Story The Boarding School and the Special Kind of Fools

Lady Nympho

A Wandersome Lady
(AN:) I took inspiration from listening to this:
I have commented, pasted the story in the comment section under the name of PinkLemons. It may not be perfect nor it's the best story I've written but it certainly was a lovelystory that I wrote in a fly, it was quite raw when I did it so expect grammatical and spelling mistakes however, please have fun reading this very short story of a girl attending a mysterious and eerie boarding school, you will learn a tad bit on how she views everyone that resides within the premises. I highly recommend listening to the playlist,I believe it sucks you in through the world. Have fun!


"Oh, yes. Definitely. You are precisely correct. This is a boarding school yet make no mistake, no one accepts of lowly intellect, only the most elite of students and if you fail to meet the expectations, consider your life taken away."

It was rather a broad introduction at face value, the newcomers, new students— Sophia calls them, fails to never, almost took the bait. Almost. Not it mattered to her, nor anyone anyways, far too busy in their studies to climb the social hierarchy, the obsolete goals settled by the standards of dearie, old, beloved mommy and daddy, the others merely placed themselves in a theatrical play of picking pretty lasses, thrashing them in one's locker, quite the amusement really, she completely adores the face of a girl's face contorting with petty, messy make-up with black tears, such ruination, truly, and a bonus too! If they ever carry the seed of a man who will never claim them as his own.

Academics, academics, academics, and if one was to fail, the consequences were rather... cruel.

In the end, the boarding school lives up to its name, it exacts the opportune time, in revelation of what made every students different, either one takes the part of an intellectual fool or the wise, and then there was the other one, the special kind of a foolish, wise girl. That, she was, Sophia Juliette J'adore, a non-French girl with a name she bought with gold, of blood, the ashes of one girl, buried in the floors underneath the toilet bowl. She never has the distinct embedded gold trace on her hair, her eyes matched the glass of whiskey without the afternoon sun shining through it and even then, it matched her luxurious, fallen dark hair— a simple black, the common colored hair of the commoners. Her stature remained in the 10th grade, resembling like a young teen, rightfully so for she wasn't alike her tall, European classmates but what she lacks for was her cutesy, petite, innocent look on her soft features, cute bottom nose, big fawning eyes, plump lips, and the exotic skin of neither pale nor too dark, simply she was in between.

Yet, people loves a bit of intrigue, a little excitement here and there, the boarding school? Hah, Sophia had to smile when she heard the ridiculous notion of a girl who shares the same name as hers when asked by a certain, new student with an added, outrageous claim.

"Do we die if we fail?" the boy harshly whispered, towering over her upon the same grounds Sophia loves to spit endlessly, everyday, in the very gardens of the school grounds.

"Die?" Sophia paused, in mockery, when she wastes his time on her instead of running straight to the next class. "Oh, no, no, we do not die. That's rather easy isn't? To just... die." she trails off, eyes staring at him solely, taking him aback, perturbed by the shift of change. "Now aren't you a special kind of fool? Hah," Sophia openly smiles, smiling cheek to cheek.

"Welcome, dearest new student, today, will mark the first and last day of your school, are you ready to forget yourself, boy?'

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