Inumaki Toge is a baby!
- One on One
Version 1
Version 1
So much is happening. Too much keep up with. And if only it were possible to catch at least one end of this massive tangled ball of yarn. No matter where you look, both the allies and the enemies are confused. Unlikely partnerships are formed out of the fear of the unknown. "Magic is gone!" The Maesters insist. And yet, who are these strange people who wield powers not seen before? Is this how strong the mages of Old Valyria had been? What kind of sacrifice does one need to make in order to get this kind of power? It is horrific to even think about for those who know even a little bit about magic and what it takes to use it. That's right. It takes, and takes, and takes, and takes. Taking more than it ever gives is all magic ever does, and the greedy gods who grant it are like bottomless pits. Are they the mages from Asshai? Or possibly the dead city beyond it where even the strongest sorcerers fear to even think of stepping? Wherever they are from, even though the Hour of the Wolf had passed and Cregan Stark insists on being in the North and preparing for winter, and there are regents to guide Westeros, he is called upon again. The Realm must unite, and everyone wishes that the dragons they hated and so brutally killed were now with them, because doorways are opening in the middle of the sky and creatures smaller but more terrifying the dragons and wights are emerging. And whose side are those unknown mages on? They kill both people with no clear link between them, at least none that Cregan can see yet, and those monsters as well. And one such mage comes to the North. On the other side of the wall, the dead are rising more and more. And the Winterfel crypt gives off such an eerie feeling that no one can stand even walking past it.
Version 2
All these confusing dreams. What is up and what is down anymore? Jon thinks he's all alone, but Bran is alive. And if only they were together, then Bran surely would be the one to figure out what's going on in Jon's dreams. In some of them, he feels like he's asleep in a cold room. In another, he is a dire wolf and is running through the woods, and there is blood on his muzzle and in his maw. It's as if he has become Ghost. And in a different dream, he is atop one of the walls surrounding Winterfel, fighting off wight walkers left and right with his Valyrian steel sword that in his dream is burning. He slaid a giant, raised members of the Nights Watch, even Ygritte was among them. "Winterfel is mine!" Jon shouts. But then everything stills, because he sees Robb in front of him, his eyes blue, but he is not just any wight walker or one of those others. No, he is their king.
In due time, the first two of those dreams come true. The Nights Watch feel like he has broken his vows and what's more, gone against everything that the Nights Watch is supposed to be, at least according to them, by letting the wildlings in, sending Sam Tarly to the Maester Cytadel, getting involved in politics, and so they stab him to death. His body sleeps in a cold room, and his soul is wargged into his dire wolf, Ghost. He doesn't know how much time he had spent like, but one day he wakes up on that table back at the Wall. He told Melisandre he wouldn't need her, and yet he ended up needing her. No one comes back the same when they're raised as a wight. But he is not an ice wight, he is what Melisandre and Beric Dondarrion are, a fire wight. And so, as he was told, Jon killed the boy and let the man be born. But he is different, more brash. His nature had changed. The wolf blood awoke in him, or is it the dragon blood? It would be way worse for those who have earned his ire if it's both. Before, he looked more like his mother, Lyanna Stark, without knowing it. But now, with white hair, he looks way more like his father, Rhaegar Targaryen. But no one who knows of it is with him to tell him that. All this awakening seems to be coming in time, because on both sides of the Wall, things are becoming weird. The rangers going out keep finding massacred groups of ice wights and sometimes dead others. The faces on the weirwood trees contort into those of anguish and rage. Something is coming... or is it already here?
I would like my partner to play either Cregan Stark (for version 1) or Jon Snow (for version 2). I think in the show House of the Dragon Cregan was shown pretty accurately even though so little has been seen of him so far, but in Game of Thrones, Jon Snow is the complete opposite of what he is like in the ASoIaF books (granted, I am more familiar with the show, but I like the books version way more from what I have found in my research).
What you can expect of me
- Semi-literary writing
- 3rd person POV
- Response size (between 1 and 4 paragraphs usually)
- How often I respond -3-6 days a week
- Plot suggestions and contribution
- Playing main and side characters
- Fairly quick responses
- Original characters and canon characters
What I would like from you
- Semi-literary writing
- 3rd person POV
- Accepted response size minimum - short paragraph- 5 sentences (1-4 paragraphs is preferred)
- Please be understanding of my work schedule and that I have a life outside of RP
I don't usually like doubling up. If that happens, I like it only when it is a natural progression in the story, not forced from the beginning.
This story can be written as MxF romance or MxM romance. All characters involved must be 18+. If they're younger in the canon material, please age them up.
MC options
For a family who have tried to keep their blood pure, the Targaryens definitely sired perhaps the most bastards out of any single noble house in Westeros, if not all the houses combined. So it is no surprise to meet someone with the name Waters, but it is also the easiest way to hide yourself if you want to run from someone or keep something a secret.

Rumoured to be one of Brandon Stark's illegitimate children he sired before his death by strangulation by the Mad King, Aerys II Targaryen. In truth, nobody knowns him in the town he claims to be from, and his mother cannot be tracked down. Though he tries to blend in with the common folk, his noble upbringing betrays him, and the more one digs, the more questions rather than answers they find. He presents himself as a bastard, but judging by his attitude toward his 'predicament', he has no bitterness about it unlike all the other bastards anyone would meet out there in the world.

If you like the ideas I have presented, or have your own you'd like to pitch, please go ahead. I'm pretty flexible unless there is something I'm craving a lot or really dislike. Send me a PM and let's brainstorm.
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