear to help his comrade when Illumbe brought him down.

“G-get off my b-brother you m-m-monster!”

Not he, he supposed. She.

Move. It would be easy. Roll aside, sweep the legs.

Illumbe’s body refused him. It needs to drink. It NEEDS to-

Pain. Felt like… a hatchet in his shoulder. The beast finally unlatches- the man’s body was dry, and his body had new prey now.

But Illumbe re-takes the reins. He ducks the woman’s wild attempt at a second strike with another hatchet. No time for the sword. He steps into her reach. She can only gasp in shock as his fist slams into her liver. She can’t scream- the breath was driven out of her. It’s only a wordless plea for mercy in her eyes as Illumbe’s mouth clamps onto her neck. A realization as she looks upon his face.

He drinks. He can’t stop himself. A curse from his sire? Or simply what happens when he fed away from the Count?

Her corpse drops to the ground, and Illumbe stumbles. He tears the hatchet from his shoulder, feeling the wound heal.

“Minus for the utter inelegance.
Minus for taking a hit from such… rabble.”

Cagliari’s voice is crisp, clinical. Of course she’s there. She’s always there when he least wants her to be.

“Hm… You didn’t know about your curse of ravenousness, in feeding. I suppose I will not deduct for losing control. But only this time.”

He sits on the road, letting out a long breath. It was the most he let himself come to screaming.

“Why did you not feed on that girl back there? The one at the farm?”

She tilts her head.

“If you were this eager to feed… It would have been a natural choice.”

Illumbe’s quiet for a long moment. She hadn’t recognized the girl’s voice, had she? Or maybe it didn’t matter to her. He had.

He looks down at the face that had, just a night ago, been a farmgirl offering him hospitality.

“… I was a guest and they did not offend me. It felt wrong.”

Cagliari tilts her head, thinking for a moment.

“… Plus. It is standards that make us better than Strigoi. Yours… are crude. But they do exist.”

She adjusts her glasses, as Illumbe gets up, and continues his journey.

“I will see if such standards hold in the coming nights.”

Her voice is rather doubtful. Illumbe doesn’t argue it.
  1. Hunt. Find, fight, drink and loot bandits in the area around Cabanel. Look for equipment, gold, interesting trinkets, and resources. If there are bounties out for particular bandits, it would also net him some coin. And he wanted to make sure he didn’t run the risk of needing to prey on some innocent person for want of blood at some inconvenient point.
  2. Be part of Cabanel’s nightlife, charming and making friends in taverns, plying men and women with drink, so that he may discretely inquire about Antonia Conti. Perhaps he would challenge her, perhaps not, but he needed to know what he was dealing with.
Movement: Travel to Cabanel.
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- I -
'Grimm Smokhuffa'
~ Da Black Prophet Ov Gork 'n Mork ~

"You'z lookin' fer a right krumpin' now..."

STATS - Black Orc

Attacks - [2]

Magic - [1]

Weaponskill - [43]

Strength - [41]

Agility - [1]

Willpower - [43]

Wounds - [19]

Dmg Res - [8]

Ballisticskill - [20]

Toughess - [53]

Intelligence - [31]

Fellowship - [29]


Goblin Warriors [50] - [Spears, Shields]

Attacks - [1]

Magic - [0]

Weaponskill - [25]

Strength - [26]

Agility - [25]

Willpower - [25]

Wounds - [8]

Dmg Res - [4]

Ballisticskill - [30]

Toughess - [23]

Intelligence - [25]

Fellowship - [20]

- I -
Da Goodlands

e3c4219f645427f39c60496ad924fa71.jpgIt had been a long march from the Badlands.

The settling memory of the proper scrap Warboss Grogspitta had given him was a savoury one, but it had been far too long and the dark-skinned orc was fiending to krump something.

He looked to his troop of pallid greenskin goblins, they were right grottas every one of them. Not big and mighty like him. The scrap with their last boss was funny, but not much fun given it was over as soon as it started. He needed more; better, stronger, bigger...

"Hmm... Where'z all da ladz at?"

Grimm scratched his head thoughfully, hefting the mighty cleaver on his shoulder as he gazed into the grass-green horizon.

There was a direction that would lead him and his crew to a real proper scrap. And maybe something to ride around on since Grimm's legs were getting tired from all the marching, and marching wasn't something a big boss should be doing. That was the job of squigs and grots. And slaves too. Now that he thought about it, he was also hungry...

Onwards they went, in search of greener pastures.

  • Action 1 - Search for nearby greenskins to krump. We'z iz da bestest 'n they best know it!!
  • Action 2 - Search for mounts. Grimm don't like walkin' fer long, 'n you won't like Grimm when he'z angry. Da gobbos might want some too.
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Turn 1
CaptainSully CaptainSully

The watch tower was old, but not as old as many other crumbling ruins within this stretch of land. Likely dating back during the crusades and built by the Empire to oversee their supply caravans coming through this area. None of this meant anything to Krull, and it was doubtful he knew any of this. Southlander history and architecture was of little consequence to a man of the north, where the land of the gods touched the mortal realms. Still, while the six of them did not need sleep, food or drink, there was always something fun about 'looting', perhaps it reminded them of the simpler days when they were still mortal men, killing and pillaging to ensure their families could survive the season... Smashing open old rotting doors, ripping up old floorboards and lose stones, the small band went about their work with a practiced ease.

They didn't find much, at least at first. This tower was old and had been picked over many times by briands and adventures, what they did find in old barrels and crates were rotting and mold covered, and they were no followers of the bloated blob, such meager things were beyond their notice, however, one of the warriors, after prying a stone from a small chamber, did find a hidden stash that had likely been there from when this tower was properly garrisoned..

Within this small compartment tucked away in the wall, a series of large wooden planks were pulled out, and they were tempted to simply toss them, but if they went to such efforts to hide them, perhaps they had value or purpose? Along with them came a small satchel of gemstones, although it was hard to say if the were magical or simply rather precious? Still, it wasn't as if Mighty Krull was going to go around to towns bartering and hashing for trinkets, still, maybe they had a use. Krull started to put, or toss it away, when he felt something within the gem bag. Something sewn into the seams, ripping it open, he found a small amulet shaped in a symbol he did not know. Likely some sort of symbol to the weak mewling gods of the south, or perhaps something more.

2 Units of Unknown Lumber
1 Unit of Gemstones [Rubies and Sapphires]
Strange Amulet

To Kill A Bear
The sighting of their arrival was swift as they were not exactly stealthy or subtle, the six of them were all fairly large and not exactly renown for attempting a 'stealthy' approach, instead they marched towards the small hamlet as a group, the loud horn sounding to their approach and a bell ringing, likely in the small building they used as a church. As they drew nearer, Krull could make out the tiny dots of them in the distance, running to-and-fro, loading up their most valuable possessions and fleeing to the small wooden keep at the center of the hamlet, hoping to seek safety within its palisade walls.

Figures emerged on top the keep and some were, briefly, made out poking up and over the wall, their hodgepodge of equipment marking them out as 'militia', which was just a word the cowardly southlanders used for farmers who thought picking up a weapon made them warriors. As they got to the edge of the village, the palisade gates around the keep slammed shut, leaving a dozen or so people outside the walls, too slow or greedy to leave things behind.

As the six warriors marched towards the gate, some of those peasants who were locked out let out shrieks and fled the other direction, no doubt hoping to hide in their homes, while the others stood their petrified, moving their children behind their legs.. Worthless creatures.

Krull stood before the gate, the militia staring back at him to give his challenge...


The Mountain RetreatTiernan Ol'Dorche
Turn 1 - Siernai9071fde4b497975206a8c282a4df4b97.jpg
Tiernan Stats

Weapon Skill 31
Ballistic Skill 36
Strength 18
Toughness 31
Agility 46
Intelligence 43
Willpower 44
Fellowship 37
Wounds 13

Cool headed: +5 willpower {Already added to total}
'Skilled Craftsmen [Carpentry]'
Fable of the Blind Gambler
4 Fate
Loremaster (+3)
Arming Sword, Repeating Crossbow
1 attack, 3 Magical Power
100 Gold
  • 20 Wolves, 5 Handlers, 20 Rangers
Wolf Pack
Large pack of giant wolves shepherded into battle by handlers. If you lose all the handlers, the giant wolves also 'die' as they are returned to the city, unable to be fielded anymore. 20 wolves and 5 handlers. Handlers have spears and padded armor.

Siernai Rangers
20 Rangers, skilled and experienced warriors often used to patrol the wilderness. They have Siernai repeating crossbows and clubs for if enemies get too close.. they really don't want enemies getting close. They wear padded gambeson armor and have rather lovely brown cloaks.

Bamboozle CV14

You fool one humanoid creature within range into doing your bidding unless it makes a successful Will Power Test. On its next turn, you may decide what actions you want the character to take and it will do as you say. The affected creature does whatever you say short of actively harming itself. You could, however, instruct the creature to do something foolish that might result in its harm. Bamboozle does not work on Daemons or Mindless Undead.

Inspiration CV16
You open your mind to Oro and let the light of wisdom illuminate a vexing problem. Upon the spell's completion, you can make a single knowledge check at +30.

Eavesdrop CV15
You can listen to what is happening in any area that you can see, no matter the distance. You hear things as if you were standing right there.

Oro's Wisdom CV17
Your prayers flood your mind with wisdom of your God. Double any degrees of success scored with any intelligence test. Further, you can reroll one failed intelligence test, but doing this immediately ends the spell. Last one minute per magic level [1 minute = 6 rounds]

Cure Wounds CV10
Your prayers heal an injured character of a number of wounds equal to d10 plus your magic power.

Open CV9
You cause any one lock, bolt or latch to unlock, unbolt or lift. The object cannot be forced shut in time [though you, the caster, may shut it if you wish]. Open can override magic locks if you succeed a will power test.
Damarel Structures

Herbalist, Inn, Bowyer & Fletcher, and Smithy. Palisade & Temple of Oro.
Bowyer & Fletcher will cut down on any bows/crossbows you purchase in the future to outfit new units with.

Palisade acts as a wall should you be attacked

Smithy gives a slight reduction to producing armor and melee weaponry in the future, but it can't make any armor better then Armor 2 and weapons are considered of 'Poor' quality [-5 Weapon skill]

Inn gives a bonus if you use an action to hire mercenaries

Herbalist is useful if you wanna grow special herbs and, if using a 'shop' action, you'll get more potion/herbal options

Each turn, you may pray at the temple to attempt to gain insight from Oro. You will roll a d5 to see what, if any, insights the God has granted his priest.


[Post Theme] - [Damarel]

Snow retreated from the valleys within the mountains. Valleys tucked away as possible from the rest of the princes. Isolation, reflection. Quiet, tranquil, a place not seen across most of the world. In the backwater, chaotic places of the world laid Damarel. A town full of an unknown race to most of the world. Focused and mistaken for more vile creatures, things that stood against them. A race shuffled in the backwater had yet to make a mark. In this chaotic and indifferent world, they may never achieve that. Not that many would know and less would care. But, there laid the other possibility, a brighter one. Hearing whispers amongst the traders and travelers, the Siernai felt out of place. Illuminated by faith, by questioning as Oro taught, the sage felines calmer, temperate compared to others even elves. Many races fickle as weeds, as fools. Did they not record and learn from their mistakes? Did they not consider what others might do? Selfishness born out of ignorance that it stabs you, it harms you. And seeing it happen over and over built frustration. Could no one see how blind they were? And dismayed the Siernai were at the ignorance, the stupidity, and the willful violence that laid around them. A cycle with no sign of stopping. Blind leading blind.

After long discussion and contemplation, there was a spark of hope, as if Oro gently let it come to bear. 'We be of sight. The time has come to guide this world for our Oro has blessed us with the purpose to change this world for the better.' Challenges, threats, monsters; the task would not be easy for the carpenter-priest. For Tiernan, to rally the Siernai and form their nation. Take their lands and then play upon the world stage in Oro's name. But for large tasks, it begins with the first step. Damarel set to become a capital to a fledgling nation, but as reason and the world suggests. Damarel needs resources, expansion of its productive might, and the call to rally needs to be sent. Simply sitting in Damarel will not do. So Tiernan leaves the palisade walls that block the valley entrance, the way into the Valley of Questions for which Damarel resides and enters the princes to call forth the people in Oro's name.

For the sake of the future, of the Siernai to be born, of the world. As the others showed they would not do it themselves.

Kneeling upon the Grand Forum's stage, the odd shape of an Oro temple, Tiernan seeked counsel with Oro. Receive advice that Oro deemed wise to dispense at that time. And then adventure awaited. He not know whom he encountered, but reason and compassion by his side, his soul found no discomfort. For he could see in a world of the blind.

  • Free Action: Pray at Temple of Oro to possibly gain insight.​
    • Each turn, you may pray at this temple to attempt to gain insight from Oro. You will roll a d5 to see what, if any, insights the God has granted his priest.​
    • Resolved on Discord. Result: 4. You have a strong feeling something may go wrong, because of this, you spend more time preparing. Guaranteed at least 1 good resource from your prospecting. (To be clear, 1 doesn't mean you can't get more with a good roll! It just gurantees at least one, so even if I roll horribly, you still get that one. If I roll well, you get that + 1)​
  • Paid Action: Prospect for Valuable Ores and Other Resources​
    • Tiernan lost in thought, wondered what laid in the mountains surrounding his Damarel. An adventurous look had never been done. In an adventurous mood, he decides to search the mountains for resources that would assist Damarel in its continued development and the improvement of the quality of life of its residents. For sometimes simply having more to work with solves many problems. With 100 gold to work with, any sites that could be utilized by mines etc. would be preferable.​
      • Relevant Spells: Inspiration & Oro's Wisdom.​
  • Paid Action: First Steps of Unification​
    • Tiernan felt it within him. While he rather debate and discuss philosophy and enjoy the views of the mountain, manage the town while he has days, Oro has other things in mind. To unite the Siernai and form their own nation. To become a power of their own. To bring the light of knowledge to this grim, dark world. So, he follows what leads he has of the settlements of his fellows, attempting to convince them to join him in Damarel or if large enough form under his banner as another town. Afterall, a nation is typically not just one town. But many.​
      • Relevant Spells: Inspiration, Eavesdrop & Oro's Wisdom.​
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Volker Kant
Turn 01

Volker Kant - Village Mayor.jpg
Volker Kant looked out at the town of Steyr with a certain degree of fascination. He'd only recently arrived in town but managed to secure a sizeable home for himself that allowed him to watch the square. It would appear the town was willing to put up with a Grey Wizard in their midst considering it meant he would have a vested interest in protecting the location his home was in. He watched the people below and puffed on a pipe, letting the smoke curl upwards while he pondered his first steps in making Steyr bound to his will and plans.

So many souls to bring to heel, yet here I am seeking the challenge. I should have just dominated some silly little village and gotten situated. Instead I allowed myself to be drawn to a large population. More problems. More solutions. Perhaps it is for the best since my studies will need to continue. So much more to learn of the deeper truths and deceptions of this world. Where to begin?

Volker gave another thoughtful puff of smoke as he considered his plans for this place. He needed to find people in need of help, easy to find in this wasteland. From there he could start to work on them while perhaps developing another persona for his deeper scheming. It would take some time but he could weave a web of influence and trickery here. Something to build upon and spread beyond to the other settlements.

"Let the game being," Volker muttered to himself with a final puff on the pipe. He turned to head down and out into town. Time to get to work.

1: Volker will go into town to seek out those in need and desperate enough to seek the help of a Grey Wizard so that he might indebt them to himself.

2: Volker will start to try to build connections in town beyond those desperate for his help, willing to trade in favors to ingratiate himself to more influential locals under the veil of wanting to make it easier to keep himself supplied for his arcane studies.
Ailluin - Turn 1

Ailluin gazed at the starry night as he fell in deep thought. He thought of his past, how he got here, once a well-respected scholar now on the run as a fugitive. Then he thought of the future, what fate the cruel world and his mysterious Chaos God has for him.

Many would think he is living in fear, but they could not be more mistaken. Deep within the High Elf is some twisted excitement on the uncertainty of his future. Will he be captured? or slaughtered like an animal in this forsaken land? Or perhaps ascend into dominance? Will the two female accept him? Or will they put him to death themselves?

The scholar-turned-cultist looks forward to the Future.

1. Explore the Arcane Tower
2. Scavenge for Supplies, especially Food.
Turn 1
Leifr Olfsson - The Trickster, The Ironside, The Beloved


"Land ahoy! LAND AHOY!"
, a shout bellowed across the weathered longships deck and a reliefed smile fell over its captain. Leifr Olfsson confidently marched to the bow, past exhausted but nonetheless jubilant marauders. Climbing a small lookout made from a single plank behind the mighty figurehead, fashioned after a fearsome mermaid with ample bosom, he put one hand over his eyes to survey the strange lands slowly coming into sight. With a deep sigh of relief, Leifr climbed even higher. Hugging the wooden mermaids neck with one arm, he raised the other fist victoriously.

"The gods smile down upon us, comrades!", he boldly proclaimed, signalling for the men to stop rowing for his much more important speech. "Our long days at treacherous high seas shall be rewarded soon! For I, your great captain, the Ironside Leifr Olfsson, have foreseen a great adventure waiting at these shores! It is the reason for the length of our journey! It is the reason for the storm we endured! The gods bless their Beloved Leifr and that makes you blessed just the same!", his voice was loud and clear across the deck. The Norscan could tell that his men had grown weary and with their food supplies running dangerously low he had to sleep with one eye open. But any ideas of mutiny would soon be forgotten, if only they managed to stock up on food and plunder.

Leifr knew, that there had been no grand vision. It plagued him, for the wise shamans had proclaimed him Beloved of all Gods. Had the old fool been lying? Why did no god answer his many prayers at sea? There must have been a grander purpose behind their outrageous detour. There had to be. Leifr simply knew it. It couldn't have been due to his inexperience. Ridiculous. It couldn't have been because of his stubbornness. Preposterous. It couldn't have been due to him having not even the slightest clue about navigation and ignoring all advice. Laughable. To Leifr Olfsson, everything became clear as soon as he had heard 'Land ahoy'. The grand vision was waiting for him on these foreign shores. He only needed to find it and find the god finally reaching out to him, to allow him to fullfill his destiny - glory so great all the Skalds would sing about him.

"I know it has been a hard journey, for all of us. But destiny awaits! And it starts with us, raiding and reaving on the weak Southerners, like all our forefathers have before us!", he didn't let his thoughts drift off much further, finishing his speech after a dramatic pause. After climbing back onto the proper deck, he marched back with an unwarranted swagger in his step. Clapping his men on their shoulders and making further promises of glory, he got everyone back to work and himself back to steering the mighty longship known as "The Milkmaid".


Action 1: Raid a small fishing village somewhere between Archaes and Matorea, preferably closer to Archaes. Main goal is to get food and supplies, so as to prevent starvation the next turn.

Movement: Travel up the river at Matorea to get inland (via Longship).

Action 2: Land at a spot deemed "auspicious" by Leifr (he is going off vibes) to scout for points of interests, landmarks, treasures, contracts - anything that could help find the great adventure from his alleged vision. For this, Leifr will pray to Manann, Lord of the Seas and Summoner of Storms (a storm brought them off course, so perhaps this is all Mananns will?)
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1728657375932.png "Chaos stalks these lands; the air is foul with its stench, more so than any of these ungrateful civilizations could make it." A somber voice spoke over a small retinue of Eternal Guard who knelt with their heads hanging and their eyes closed. "We will continue to follow in the footfalls of this darkness, skewering chaos' servants, slaying their allies and conspirators, purging its rot from these lands." The voice became more hushed and the soldiers rose to their feet, raising their heads once more.

"Today we continue our hunt. For Kurnous. For Ariel. For Athel Loren!" Veer'nan chanted before he thrust his fist into the air. The soldiers raised their spears and let out a boisterous battle cry. In perfect synchronicity the unit of Athel Loren marched further south.

  1. Pray to Kurnous for luck in the hunt.
  2. Travel to south to Heldegard to investigate and inquire about beastmen sightings.
Turn 1
palmtree219 palmtree219

The manthing ruins were to be combed! Carefully! For secret-things! What could the manthings be hiding? They thought ruined buildings could trick them? Silly manthings, trying to burn their buildings just to hide from Mighty Shawk! The most glorious, most cunning, most wisest of all rats! Wouldn't work! He'd check under every rock, under every board! Well, not him, his genius was better put to work planning new inventions! New wonders and devices! The slaves would check it all! Yes-yes! They would hunt-search it all, every inch or he'd flay their hides from their bodies and make some kind of device with their fur! The slaves spend much of the better part of a week tearing apart the town, digging into cellars and even places where they think are cellars and get fairly deep in the dirt before they realize nothing is actually here.

There isn't a lot, but the slaves do manage to recover a few things:

Three Caskets of Oil
Numerous Bundles of Old clothing
2 Units of Strange Ingots
1 Map

The caskets of lamp oil are in good condition and while the old clothing is worn and has a few holes it.. well, it may have some use? Or the slaves can be fed them. The ingots are truly odd, they are a deep red and are gelatinous. If poked, the finger indentation is left for a second before the ingot pops back to how it was prior. Its hard to even call it 'metal', but it certainly smells like metal..

In a ruined cellar, clutched in the hands of a mostly decayed corpse, that as missing a few chunks as the slaves took a few bites, they find an old map. Unveiling it, it pointed to a nearby location within the mountains, underneath, in the crude tongue of the manthings, it said, 'Its waiting'. Must be treasure-trinkets! Still, Shawk couldn't fight the feeling that the map was watching him.


The digging went extremely well with only a few accidents! The skavenslaves manage to clear out a large cavern which becomes their new home and workshop, the entrance located directly beneath an old manthing temple. Not only do they make great progress in building this underground warren, they also manage to dig a tunnel connection them to the Under-Empire! They have direct, underground, connection to the Under-Empire that could be used to safely move reinforcements, supplies and payments to and from it! Sure, there was the small chance his rivals could use this tunnel to attack him, but he now had a lifeline! A secure lifeline!

Crit: While they are digging, they find a large vein of Iron Ore that could be processed and turned into weapons of great destruction! Not as good as copper and tin for that previous bronze but Iron was a start! Yes-yes.

Gain Underground Warren
You have the starting of your own underground base, a large open area from which to rest, construct and work with numerous tunnels going off in many directions that would be great for expansion or exploration.

Gain Iron Ore as a resource
Turn 1
ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe

Two people stood on the edge of their camp, the fire crackling gently behind them as they looked off in into the dark, talking about whatever came to mind, as was the norm to pass the nights on watch.

"Hey, Adel, I think I just saw some pigeons," the larger of the two said, a large axe resting in his hand as he looked out towards the sky, squinting against the dark to see.

"Now, why would there be pigeons out here? We ain't near a town, that makes no sense, they were probably sparrows," the smaller of the two said as he rolled his eyes.

"I'm telling you, they were pigeons," the larger man said as he pointed to where they had been moments ago, "Bunch fo em too, a whole dropping, if I had to reckon."

".. What? Its flock, why are you so weird? And it wasn't no pigeons, they were a flock of sparrows," Adel said as he rolled his eyes, "Why would pigeons be out here?"

"I ain't saying its normal, or right, all I'm saying is its pigeons and it ain't beyond the probability of reason that there would be a dropping of pigeons," the taller man said and gestured towards the darkness before him

"Well, has a higher chance when we use the probability of reason, that a flock of pigeons is flying around the plains, in the middle of the night, or you didn't see it right and it was some sparrows who got spooked or maybe some owls? If we take the animals nearby and combine them with what are active at this time of night, what would the probability of reason tell us?" Adel asked, clearly annoyed by this line of conversation

"What if the pigeons were someone's pets and they got loose on the road?" the larger man said, still not quite ready to let go of what he saw.

"Oh? Seen a lot of people with a whole flock of pigeons, have you?" Adel said as rolled his eyes.

"No, but its not impossible, and I'm telling ya Adel, I saw a dropping of pigeons," the large man said with a shrug, content to let the conversation drop.. when Adel said nothing, the larger man turned and looked but.. nothing was there. "Adel?" he called into the night, but Adel didn't answer.

Walking back to the campfire, the large man grabbed a large chunk of burning wood and walked back to his spot, waving the makeshift torch into the night, to try and see where Adel went, but instead he saw a beautiful woman in a black and red dress, in her hands was some kind of wooden plate and she had a.. quill? "The... who are you? Where's Adel?" the man said, lifting his large axe.

The woman turned her dark eyes to him and lifted a single finger to her lips, before he could demand more from her, something smashed into his side and dragged him off into the dark..


Picking off lone duos and stragglers was certainly something. Illumbe was reasonably sure they were bandits... Sure, bandits didn't walk around with large 'bandit signs' over them, but surely they were the ones who were dirty and used old weapons right? It was possible some of them may have been adventurers or sellswords but it was... Nah, they were probably bandits.

Five Leather Jerkins/Jackets
Three axes, one shield and a large maul
Supplies and coins equal to 20 Gold

The true bandits worth bounties and loot were not the kind wandering with a handful of people that could be so easily picked off. They tended to be well protected and entrenched with their own forces to call upon.

But such targets did exist and were 'nearby'.

Avaliable Bounties
Gauthier de Uesin
Amalia Blood-Fist
Skorglud Neckduffa

NOTE: Going after one of these would require a Scene. Get 1 scene a turn.


Cabanel was a decent town, but certainly wasn't some grand city like what Illumbe was used to. The 'night life' mostly just was a few local inns and taverns as well, as he found out, a secret gambling den run by some rather shady people. Information gathering went.. alright. He drew far too much attention to himself when he got carried one night with his flirtations and ended up bedding the Miller's wife, and the Miller was the brother of the Captain of the Town Guard which was not known to Illumbe at the time [and probably wouldn't have stopped him], so the Town Guard were now looking for him to give him a beating and 'encourage' him to move on. Cagliari was unimpressed by the waste of time.

Still, he did find out Antonia Conti was something of a local celebrity. She was a hunter, she killed beast and man and brought back bounties to the town and kept it safe. Antonia Conti was said to be a rather charming woman who was adept with a blade and crossbow, she helped patron the temple of Taal in the town and helped look after many of the beggar children. From all accounts, she was a good person and a positive influence on the local community who did her best to keep them safe. She was currently out on the hunt, but she would be back soon. It shouldn't be too hard to attempt to kill her when she returned, if he wished to do so.

Sadly, with angering the town guard so, it was hard to find out what she was currently out hunting.

Note: Fighting her would require a scene!​
Lord Dukeovitch DeathHammer the 3rd aka The Mechaneer

Turn 1

DeathHammer was a Chaos Dwarf with plans, you see. He was given the task of setting up the slave trade in the Border lands.

And yes, he was given an abandoned Dwarven Fortress for the task. Though really it was an old Dwarven Lumner yard. But the Umi have no sense of any fortification in even their basic towns. So here on the Border Lands, it is a MIGHTY FORTRESS.

But while building up the slave trade was his given task, it was not what all his plans consisted of.

No. Definitely not. The slave trade was a means to an end. And in fact THE means to the end. He was a GREAT Daemonologist. He could craft great works of ART with Daemons in them. Such as his amazingly crafted Armor, The Furnance.

He hoped to craft many such weapons and armor of Daemonic value within the Border Lands. He will spread his great craft far and wide with the renown that he rightfully deserves.

To that end, he will be making sure he has a Forge of more than sufficient value made for this task. To have anything less would spit in the face of an artist such as himself.


This place was nice and soon to be efficient. However, with all of those Umi slaves, he needed not only a location to put them in, but a way to maintain order and Dominion with so few Chaos Dwarves.

With their numbers so few and the slaves numbers so great, there was only one option. Set up a hierarchy of slaves and make sure that they are also pit against each other to avoid them overcoming their situation.

Yes. Something such as that would do nicely. The slaves set into groups led by an Umi Overseer. But with each Overseer group competing for resources that they can distribute. And the losing group having to sacrifice one of their member to The Furnace.

Yess. It will be quite delectable to watch them squirm and scheme and try to gain resources for themselves. Oh ho ho ho.

Quite delectable.


Action 1: Build a Forge to allow construction of tools, weapons, armor, and slaves collars im the nearest future.

Action 2: Construct Slave Pens. There will be 3 slave pens constructed. Each will have 1 Umi designated as Umi Overseer (Who will report to a PROPER Dawi Overseer of course). Each of these Umi Overseers choose 5 Umi Formen. Each of those Formen order the remaining division.

((This next part depends on how often the Daemon has to eat without problems))

At the end of each (Daemon feeding period), the slave group that does the best gets EXTRA Rations (Which is distributed however they want by the Umi Overseer). The group that does the worst has that groups Umi Overseer choose who gets sacrificed to the Daemon.

The Umi Overseers also have a nicer sleeping arrangement compared to the other slaves. Should an Umi Overseer be killed (By their fellow slaves), a new one is chosen by that pen's Dawi Overseer.
Grimm Smokhuffa
Turn 1
Kloudy Kloudy

The first thing all proper Bosses need is a true klan! A true tribe! Can a group of stink' gobbos really be either? Course not! Maybe if they had thousands.. No, even that wasn't right, he had to have some propa boyz, but they kept avoiding him which was a good reason to go krump'n. How could they avoid the chosen of Gork [Or possibly Mork]? Well, there was one sure-fire way for Grimm to get some boyz and that was krump some other boss and take their boyz! That was how it was done! Surely they'd have no choice but to follow him if he krumped everyone that tried to leave or stand up to him!

It didn't take long at all to find a propa tribe! He had to cross the river and get close to the great hills, but right on the edge, buried within the trees, he spotted a tribe! Run down buildings, stank to the high heaven, oh yes, that was a right propa tribe! Mustering his goblins and marching towards it, full of the swagger needed to lure out the Boss for a fight... The tribe did as was only proper and began to swarm out to meet him! Yes! This was how it was meant to be! For Gork and Mork! To meet one another, for the ladz to watch them fight to see who was the biggest and baddest!

But as they drew closer, Grimm noticed they were a bit odd. They certainly were a hairy bunch, must have killed some boars and wore them for armor! Mighty clever. As they got even closer, he noticed most of the bigger ones had horns, ah! True boyz! Only the baddest of orcs wore the horns of big monsters they slew! As they got even closer, he noticed they had hooves and were braying...

Wait a tick... those weren't orcs at all!

Critical Failure: The tribe you approached was NOT greenskins but instead Beastmen, and there are a fair few of them thundering across the treeline right at his goblins.

Decision Point
1. Sod it boyz! Leg it!
2. Krump em! WAAAGH!


The search for the mounts went rather.. well, all things considered. They spotted a truly massive, almost dauntingly so, herd of boars thundering across the plains, destroying and tearing up everything in their path. Even attempting to catch some of them would require some brutal kunning, or kunning brutalilty. High in the sky, a mighty Wyvern was seen soaring about and almost certainly made its home in the hills.. To ride such a beast would be a sign to all orcs that he was destined for greatness, but it was also... a Wyvern. Finally, some goblins noted some tiny Humie huts had some horses that looked big enough to be ridden on, but they were usually cowardly creatures afraid of how they smelt to be of use, but nothing knocking them in the head enough times won't fix. Probably.

The Boars and Wyvern would require scenes to attempt to capture, and since your first action [due to the horrible 1] is a forced scene, you cannot attempt those this turn [outside of negative events, I allow 1 scene a turn per person, mostly to avoid scene bloat]. But those options will be here next turn if you wish to try your hand at a scene for them then.

You may snag some horses from local farmers, if you'd like. They'd be draft horses, so not exactly fit for war, but you may be able to think of something clever with them! Or toughen them up to stop being such lil ponies about war. Grabbing a handful of draft horses is not a scene.


Upon reflection, if you run for action 1, I'll not count it as the scene [you just run away], and so you could use your scene to attempt to get some boars or a wyvern in action 2.​
Turn 1
Auriel Maza Auriel Maza

With a small fortune invested in surveying, the Siernai comb the mountains and forest below for what resources they can discover that could then be utilized by them. Teams of prospectors and woodcats scour the surrendering area armed with small amounts of knowledge given to them by the hoarded knowledge of Oro and his priest, what to look out for, how to go about checking this and that... They manage to find more then a few that would be valuable for exploitation...

As they are in the mountains, they have a higher chance of finding more resources, and of higher quality, but it is harder to get these goods 'to market', especially the heavier material without a waterway as a consequence.

Pick 1
Limestone or Slate
Slate is prettier then limestone, but not as strong as limestone. Both would make excellent building material [although construction is a bit more expensive and slow] but Limestone, being far stronger, would make sturdier buildings. As slate is prettier, it is also very easy to chip and so is great for making sculptures and other art work. Needs a Quarry before extraction can begin.

Pick 1
Oak, Walnut or Sanguine
Oak and Walnut are both hard woods, and are fairly similar. The harvesting of both would be about at the same pace, as both are slow growing trees, however oak is the stronger of the two making sturdier furniture, structures and ships, but Walnut is widely considered to be prettier and has a less coarse service making it superior for luxury furniture although both can fulfill this gap. Sanguine is a very strange, and very rare, tree that often grows alone in small clearings. These trees are a deep red and, when cut, they 'bleed' a crimson sap that is also collected as it has some uses in alchemical solutions. These trees are a bit 'spongey', almost like a strange mushroom. They can be used for construction, but their most often use is in magical rituals and as part of alchemical creations. They make very poor material for weaponry lacking. No matter what is chosen, a lumbermill will need to be set up before real extraction can begin.

Warning: Sanguine seems to hold some importance to Beastmen and harvesting it is likely to bring many unwanted eyes in their direction.. but then.. considering the ancestral hate there, perhaps they goats should try their luck? There are some rumors that Sanguine is 'cursed'.

Pick 2 or pick 1 and op to have it also contain some gems within the veins {Topaz}
Iron, Copper, Tin, Silver
Iron is more useful as a local commodity then it is as a raw trade good. Iron can be turned into steel that can then be used for construction, weaponry, and other such uses. High quality arms and armor, which is not easy in itself to attain, can be sold at fairly high margins as there is always someone out there looking for a fight.

Copper has more limited uses, but is often used to make bronze or brass, coins, tools and various household items {such as plates, utensils and cups}. Copper lacks the same high end value of iron but has more inherent value and can be more easily turned into tradeable refined goods.

Tin has little use on its own, but is very valuable on its own, as tin deposits are rare and so worth the travel for, with tin, bronze can be forged. On its own, Tin can be turned into utensils, cups, and plates, much like copper to increase its value as a tradegood.

Silver is a precious metal that holds great value both as ore or when refined into higher purity ingots. Silver jewelry and household items are of especially high value and will sell for a fair amount in most markets especially if the work is of high quality. WARNING: The ownership of a silver vein paints a large target on this town and its people as many will want to take it for themselves, if you take silver, be prepared to fight for it often.

Metals require a mine to be construction before real extraction can begin {A smelting forge is included in the cost of a mine}

Gold Bonus
Due to the large initial investment, you may pick one of your resources to already have a starting extraction building {Note: if you pick two metals, you need two separate mines}


Searching For Others Like You
The Siernai have never been unified, so many thought it was strange Tiernan was claiming Oro wanted it now, but maybe He did? Maybe it was just Tiernan? Moreover, what would such a thing even look like? The Siernai had always been fairly reclusive, keeping mostly to themselves [partly out of the fear others had of them and the ignorance of thinking they were related to the goats]. Would it be a confederation of towns and villages with no actual central leadership? Such a thing would be easier to sell but be very weak and flimsy, slow to react to threats. Was Tiernan planning on placing himself or someone he picked as a 'Ruler'? A strong central government that would run counter to their history of keeping to themselves? What gave them the right to do so? Would they go around claiming it was Oro's Will? Perhaps attempts to debate that the current status quo did them no favors? It would be a hard sell. But such things were not impossible, after all, was not human history filled with such uniters? Sigmar of the Empire, Gilles le Breton of Bretonnia.. Both of them managed to unite the scattered peoples of their land into a single nation, but both of them were figures of legend, one even ascending to godhood [according to humans of the Empire]. Did Tiernan consider himself to be their equal? But, it had to start somewhere, didn't it? With someone. Sigmar and Gilles were just men when they took their first steps to unification. Even the greatest of landslides began with a single pebble falling at the right place and right time.

There are some nearby settlements that they are aware of:

You can visit one of these to attempt diplo with as a scene this turn!
{The others remain for later if you wish to do them on future turns}

This is a moderate Siernai village located on the banks of the river and tucked into the forest near Mortensholm. They are a fiercely independent bunch and spend most of their time fishing and extracting taxes for 'water rights' from those who attempt to use the river from further up to send goods south. They often serve as mercenaries and warriors for Mortensholm when beastmen or goblins raise their heads, it is a good way to earn a bit of extra coin although tis hard to say why Sardis is so hungry for coin.

The Siernai of Susa are a bit odd, they live tucked deep into the forest and so are a fairly small village. Isolated as they are, they do not trade or talk much, only really coming out to attend the grander Siernai festivals that bring their people together here and there. This isolation has given them a weird dialect, but Susa is home to a fairly powerful Siernai 'witch' {as the humans would call her, the more refined would call her a seer or oracle} who lives within.

The largest settlement, besides their own, in the local area. Tabriz, much like Damarel, is locate in the mountains, but close enough to enjoy the bounty of the forest. The Siernai of Tabriz pride themselves on their hunting skills, being quite skilled at slaying of beast and monsters, selling their parts to other villages and towns down the river. They have a few strange rituals and habits which include the drinking of the blood of those they kill and don't seem as interested in the worship of Oro as many other Siernai, much preferring 'action' to 'contemplation'. A few of them offer prayers to Taal and other such foreign hunter gods, and they have their own, local, diety that is said to savor the greater hunts.

Town Income
[Income from the free building you pick in action 1 won't start till next turn]
Volker Kant

Turn 1
Crocodile Crocodile

When a wizard like Volker arrived in a town to stay, there was always a bit of heaviness in the air. Wizards were a dangerous sort and most people's natural inclination was distrust and suspicion. Of course, they kept such thoughts to themselves or whispered it at the taverns over drinks as most people didn't quiet like the idea of telling a wizard to their face that they made them uncomfortable for fear of being turned into a newt or other such similar fate {as if Volker had that power}. In the border princes, this was even more so as half the people would be convinced that a Wizard would be useful for fending off the nasties that live beyond their walls while the other half were quite certain it would be the wizard that brought them down upon them! Strange business, that wizard business. Even if the small minds of the small folk did not undestand, the leader of the of town Steyr, Baron Müller, did and saw fit to make one of the larger, vacant, homes open to Volker. There was a bit of confusion on why he was a 'Baron'. Müller was not a noble of the Empire, nor did he have any noble hierachy he answered to, so he wasn't sure what made the man a 'Baron'. It seemed an arbitrary title, the man could have called himself anything, lord, prince, king. There was a strong suspicion that the man had simply picked 'Baron' because he liked the way it sounded.

Nonsensical titles and smallfolk aside, this place had promise, a place to start the glorious vision Volker had for the future.

Of the Desperate, the Needy and the Rabble-Rousers
[Crit Fail]

Volker attempts to find some desperate people with the town to do work for, to find prospective members of his new future under the cover of smaller acts, to find the weakpoints in the town to settle in roots, but the smallfolk prove a harder group to approach then he anticipated. It was more then just the usual fear and paranoia of the ignorant, there was an active hostility to him and those that weren't hostile, were too afraid to approach him for other reasons. A lesser man may have been at a loss or confused as what to do next, but Volker was a shadow wizard and he was quiet used to digging for the truth. There was someone in the town stoking the fears of the common folk, using the fear as a weapon against him and as yolk to control the people and the fools would happily bray like cattle as the chains were slipped around their neck, too stupid to understand the risk of what they were giving away in their fears..

Digging deeper, Volker discovers that the source of these fears is from Albrecht Weber, a priest of Ulric which is very strange. Ulric hates cowards and trickery, so a Priest of Ulric hiding behind peasants, riling them up rather then coming to Volker directly was.. a choice. The priest used the fear of the people to force them to rely on him, and more then that, Albrecht had a fairly large group of armed warriors, but they were no militant of any holy order Volker knew of, they looked like little more then brigands and sellswords.. Ulric prized courage and bravery, no proper priest of Ulric would tell people to hide behind them for protect, rather, that they should pick up swords and howl their fury like a true wolf. Yes, Albrecht was either a very, very bad priest or wasn't one at all. But priest or not, the man had a sizable following among the people and had quiet the personal force and was very clearly out for Volker's blood.

Volker did not have to wait long for the 'Priest' of Ulric to strike the first blow. As Volker was walking down the street, having set up a meeting to get more magical reagents, he noticed he was being followed... A cutthroat.. Perhaps more, intent on stabbing him in the streets and letting him bleed out..

[Scene - Assassination Attempt]

Of Guards, Merchants and Jealous Spouses

The smallfolk may be too small minded to understand what Volker could do for them, but the wealthy and powerful within the town were not so ignorant. He was easily able to pick out three influential people that wanted his help and were especially thankful that it came with no [obvious] strings attached. The first was the captain of the guard, a Chloé Aicart, a Bretonnian, which was curious. She was a strong woman and ruled the guard fairly efficiently, and was responsible for law and order within the town, but she had an issue with many minor gangs and roving bandits that she wanted Volker's help in tracking down and finding evidence against so she can, finally, lock them up and let them swing high.

The next was the wealthiest person in the town, a merchant by the name of Charles Meyer who had his hands in just about every venture worth having. Many of the buildings, including the house Volker was staying in, technically belonged to him and he had many contacts and caravans tied to him. But people were always out for his coin and position. Upstart rivals trying to steal contacts from under him, caravans being ambushed and robbed, Meyer needed the help of a skilled spy so that he could secure his monopoly over the town.

The last was the Baron, himself. The man had married a beautiful woman half his age and was plagued with constant fears and self-doubt. He was convinced she was cheating on him, despite her pleas to the contrary, and tended to be a man of very short temper often seeing insult when there was none. This wasn't unusual for Volker, in his experience, half of his tasks back when he had been a Shadow Wizard had been less spying for the empire and more being forced to engage in silly spouse spats of wealthy patrons. Volker could look into this, and use the truth, whatever it is, to secure himself a position in the 'court' [Or what this town laughably called a court].

Pick 1
[The others don't go anywhere, so nothing stopping you from doing all three, but the longer it goes undone, the harder the task for them shall be]
1. Captain Aicart
2. Ser Meyer
3. Baron Müller​
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Turn 1
Kent Kent

Ailluin, his family, and his household guard search the Arcane Tower. Most of the lower levels are empty and destroyed, looted long before they got here and likely many times over by desperate refugees, packs of adventurers, or going by the smell, goblins who had lived in it temporarily. But on the highest floor, there was a door shut with an arcane ward, and while the previous people were unable to get past it, Ailluin was an Asur Wizard of staggering intellect, so it was a simple matter to dispel the ward and unlock the door. The large metal door swung open to reveal a small vault, likely used to contained the wizard who constructed this tower long ago precious items. Within, he finds a large satchel full of clinking glass bottles filled with tonics, an ancient grimoire and a strange glass puzzle box..

The glass puzzle box was rather large and he could see a glittering robe and a bone white wand resting within, but also a large vial of acid held over both.. Ailluin surmized that this puzzle had multiple answers, likely passcodes by the previous owner. If he got the right one, it would open and he'd get both. If he got a 'right' one, it would destroy one of the tiems and open, and if he was wrong, it would destroy both. {Int Test to be done on discord, Average test, as Ailluin is highly educated, so no modifier}

Satchel of Vials {to be done on discord}
Grimoire {Details on discord}
Glass Puzzle Box

While the tower had given Ailluin quite a bit of rewards and treasures, it had not given them food, and they were in desperate need of it. The trip from Ulthuan had been long and they had not had much time to prepare for it as their departure had been rather sudden. Rather then go to a town and attempt to find food, it was decided they would look for some, or hunt, to hopefully get enough to stabilize their situation.... The hunt for food doesn't go quite as well as they'd like. There are fish aplenty, but they lack any real means of catching many at this moment, perhaps they should throw in what little food they have and hope something bigger bites? They do find strange looking mushrooms, but none of them have been to this land and they are not sure if they are safe to eat or not, but there are a lot of them and if they are edible, it would greatly help. They try to hunt, but there is very few animals around which was odd... It was good land, it should be filled with prey animals, instead it is desolate.. Late one night, they discover why as a loud yell erupts from somewhere within the tower, rushing down, they spot a large spider the size of a horse trying to pull a household guard through a window.. They manage to jab and stab at it until it leaves and saves the guard but.. well, they now know why the tower is abandoned.

The next morning, they find a cavern underneath covered in webs... A giant spider, perhaps many, lived under them.

Decision Point
1. Try your luck fishing
2. Gather and eat the mushrooms
3. Go clear the spiders out, likely need to sooner or later anyways, and maybe they taste like crab
4. Leave this place. Move on with what little food you have left. You'll be weakened, some may die, but this place is no place to start a new life.​
Turn 1


Tilliam 'Jingle' had crafted himself a makeshift stage of milk trays and fruit crates. Giving a once over to his gathered instruments; a jug, a washboard, a banjo and his prized fiddle, he quickly did the same for himself. With brown scruffy hair and a button nose, great big eyes and chubby cheeks, a puppy was a good analogy for the aspiring halfling bard. Growing up in the Moot could be boring at times, nothing like the outside world, full of adventure and intrigue. The only action they had were vegetable disputes or bakery disputes. So 'Jingle' had woven a tale of little people, strange things and a land of Princes to sate his own appetite for adventure. Putting on his best shirt and pants, white with ruffles and vibrant woolly palazzo's, now was his time to shine.

Setting up in the village square, just as the light began to fade and people returned to their homes, Jingle hoped to gather an audience for his song and yarn. Licking his hand, he run it over his quiff and turned to passer-by's with his fiddle in hand. Taking a seat, he strummed his fiddle slowly letting the notes hang in the air as he took a breath. Looking into the distance, he tapped his foot and began to sing.

Live version
"Now listen well, my Mootland friends,
Of a rickety cart with no good ends.
A monstrous thing with wheels on tracks,
Covered in spears like a hedgehogs back.

Atop it sits a motley crew,
Snotlings green, a stupid few.
Are they even worth their names?
Well lets give em some, all the same."

Tilliam looked to his growing audience, with eager eyes, strumming his fiddle enthusiastically. "Pick!" called out a dark skinned halfling.

"Scab!" shouted another bloke jovially, his wife quickly joining in on the fun.


"Peabody!" croaked an older woman with skin like a dropped soufflé.

The bard nodded his head, happily and continued his song.


"The Pump Wagon came on battle day,
Where Greenskins and tall folk fought to slay.
Weapons clashed to Griffon's cry,
And the wagon shot towards the sky.

The Snotlings laughed and shrieked with glee,
Forcing knights upon their knees
But soon the fight grew too much to steer,
And off the wagon began to veer."

"Off they went, through blood and muck,
Leaving the field with a stroke of luck.
The Orc Big Boss gave just a huff,
'Let it go, not worth the stuff!'

This wagon here, not a big loss,
Not worth the grumbling, nor the cross.
But off it rolled, beyond his gaze,
To wreak its havoc in wilder ways."

"Now far from Orc and Gobbo screams,
The Big Loss tumbled through wild streams.
Over mountains, fields and trees
And into the Border Princes see

Border folk! Beware the sound!
Of rattling wheels upon the ground.
For when you hear that clatter’s hum,
The Big Loss and its crew have come!"

1. Tinkerin!
2. PUMP IT! Find Loot and Scrap. PUMP IT! PUMP IT! Kunnin Brutal! Sneaky Stealin!
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Verg Roteater

CONTENT WARNING: Gross and Disgusting stuff as well as gore. Depictions of self harm and other graphic depictions included. Do not read if you're squeamish, have a weak stomach, or have eaten recently

Verg felt such joy in his chest. An entire village, rotting and decaying because of him! And the people...so full of disease. So tasty. So juicy. That's what living is all about! And now that the village is his, naturally everything that is inside is also his. So he strolled around and dug through the huts, grabbing anything that looked interesting or was useful to him. So many bowls, pots, and pans! Just what he needed for his newfound passion of brewing. And a lot of shiny bits and herbs and spices and, and, and...

Soon the sun rose again and a tired Verg lay himself down in the swampbed and covered his eyes with mud to sleep. The murky swampwater around him became even murkier and began bubbling as he drifted of to sleep. The bigger critters fled while the smaller ones went belly-up around him. Only the buzzing of the flies seemed to increase. And as the evening came, Verg arose from his slumber, happy to a morning snack in his bed.

With the settlement thoroughly plundered and ruined and plundered, Verg gathered his lööt and trodded deeper into the swamp. He let out a joyous fart in celebration, now that he had found his lives purpose. Ideas began to fester slowly in his mind as he explored his surroundings. Mushrooms, moss, herbs, and other growths that were a snack at best before now became objects of study. He gathered them all, as well as any poor critter that came too close to him (and got subsequently knocked out by his smell). They were now all precious ingredients. And Verg didn't exclude himself either as he collected his own fluids for experimentation.

What followed were nights and days filled with only the vilest of brewing, as Verg combined the various ingredients together and subsequently tested them on whatever, or whoever, he could find. And he had a lot of testing to do. Herbs, mushrooms, moss, tree bark, swamp water, various grasses and mud. The critters, ripped apart and crudely separated into parts. He tore out their brains and spinal fluids with his gnarly fingers, he extracted their eyes and harvested their blood. He ripped out their bladders, full with piss or not, and delighted in the smell of the various intestines strewn around him. The animals and beasts were no longer just food. So Verg gathered more. He broke their bones for their marrow, tortured them for their tears, and flayed them of their skin, meat and fat. All of their organs and limbs, all seemed to now brim with purpose and understanding, as he drooled into the pot were he was mixing them all.

As the creatures succumbed to his new concoctions, they also had new symptoms, and new infected material to harvest. Truly, the research and his joy was endless. Though progress was slow. Verg was slow to glimpse and retain any meaningful information, often just throwing random ingredients together and seeing what works. And the testing itself was also not simple as simply being close to him made most living things flee. So he had to learn patience...A Troll that was learning...and having ideas...Truly few can comprehend such a horror in its entirety. And while big successes were few, progress was steady.

Verg began to learn more and more and still watched with anticipation and glee the results of each new concoction. Though ingredients were not infinite and so he began more and more to harvest parts of himself. First it were just fluids. Earwax, spit, sweat, piss, snot, and the fluid accumulating in his rotten flesh. His own shit came next, though it was by no means a "liquid". Verg also tried using his stomach acid by vomiting it into the pots but most were instantly ruined. So he eventually collected it after hurling it into swampwater first, as he was using it a lot now anyways.
Then he dug deeper. His own blood was a potent substance and as Verg added it the concoction began to boil and stink in all new flavours. He began to giggle and did not hesitate to throw other parts of his body in. The various toe-growths littering his body were a fine addition. Next were chunks of his rotting flesh and fat. And in his fanaticism he did not stop, even after ripping out his own eye. It was painful but it was worth it.

The possibilities were truly endless. Verg scratched the wird symbol on his chest (Nurgle) in satisfaction and began his search for a new settlement and living, more sentient, test subjects. Who knows? Maybe he will even find a friend who enjoys rot and plague as much as he does...


Action 1:

Verg is looting the ruined settlement

Action 2:

Verg is searchin for another settlement and polluting/corrupting/infecting/poisoning it's surroundings with various brews, concoctions, poisons, and diseases. Any food supplies, roads, and water sources will be the primary target. He will do so without getting detected if possible but he is a Troll and subtetly isn't a part of their language.
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