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Fantasy The Boglord:Fantasy rp ideas


Junior Member
Plot A: The King and The Creature

Your Character is the king of a land, good or evil they were a former adventurer and you hear tell of a odd creature roaming the lands and send men out to capture this beast.

Option 1. The creature is captured and bought back to you

Option 2. The men return empty handed, some afflicted with a strange illness. . .perhaps you have to pursue the creature yourself.

Plot B: The Wizard and the Druid

In which your character is a powerful, proud and elegant wizard. . .and good or evil they have an image to upkeep.

Option 1: your studies are interrupted by a strange being- perhaps they could be of use to you.

Option 2: you get a visit from a old childhood friend, a odd druid who used to hang around the town you grew up in.

Plot C: The Monster Hunter and the Monster

Your character is sent to hunt down the boglord also called theBogmonger. . . The beast certainly isnt what you expected it to be. . .
These scenarios seem interesting, the fantasy genre is open to so many opportunities. Plot A1 and Plot B2 stand out the most to me but I’m open to all of them.

We can discuss more in PM’s.
I really like Plot A! I think there's some interesting ideas there. If you're open to some more potential partners, I'd love to discuss over PMs.

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