The Bet ~ ♥ (Me & Rosemary)


Pessimistic Optimist
The Bet - Plot Reminder

With Rosemary ?

With this RP, I combined four themes. Bad Boy x Good Girl, Rich x Poor, City x Country,

and Popular x Freak.


You girls were born and raised out in the country.

You family wasn't boasting with wealth, but they made enough to get by.

You were raised around hard labor - being on a farm and all - strong faith, and very loving and caring family members.

However, even such a good girl like you has certain secrets and wounds in your heart.

You simply don't seek comfort from anyone and try to keep to yourself.

More so now than ever, being that you've moved far from home.

You've moved to a city, and clearly you don't fit in.

People deem you an outsider and freak.

But, you manage to still get by, trying your best to force those comments and feelings of isolation out of your mind.

What will happen when you meet someone who's your polar opposite?

This guy annoys the crap out of you,

yet you find yourself falling for him.

However, you act like you're completely uninterested.

You don't want to be just another charity case,

and you both come from completely different worlds.

Will you take the chance, or let it slip?


You were born and raised in the city.

Your parents are extremely wealthy and well-known.

However, your parents expectations were never ending, and your home life was very suffocating.

Eventually, after being forced to do so many things you didn't want to,

You grew to be quite rebellious.

Soon, you became the definition of "bad boy", completely matching that typical stereo type.

You ended getting into drugs, drinking, and parting your days away.

Never understanding the meaning of authority.

People looked up to you for your confident and reckless nature,

And you're known to be quite popular.

What will happen when you meet the one girl who isn't completely swoon with you?

You're determined to make her yours,

and you've even made a bet with your friends to make it happen.

But, no matter all the flirtatious advances you make, she seems utterly indifferent.

What will happen when you find yourself truly falling for her?

She's so different from the rest, and has something you can't put your finger on.

But, you know that once she finds out about the bet, she'll never want to see your face again.

You want to just call it off, but if you do, you have to give up your title in your wealthy family,

losing every last bit of your inheritance.

Will you sacrifice it all for her?

Or continue with your life of loneliness,

feeling completely hollow inside?



Angelique "Angel" Hawthorne




Angelique has always been a very sweet, caring, compassionate, and sympathetic girl. She's fairly easy to embarrass and possesses a very soft and fragile heart, but is known to cover it all up by being (mainly acting) as strong as she can. You can always find Angelique with some sort of novel with her, for she adores literature, and she has a deep love and appreciation for the fine arts, as well. She's actually quite talented in those areas, though she'd never boast or even acknowledge her skill, herself. Be it dancing, singing, playing various musical instruments, acting, and painting - she can do it all with ease. Music has become her escape, and her skill in acting is how she's become quite the believable pretender. The only person who's ever been able to crack her masks is her twin sister, Dominique.


Angelique was in love with her childhood, and she thought it couldn't get any better than it was. She grew up far out in a remote, rural area, and was raised by her mother and father on a farm. Her beloved twin sister, Dominique, was always by her side, too. Being she and Angelique were always given plenty of chores, helping everyone manage the farm, Angelique knows the meaning of responsibility and discipline very well.

Angelique was mainly close to her mother, and was always eager to help her with anything she may request assistance in. Her mother was a very strong woman, and her vitality seemed to radiate off of her. Her strength was one of the reasons Angelique's father fell in love with her, and he never looked at her with anything besides endearing affection. And, her parents shared that love with her and Dominique.

However, it's not all rainbows and butterflies anymore.

Soon, their mother gave in to illness, and passed away right after Angelique and Dominique's thirteenth birthday. After the death of their mother, their father fell into a deep depression, and turned to alcohol for refuge. Soon, he began to go on drunken rampages, blaming Angelique and Dominique for everything that's ever gone wrong - especially their mother's death. He'd beat them, and after dealing with years of that, Angelique began to go mute.

It was both a relief and a heartache whenever their father died from alcohol poisoning, and soon after, she and Dominique moved to the city. They managed to get into the Academy of Arts, and are sharing a small apartment together. Angelique balances three jobs - working as a waitress in a local cafe along with Dominique, working part-time at a nearby bookstore, and also becoming a help around the apartment with her sister - luckily resulting in she and her sister staying there for free.

Angelique is just a small girl trying to make it in this big world, and hopes that one day,

she'll get over her muteness and depression, and everything will seem to be worthwhile.


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((Click for full size. ^^))


Alec Blackwood




Alec has always possessed a charismatic and mischievous nature, and his biting wit can make even the most cold hearted shrew crack a smile. He's quite confident and reckless, and isn't used to not having things his way. He can have somewhat of a temper, but he knows how to fake his way through things to get what he wants. He's known to be quite the ladies man, and since so many girls have fallen at his feet before, he's convinced he can make any girl swoon. He's always had a passion for music, and is quite talented in that criteria. The fine arts are among his interests, but he's also interested in mechanics. His midnight black Ferrarri 458 is his baby.


Alec was raised to think that the entire world was in the palm of his hands, and to this day, he still believes that. He's been given everything he could possibly want, but it always had a price he didn't like. His parents were always throwing books in his face, making him study, and since his parents were well-known for the businesses they owned and ran, they wanted Alec to be the perfect poster boy that they could show off to the press.

Alec, at first, was desperate to meet their expectations, and tried his best to do so. But, after a while, he got sick of it, and decided to rebel. His parents were never around, anyways, so he kept pondering why he even tried to please them in the first place. They were hardly ever there to reap whatever rewards and accomplishments Alec had prepared for them. After a while, all the material things his parents provided for Alec to make up for their absence lost any meaning. They became nothing more than that - material, worthless objects.

Soon, Alec got tired of it all, and decided to move out with Caleb - a brotherly friend he's known since they were both in diapers. They shared the same views on things, including their displeasure with their parents, so they left together and are currently roomies on a rich, top-floor loft on a 100 floor apartment complex. They also attend classes together at the Academy of Arts - They bonded more through music, and have a band started together along with some of their friends.

They play shows at local clubs and pubs, and are quite well-known along the streets. Alec has no trouble finding a girl to sleep with, but no matter how many girls he manages to get, he still feels hollow. He doesn't know how to fill the void, so he's just faking his way through. He figures it's enough partying day by day with his friends, getting girls, coming and going as he pleases.


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((Click for full size. ^^))

((Oh, and this is Alec's baby~?))

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Name: Dominique "Dom" Hawthorne

Age: Eighteen

Personality: Dom is a very, very seclusive girl. Ever since she was little, she would keep everything to herself: her emotions, her problems, her anxieties. She is constantly holding up a mental wall so that no one can get in and see the real her — no one except her twin sister Angelique, that is. She, just like her sibling, blushes very easily, and when embarrassed, scared, or timid, her cheeks will flush a comely crimson which she always hides. Her one love, which surprises most people, is working on cars; if she is no where to be found, she can most likely be spotted in the autoshop. This contrasts greatly with her talents of the Arts: dancing, singing, acting, and artistry. Going alongside her seriously low self-esteem, she will deny any compliment she receives. She just doesn't know how to take one. On the outside, she usually appears happy, smiling and laughing. But if one were to look at her closely, they would see that the grin is fake, the smile doesnt reach her eyes, and the laugh is forced. All this due to her depression.

Biography: Some of Dom's best childhood memories were with her sister and parents. Living on a farm, there was always enough room for her and Angelique to run around and act like kids. Sure, they had to do chores, but nothing compared to the wonderful feeling of the rural outdoors. That all changed when her mother developed an in curable illness that caused her to slip from their lives after the twins' thirteenth birthday. It all went downhill from there. Her father turned to alcohol as an anti-depressant and took out all his frustrations, anger, and antagonisms on his poor daughters. Beating after beating, the girls developed mental blocks. Angelique and her voulentary muteness, and Dom with her deathly fear of being touched. When her dad passed away, it was almost a relief. Almost. After being laden with the loss of both her guardians, Dominique fell into a depression of her own. Not even Angel can make her return to the carefree person she was was. Not wanting to deal with this anymore, the two moved to the city and managed to get accepted to the Academy of Arts. The live together in a small apartment, each of them juggling three jobs: Dom works as a waitress at a local café with her best friend and sister at her side. She also does part-time at an autoshop, fixing and repairing s everything that has to do with cars. Even with all this, Dom and Angelique help out around their apartment, resulting in them staying for no pay at all. Dom is just a broken girl that's waiting for someone to come along and piece her back together.


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Name: Caleb Drew Peterson

Age: Nineteen

Personality: Caleb has such a lovely personality that it makes everyone, children and adults, girls and boys want to be his friend. He can be mischeivous and crafty at times, although this is mostly with his "brother" Alec. The two share a special bond, and no matter how angry he gets, will always be at his friend's side. Intelligence-wise, Caleb is a very smart boy. All throughout his academic years he had never gotton lower than a B-. He has tutored some people in the past, but he doesn't like talking about that because it makes him look like a softy. He can almost always get what he wants just by using his impeccably princely charm. He has many talents within the Arts, and likes to read about anything music related.

Biography: Caleb came from a very wealthy family and was raised to demand and command. As a child, he got everything he asked for, making him into the slightly selfish and confident person he is today. As a toddler, he met his true best friend: Alec Blackwood. Never have they left each other's sides since. His parents weren't very strict, but just like any young boy would, tried to make them proud in every aspect of their lives. He played all the sports they wanted him to, studied hard, and deep down, loved the attention that was always focused on him. Later on, however, things started to get bad. His parents got divorced and his mother moved away, not bothering to ask if he wanted to come with. He was placed in his father's custody, and all he wanted was his childhood back. His dad was home all the time, although he never payed attention to his son. He was with a new woman every single night — it made Caleb sick. After a while, he couldn't take it anymore, and moved out with Alec. They became roomates and attend the Academy of Arts, all while taking part in a band they started with some friends. He has no trouble making a girl fall head over heels for him, and he, just like Alec, have a hallow spot in his heart that is waiting to be filled.


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((I love your profiles, dear c: I'll go ahead and start here in a little while~)) 

The girls have been dwelling in the city for about a month or so now, so they already have their jobs and are getting in their own routines. Classes for the Academy of Arts, or at least the ones our characters are attending, are in course from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (12:00 to 1:00 is dancing and acting - 1:00 to 2:00 is singing and practicing other musical instruments - & 2:00 to 3:00 is studying various styles of painting and literature). We can base the hours our characters work (if at all) around the free time frame before and after the classes. Let's say it's Friday evening (around 5:00 p.m.) and classes at the academy begin this coming Monday. ^^ The hours our girls work may change, but let's say that they're both working today from 6:00 (an hour from now) to 10:00 (closing time) at the cafe. ^^ The boys could be doing their own thing, and perhaps one of their friends work with us, and they come to visit him and wait for him to get off (perhaps he's in their band or something). We haven't met the boys yet, but we shall today, one way or another. As for this first hour, the girls and boys can be doing whatever they like. It's currently the end of summer. It's nice and warm out side, but there's a subtle breeze throughout the air signaling the beginning of fall. Sound good? ♥


Angelique had just finished her shift at the bookstore, which, today, was from 10:00 in the morning to 5:00 right now, and was enjoying a nice, long stroll throughout the city. She liked to take her time walking home, for she enjoyed exploring the assorted parks along the way. Many people performed various kinds of music, hoping to earn some money off of entertaining the random folks around them. Even though Angelique barely had any money to spare, whenever she walked by someone who really moved her with their music, she'd be sure to at least give them a dollar or so. Whenever they'd nod in thanks to her, her heart was always enveloped in a wondrous, comforting warmth, for she knew she did something good and helpful to another person.

Angelique's long and wavy dirty blonde hair was kissed by the wind and cast gracefully astray as she walked along the streets. She was wearing her trusty dark blue jeans, those of which had quite a few colorful paint stains on them that made it appear like it had some sort of abstract design, her favorite and worn down black converse she's had for years that she doodled all over the white parts on, and a simple black tank top topped off with her favorite light and creamy white colored knit jacket. Her hair was quite extensive, and if she straightened it, it'd reach all the way down to her hips. But, because she let her natural waves shine through today, like she usually does, it fell a little past her mid-back. It shone enchantingly with the evening sun's rays, and her pale, emerald green eyes glistened vividly, as well. Her porcelain white skin had a soft warm hue to it due to the array of colors around her, which she was grateful for, being that her skin in normal lighting was dreadfully pale. Many mistake her for being albino due to her lack of pigmentation.

She took her cell phone (one of the old fashioned flip phones that she and Dominique have saved up to buy - they really needed one, for not only do they need to keep track of time, but they need to be able to contact one another, as well as their work places) out of her pocket and flipped it open to check the time, realizing it was about ten past five. I still have a little spare time before I go into work... Perhaps I'll spend it playing music and singing with Dominique. One of these days, we should perform at this park... Oh, no, we'd never be able to do that. I'd probably choke, and she'd be paranoid with all the people around, as would I... But, maybe one of these days... Angelique thought to herself as she began to make her way back to their small apartment complex. Sure, their room isn't as large as some fancy loft, but it was more than enough for the both of them. They had their own rooms, a use-able kitchen, a small living room, and a bathroom. And, being that they're both quite clean and have always shared a bathroom, Angelique didn't mind the set up at all. Just having their own rooms was a plus, for back at the farm, they shared a room and a bunk bed even after their eighteenth birthday.

As Angelique entered the complex, she greeted the clerk at the front desk with a subtle nod of her head, and then began making her way up the stairs. This complex didn't have any elevators, so everyone used the numerous staircases to navigate to their rooms. Angelique didn't really mind, and they were only on the third floor out of ten, so it wasn't really much of a walk. Soon, she reached their room; number 302. She took out her room key and unlocked the door, making her way inside and shutting it behind her. "Dom?" Angelique called out in her tiny, mouse-like voice. Since Angelique is quite short and petite, as well as possessing a high-pitched voice (if one actually gets to hear it), many mistake her for a much younger age. However, she and her sister are 18, nonetheless.

Alec was lounging about in his and Caleb's loft, and was enjoying what was once an afternoon nap. It spread out over a much longer time range than he anticipated, for once he woke up and checked the time, it was already a little past five in the evening. "Whoa, what happened?" he wondered aloud in his just-woken-up, slightly seductive voice. He sat up in his California King sized bed, throwing his hands above him as he stretched, letting out a soft groan as he did so. He gave his shaggy, jet black hair a ruffle, not really caring much to make something of it. Girls apparently loved it in it's bed-headed and ruffled glory, so the most he did was wash and brush it.

Speaking of washing, Alec felt the need to shower. No, not because he smelled or reeked of some sort, but because he values hygiene greatly. He's not some germ freak or anything, but he definitely likes to keep himself clean. Got to look spiffy and sexy for the shows, right? Therefore, he got out of bed and began to shuffle around his room. He only slept in his boxers, so he was walking around with his fit, lean, and half-naked body revealed. Alec was sure that Caleb got used to this by now, being that when Alec just wakes up in the morning, he won't care to get dressed before he leaves his room, thus resulting in their rather awkward morning conversations. Alec smirked as he recalled Caleb's first reaction.

"What the hell, Alec? Put on some clothes!"

"What's wrong? Think I might turn you with my sexiness?"

"You're such a tool, dude."

"Embrace it, baby. You know you want to."

Double tongue-click and wink from Alec to finish it off, thus resulting in Caleb rolling his eyes and walking away. Now, it usually goes a little something like this.

"Mornin', sexy."

"Sup, gorgeous?"

You know it's true brotherhood when you can joke around with one another like that, although when one of their friends stayed the night once, he thought the two of them were gay lovers. That of which immediately resulted in the denial of the accusation, and as if on command, a girl that slept with Alec that night walked out and asked what was for breakfast. Alec couldn't help but chuckle at the memory.

This time around, he simply remained in his room, and picked out the clothes he would wear after he got out of the shower. He decided to pick out some of his slightly faded dark blue jeans, a black, white, and red plaid button-up shirt, and a pair of his trusty DC shoes. To finish off the look he had planned, he added a black and gray striped beanie to the arrangement, and put them all in a small pile on his bed. His room was quite large, for he had enough room for his gigantic bed, two love seats and a large couch, his dresser with a massive flat-screen TV planted on top of it, and a desk where he worked (if he felt like it - it's quite rare he uses that desk for anything other than writing music or surfing the internet on his Mac laptop). He had a keyboard in one corner of the room near the couches, and his acoustic guitar was in it's case right beside it, and his electric guitar was perched up on a stand beside that. And, despite of all this, he still had plenty of room to walk around.

He shut his closet door (walk in closet, I add) and began to make his way to the door that led to his bathroom (he and Caleb each have their own attached to their rooms, as well as a guest bathroom along the main hall in their loft). He started the shower, which was a walk in shower cubicle with elegant glass faces, and was right next to his large, hot-tub sized bath. He couldn't count how many girls flew to that thing and didn't come out for hours. Do girls really love taking baths that much? I mean, what's with the rose petals and fancy soaps? Alec wondered, being that though he had more than enough money to buy name brand products, he just stuck with classic old spice and axe washes. There was something about their scents that just suited him, and the ladies never objected. But, just to keep his 'guests' happy, he kept candles, various soaps, oils, and other washes, and other extra things along the lining of the bathtub.

He decided to take his time in the shower, being that he didn't really have anything planned for the day, until he and Caleb decided on something. Everyday they try to make a little time for practice, however, but that's a given - not really something planned. It's simply a part of their routine, be it just Alec and Caleb, a few others from their band, or their entire band as a whole. It never fails - especially on a weekend like this. They always partied together, and this weekend, Alec knew they were going to go extra hard. Classes for the Academy of Arts were just around the corner, and though Alec loved the fine arts, he still hated school. So, he planned on going all out this weekend, in celebration of his last, truly free weekend.


((Sorry for the freakishly long length - I didn't realize how much I wrote until I posted xD Lmao! Don't worry, I'll tone it down if need be. Oh, and here's Angelique's outfit (pretend the converse have doodles and the girl's skin is lighter xD ), and Alec's outfit ~))
((That was a great post! :o I don't know how I'll match that, but I'll try. Anywho, I'm starting my reply now, but it might not come till later.))
Rosemary said:
((That was a great post! :o I don't know how I'll match that, but I'll try. Anywho, I'm starting my reply now, but it might not come till later.))
((Don't worry, dear~ I'm sure your post will be wonderful. ♥ Take your time c: And, thank you! I'm really sorry if the length is overwhelming, I really had no clue how much I wrote until I replied. :b Lol.))
At the creak of the door and the twinkling sound of her beloved sister's voice, Dom jadedly lifted her head from where she was stretched out on the stiff crimson couch. No more than five minutes ago had she arrived home from her favorite job in the world: working as a car mechanic at the autoshop a few blocks down. She had dark, onyx colored oil smeared lightly across and down her naturally rosy cheeks, as well as some random splotches dotted over her clothing. Her silken brunette hair was tied up in a high and messy ponytail with a sheer floral bandana, acting as a headband, keeping the stray strands away.

Sitting fully upright now, she stretched her arms up above her head, the ghost of a smile vaguely appearing on her face. Within seconds, however, it was gone. Going alongside the fact that she was wearing a short-sleeved Beetles shirt, the many faint pink scars that danced up and down her fair porcelain skin were showing in their infamous glory. Her kaleidoscopic eyes held a vibe of adoration for Angelique; this gleam was usually hidden by her firm mental wall that she held up almost 24/7.

"Hey Angel. How was work?" Her quiet voice was silvery and honeyed as her gaze fell on her twin, her head cocking gently to the side. It was the same thing everyday; it was almost a routine now. Dom got home first, Angel got home after, Dom asks how work was for Angel, and Angel asks back. It was a cute little cycle that both siblings savored, just like they savored each other. Recently, Dominique's depression had gotton worse, and Angelique was the only one that could lift her from that.

It's sad, honestly, how she purposely isolates herself when things get rough. Sometimes, when her happiness has really gone down the drain, not even her sister can bring it back. She truly feels like she needs fixing, like an old and scratched record that no longer plays. She feels different. She feels alone. She feels fed up. And most of all, she feels broken.

Her outfit:

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"Hey. Hey. Hey, hey Alec." Caleb's raspy voice emitted from where he stood behind his friend, a taunting smirk playing on his lips. His hair was disheveled and messy from sleep, although the small section that was dyed blonde was still prominent, even through his bright green beanie.

On another note, the two have had a running tease going on for a while now. Alec knows for a fact that Caleb despises his middle name — yet he feels the urge to use it anyway. It started like this:

"I can't believe your middle name is Drew."

"You know I hate it, Alec, yet you bring it up all the time."

"Yeah, funny how that works."

"I swear if you call me Drew one more time, I will not hesitate to knock your lights out. Best friend or not, I
will punch you."

"Fine, fine... Drew."

"Goddamn it Alec!"

Caleb smirked cockily at his best friend, his pearly white teeth showing as the corners of his lips turned upward. "Mornin', sexy," he taunted, bringing up a long-time inside joke between the two boys. No, they weren't star-crossed gay lovers — they both have had their fair share of girlfriends, and an even bigger allotment of females they've slept with.

His gaze rested on the assortment of instruments Alec had in his room, and it reminded him of a time when they were little. Even back then, they both had a major love and passion for anything musical. When they were hanging out, they'd run around the house singing and screaming into the handle of a hairbrush. The funny thing was, however, that neither of them liked neat hair. Messiness was a-okay for them. Caleb adjusted the collar of his charcoal shirt, and wiggled his eyebrows playfully at his best friend.

His outfit:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.c4a5bcdd04a64186021832b3f975aad0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1033" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.c4a5bcdd04a64186021832b3f975aad0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
(( Sorry, mine is nowhere near as long as yours. D: ))



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((It's alright, dear xD I usually don't write that much unless I have a lot to say and tons of people to reply to. :b Don't worry, my literacy will tone down a notch or two as we get further in c: I'm always writing a lot in the beginning. xD ))


Angelique looked over at her sister with her glistening emerald green eyes, those of which reflected how much she loved and cherished her sister's presence. She really cared for her, and she knew that after all they've both been put through, she's fallen into a deep depression. Angelique felt truly pathetic whenever she was unable to help her precious twin, but at the same time, she sometimes felt that it was something she'd have to learn to get over on her own. Angelique could only be there when she needed her and try to help her out as much as she could. But, there's no possible way she can help take her out of the hole she's sunken into without her reaching up to take a hold of Angelique's hand.

Angelique also went through that stage, but she's gotten quite well at faking her way through it. She can pretend to be strong and act like none of it has phased her, but just like her sister, there are times when nobody and nothing can bring her out of her void of negativity. Those are the times when she's contemplated suicide, but could never really go through with it. And, unlike her sister, she was also too cowardly to actually cut herself. The most Angelique ever did regarding self-harm was dig her nails into her skin, that of which she did without even realizing she did so. It would happen when she suffered from an anxiety attack or zoned out and remembered the horrid memories when she was alone. If you look closely, you may notice the faint crescent-shaped scars all along her arms, but, being that they weren't really that deep, you'd have to really, really scan her skin.

She watched as Dominique's smile faded, but the tenderness in her identical eyes remained. In response to her question, Angelique simply gave off a small nod and brief smile - indicating that it was a good day. They've learned to exchange signals, due to Angelique's lack of verbal communication. "You?" she responded simply, as she always did, her voice barely audible as she spoke. However, she was sure that her sister could still hear her. She always did, no matter how quietly Angelique whispered. Somehow, she got the feeling that her ears have adjusted to Angelique's silence.

Angelique shuffled her way over to the kitchen and looked in their nearly-empty fridge. All they had included a half full gallon of milk, some apple and grape juice, a box of strawberries for Angelique, another box for Dominique, veggies like carrots and celery, and other fruits. They couldn't afford much meat, being that it's the most expensive food to buy. They mainly stick to instant dinners like canned ravioli, frozen TV dinners, Spaghetti-o's, cereal, and other cheap things to buy. Angelique decided to take out a few strawberries, cut them in half, and place them in a little bowl - topped off with sugar to her taste.

She sat down at the small, rounded table in the small area - probably meant to be a dining room - by the kitchen and across from the living room. There, she began to munch away at her little meal, and checked the time after a few bites. It was half past five, and around the time when Angelique and Dominique got ready for work. Realizing this, Angelique quickly finished off the last bites of delicious strawberry goodness, and signaled towards the bathroom with her hands. She usually did that to say, you can shower first.

Angelique had washed her's and Dominique's work uniforms the night before, so she walked outside to the apartment's back balcony where she had them hanging. She forgot to bring more change to have the clothes dried back at the laundry room, so she simply hung them up on a line. It was a fairly small balcony - nothing too extravagant, and all the apartments in this complex had one. Many people used it for the same purpose Angelique did - to hang up clothes to dry.

She put her's out on the bed and smoothed it out, and also readied their white sneakers. She put Dominique's uniform on a hanger, hanging it up on the little rack connected to the bathroom door - that of which is where they usually hang up the clothes they plan on wearing and their towels after they're done showering. Afterwards, Angelique head back into her room, waiting for Dominique to finish up her shower. They've both mastered the art of quick showering, being that they're almost always on a time frame unless they have days off one, two, or all three of their jobs. It was very rare that they were off all three, but it does sometimes happen. Those days, Angelique and Dominique usually play music together and have a girls night in, having their own silent, sisterly celebration.

To pass the time, Angelique walked over to her keyboard her mother had bought her for her tenth birthday and began to play and sing

by David Guetta and Sia, her angelic voice floating through the apartment as light as a feather. Dominique could probably hear her in the shower, being that the walls are pretty thin, but Angelique didn't mind. She loved singing - it was the only time her voice was strong.

((Lol, I didn't know Caleb was in Alec's room? x) Alec's in the shower, silly. :b But, I'll try to work with it.))

Alec could hear his friend's teasing from the shower, and he just chuckled - making it a sarcastic and loud chuckle so his friend could hear. "Thank you for the wonderful compliment, Drew. I'll be sure to pay you greatly once I'm done showering." You could almost hear the wink in Alec's voice, his soft chuckle echoing throughout the bathroom, it's echo spreading into his room, for he left the door open. He doesn't ever really bother to close it, being that he knows Caleb well enough to have confidence that he won't waltz in while he's showering or using the restroom.

After Alec finished washing up, he turned off the water, and got the towel he had draped over one of the cubicle faces, drying off while he was still behind the glass. He walked out with the towel wrapped around his waist, covering what needed to be covered. He gave his damp hair a ruffle and decided to let it dry on it's own, as he always does. He walked out and looked towards Caleb, whom was wiggling his eyebrows playfully towards Alec. Alec just rolled his eyes, clicked his tongue, and winked. "I'll be hitting you up later, baby," he joked, and let out a chuckle as he gathered his clothes together. He walked into the closet and shut the door as he got changed, and walked out in his clothed glory.

"Oh, don't look so disappointed," he teased, letting out a brief laugh. "So, what do you want to do today?" he asked towards his friend, plopping on the love seat near where Caleb sat on the couch beside it. Alec got out his acoustic guitar and began to meddle with it, playing random chords as he always did. There was rarely a time when he wasn't playing an instrument, sketching out something, or humming some kind of tune.


((Angelique's reply was still a bit long - sorry about that xD Oh, and I changed the song she sang. :b But, I shortened Alec's up a bit. :3))
As her lightweight footsteps treaded off toward the bathroom door, Dom sent one of her rare, small smiles toward Angel. It was very faint; the corners of her lips were barely upturned. But it was there, nonetheless, and that wasn't a very common occurrence. They both knew that.

However, it faded once again and before long, seemed like it was never there in the first place. Grabbing her towel off of the hanger, she kept a tight grip on it as she entered the lavatory. Shutting and locking the door behind her (why she still felt the need to lock doors is beyond her), Dominique undressed herself and got into the shower. She allowed the hot water to fall over her skin, the steam fogging up the glass and the small mirror that hung nearby on the wall.

She heard her sister's singing voice through the closed door, and her subconciousness wandered back to the times where their father would beat them. The sole thing that made her beloved twin not want to talk. A cold chill crept up her spine despite the burning water that was pouring out of the faucet overhead. Only now did she realize that she was biting her lip, and she stopped before she accidentally drew blood. She had a habit of doing that.

Blocking the horrid thoughts of abuse from her mind, she washed all of the grim and oil off of her face, arms and legs, and watched as the H2O turned black before going down the drain. Once she was finished shampooing and conditioning her hair, she stepped out of the shower and onto the mat, drying herself off. She wrapped the towel around her body to cover herself and opened the door to get her work uniform, which Angelique had hung by the bathroom. She quickly went back in and changed into her clothes, wringing out her hair before finally finishing and leaving the lavatory.

"Hey," she murmured, her piercing eyes boring into her sibling's, "I'm done. You can go now." With that statement, she took her makeup bag and started to reapply it. Eyeshadow on her eyelids, mascara on her eyelashes, and eyeliner around her eyes. She left her naturally rosy cheeks as is, her freckles seeming to dance over the bridge of her nose. She gathered her hair into a high ponytail and put her bandana back on, and put on earrings: a dragon on her left ear, and five studs on her right.

Her makeup/accessories:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.28a6054feae53f0fad475c12c06dc5be.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1046" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.28a6054feae53f0fad475c12c06dc5be.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Caleb grinned in response to their playful banter, although surpressed a scowl at the use of his middle name. Alec was lucky that he was still in the bathroom — Caleb definitely would have shoved him. Or punched him. Or thumped him. It depended on his mood, really. Whichever way he usually chose (it happened a lot), Alec typically just rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue.

He winked tauntingly at his friend as he exited the bathroom, and waited for him to get dressed and come out of the closet (literally, of course. Not metaphorically. His best friend was not gay). As he did, Caleb went to sit on the couch, Alec sitting on the love seat beside it. "Eh, I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders, flopping back on the coushions. "It's like, almost six o'clock. Maybe we can go grab a bite to eat at the café and chat up Chris while we're there." Chris was their bandmate and a close friend of theirs, so it seems like a pretty good plan to him. He waited for the approval or disapproval of his suggestion and he popped his knuckles; a habit of his.

"Unless you've got any better ideas," Caleb said, drumming his fingers on his couch before adjusting his beanie. He tapped his shoes on the floor, leaning his elbows on his thighs in a more comfortable position as he waited for Alec's response.

(( Sorry Dom's is so much longer than Caleb's. D: ))



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((No worries, dear c: In my last post, Angelique's response was much longer than what I put for Alec, as well. :b))


Angelique had just finished playing as soon as Dominique gave her the cue to enter the shower. Angelique simply gave her a swift nod, a brief and chaste smile coming across her pale, porcelain pink lips as she did so. She then proceeded to the bathroom, taking her uniform and hanging it up where her towel once was perched. Afterwards, she shut the bathroom door, locked it (she wasn't afraid of her sister walking in, but some random stranger that may make it past her. Paranoia, she supposed), and turned on the comforting and wondrously warm H2O. Angelique was glad that the hot water never seemed to run out in this complex.

Once it was hot enough, Angelique stripped and entered, allowing the water to envelop her in the relaxing heat. She loved the steam surrounding her and the water cascading over her body - showering was one of her favorite times of the day. The warm water soothed her muscles, being that her legs and feet become quite sore from walking around all day, and she adored the sensation. However, she didn't take long, and though the moment seemed to last forever - it was a mere minute or so.

After allowing herself to bask in the soothing water, she quickly washed her hair with her favorite strawberry scented shampoo. She then proceeded to applying the conditioner, that of which she left in while she washed her body. As she rinsed her body wash, she also did the same with the conditioner. Being that Angelique had shaved the day before, she felt no need to do so now, so she simply washed her face with her usual scrub and turned off the water, leaving her tiny, short-lived paradise.

She first dried off her dirty blonde locks, wringing them out until they no longer dripped. She then proceeded to drying off her body, wrapping the towel around her as she gathered together her uniform. Being that blue is her second favorite color, purple being her first, Angelique was actually quite fond of the uniform. She thought it was cute, although she didn't like how it looked on her. Although, many would beg to differ Angelique's negative views on herself. She doesn't believe a word anyone else says, though. When it comes to her low self-esteem, not even compliments from her sister can alter it.

After she got dressed, she opened the bathroom door to let it vent out all the steam. Angelique's hair, being that it's quite thin, was already a little past half way dry. Therefore, she began to put it in the little hairstyle she had planned - she really loved various sorts of braids, so she decided to take one of the top sections of her hair and braid it along the sides. They united in the back of her head, and she tied it up with a small rubber band that blended in with the color of her hair. And, as usual, she let her natural, loose waves shine through.

Angelique isn't really one to use make up, but seeing as she had some spare time on her hands, she decided to get a little dolled up. She accented her pale, emerald green eyes with a little eyeliner, pastel eye shadow colors that she blended together, and a little bit of mascara. As for her porcelain pink lips, she simply added some of her liquid-y lip balm that tasted like strawberries, adding a little shine to them. Angelique wasn't one to ever, ever wear foundation, for the majority of the time it irritates her sensitive skin, so she concluded her little make-up session with her chap stick/lip balm.

She proceeded to her room after that, grabbing one of her dark jean-colored messenger bags. She put in one of her sketchpads and a book so she could either draw or read on her breaks. She also put in her journal - a journal she's had ever since she was a child. She began writing in it when she was ten, and she has continued to hold it dear even now. As for accessories, Angelique decided to wear a charm bracelet and necklace her mother bought for her ever since she was a baby. Dominique had her own set, as well, though Angelique doesn't see her wear them as often as she does, herself. To finish it off, she put in her favorite sun and moon earrings.

After that, she threw her messenger bag over her shoulder and went to go see Dom, who just finished her primping. Her eyes seemed to question Dominique without the use of verbal words, for they seemed to ask; Ready to go?

((Angelique's Makeup, Hair, & Accessories - Oh, and sorry that it's so long again xD )))


Alec continued to meddle with his acoustic guitar as he listened to Caleb's suggestion. In response, he gave off a light shrug. "Eh, there's nothing better to do, right?" Alec began sarcastically, letting out a soft chuckle as he put away his beloved instrument. "I hear that they finally have female waitresses. Chris has told me about them - apparently they're twins," Alec gave off a mischievous wink. "I don't know if they're working today, but I think it'd be funny to tease them like we do to all the others. I think the owner hates us for that," Alec let out a sadistically charming laugh.

Alec reminisced for a moment, remembering the last waitress he made quit. Caleb and Alec go to that cafe quite often when they wait for Chris to get off, and being the ladies men that they are, it isn't too hard to charm a waitress. Especially the ones around their age. Alec recalled Vanessa - a dark brunette beauty with chocolate colored eyes who was a year older than him - twenty. He got her to come home with him within the first couple day she visited there, and after he decided to never call her back, but still continued to visit the cafe, she just couldn't stand to see his face anymore. Therefore, she quit.

Alec stood up and gave his hair a soft ruffle before putting on his beanie. "Alright, let's head to our cars," he began, walking over to the coat rack and grabbing his favorite black leather jacket. He grabbed his set of car keys, the apartment key attached to the chain, and began walking out the door. He was sure Caleb wasn't too far behind. "Don't forget to lock up," he stated as he began his way towards the elevator. He allowed himself to take the lead as he head down to the bottom floor.

From there, he walked out of the elevator and began his way towards the parking lot - a parking lot with multiple floors of car storage. His car was luckily assigned to the bottom floor, so it wasn't a long walk to reach it. Caleb's car was parked right next to his, and Alex decided to wait for him before taking off. In the meantime, Alec allowed himself to slip into the driver's seat and turned on the radio. He stuck in one of his favorite CDs, and the first song to play was "Face Down" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. He smiled and began to sing along, his voice being able to hit every single note with ease. Alec's voice was actually quite stunning, hence the reason why he's the lead singer in their band. Caleb is also a lead singer and plays an equally important part, and since they're both the leading guys, they get the most girls. It was perfect, really.

Although, as Alec began to let his thoughts drift, he began to think about the void. The void he couldn't explain. The void he didn't know how to fill. He had no idea when it got there, but he knew it wasn't recently, and has been there for a while. It was like he was craving something - like he needed something, but he's never gotten it... And, at times, he wonders if he ever will. Though he wouldn't complain about his schedule and routine with Caleb, there are times when he feels like there's something more out there. Something more than partying, getting drunk, and getting high - like there's something more than having sex with random, easy-to-get women.

But, after a while, he just smirks and scoffs it off like he always does.


((Yeah, Alec's post is still shorter. It's harder for me to tone down how much I write for Angelique. I'll try to even it out and write less when there's not really much description needed xD But, honestly, I just really love writing. Bare with me, please? c: ♥))
To pass the few short minutes it would take for Angelique to come out of the bathroom, Dom sung softly to herself as she stared at herself in the mirror, a cloudy, almost dark look in her eyes. From the outside, it appeared as though she was just checking to see if she looked alright. Though, in reality she was mentally picking out every one of her flaws, no matter how big or small they were. I have too many freckles. My thighs are too big. I'm too fat. Good God, I just want to go to the autoshop and escape all this. A small sigh escaped her parted lips and she stood up straighter. All she had to do was get rough a couple hours of waitressing; Angel would be there, and she would make it all the more better.

The haze in her eyes grew as her gaze jumped back and forth between all of her scars: short ones, thin ones, long ones, wide ones. There were so many, and about half of them had been self-inflicted. The other half was from all the years of beatings she had taken from her father. Her humming became hollow and slightly forced, but only she knew that.

She broke out of her stupor as she heard the bathroom door creak open and her twin step out. Acknowledging her silent question, Dom gave a brief nod of her head in response, her gaze lingering on the charm set for a bit longer than she had originally intended. Personally, she didn't like wearing her own bracelet and necklace for more reasons than one. The first being that she didnt want to loose them or get them dirty during one of her three jobs, and the second being that it reminded her too much of her parents. The death of them is what has begun sinking sunk her into the deep hole of depression in the first place.

She swallowed forcefully and grabbed her key, jerking her head toward the door as if to say, Come on. Let's go. Turning the doorknob, she exited their apartment room and began heading toward the stairs. She was almost glad their complex didnt have elevators; she felt that they were too confining. They always made her more paranoid than she should be. Hopping down the steps two at a time, she remained silent so that she could hear her sibling's footsteps behind her. It gave her a sense of comfort, for a reason unknown to her. Tugging at bottom of her skirt, she let out a breath she hadn't been aware she was holding.

Caleb cat-called at the mention of new waitresses, his whistle purposely emphasized. He remembered what happened to the last one: Alec had gotten the girl to come home with him, and then he never called her again. She them promptly quit, and his friend didn't seem to express any negativity about it. He wondered if history will repeat itself and have the same thing happen to one of the new employees. "Twins? Niiiice." He said approvingly, a cheeky laugh emitting from his mouth.

"And yep, the owners probably do hate us for that. But 'ey, it's not our fault that we're so damn sexy that we make all of their waitresses quit." He chuckled again, a smirk etching its way over his lips. As Alec got up to head out to the parking lot, he got up from the couch and followed suit. He grabbed his black blazer from the coat rack and slipped it on as he locked the door behind them, before following his friend into the elevator.

He whistled a tune as he headed out into the parking lot, the pitches ranging from high to low. He walked with a subconcious swagger, his hands shoved haphazardly into his pockets. He fixed his hair, spiking the blonde part up more with his fingers. He then slipped into the driver's seat of his own car, and glancing over at Alec, saw that he was staring into space. Honking his horn once as a signal that he was going to start going to the café, he pulled out of his space and began driving.
Angelique caught Dominique's signal indicated by the gesture she made with her head, silently telling her to follow along. She nodded in return, and then began shuffling towards the door. She grabbed her apartment key and walked out the door right after Dominique did, and locked it after shutting it behind her. She then followed along after her sister, putting her key in a zippered pocket on the side of her messenger bag as she did so. Soon after walking not too far behind Dom, Angelique did something she's always done ever since they were kids - that of which was grabbing a gentle hold on the tail of her shirt with her tiny fingers. She was careful not to touch her sister directly, for she knew how much she hated that, but it was just a habit Angelique has always had. It reassured her that Dominique wasn't too far, and that they were always close to one another.

Many people looked at Dominique and Angelique as they walked, amused, for other than their makeup, hair style, and choice of accessories; they looked exactly alike. The same white and baby blue uniform, the same colored skin, the same facial features, and the same dirty blonde hair (though Angelique's is slightly lighter) - if you didn't pay close attention to their subtle differences, it'd be nearly impossible to tell them apart. Angelique didn't mind the little mix-ups here and there, however. It only gave her and Dom something to relate to one another on.

She loved the relationship that she and her sister shared, because Angelique knew that there was no one else in this world that understood her better than her beloved twin sister. They've been through hell together, and they made it out together. They both had similar scars, internal and external, though while Dom's are mainly along her arms, Angelique's are along her torso. Her father used to love kicking her when she was down, and she had quite a few stab wounds. She was lucky that he never hit an internal organ. Usually he was too drunk to aim properly at them. Although, she and Dominique have had their fair share of hospital visits.

However, Angelique tried her best not to think of such things. She has plenty of night terrors, so during the day, she tried her best to keep those thoughts at bay. Soon enough, being that the cafe they work at is only a few blocks away, they reached their workplace. They were greeted kindly by their manager, who is also the owner of the cafe. "Welcome, girls," the middle-aged, freckle-faced, blue-eyed ginger spoke in her usual, chipper voice. "Feel free to get to workin'."

Angelique nodded, and bid her sister a silent farewell as she went to tend to her first table of the evening. Angelique found this job challenging, but because of her modest nature and tiny voice, many of her customer's found her endearing. She never understood why, but if it got her tips, she wouldn't complain. "Welcome. What can I get you?" she addressed an elderly couple in her mouse-like voice, a small and angelic smile plastered across her lips.

And, thus began her waitress routine.


Alec watched as Caleb entered his car, giving his horn a honk to signal that he was going to head out. Alec honked back in return, just to spite him, and stuck his tongue out towards him through his window. Afterwards, he wore his signature smirk, and began to follow along close behind him. He was still listening to his CD, and now one of his other favorite songs - "Use Somebody" by Kings of Leon - came on. He's never really understood the feelings of insecurity were expressed in the song; how the man felt inferior to the woman and could only hope that she would notice him. Alec has always had women in the palm of his hand. But, he sure did love the guy's voice.

He began humming along, singing the words he knew by heart. As Alec and Caleb switched lanes, Alec enjoyed teasing him by revving up his engine, passing him from time to time just to cause a little mayhem. Lucky for the boys, they hardly ever got pulled over. As soon as the cops saw their cars, they knew who they were, and they left them alone simply because they didn't want to deal with their parents. Sure, Alec despises his parents due to their neglecting ways, but he's grateful for the title that's been given to him for being apart of the Blackwood family. He could get away with practically everything.

Soon enough, however, their little road chaos came to an end as they reached the cafe. It wasn't too far away, and due to them being in cars, they got there pretty quickly. He parked near the front, making sure there was an empty spot beside him where Caleb could park. He then turned his car off by taking his key out of the ignition, his softly humming engine coming to a halt. As he opened the driver's door, his radio shut off, and he shut it behind him. He then stuck his key's in one of his jacket's pocket, and awaited Caleb to join him.

He could see Chris through the window, and he was working as a host today while also attending to the register. Their glances met, and Chris made a funny, displeased face, getting a chuckle out of Alec. They exchanged a show of weird expressions - that was, until his manager came and scolded him. That resulted in Chris flipping off Alec, and attending to another customer. Alec could feel a fit of chuckles coming on, those of which he let out.

"Ah~ He doesn't seem too happy that we're here. Ready to cause a little mayhem?" Alec gave off a mischievous wink, his signature sadistic smirk plastered across his enticing lips.
As Angelique went to go tend to a table, so did Dom. The corners of her lips upturned ever so slightly in a small, darling smile as she stopped infront of a young couple. "Hello," she began softly, her tiny voice seeming to make the two sit up to listen closer. "I'm Dom, and I'll be your waitress for this evening. Can I start you both off with something to drink?" Her emerald green eyes waited patiently for the customers to find the beverage that fit their specifications.

She held a rectangular spiral notepad in her right hand (to take down orders) and a black ball-point pen in her right. This usually was a conversation starter; she was constantly asked if she was a lefty, to which she would always reply 'yes'. She was the only one of her family that wasn't right-handed, yet she didnt really feel out of place in that sense. That only downside of this was that the side of her hand always smudged whatever she was writing.

The man ordered a coke and the woman ordered a sprite, so she gave them a nod and threw an 'of course' over her shoulder before going to get the sodas. Her skirt twirled around her small frame as she walked, the light coloring of the fabric making her fair skin like like porcelain.

Caleb pulled into the spot beside Alec, making sure he parked straight before turning of the ignition. Stuffing his keys into his pocket, he slid out car door, shut it behind him, and made sure the vehicle was locked before heading around it to get to his friend. His dark black Jordan's scraped and cuffed against the ground with each step; he wasn't a very quiet walker and that was a given.

As he came to a halt beside Alec, his left eyebrow raised in pure amusement as he watched his friend and Chris converse through the window. He let out a charming laugh as he saw (what looked the manager) come and yell at their band ate, and just grinned as Chris gave Alex the finger. Hearing his friend ask a question, he smirked mischeviously, a crafty gleam in his eyes. "Hell yes."

(( Sorry it was so short. I feel bad. D: ))
(( No need to feel bad, dear c: It's all good. ♥ It's not that your reply was short; it's that I simply write a ton. :b I'm trying to add more to it so you'll have more to reply to - attempting to keep that writer's block at bay c: ))


Angelique has always found it quite tough being a waitress, being that she's mute over half the time. Clearly you have to communicate in order to succeed at this job, so Angelique always tried her hardest to push out her almost inaudible voice. It was difficult for her, but she still managed to make a fair amount of tips. Mainly elderly people tipped her; probably because they appreciated her reserved, quiet, and innocent nature. Not many old people are fond of loud servers - especially the ones with sensitive hearing.

Therefore, Angelique mainly tended to the tables with elderly folks. She was glad that her manager understood her lack in verbal communication skills, and she allowed Angelique to tend to the tables she felt comfortable in. Besides, many older people come to this cafe. It's quite cheap, quiet, and still uses those old-fashioned jukeboxes to play music. They simply fit in here, and Angelique adored the atmosphere. She appreciated it's reserve - perhaps she just had a matured soul.

As the elderly couple ordered, Angelique took out her little note pad and blue gel pen. She scribbled down what they requested in her neat, half-cursive and half-print handwriting, and gave them a polite nod afterwards. "I'll be right out with your order, mam, sir," she spoke in her light-as-a-feather voice politely as she walked off to the back. She ripped out the paper she wrote the order down on, and stuck it on the little circular rack where all the orders went. The cook - a darkly tanned middle-aged man - flashed Angelique his pearly white smile as he took the order. "It'll be right out," he assured her, and she showed him a brief, tiny smile in return. She nodded towards him gratefully, as if silently thanking him.

Angelique then glanced over towards Dominique's table, watching her take the young couple's order. She flashed her beloved twin a smile before she allowed her pale emerald green eyes to wander for any other tables to tend to. There weren't all that many, being that this cafe isn't all that popular. That was one of the reasons Angelique liked it here - it wasn't loud and packed, and she didn't have to raise her voice at all to be heard. It was a very serene atmosphere that she found comfort in.

However, everything was thrown off whenever she noticed two rather dignified looking boys walk into the place. Angelique's eyes widened slightly as her stare fell upon them, and after a moment, she timidly looked away. Her eyes tried desperately to find another customer, but the only people here so far were the young couple and the elderly couple. The others were already taking their leave and visiting Chris at the register to pay. Angelique bit down on her porcelain pink lips, the taste of her strawberry flavored lip balm caressing her taste buds. I suppose I have no choice... I'll just wait until Chris seats them... She thought, letting out a soft sigh as she scurried off towards the back, playing the part of a wallflower until her cue.


Alec smirked towards his friend, loving his answer. "Hell yes," he echoed him as he walked inside, the little bell attached to the top of the door sounding a little chime that echoed throughout the place softly. Alec's ice blue eyes darted around the area, taking it all in. It's been a while since he's visited this cafe, being that it got boring waiting for Chris to finish his shift all the time. Before, he'd much rather be at home practicing his instruments and writing music.

However... As soon as Alec's eyes set on a rather appealing waitress (he could read her name, Dominique, on her name tag) he knew that his visits here would be much more amusing. Her little cafe uniform swayed around her petite figure alluringly, and his grin grew quite amused as he watched her for a moment. He could see another girl who looked just like her towards the back of the cafe, only her hair was down in cascading dirty blonde waves, a braid accenting around them. However, despite their small differences, you could tell they were twins. "Looks like we hit the jackpot, eh?" He spoke towards Caleb, his voice slightly hushed. He let out a soft chuckle as Chris made their way towards them.

"Just so you know, I'm only going to be polite to you jack-asses because I'm working," Chris protested.

"Yes, darling," Alec responded teasingly, batting his eyelashes sarcastically. "Have I told you how much I love powder blue on you? I really dig the uniform. White button up, light blue slacks, the cute little apron--"

"Every time you see me here," Chris interrupted, rolling his dark brown eyes. However, he couldn't hide his amused and slightly embarrassed smirk.

"Good," Alec playfully winked, letting out a sadistic chuckle as Chris let out an agitated sigh.

"This way, gentlemen," he began, his distaste for their interruptions apparent in his tone. He must have been trying really hard to remain 'mad' with Alec, for he knew that Chris just wanted to burst out into laughter and give him a bro-fist. Alec just remained silently amused and allowed Chris to seat him and Caleb in a booth. "A waitress will be right with you," Chris spoke, and then made his way back to the front before Alec could get in any remarks. Alec rolled his eyes.

"He's so uptight," Alec scolded sarcastically, and then watched as one of the waitresses - the one with the tumbling, elegant waves and braid - made their way towards them. "W...Welcome," she spoke in a tiny, mouse-like voice. Alec raised an amused brow, a grin plastered across his enticing lips. "What can I get you guys?" She questioned in a chaste tone, and Alec immediately deemed her 'the innocent.' I wonder if that means her twin is the wild one... Or perhaps she's similar. Oh, how cute. He began to wander in his entertained thoughts, and ordered. "I'll have a cappuccino. Mocha."
Returning to the table with the middle-aged couple, Dom's upturned lips returned as she set their beverages down before them. "Your drinks. Sir, ma'am." The rotund man gave her a grateful grin, and to her, he almost had that friendly basset-hound look to his face. He seemed quite social; she allowed her smile to get a tad bigger before nodding once more. "Don't hesitate to signal me over when you are ready to order." On that note she left the two to decide on their food, although she could almost feel their stares fixed on her scars.

As soon as she was away from the booth, she habitually lifted her gaze to scan the café for her sister, only to find her waiting a table with two cocky looking boys around their age. They seemed like the definition of trouble maker. Oh no... she thought to herself, shaking her head slightly. This couldn't end well in the slightest. She slowly began heading over to Angelique, wanting to be by her for two reasons. The first being that she felt less tense when she was nearby, and the second being that she didnt want those guys messing with her twin. Not that she'd have the courage to do something about it if they did.

She came to a declined halt behind her sister, as if hiding but not exactly. "Care for some help?" She whispered to her, her voice soft enough so that only she could hear. Her expression was more serious than neutral; she had a tendency not to show much emotion. The last time she laughed was before her thirteenth birthday; the last time she cried was when her mother died. So when either of those two things occured, something was either seriously right or seriously wrong.

Her emerald eyes glowed in the lighting of the place, making them appear as if they were piercing the air with their vibrant color. To help out her sister (having heard what the darker-haired boy had ordered), she asked, "Will that be all?"

Caleb walked inside the restaurant beside his friend, a mischeivous smirk pulling at the edges of his mouth. He, just like he was assuming Alec was, scanned the café to find the new waitresses; he caught sight of them almost instantly. They looked almost identical; although one had lighter hair. He liked that one. "Damn right we did," he murmured in response to his friend, and grinned at Chris as he came over. "Hey, hey Chris. Did you miss us? I bet you did." The band member shoved him lightly on the arm, but not before checking to make sure his manager wasn't watching first.

He watched the short, teasing conversation between Alec and Chris before they were seated in a booth. His cheeky smile remained on his face as he leaned back in his seat, pulling his green beanie off of his head. His hair was slightly messy and a bit disheveled, but it only added to his boyish charm. He re-spiked up the front with his fingers and chuckled in response to Alec's remark.

His greenish-blue gaze fell upon the lighter-haired waitress, his eyebrows raising as she headed over. Her voice surprised him; it was so tiny, like it almost wasn't there at all. He looked at his friend out of his peripheral vision and knew that he was thinking the same thing: that this was the innocent one. Watching as Alec ordered, his smirk grew a bit as he saw the other waitress head over, the other twin. She whispered something inaudible to her sister before asking, "Will that be all?"

"I'll have a latte, thanks." He then smiled in a princely manner at both girls.
Angelique nearly jumped whenever Dominique suddenly appeared right beside her. "Care for some help?" she whispered to her, and Angelique's face lit up as though her twin was her ultimate savior. She nodded eagerly, and flashed her sister a sweet, chaste smile. "Will that be all?" Dominique asked the two, and Angelique watched as the boy with the blonde streak in his hair asked for a latte. A latte... He didn't ask for anything in it, so we have to get a bowl of creams for him. Angelique thought, and then watched as he flashed them both a... Smile of a prince? She felt charmed, but her expression remained indifferent - only a polite, barely visible smile plastered across her lips. Her pale emerald green eyes seemed to shimmer as she watched the two, though. They seemed like they were from an entirely different universe - completely parallel to the one she and Dominique were living in. For a moment, she thought she felt envy. But then realized it wasn't quite that - it was admiration.

Angelique handed Dominique the notes she penned in neatly on their order. She gestured her head towards the coffee machine, as if silently telling her sister that she'll start to prepare the coffee. She then mouthed the words, 'Thank you,' as she began making her way behind the counter. Being that this was the part of being a waitress she was good at, she prepared the drinks with swift grace. The latte was the easiest, being that she just had to use the machine that automatically made one. And, being that he didn't ask for anything to be added in it, all she had to provide was the bowl of creamers. I'll leave the mocha cappuccino to Dominique, so we can get this done faster.

Angelique then attended to the boy with the lighter hair, handing him his latte and bowl of creamers. "Here you go, sir," she spoke softly, trying her best to push her voice out. It seemed to be even harder around such dignified boys... Especially since they were both quite attractive. Although, that's not something Angelique would openly admit. The only time she ever gave any boy the time of day was back on the farm when she was thirteen, a few months before her mother died. He was a couple years older than her, and she felt like they ruled the world. That boy was her first crush, first kiss, but the night he tried to be her first in bed, she ran away from him crying and rejected him. The day after, he broke up with her at their meeting spot - that large, wondrous hill right across the nearby lake they used to stare upon and play at for hours. Therefore, he also became her first heartbreak. All he wanted was to get inside her pants, and she fell apart once she realized that. She thought he loved her, but they were too young. Since then, and also giving her abusive father a fair share of the credit once he turned to drinking after her mother's death, she's never trusted men, and has a strong distaste for them. Especially ones around her age or ones that look remotely like her father. But, it was funny... He was the one who comforted her back then.

Pushing those memories aside, Angelique took out her little pen and notepad, looking towards the two. She wanted to be more like her sister who asked them, "Will that be all?" seemingly without effort. Therefore, Angelique tried. "W-Will... Will that be all?" she stammered in her mouse-like voice, and silently cursed at herself in her mind.

She couldn't do it, after all. But, at least she managed to speak - even if it was just a murmur.


Alec watched as the other twin approached - the one with the darker hair that intrigued Alec greatly. She seemed to feel obligated to look after her sister, being that she took it away with taking their orders. Alec couldn't help but grin. I like this one. He thought to himself mischievously, and listened as she asked if that would be all for them. "I'd like some banana bread with that, please," he stated, flashing her one of his signature - almost seductive - smirks. "Thanks, darlin'," he playfully winked at her, his charismatic beam still spread across his enticing lips as he watched Angelique walk off, and she seemed to begin preparing one of their drinks. Aww, they're such hard workers, too. I can tell that these girls probably aren't from around here. Especially with how their make up isn't caked on and still looks natural - like they barely even have any. And... Whoa, what is that? Alec began, his stare falling upon the thin scars spread across the slightly darker haired waitress - Dominique's - arm. Are those... Cuts? He wondered, and quickly averted his gaze, making it appear like he hadn't yet noticed them. His curiosity about this girl just heightened by a long shot.

A disturbed soul? He wondered, and then watched as the other, lighter haired waitress - Angelique - returned to their table. She leaned over the polished wood slightly, handing Caleb his latte with a chaste poise. Both of the twins seemed to have the same, petite figures. The uniforms they were wearing accented them alluringly, how it fell over their subtle curves. Perhaps the fact that Alec notices these kind of things makes him somewhat perverse, but hey - can you blame him? Twins, very attractive twins he may add, were catering to them. Of course he's going to check them out, and he was almost positive that Caleb was doing the same.

Although Alec thought both of the twins were adorable, he found himself more attracted to the one named Dominique. There was just something about that one that intrigued him more than the other, and as he glanced over at Caleb, he could tell he probably fancied the other one, Angelique. So, it all worked out perfectly. As Angelique shyly asked them if they wanted anything else, he gave Caleb a soft kick underneath the table, followed by a mischievous gaze. It seemed to say, 'I dare you to flirt. Do it. You know you want to.' Alec gave off a soft chuckle as he looked up towards Angelique, glancing Dominique's way for a split second. "Actually, if at all possible, I'd like to have Dominique's number," he chuckled, resting his chin on the palm of his hand, completely relaxed and content. Angelique opened her mouth as though she was trying to say something, Alec noticed, but nothing came out put silent stammers. "U-Um.. Um.." her emerald green eyes darted towards her sister, and she was clearly lost. Oh, how precious, Alec mocked her in his mind, and then turned his ice blue gaze towards Dominique. "How about it?" he smiled towards her charmingly, and caught the dirty look sent his way from the manager. She looked pissed, and it was almost as though she was screaming at him, "Don't you dare make these two quit! They're the only waitresses I have left, you scum!" Alec knew she wouldn't say something like that with customers around, but he could see her mouthing the words, 'I should just kick them out... I should really just kick them out.'

Yes, he was highly amused. Highly amused, indeed.
Dom felt the ultimate relief radiate off of Angelique as she came to her rescue. She, unlike her sister, was able to speak without stammering in shyness — although that was a trait of her twin's that she adored. She was so timid that it made her want to protect her sibling from everything and everyone; she'd just about break into a million pieces if something happened to her. Reading the words that formed on Angel's lips, she mouthed a You're welcome right back in silent praise.

She refocused her green gaze on the two boys, her facial expression soft and she waited to see if they wanted anything to go alongside their drinks. She stared at the darker-haired one again and watched as he asked politely for some banana bread. She was just about to respond to him, tell him Of course, but her lips formed a small O and no words came out — but only for a brief moment. She didnt think anyone noticed. As if on instinct, she hid both of her scarred arms behind her back, swallowed, and then cleared her throat. "Yes, sir. Of course." She didnt even pay attention to the little voice in the back of her head telling her that he was attractive.

She too then headed off to make the mocha cappuccino, and after she did, went to get the banana bread that the young man had asked for. Holding the plate with two slices in her left hand and the beverage in the other, she came back to the table and set the two items before him. "Here you are," she murmured, and took a step back so she was standing beside Angelique. Her eyebrow raised for a second as she heard one boy's foot contact with the other one's shin, and the lighter-haired one stick his tongue out in response. Her eyes clouded in a bulletproof haze as the one she had taken the order from asked boldly for her number.

Her response was immediate. "No," she annunciated her statement clearly to get her word across. Her eyes were like daggers now, as if threatening anyone who tried to have anything to do with her. The freckles that were dusted over her cheekbones and the bridge of her nose were accented by the color of her irises. Her arms were back at her sides now, drumming on her thighs. "No, thank you."

Just by Alec's disposition, he knew that he had taken a fancy to this Dominique girl, just as he himself had to Angelique (he just spotted her name tag now). He wanted to facepalm as Alec called the waitress darlin', but he didnt, he just shook his head and let a smirk grow across his face. His eyes trailed Angelique as she went to go make one of the drinks', taking notice that neither of the twins had a mile of make-up on; it was subtle, but noticable. Pretty.

He saw his friend's expression change slightly, and he looked over to see why. The darker-haired one — Dominique — has scars up and down her arms. He was only able to catch brief sight of them before she conveniently hid them behind her back. As Angelique came back, he took the latte with another charming smile. "Thank you," he replied politely, checking the girl out as she moved back from the table.

His gaze was scanning her face when he received a kick under the table from Alec. His eyes were practically saying, Flirt, I dare you. He stuck his tongue out playfully at him, his grin returning one again. Hush, I'm getting to that. He mouthed back and turned to watch as Alec tried to get Dominique's number. He nearly bursted out laughing right then and there when he got rejected. Damn. Ego deflated he thought to himself, contaning a grin. It was hard for him to supress his smile, so he just bit softly down on his bottom lip. His eyes twinkled with laughter as he saw the manager's expression; this was so much fun. 
(( I'm really liking this roleplay so far. c: ))
Angelique looked towards her sister in bewilderment, admiring her for her boldness and strength. In a way, though they were twins, she sometimes felt like Dominique was the older of the two. She never found out from her parents who came out first, but the majority of the time, Angelique was sure that it was Dom. As soon as she rejected the dark haired boy bluntly, Angelique let out a chaste giggle into a closed, delicate fist.

Her eyes seemed to smile along with her porcelain pink lips as she enjoyed the little show being performed before her. Somehow, these boys made it livelier around here, and it refreshed Angelique. Although, she felt more comfortable in the quiet, and it was quite intimidating being around them. Angelique has never been good with communication - especially with boys like this. She felt uncomfortable and content at the same time, which unnerved her greatly.

"T-That's.. That's all, then," Angelique stammered, and she gently gave her sister's apron a small tug, again being careful not to touch her directly. She gestured her head for her to follow, being that the boy's were done ordering. "Y-You... You can call on me or her for assistance, if you need to.. Enjoy," Angelique spoke quietly and timidly before scurrying her petite little figure off to the other side of the cafe. The elderly couple had finished up and were taking their leave, so she proceeded to cleaning up after their table and putting everything away.

Her white button up shirt and apron that was tied in an elegant bow around her waist seemed to highlight her slender curves, and her powder blue skirt twisted and turned around her hips gracefully as she scurried about the cafe. However, Angelique felt incredibly insecure. She hardly ever showed her arms, being that like Dominique, she has tiny, thin scars. She was just grateful her's weren't as noticeable as Dom's, being that they're small crescent shaped wounds/scars caused by her nails, but if one looked closely, they'd still see them. One thing's for sure, though - nobody has ever seen the scars located along her torso; front and back. Angelique never let's those show, and those are the worst. So, that's something she didn't need to worry about.

Trying to keep her insecurities at bay, Angelique loaded herself with cleaning after customers... But, after a while, nobody came. It was getting late, and the cafe wasn't busy after seven or eight o'clock. Sometimes, Angelique and Dominique would just sit at a booth together, drawing or humming little tunes to one another for the last couple hours on their shift. It was nearing that time, and soon, her manager came to her and said she could go on her break. Angelique smiled towards her graciously, and went into the back to grab her messenger bag. She brought it back out with her as she sat down at a booth in a corner, furthest away from the front of the cafe, and awaited for Dominique to go on her break, too. They usually had them at the same time.


Alec faked a dramatically pained expression, and sarcastically put his hand over his chest as if he had been shot. "My, that stung," he hung his head low jokingly, and then looked up at Dominique with his intoxicating smile. "You're the first girl to ever say that to me," he let out a soft chuckle, as though he was joking, but there was brutal truth to his words. He didn't want to admit it, but his ego did take quite a fatal blow at her rejection. She was one of those rare girls who legitimately interested him, and now she's become even more of a diamond, being the only girl who's ever rejected Alec. She didn't seem to be swooned by his charm in the slightest.

A mischievous smirk came across his seductive lips as he looked at her, his ice blue eyes staring right into her enticing emerald green ones. She's interesting, he thought to himself, very interesting. I'm not going to let this one get away - I will make her mine, no matter what it takes. I'm sure she'll give in sooner or later, he thought, his pride and ego fully recovered as he found his resolve. "Well, if you ever change your mind, I'm all ears, babe," he winked playfully once more, letting out another concise chuckle. "And, don't hesitate to ask for mine."

Before he could get another say in, Angelique began her innocent stammering, instigating them taking their leave. As she pulled Dominique along, Alec waved towards them, and then turned to Caleb. His face was glowing with excitement, and judging by the look on his face... You could already tell what he was thinking. "Gotta love girls who play hard to get," Alec taunted under his breath, too low for the waitresses to catch. "What do you think? I think she'll end up digging me. All the girls do. I'm legitimately shocked she rejected me like that - she's definitely a catch. Do you think they're from around here?" Alec began a little rant, and you could tell that he was expressing genuine interest in Dominique. This was rare for Alec, and he only did it when they played 'that game.' (The Bet.)

As if on cue, Chris walked over and joined them, being that he went on break. He scooted in next to Alec in the booth and shot him a glare. "Flirting with the waitresses already, Alec? You're merciless," Chris laughed, and then turned to Caleb. "And, I saw you checking out Angelique. What's with you guys? You're such tools," he rolled his eyes, and Alec playfully nudged him. "Oh, you're just jealous. Poor fellow, would you like me to snag you a girl?" Alec offered sadistically, receiving a smack to the back of his head from Chris. "I have a girlfriend, idiot," he smirked, and then looked away from him. "Going on two years," he stated proudly, and Alec just scoffed.

"I don't see how you can bare it."
Hearing her sister's sweet giggle, Dom had to purse her lips together to keep from smiling. She loved the sound of Angelique's laugh and cherished the rare occasions on which she was able to listen to it. As aforementioned, she personally hasn't felt the need to laugh in many, many years, so having the privelage of harkening her sibling's always created a small bubble of happiness within her chest. Some might call it twin-telepathy, but she almost knew what Angel was thinking: with her spontaneous bursts of boldness, Dominique appeared like the older of the two. They were never told who actually was; their parents had left them in the dark in that aspect. It didn't bother them much, nonetheless. It was merely a small factor that wouldnt change anything, even if they did find out.

Despite the fact that these two boys brought something new into their world of repetition and routine, Dom was daunted by their presence. They were too cocky and acted as if they owned the place; it made her cynical. Her eyes fixed themselves on the dark-haired teen as he began to speak again.

"My, that stung," she heard him mock, and her eyes grew dark in response. There was something about this guy that she really, really didn't like — she couldn't tell if it was his attitude or just him in general. Either way, she didnt want anything to do with him. Her expression maintained its neutrality as he told her that she was the first to ever reject him. "With your personality, I'm surprised I'm the only one," she murmured quietly, although he would have really had to be straining his ears to hear.

She held the eye contact, her green eyes boring into his blue ones as if daring him to say something else. This one was really pushing her buttons, and she didnt like it at all. He made her seclusiveness turn up such an alarming amount that she felt like everyone could see the wall she was holding up in her mind, blocking everyone who made the attempt to enter. Angelique's stuttering brought her out of her thoughts and she let out an annoyed exhale. "I don't think that will be necessary, because I do not have the intent of ever asking for your number." Her teeth clenched at his flirtatious wink, although she said nothing more.

Angelique came to her rescue this time, having gingerly taking a hold of her apron. She nodded at her sister, her eyes showing more paranoia than her words ever could. She followed her sister away from the table, and went back to her previous customers to see if they were in need of anything else. After finishing up with them, the manager came by and told her she was allowed to go on break. Giving a thank you and a small nod, she scurried toward the back of the cafe where she knew her twin would be waiting.

Caleb watched with amusement in his eyes as Alec and Dominique quipped at eachother, and he could tell that Angelique was just as entertained by the chaste giggle that emitted from her pink lips. He smirked engagingly at her, as if trying to silently get her attention. It didnt work.

Returning his attention to the scene unfolding before him, he was genuinely surprised; as far as he knew, she was the first girl that had ever turned down Alec. His suspicions were confirmed as his friend said it aloud. He knew that the waitress had punctured a hole in his pal's high-flying ego, and it must have hurt even more because he could tell that Alec took a real fancy to this girl. She hadn't even seemed charmed in the slightest; that was something that neither boy was used to. They usually had chicks falling head over heels with just a smirk.

Yet, despite that, the insidious grin that etched its way across his friend's face told him that he wasn't going to let Dominique go. Caleb raised his eyebrows risibly as the two held eye contact, although it appeared as if Alec had intimidated her because she was the first to break it. He heard Angelique begin to stammer before both girls promptly left, and he propped his head up on his hand as his friend began to speak. "Agreed," he said in response to his first statement, before answering his question. "We're too sexy to resist," he began with a cocky grin, before continuing. "Nah, I don't think they're from around here. Don't seem like the city type."

Caleb chuckled a bit as Chris slid into the booth, but only because he immediately began chastising Alec. His laughter turned into a grin, and he shrugged his shoulders with mock innocence as he was put on the spot by their bandmate. "Eh, it's not my fault. I'm a guy, it's what I do." His dimples showed as he smirked again, shaking his head playfully as his two friends continued their childish argument.
As Angelique recalled the look of utter disgust reflected in her twin's eyes from earlier, she couldn't help but laugh. It reminded her of the two characters in the book she was reading - City of Bones. At first, Clary Fray couldn't stand Jace Wayland. However, they ended up falling head over heels in love. Angelique couldn't possibly imagine her sister falling in love with someone - especially with someone like the boy from before - after everything they've been through. But, as she thought about it, she began to contemplate whether it'd be a pleasant or unnerving surprise.

As if speaking of the Devil, though she hadn't uttered a single word, Dominique appeared and joined Angelique at the booth. She flashed her dear sister a loving smile, though brief, and then put her book away. She hooked some of her tumbling dirty blonde waves behind one of her ears, and just out of curiosity, she gestured her head towards the boy's table, her eyes flickering over there along with her movement; she silently questioned her sister what she thought about them. "I... Don't like them," she murmured silently, her emerald green eyes falling to the tile floor underneath them.

There was something about the boys that just unnerved her - the way she caught the one, lighter haired boy smiling at her. She did her best to ignore it, and it appeared like she succeeded, but now he was haunting her mind. She also had a strong distaste for the darker haired boy - recklessly flirting with her sister like that... If Angelique was stronger and not afraid of anything, like she wished she was, she would have punched him square in the face. But, all she could do was trip over her words and bite her tongue. It was highly aggravating. She both loved and hated the new atmosphere, but thus far, the distaste was stronger than the liking. She just wanted to crawl in a hole and lie in it.

Angelique found that her emerald green gaze stopped on their table for a moment more - at the precise moment that the lighter haired boy flashed a dimpled smirk. Angelique's always had a weakness for dimples. She felt her cheeks heat up, and within that split second that she caught it, she looked away and turned her gaze back out the window. "I... Really don't like them."


Alec chuckled in agreement whenever Caleb stated they were too sexy to resist, and his ice blue eyes seemed to reflect that he truly did believe that. And, as Chris continued to ramble on about his girlfriend, Alec faked gagging. "Gosh, I don't see how you can put up with the same girl for over a year. I think I'd die," Alec rolled his eyes, highly displeased with the thought. Chris turned to him, his lips pursed together in a straight, aggravated line. "You wouldn't know how wonderful it is because I don't think you've truly fallen in love with anyone," Chris stated bluntly, and Alec raised a brow. "And you have?" He questioned Chris, and Chris nodded in return. "Of course. I love her," he responded, referring to his girlfriend. Alec just let out a vexed sigh and ran his long, slender fingers through his hair.

"Like I said... I just don't know how you can bare it." He stated, getting a laugh out of Chris. "I don't see how you can bare sleeping with different girls every night. How many has it been, you two combined? I can't keep track of all the girls that leave y'all's apartment," Chris teased, glancing between Alec and Caleb as he did so. Alec just smirked, as if he was proud of Chris' statement. "It's not something I bare, it's something I bask in," Alec chuckled, and then turned his gaze towards Dominique, who was heading over to a booth in the back of the cafe, where her twin, Angelique, was also sitting. "I'll have her before the end of the year," he smirked with pride, getting a raised brow out of Chris in response.

"If you're so sure about that, why not make a bet on it?" Chris proposed, leaning towards Alec as he expressed his interest in the subject. Chris also turned his gaze towards Caleb. "Why not? If you guys are too sexy to resist, I'm sure those two new girls won't be a problem. Why not bet your inheritance from your families? Get them, you keep them and your money. Don't get them, you have neither them or your money. But, knowing you two, I'm sure you'll be able to keep your end of the bargain. How 'bout it?" Chris suggested, his dark brown eyes reflecting the one thing all three of the boys had in common - mischievousness.

Alec pursed his lips together in contemplation. They've had bets like this before, but never has he bet his money. Without that, he'd be nothing, and he wouldn't have anything. He let out another aggravated sigh... His pride and ego was much too strong to pass up something like this - she was just another girl. It'd be no problem, right?

"Deal. What about you, Caleb? I'll probably get Dominique before you even hold hands with the other little angel over there." He teased him with a playful wink.


((And "The Bet" has been instigated~! ;D Like how I made the due date New Years? ;3))
Rosemary said:
(( I just lost my whole post. T.T I was typing and then it logged me out. ;c ))
((If you hit the back button enough to before you logged out, you should come across it again c: You can copy it and paste it if you find it. If not, I'm sure what ever post you rewrite will be equally as amazing!))

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