The Blood Bringers [SU]


Four Thousand Club
This is the signup for a pirate RP! I'll say this up front,peeps,I'll make heavy use of the nautical/pirate lingo that I know,and any I may pick up along the way. Use my signup as a template.

Rank/Position "Nickname" Name: Captain "Swift" Johnson

Equipment: TONS of firearms. One handgun* on each thigh,one on each hip,three on each side of the torso. One rifle** slung over one shoulder,and a blunderbuss*** over the other. Has a cutlass.****

Combat Style: Handguns are quickdrawn and quick-fired. Handles the rifle as a sniper's weapon. The blunderbuss is used as a shotgun. Cutlass swings are wide,fast,and powerful. Space used in combat: Straight line of variable size,or a large area around him.

Appearance (kudos for a wanted poster format!): wanted poster version exists,but it isn't on the net!

*His handguns

** His rifle

*** His blunderbuss

**** His cutlass
Rank/Position: Cook

Name: Simon 'Crook'

Space: Crook is a frontline fighter, he doesn't take much space since he usually engages enemies in melee.

Fighting style: Simon is all about machetes. He uses the smaller ones for throwing with pinpoint accuracy and the larger ones for dual wielding. He is skilled in everything involving knives, throwing and dual wielding.

Rank/Position "Nickname" Name: ehem, Grunt "Bubbler" Prynon

Equipment: Two simple daggers on either hip. Keeps it simple.

Combat Style: Quick and quiet--well, quick at least. Likes to talk to his opponent at length before diving in, ducking and stabbing.

Appearance: 5'6'' with a fit-yet-slightly-thinned frame, Prynon is not one of the most... tough characters of the crew. A dark tan adourns his exposed flesh, hiding the fading tattoos on his arms. Wears nothing but knee-high peeling leather boots, with stained breeches tucked loosely into their top. A too-big belt barely holds his breeches and daggers on his slim hips. Walks his his back slumped and his hips forward to balance his lower garments, and has a grin on his face at all times. Dark, dirty hair sits atop his head in a disheleved mess, contained barely by a stained headband.
Rank/Position : Rigger

"Nickname" Name: Manic Mel.

Equipment: Knife(seen in hand in photo)



Fight style: A bit odd, normally utilizes all three weapons in various combinations, though the gun is normally the finisher and only fired when the oppenet is almost down, or pinned. Doesn't take up much room outside of the arms length of two people, with about 2 foot extension.


The Wanted Poster:


Close Up
Rank/Position "Nickname" Name: Gunner "Thorn" Rosalind Faire

Equipment: Thorn prefers to keep multiple, easily concealed weapons on her at all times. These may include but are not limited to daggers and small hand guns hidden in the folds of her clothing. However she does have a Flintlock,a Brown Bess and a Saber that she likes to "play" on occasion.

Combat Style: Thorn does not mind a little hand to hand combat. She is very quick and agile which tends to confuse her opponents and daggers are her weapon of choice.

Appearance (kudos for a wanted poster format!): Thorn has dark brown waves of hair that cascade down her back. She has hazel eyes that change as the day goes on. She wears a corset top over a mans long sleeve "used to be white" shirt. Most people think her corset is a stupid accessory but it hides three daggers. Her long black trousers tuck into a pair of knee high boots and on occasion Thorn wears a red coat that she stole from a British Officer. All of her clothing conceals at least one dagger and you will occasionally hear them clinking against each other. Thorn also enjoys adorning herself with jewelry she has stolen over the years.

Brown Bess:


Rank/Position: Broad swords man

"Nickname" Name: Cristina

Equipment: She tries to have a lot of differant weapons with her at all times, but if she had to choose one she would choose a sword.

Combat Style: She likes to use her fists and normally attacks from behind.


Rank/Position "Nickname" Name: Right Hand Man Ash "Stub" Asen

Equipment: Mechanical Right Hand (if possible), two cutlasses and two Hand-guns

Combat Style: Uses both swords at first but if one gets knocked out of his hand he'll get one of his pistols and quickfire, drop it switch hands with the sword and quickly pull out his other gun and quickfire. Will try to get his other sword back if possible.



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