Story The Black Phantom


Ghostly Bender
(This part one, and an unfinished test story.)

Once long ago, there was a mysterious middle aged man traveling over the seas. He was wearing a black bandanna with golden patterns on it around his head, and a long black and gold robe. The man was sailing on a small sailboat, still seeking a new land to explore. He has had many travels before, having gone through a lot of exciting but dangerous adventures.

The man was known as the Black Phantom to most, but his name was actually Zesar Frost. He was a well known bounty hunter who has gotten a whole bunch of bounties over the years. This time he was searching the criminal known as Lady Vixen, a very intelligent and tactful rogue. It had been long since Zesar had last encountered that smart lady, but he was more than ready to encounter her again.

The powerful wind at the ocean's seas blew of the hood Zesar was wearing, revealing his shiny blue eyes, long brown hair and short brown beard. His face was covered with some scars, with a visible one from across his left eye. He held tightly onto the sailboat's mast as it bounced over the waves.

But Zesar was not alone. By the side of him was his traveling companion, and best buddy, Oakley Brown, also known as the Jester King. His expression looked a bit more jolly compared to Zesar. Oakley was, however, wearing a white and gold, bandanna and robe, much lighter colors compared to Zesar wearing black and gold.

Oakley quietly hummed to himself as they sailed, enjoying the shivers of cold breeze. "So... Zess, my friend. Why don't we just take things a bit less seriously sometimes? I mean come on! Let's enjoy the moment as it lasts." He joyfully said, swiping his curly ginger hair out of his face. It was clear by Oakley's tired expression in his sun gleaming green eyes, that he kinda had enough all the hunting.

Zesar frowned at Oakley's slight smile, wondering why he sometimes can't just take their job seriously. Their whole reasoning for the bounty hunting in the first place, was to do it to not get killed. Zesar moved closer to Oakley, as he held his flintlock gun in his hand. "Don't y'know how much worth the time of our previous mission has had..." He answered with a smirk, pointing the gun close to Oakley. "If it wasn't for our effort, we'd be dead." He continued, gazing back at the ginger haired man.

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